How to overcome the fear of a new job and a new team?

  • Reason for job change
  • Types of problems associated with job changes
  • Ways to reduce stress and increase stress resistance

According to working Russian citizens, there remains a steady trend in the desire of almost half to change their place of work. And although everyone is aware of the difficulties that they will have to face, making such a decision is always a strong emotional and physical stress. Changing jobs is always stressful. A new place, people (each with their own, as yet unknown characteristics), rules and responsibilities frighten with their unknown. Plus, changing jobs is a risk. There is a risk of not completing the probationary period, of not settling into the new team, of not being able to cope with the assigned responsibility.

Changing jobs isn't always stress-free

Changing jobs and stress because of it

If you've just started a new job, maybe it's your very first position, maybe you've lost and changed jobs for the tenth time, either way you're probably feeling a little uncomfortable. There are many new tasks to complete, many new topics to learn, and the expectations of your boss and colleagues will be high. With the new job came the fear of losing the new job.

A new job brings a lot of changes and challenges into your life, and it's natural to feel stressed because of it. There are several things you can do to both relieve the heat and combat its effects.

Find out how to treat stress at home.

Medicines (vitamins and minerals, natural herbs)

It is recommended to have blood biochemistry tests at least once a year. Sometimes a lack of a vitamin can lead to a malfunction of the body.

Deficiencies in the vitamins and nutrients recommended for supplementation through a well-balanced diet can be supplemented with appropriate supplements.

Fish fat

Preparations for a sedative effect also contain herbal extracts that support the functioning of the nervous system, promote good sleep and calm the nerves: • lemon balm - contains essential oils, tannins, flavonoids and phenolic acids that promote relaxation. Reduces stress and restores emotional balance, • valerian - reduces stress levels and allows you to calm down. It lowers blood pressure and can have a relaxing effect on stiff and tense neck muscles. It is also a well-known sleeping pill used for problems with the nervous system. • Common hops - reduces irritability and helps to relax. It supports nervous system function, but can also stimulate appetite and have a mild diuretic effect.

Instead of taking tablets, you can also make herbal infusions or use ready-made herbal mixtures, such as soothing teas.

Essential oils (for example, lavender, chamomile) also have a positive effect on well-being, the relaxing effect of which can be used during a bath or home aromatherapy. When taking sedatives, read the instructions carefully. Not only to determine the correct dosage and exclude contraindications, but also to monitor drug effects. It is worth paying special attention to the fact that some medications impair the ability to drive a car or cause sleep.

Don't be afraid to ask for help

You feel like it shows your weakness when you ask questions of your coworker or boss, but on the contrary, asking for help lets them know that you are working hard and trying your best to understand how things work, rather than trying to do it. something that you are not confident in yourself (and will potentially harm your workflow). In any case, some uncertainty, awkwardness and mistakes are inevitable at first.

A secondary benefit of asking for help and asking questions is building trust with your boss and co-workers. People love to help others and are more willing to start communicating on abstract, non-work-related topics, maintaining relationships. You will also reduce your anxiety about losing your new job, because you are doing everything possible to adequately cope with your responsibilities.

Types of adaptation:

Adaptation can be primary , if an employee starts work for the first time in his life, and secondary , when he already has work experience. However, this division does not cover all the directions in which employees adapt to the new environment. If we consider this process in more detail, we can distinguish the following types of adaptation:

1. Social adaptation – familiarization with the “company atmosphere”, integration into the social environment, acceptance of norms of behavior, active interaction with this environment. 2. Production adaptation - inclusion of an employee in the production process, study of labor standards and production conditions, this includes getting used to new technology and software, studying a CRM system. 3. Professional adaptation – acquisition of new knowledge and skills needed in a new place of work, assessment of growth prospects, opportunities for training and advanced training. 4. Physiological adaptation – adaptation to new working conditions, schedule, loads. 5. Psychological adaptation – building relationships with the team and management. 6. Organizational adaptation - the study of interaction mechanisms in the organization: who can be contacted with this or that question, who reports to whom. Its result is a clear understanding of your place in the company structure. 7. Economic adaptation is the process of getting used to the system of material incentives and the level of payment.

Recognize that learning takes time

Every job is more difficult at first as you figure out what is expected of you and how best to perform your tasks.

Just like in life, anything we do consistently will get easier, and before you know it, you'll find your rhythm and begin to feel confident in your job and your ability to do it well. Remember this when you start to feel stressed or unsure of your abilities. Don’t panic and don’t wait to lose your job, give yourself time to learn and feel the ground under your feet.


