A relationship with a girl younger than you - is it worth getting involved?

  • Why is a union with a young girl good?
  • Society's opinion on the union of a mature man and a young girl
  • What's wrong with being in a relationship with a young girl?
  • Tips for a mature man
  • What should you keep in mind in the end?

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At all times, society has encouraged unions and marriages between young girls and fairly old men. Moreover, the older the man was, the more attractive he was in the eyes of the girl’s parents. However, times are changing. Today, although the union of a young girl with a mature man is not condemned, society is still wary of such a union. And the reader of the men's magazine masculino.ru should be more careful. Relationships with young people do not always end well. Is it worth getting involved in a relationship with a girl who is younger than you, what are the pros and cons of such a union? We'll talk about everything in this article.

Why is a union with a young girl good?

At all times, the union of a young girl and a mature, sometimes elderly man was considered normal and even the best option. In the old days, parents chose grooms from among already established individuals, while their daughters could only be 16-18 years old. Why did such traditions exist?

  • Firstly, established men have life experience, wealth and wisdom. The girls given were young, inexperienced and often virgin in all respects. Thus, for a union to be strong, sufficient and secure, we need a man who will raise a woman for himself.
  • Secondly, the weaker sex develops and matures faster. In a social society, girls become ready for marriage and housekeeping almost from the age of 12-14. Already at this age, in some nations, girls are married off or future grooms are found for them. Girls reach puberty and are ready to be mothers. What is required of men? Not only puberty, but also having a job, wealth, your own home and other benefits. Since the young man is just beginning his path to a prosperous life, older or more mature people were selected for the roles of grooms.
  • Thirdly, in the family at all times (sometimes even today) the man was considered the main one. It is he who must manage, command and command the woman. Otherwise, he was called henpecked and other unpleasant words. In order for a man to manage a woman, to lead her, to be a “stone wall” and a “strong shoulder” for her, he must already have experience, knowledge, wealth and social stability. A young man who is just beginning to live independently and explore the adult world does not have all this.

Society believes that men mature psychologically later than women. We tend to think that the stronger and weaker sexes mature differently: each has its own responsibilities and tasks in the direction in which they develop. If a girl is taught that the only meaning of her life is family, then men are taught to have other responsibilities. At a young age, they are not always interested in family, children and family problems.

Naturalness is your strong point

For an older man, the bright appearance of his companion no longer plays such an important role. No, there are, of course, womanizers who, even at 70, want to fuck busty porn actresses. But the majority already prefer more natural women.

To understand how to behave with an older man, you first need to figure out what to wear. A mature partner is unlikely to appreciate colorful clothes that show off all the charms of the female body. Yes, he will definitely glance at your neckline, but it will be automatically, and not in order to see something interesting there.

For older men, naturalness is a priority. Of course, if you are a vamp in life, then you shouldn’t become a gray mouse. The way you behave plays a big role here.

It’s clear that when you fly in sneakers in life, you will feel insecure in heels. Don't pretend to be someone you're not. Crosses and sports, that means crosses and sports.

Society's opinion on the union of a mature man and a young girl

At all times, a man should be older than his chosen one. Even today, a couple is considered harmonious if the man is at least a few months older than the woman. However, we are talking specifically about a couple where the girl is very young, and the man has already reached adulthood or is even considered a pensioner. Today such a couple evokes a smile and laughter rather than a calm perception.

Many people doubt that an old man and a young girl can fall in love with each other. Of course, exceptions are possible. But for the most part, young girls do not have any interest in old men. The only thing that can attract them is money. But more on that later.

If, after all, a couple consists of a mature man and a young girl who is more than 12-15 years younger than her chosen one, then the following advantages can be noted in their union:

  1. A man receives from his young lady the energy of youth, novelty, humility, respect, and the impermanence of sensations and experiences.
  2. The girl receives from her mature chosen one sexual experience, his capabilities and material benefits that he has already achieved, knowledge and skills, an object for admiration, an ennobled life.

If a man and a woman come together because they are interested in each other, then they will receive a useful experience for themselves. However, often young girls, who are actually very ambitious and lazy, look for older men for only one thing - to get money from them. Everyone earns as much as they can. If some people go to work, then some young girls prefer to use their beauty and energy to attract “rich daddies” who will spend their money on them, and they will enjoy what is happening.

Girls don't really fall in love with mature men. They often only need money, connections, opportunities, benefits. This should be understood by men who consider themselves so attractive that even young girls cannot resist.

If you have money, benefits, useful connections, fame and fame, then you should doubt the intentions of your young fans. Perhaps someone loves you. But often girls are not after you, but after your benefits.

Note to ladies3

It is still unclear why older girls do not take advantage of their advantage. You can look good at any age, even if it requires some effort (not the worst).

Add a cheerful smile and a positive attitude to life to her appearance, and season her with the psychological maturity and life experience that ladies over 30 possess, and the result is a beauty that everyone, from young guys to mature men, will fall for.

