What to do if you fall in love with your mistress, but she is married.

What do rings and a stamp in a passport mean when it comes to treason? But, as it turns out, adultery is not so bad, but the real problem is when a man falls in love with his mistress and is not aware of his actions. If you also find yourself in such a situation and cannot get out of it, know that there is always a way out, you just need to take the right direction. But if before you thought more about what is below the belt, now is the time to use your head.

Is this love?i

If you think that in relation to your lover you have a feeling of falling in love or even specific love, then you can accurately determine this using the following “symptoms”:

You lie constantly. Your wife’s deception is, of course, nothing new to you, but if earlier you tried to give your lies some credibility, now you are lying recklessly, without thinking about the consequences. Your mistress also has to lie, who, sensing your true attitude, strives to turn the situation in her favor, and you can’t decide what to do next. The most unpleasant thing is that you have to deceive yourself.

Changing your life, making a choice in favor of any one woman are very serious steps, it is not surprising if the cheater gets completely confused. Well, for now you’re just running around like a hamster in a wheel, hoping that nothing will have to be changed and everything will work out on its own, but for now you’re just lying, lying, lying.

You have become cold towards your spouse. If earlier you tried to keep your adventures secret in order to protect her from stress and unnecessary worries, and were ready to part with your passion at any moment, now your wife is simply an insurmountable barrier that stands in the way of your happiness.

You don’t need sex with your wife at all, you’re constantly nervous, you don’t answer correctly, you can’t concentrate. Conversations on the phone are becoming more and more secret, and you don’t let your wife near your gadget even within a cannon shot. Delays at work are becoming as constant a phenomenon as absences from home “on an important issue that cannot be discussed yet.”

Your own external attractiveness begins to interest you more and more, despite the fact that your spouse’s appearance ceases to matter at all. Everyday issues cause wild irritation, you want to drop everything, turn around and run away.

In a relationship with your lover, there is a special trepidation, you are afraid of losing her and are constantly jealous, so sometimes you panic and get nervous. You try by any means and ways to please her. All you have to do is beckon her with your finger, and you are ready to drop all your urgent matters and rush to her to stay close to her for a little while.

Such a change in relations with a mistress is very dangerous for married men. If they fall in love with their mistress, they may not be able to cope with their own feelings and destroy their family life, but at the same time, the relationship with their mistress may not survive.

View from the side of the object of sympathy

How to understand that a married man has fallen in love with you? Women's intuition and his non-verbal signs will make it clear that he is not indifferent:

  1. The man makes eye contact - tries to catch the eye, looks into the eyes.
  2. He often smiles next to the object of his adoration . If there is no reason, then the corners of the lips move upward. A married man in love tells funny stories to get a smile in return. If you tell him about something sad, there will be an emotional response on his face.
  3. He violates the boundaries of personal space : when talking, he comes too close, takes advantage of any excuse to be closer to his beloved.
  4. He involuntarily turns towards his sweetheart , even if they are just in the same room.
  5. He nervously twists the wedding ring , wanting to take it off his finger along with the family shackles.
  6. A married man experiences an uncontrollable desire to touch the object of desire : he touches his shoulder as if by chance, supports him by the elbow, collides with him where he can easily separate.
  7. He unwittingly copies the gestures of his passion . Such mirror behavior is well known to psychologists and is one of the signs that a representative of the stronger sex is in love.

How do men who are in love with their mistresses behave?2

The behavior of any person determines his character and ability to make decisions. Therefore, in a situation with mistresses, it is very difficult to say how men in love behave, but most often, realizing the complexity of the situation, they try to maintain sanity.

If men who, even having very strong feelings for their mistress, cannot leave the family. Firstly, they cannot part with their loved ones. They cannot leave them to their fate and “let them down” with their behavior. Secondly, most often there is a fear in them that such an organized and familiar life may end and they will have to start everything from scratch, but this is very difficult.

Such men are unlikely to make any decisions until life pushes them against the wall. It is much easier for them to lie and dodge than to give up one thing. No, they want to have both and not be responsible for anything. Any changes in such relationships are possible only if women lose patience and take the situation into their own hands.

However, not all men are so spineless. There are also those who, having realized that their mistress is his soulmate, will not marinate her endlessly with assurances of eternal love and empty promises. Just as they will not deceive their spouse because of their great respect for her. At the same time, they are responsible enough to bear responsibility both for their ex-wife and children, and for their new passion.

