How to become a good lover for a married man: psychology and practical recommendations

You strive to be the best in everything, to achieve perfection. You want to take even your romance with your lover to a new level. Achieve complete passion so that your lover is delighted with you, and you can become the only one in his heart. Or at least make such an impression on him that he won’t even think about breaking up with you. There are several points to pay attention to. In order to become a good lover of a married man, at a minimum, you need to look at the relationship through his eyes. And we will help you with this.

How to excite a man

Any man will say that a girl who engages in self-improvement becomes much more attractive in his eyes. And the point here is not necessarily about comprehending the unimaginable heights of psychology or electrodynamics. Men like it when their partner loves sex and is a good cook. Without these components there is simply nowhere. If culinary art is still quite easy, the abundance of step-by-step recipes on the Internet will help any beginner become a confident housewife. With the art of love, everything is a little more complicated. In this case, you can’t do everything according to the recipe. The spark is important here.

So, you can get a man without physical contact using:

  1. A lady's wish. They, no less than the weaker sex, need to feel welcome. Often, a partner's passion is much more exciting than watching an adult video. Therefore, in order to give a man pleasure, you need to want it yourself. Send him a message at the end of the working day with the text “honey, I’m not wearing panties”, “lying on the bed, naked and blindfolded” or “I want you on the table today” and see how quickly he rushes home. Along the way, he will also be able to warm himself up with fantasies. Men really like it when a girl who is sweet and shy in life suddenly turns into a real predator in bed.
  2. Men love with their eyes, so every self-respecting girl should have beautiful sexy lingerie in her arsenal. A combination, a belt with stockings, a corset or a classic version of panties and a bra - the choice is yours. Lingerie should be of high quality and ideally highlight all the best aspects of your figure.
  3. Erotic photographs warm up the interest of spouses in each other. If you are brave enough and your partner doesn’t mind, use the services of a professional photographer. If there are reasons preventing this, take photographs of yourself. Put on beautiful lingerie, do your hair and makeup. If you have a camera with a timer, the task is simplified to the point of impossibility. If you don’t have such a gadget, a mirror and a selfie stick will come to the rescue. Give free rein to your imagination, liberate yourself completely. Take such photos periodically and send the best ones to your man. He will certainly appreciate your efforts.
  4. Watching films with erotic content together.
  5. Tell him about your erotic dream or fantasy. Don't be shy, don't hint. Speak directly, in colours. When you see that he is already pretty hot, say “I want you to take me like in a dream.” For a man, it will be like a red rag for a bull.
  6. Ask him to tell you in detail about his fantasies. After listening to the story, offer to make the dream come true. Buy a waitress costume or turn on the bad girl. Don’t be shy and show your imagination; perhaps he himself doesn’t know about some stimulating methods yet.

What an ideal lover needs to know: rules of behavior and secrets

To be a good lover to a married man, you need to understand that this is a special art that can be learned if desired. The most important thing that you should be able to do is to determine the line that neither you nor your lover should cross, only in this case your relationship will be long and happy.

Since being a good lover for a man is not an easy job, you need to make an effort so that your boyfriend wants to meet with you more and more often and does not even dare to think about breaking up.

Below are a few recommendations that will allow you to stay “afloat” for as long as possible and not provoke a breakup:

  • call and write only at the agreed time (alcohol intoxication, minor problems or the banal “I miss you” is not an excuse);
  • do not leave traces of your presence (hairpins, hair, lipstick, etc.) in the man’s house and in his car;
  • do not demand from your lover that he spend weekends, vacations and holidays with you;
  • do not discuss his wife, children and relatives with your loved one;
  • do not count on serious help from your boyfriend (material, physical or moral), but if the person provided you with this help of his own free will, do not take it for granted, be grateful;
  • do not make plans for a married man, arrange your own life and be ready to end your relationship with a man at any time when he or you want it;
  • watch your appearance;
  • compliment him;
  • surprise your loved one in bed;
  • be a muse for a man that inspires him;
  • do not burden the person with your problems, do not dump negativity on him;
  • keep your relationship a secret.

Universal advice that will help a woman become an ideal lover for her gentleman is to be his sexual partner and best friend at the same time. Give a man what he doesn’t get at home, this is what will allow you to tie a man to you and become for him that woman without whom he cannot imagine his life.