Those representatives of the fair sex who have realized this simple truth know very well how unimportant age is compared to correct behavior. Active and inquisitive women have always been highly valued among the male half.

What's wrong with being in a relationship with a young girl?

An age difference is normal for any couple. It is generally considered normal for partners to be about 5 years apart in age. And it doesn’t matter who is younger than who. A woman may be a couple of years older than a man, which will not make a huge difference. However, if the partners differ in age from each other by more than 10 years, then certain difficulties may arise in their relationship.

Although it is common for men to choose younger girls, you should still understand the age difference.

  • Firstly, this is a worldview. It differs among different generations. If a girl is 13-15 years or more younger than a man, then their views on life can be very different.
  • Secondly, education. Boys and girls are raised differently anyway. And since the girl is almost 20 years younger than her man, we can say that her parents are the man’s peers. To understand what kind of upbringing his young lady went through, you need to imagine how he himself would raise his daughter.
  • Thirdly, values ​​and traditions. They also change over the years. Each generation has its own.

In other words, if a man chooses a girl much younger than himself, he must understand that he may differ in his worldview, traditions, values ​​and other priorities. This doesn't mean someone is bad. This makes us remember the age difference once again.

Another question is if a man does not change over the years. There are types of men who seem to be stuck at a certain age: the eternal student, the eternal bachelor (womanizer), the eternal young. In such a situation, a man will grow old in age, but in his thoughts, worldview and attitude to life he will always be young. We can say that it will be easier for such a man to build a relationship with a young girl of the age in which he is stuck. If he chooses his peers, he will not be interested. They will seem boring to him, aged, burdened with eternal problems, and lacking energy. But young girls will correspond to his psychological age.

Thus, the union of a mature man and a young girl can be strong and harmonious only if the man himself remains psychologically immature. There is physiological age and psychological age. The body can grow old, but the psyche remains virgin. In this case, the union of two psychologically immature people can turn out to be very strong.

Good financial situation

Adults are people with already established careers. Even if a man’s profession is unusual and his income is unstable, he still has enough to live on, otherwise he would simply not let another person into it.

It is always cheaper and more profitable for two people to live than for one, so the money issue will definitely not bother you two.

Most likely, both of you will feel improvements quite soon after starting your life together, as soon as you discuss all aspects of the financial relationship within the couple.

Tips for a mature man

If a mature man still chooses a young girl as his companion or lover, then the following tips will help him:

  1. Always be in charge. In such relationships, most often there should be no equality. The reason for this is the woman’s inexperience and frivolity. She does not yet have all the knowledge and skills to maintain relationships, so the man must take on the role of leading his partner, educating him and telling him what needs to be done.
  2. Never be jealous. Your partner is young and beautiful, but you must be wise and experienced. Those who are weak are jealous. Those who are jealous are those who do not know how to keep a girl and make her only theirs. You are a mature man, so you already have experience in how to make a girl love only you and be afraid of losing a relationship with you.
  3. Respect the girl's interests. If she is not yet 25 years old, then she is definitely still looking for herself in this world. She may be interested in one thing, another, a third. This is quite normal for her age. Respect that she is searching and discovering herself, because she will become even more grateful to you.
  4. Be a lover, not a mentor. Don't be her daddy who always limits, instructs and criticizes her. Nobody will like this. Continue to be a man who needs a woman.
  5. In sex, give the girl pleasure. If young guys are concerned with cumming as quickly as possible, then an adult man should already push his desires into the background. The girl wants sex. In order for her to feel good with you, you need to train her, lead her, but at the same time please her first, and then yourself.
  6. Don't try to merge your company with hers. The girl's friends are much younger, more energetic and carefree than your friends. Most likely, the companies will not agree and will not understand each other. You will still have to be friends with everyone separately.
  7. Don't focus on your age. A girl shouldn’t always remember and know about this.
  8. Don't try to rejuvenate yourself. Exercising and keeping your body in shape is normal. But a girl will be disgusted if you try to dress like young people, behave like them, lead a similar lifestyle and even be irresponsible. The girl was specifically looking for a man who would be different from her peers. Otherwise, she wouldn't date you.

It will help your personality develop

An older person always has more experience, interesting stories and opportunities to teach you something new. This is a fully formed personality that can captivate and interest you - otherwise you won’t choose him as a partner, right? Next to such a person, you yourself want to become faster, taller, stronger... Not physically, of course. I want to develop, become versatile, conduct interesting dialogues and achieve success. The best motivation comes from a loved one - even without any effort on his part.


Young guys are more flighty and prefer short, passionate affairs with different women. They want to enjoy life and all its delights. If you marry a young man who has not yet had his fill, then there is a high probability that sooner or later he will find a hobby on the side.

If the difference in the relationship is 8 years, the man is older and wiser, so he is less likely to look at all the girls with hungry eyes. More mature men have already passed the period of frivolous romances and dream of a safe haven. Of course, they often have lovers on the side, but with a young partner this probability increases significantly.

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