Chapter 3. EEG patterns in focal epilepsies and epileptic syndromes
General information about focal epilepsy The definition of “focal epilepsy” combines all forms of epileptic paroxysms that
100+ examples of limiting beliefs that sit in your head
It happens that we really want something. So strong that they are ready to jump out of their pants at
Tickle a child to death
Health Don't torture, let go: Why tickling is not so harmless
Tickling is one of the main entertainments for children. They are often included with pleasure in children's games
Narcissist woman: instructions for use, photo
Signs of a narcissistic girl in a relationship: the concept of narcissism, impact on character
– Why did you divorce your husband? - According to religious views. He didn't want to admit
The likelihood of inheritance and characteristics of epilepsy in children from parents with epilepsy
Epilepsy is a complex neurological disease characterized by a set of unpleasant symptoms. The problem of sick people is not
Psychological help for jatrophobia
I'll die, but I won't go. More than half of Russians are afraid of doctors
The word "hospital" directly speaks of pain. He who is not afraid of pain can be considered happy
Heart pulse.jpg
9 signs of a mental disorder: when it’s time to see a doctor
Pulse rate is an important indicator that can tell a lot about a person’s health and his
Algorithm for preparing for a public speaking
How to overcome the fear of public speaking. 5 simple steps
Every year, the fear of public speaking is gaining more and more popularity upon request on the Internet: students
How to get rid of anger
How to get rid of anger, irritation, envy and learn emotional control
Emotions cannot be stored up in oneself, they must be expressed, psychologists say. In the same time
Fear of birds
Ornithophobia: What you need to know about fear of birds?
There are many types of specific phobias, and each has its own name that comes to us
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