Be careful if you live in a small town, where any trip to a cafe or cinema can be accompanied by being caught red-handed, if not by your lover’s wife, then by other “well-wishers.”

Willingly accept his offers to diversify your intimate life, experiment, come up with something new. At the same time, be prepared to work as a psychologist and listen to your loved one, give him practical advice, reassure him and support him, without demanding anything in return.

Sexual aspect

Whatever one may say, the best lover is the one who is wonderful in sex. In such relationships, the main aspect is intimacy. If you can’t be perfect in bed, you’re unlikely to see him again.

Be natural. Fake gasps and screams, feigning an orgasm and other tricks do not go unnoticed. The man feels deceived, unable to provide true pleasure, and humiliated.

Be ready to experiment. Visit sex shops to buy fun toys and erotic lingerie. Don’t rule out extreme sports: sex in a fitting room, toilet, bushes or car will only warm up your lover’s interest. Try different positions and role-playing. Don't forget that debauchery and seductiveness are your strong point. It is unlikely that a wife agrees to become a sexual toy in bed.

Guess your partner's wishes. To quickly discover your deepest erotic dreams, you can talk about these topics and then bring them to life.

If you don’t know how to become an ideal lover, then just be active and relaxed in bed. Seduce, seduce, be active so that your partner sees your interest. Refuse sex only in a humorous manner to further stir up interest.


Men allegedly use deceptive tactics to avoid squabbles and unpleasant conversations. But in fact, passion works for them: “Oh, how cleverly I fooled around my finger!”

I decided a long time ago...

This technique is called the tricky word “presupposition”

When discussing, a man switches attention from a painful issue to a secondary one. Example: you have long agreed to go with him to his parents on the weekend

And he wants to meet with friends, but he knows that you don’t like these meetings. What is he doing? He says: “You know, my friends and I decided to meet on Sunday. Let’s agree with our parents that we will come to them on Saturday.” In other words, he is telling you that everything is decided and the only thing left is to talk to your parents. Two reactions are expected from you, and both suit him. Either you grumble that it’s not good to bother your parents and it’s better to postpone everything altogether, or you’ll go to them on Sunday alone.

Way to fight

Listen carefully to everything he says. Don't be fooled by the way the information is presented. In our case, we need to ask: “Maybe first we should discuss the advisability of meeting with friends?”

I didn't hear anything

The tactic of ignoring inconvenient questions and arguments is an easy way to avoid responsibility. “I didn’t hear,” he says.

Ways to fight

If he doesn't hear you and continues to talk about his own things, ask him to stop for a second and calmly, clearly ask your question.

If you are not sure that he heard you, ask again: “Did you hear what I said? Please repeat".

If you are talking about an uncomfortable issue, say something like this: “I ask you to discuss this with me, this is important to me, meet me halfway, it won’t take much time, listen to me!”

Reasons why girls become lovers

American psychologists say that any woman, due to any life circumstances, can become a mistress. Among the most common reasons why this happens are the following:

  • Low self-esteem. Many mistresses are girls who have complexes about their appearance or something else. They do not consider themselves worthy of relationships with good guys, therefore, for lack of anything better, they agree to such a relationship so as not to depreciate at all in their own eyes.
  • Hunters. This type of women can be classified as bitches. The material component is the main cement on which they build relationships. Moreover, the richer her victim, the stronger she will sink her claws into her. “In war, all means are fair,” such ladies think and dream of marrying a millionaire.

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

  • Love. The most basic reason is real feelings, which cannot be overcome. But if they arise in conscientious people, burdened with “good” spouses and children, it is quite possible that such a relationship will not go beyond a long romance.
  • Sex. Dissatisfaction in sexual life can push both a single girl and a married lady into the arms of a handsome married man. With the help of a love relationship, a woman satisfies her intimate needs and receives confirmation of her attractiveness.

The key to awareness

A married man always gives a woman some very important condition, which she herself lacks. If you have such relationships in your life now, then think about what really important things they give you that you don’t have without them?

  • Maybe in this relationship you feel unconditionally loved? Maybe you feel like a princess, a girl who is tenderly loved and cuddled?
  • Maybe the presence of this man in your life gives you a feeling of safety and security?
  • Maybe he appreciates your talents and you as a person?
  • Maybe you are attracted by the fact that this man is proud of you and you are very valuable to him?
  • Maybe next to him your heart opens and you become tender and loving, full of experiences and feelings?