Always respond with a smile to every request to contact you and, if possible, try to make contacts yourself. Having a meal or making coffee together is a good opportunity to make new friends. Your colleagues may not have time for you, so don't be discouraged if someone only gives you a superficial answer to your question. Also look for opportunities for informal meetings outside of work and do not refuse if you are invited to them.


Without pretense, during the first days of working in a new company, everyone tries to be especially polite. The stress of a new job also encourages excessive nodding and trying to please others. But you shouldn’t overdo it, and when showing your best intentions, it’s better to remain yourself. Listen to what others have to say, but don't hesitate to express your own opinions. Stress in a new job is inevitable; the ability to overcome it contributes to the development of a professional career and opens the way to further success.

Use quick stress relievers

You have a few quick stress relievers that you can use when you're feeling overwhelmed. Breathing exercises, for example, can help slow or reverse the fight-or-flight response that automatically kicks in when you panic and, when excessive, causes chronic stress. This will prevent the loss of your physical and mental health.

Taking a walk can also help you calm down, or you can hold toys to relieve tension or do some low-intensity exercise like squats (when no one is watching, of course) to redirect any extra energy and nervousness you may be experiencing.

Don't forget about hobbies and favorite activities that always help you relieve stress

Try to save some time in your life to continue doing what you love and what has always helped you relieve stress and tension, and avoid losing your favorite hobby during this period. And if you have never had a hobby, now is the time to start one.

This could include regular exercise, yoga, drawing, painting, writing, wood carving, playing a musical instrument, participating in interest groups, listening to music, meditation, gardening, bowling or fishing. The options are endless!

Analysis of the reasons why a person wants to quit

The most common reasons that force a person to go looking for a new place of work:

  1. Insufficient pay and low salaries are the most common reasons among both office workers and blue-collar workers. In order to achieve a position with higher pay per hour, you should think about upgrading your qualifications.
  2. Poor relationships in the team. Women often quit after an office romance became the property of the entire team. Only an extremely thick-skinned person can endure such a test. That’s why all psychologists recommend refraining from romantic relationships with a colleague.
  3. Too far a distance to the place of duty is exhausting and does not leave time for proper rest. In big cities, many employees of large companies spend about three to four hours just traveling from home to office.
  4. Nagging from superiors often becomes a serious problem. Is it worth changing jobs if your boss constantly makes comments and forces you to redo tasks again and again? It is important to realize whether there are truly shortcomings on the part of the employee. If the nagging is based on nothing, then moving to another company is the only way to get rid of this neurosis.
  5. Difficult working conditions - forced standing, carrying heavy loads and other health challenges. Almost always, such work provokes the appearance of chronic diseases. As a result, a person will spend more on medicines than he earns. Is it worth changing your job if it begins to cause physical discomfort? Definitely, we need to start looking for a more comfortable and safe position.

Contact a psychologist

That's what they are for, right? To help us get through difficult times in our lives. It is best to use an online service like Helppoint during this period. Such services always have many psychologists specializing in various problems. The administration checks their diplomas and qualifications and will also help you choose the right one. You will not have to spend additional time searching, choosing, or traveling to a psychologist in conditions of limited resources. A convenient format - correspondence or video chat will allow you to receive specialist support when you need it. With the help of a psychologist, you can go through a rather nervous period of changing jobs as calmly as possible, ultimately gaining invaluable experience in overcoming difficulties, and not a loss of strength and depression.

Author: Editorial staff of the portal

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Tags: emotional burnout consultation with a psychologist cost of consultation with a psychologist psychologist online state of severe emotional stress and tension psychological stress and its prevention help with stress stress in professional activity stress level test test emotional burnout



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Diet is of great importance for the health of the entire body, especially during times of exposure to stressful situations caused by job changes. Stress can increase your need for magnesium, which should be combined with vitamin B6 for better absorption. A good idea for breakfast before work is porridge with bananas; while working, you should eat, for example, nuts or a few cubes of dark chocolate. For lunch, try sandwiches with salmon and avocado or a salad with plenty of tomatoes and flaxseed oil—snacks that are equally rich in essential potassium and healthy fats and acids.

Diet - anti-stress

At lunchtime, it is worth increasing the consumption of pasta and cereals - in particular buckwheat, vegetables: spinach, sauerkraut, broccoli, legumes, lean meat. Stress weakens the body and causes a decrease in immunity, and to strengthen the latter, it is worth increasing the supply of vitamin C, which, thanks to its antioxidant properties, protects cells from free radicals and increases the absorption of iron. This vitamin is found in berries, parsley and peppers.

Zinc and vitamin D are also important for the functioning of the immune system, the synthesis of which requires sunlight. It is very difficult to provide the body with enough vitamin D through diet alone, so in the fall and winter it is often recommended to add berries, parsley and peppers to your diet.

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