A state of severe emotional stress and tension
In modern reality, people often have to experience stress. Sometimes it happens that some
Neurologist at SM-Clinic spoke about the possible causes of pain in the back of the head
Pain in the back of the head is a fairly common problem. And she has many reasons. Therefore it is important
Psychogenic dizziness in general medical practice
Psychogenic dizziness Currently, such “classical” functional disorders of the nervous system as
Frodo is a typical representative of psychasthenics: timid, anxious, distrustful, conscientious
Psychasthenic type of character accentuation according to A.E. Lichko
Psychasthenics are quite easy to recognize from the crowd; they are quite suspicious and anxious. Can often inflate
Dysphoria - Summer
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder/syndrome (PMDD/PMDS)
Each of us has “bad days”, when everything goes wrong, then
Treatment of insomnia in the Primorsky region
Which doctor treats insomnia?
Sign up Cost Our doctors Insomnia is not a disease, but a symptom, so insomnia treatment
my head is spinning
Feeling dizzy after eating - when to contact a neurologist
After eating, some people feel unwell—dizzy. Often this
Features of bioelectrical activity of the brain in patients with migraine
Normal bioelectrical activity of the brain (BEA) may be subject to changes caused by previous diseases
How to help after an ischemic stroke: care and rehabilitation
Stroke is an acute disease that is accompanied by the death of brain cells due to an acute
diffuse changes
Mild diffuse changes in bioelectrical activity (BEA) of the brain
Often a diagnosis such as “Mild diffuse changes in the bioelectrical activity of the brain” can be heard from
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