Recognize your deficit - it is what leads to this relationship. This is a key task on the path to freeing yourself from them. Feel right now: what hooked you?

Your internal deficit will be drawn to this person, although you may understand perfectly well that you do not need this relationship at all.

Wife's perspective

No matter how hard a man tries to hide his love, his wife is sensitive to the cooling of her person and the appearance of a rival. How does a married man in love behave?

  1. He becomes attentive to his appearance: body hygiene, perfume, wardrobe items. If a husband, who was not previously known for his love of sports, suddenly begins to regularly visit the gym, this may well be an alarm bell. Does he watch the caloric content of his food and exchange his worn-out T-shirts for stylish things? Got a new haircut? Something is clearly wrong here.
  2. He often stays late at work, works overtime on complex projects, and began going on business trips. If such zeal for work does not in any way affect your family budget, it means that he is either saving money for a pleasant surprise, or you have a new expense item.
  3. He forgets important family dates, avoids holiday feasts, joint weekends, breakfasts, dinners, and also avoids emotional conversations.
  4. He suddenly became generous with gifts, helping around the house and performing those duties that he usually refused. Perhaps he is tormented by guilt for cheating.
  5. Your love bed has become a place to sleep. He is tired, dissatisfied, irritated, wants peace, anything but sex.

If you notice one or two signs, you should be wary, but under no circumstances panic. Perhaps your suspicions are wrong. If all the symptoms are combined into one complete picture, the conclusion suggests itself. It's up to you to decide how you will act in this love triangle.

Main mistakes

Mistakes are made in marital and open relationships. In a pair of lovers, dangerous mistakes also occur that will lead to the collapse of the relationship. Sometimes mistresses cannot keep their men only because they make mistakes that do not allow them to continue meetings. According to men, an ideal passion should not allow the following things in a relationship:

  • attempts to manipulate;
  • psychological tricks to control a lover, threats;
  • coldness, excessive detachment;
  • excessive curiosity, interrogation;
  • jealousy of his legal wife and other women;
  • questions about the family, attempts to help with advice;
  • desire to hold on, to induce divorce.

For relationships in a love triangle to work out successfully, lovers must know what they want from each other. A woman who is ready to make sacrifices can become a mistress. For those ladies who are not comfortable with the free communication format, this will become a source of disappointment and pain.

Is a relationship with a married man doomed or is there a chance?

When starting a relationship with a married man, women often look for sexual adventure and romance. However, having an intimate relationship with a lover, they fall in love with him, thereby violating the main rule of the psychology of relationships between lovers - not to fall in love. A woman who falls in love starts a program: to create a family with her beloved and give birth to children.

Statistics show that men extremely rarely destroy their family in order to create a new one. There can be a real chance to marry a lover only if he has taken a mistress in search of warmth and love that his wife does not give him.

If a man needs a mistress only for sexual pleasures, he will never leave his wife, whom he still loves. In this case, it is useless to put pressure on him; he will simply find himself a new, more flexible passion.

Kill the victim in yourself

It’s so good that we live in free time, where everyone sets their own rules, moral standards, and way of life. Is it generally worth starting a relationship with a person connected by family ties? – Yes, if you really want it, in the end, you need to listen to your heart, if it’s love, burning feelings, and maybe even mutual, then it’s probably worth taking a risk and taking active action.

The kept woman probably knows in advance what she is getting into, so in the future it is useless to create scenes of jealousy, press for pity, or put forward ultimatums. Everything is quite simple: the option is either suitable or it is not. Essentially, you are the one who invaded someone else’s life, so threatening, blackmailing, demanding is stupid. It is unlikely that you will feel compassion for a thief who has invaded your own territory and who is talking some kind of incomprehensible nonsense about how you offended him and are heavily in debt.

Of course, you can put a final end to morality, show up at home, call (by any means to run into a conversation or meeting with your wife), throw a huge scandal, but this is tantamount to signing your own death warrant; after this, not only will passion go out, but and the cruel ending of the relationship will come

Rejoice in what you have: attention, affection, tenderness, gifts

In fact - freedom, absence of constant moralizing and everyday life. Build your life in such a way that it suits you; if something goes wrong, it means that the wrong path was chosen, for which you should only blame yourself and try to improve. Understand that not everyone is ready to make drastic changes, to leave their family, this should be accepted, and not be overly dramatic about this.

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