Despite the fact that such men “abandon” their families, they act honestly towards both of their women, do not fool their mistress, wasting her nerves and time in vain; do not deceive the wife, giving her the opportunity to find “her” loved one; and, in the end, they do not console themselves with the hope that everything will continue like this and he will not have to give up anything.

Astrologer's advice

Representatives of different constellations have different requirements for partners. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the features of the signs:

Aries. He believes that a guy must take the initiative. To interest a fire sign, you should look good and move. Aries love erotic massage, sexual experiments, love in a public place. Taurus is distrustful and cautious

It is important for the sign representative to study the girl before approaching her. He considers sexual intimacy an art

This is an attentive, serious lover who is afraid of criticism. You should communicate with him with restraint and carefully. Twins. This is a flighty guy who needs his opposite - a patient, wise girl. If a woman can calmly accept her lover’s infidelity, then she will be able to keep him. Gemini's partner must remain seductive, value her lover's freedom and take care of him. Cancer. Looking for an understanding and devoted woman, a capable lover. Loves spectacular ladies. Does not believe in friendly relations between representatives of different sexes. He should talk about his feelings directly, without coquetry. A lion. He is surrounded by many fans, so he singles out only the brightest. He loves original and well-groomed ladies who need to be wooed. Loves compliments, needs them after an act of love. Jealous and dominant. Avoids career women. Virgo. The key features of the sign are loyalty, sincerity, cleanliness, and rationality. He is vulnerable and demands respect for his feelings. Virgos are attached to their mothers. The ridicule associated with this can hurt a guy. He is conservative and is attracted to feminine and shy girls.

Libra is a subtle soul that needs harmony and beauty. He is indecisive and flighty. Looking for a like-minded woman. His lady should look luxurious. Loves romantic attributes (cinema, touching kisses, walks). He is interested in mysterious personalities. He does not start relationships with available women. Scorpion. He cheats and does not consider it immoral. He believes that the soul loves, but the body remains free. Jealous partners irritate him. At the same time, he himself is a passionate owner who will not forgive the traitor. Loves attractive, mysterious and inaccessible girls. Sagittarius is romantic, smart, sociable. Believes that he should not belong to only one partner. Looking for a like-minded, deep and understanding woman. Appreciates a homely atmosphere and delicious food. Loves intellectual conversations. Capricorn. Ambitious, stubborn, persistent. Believes in the power of money. He often lies to impress his interlocutor. He is vain and seems boring to many. He is looking for a patient woman who will not demand too much attention. Aquarius. Not jealous. He loves shocking girls who know how to shock others. He needs to open up gradually so as not to get bored. Sex without emotional intimacy is considered a boring mechanical act. Looking for a soul mate. Fish. These are sensual and dreamy personalities. They love to make romantic gestures. They are looking for a mysterious, good-natured, motherly caring lady. The guy is touchy, but ashamed of it. Sometimes needs solitude. At such moments, he counts on understanding from his beloved.

In these special relationships, harmony and a sober perception of the situation are important. It is necessary to simultaneously control feelings and allow yourself to enjoy intimacy without commitment.

Is it possible to love your wife and mistress at the same time?3

According to psychologists, it is impossible to love two people at the same time. Love is an absolute passion for another person, when all interest in other individuals of the opposite sex is lost. However, there are many concepts that can replace the feeling of love. For example, it could be sex or passion.

Sex involves purely physical attraction. Passion is a very vivid but short-lived feeling when you want to spend a lot of time with the object of your desire and enjoy his presence. Such essentially close concepts can mislead a man and make him doubt his own feelings. It is important to understand that there is no love without sex and passion, but sex and passion can exist completely separately from love.

Why does a man think he still loves his wife?5

Often husbands, feeling guilty, begin to feel sorry for their spouses and confuse pity with love. Despite the betrayal, many men continue to respect and even admire their wives; for them, such feelings are comparable to love. Parting with your old life can frighten anyone. Wanting to somehow cling to the past, men remember previous feelings.

It is quite possible that a man cannot prefer one of the women because he does not love either one or the other. He likes that all his problems and needs are satisfied at the expense of the ladies, so when the need arises to choose one, he is tormented by doubts.

Is it necessary to leave the family?6

If you are wondering whether to leave your family, it means that you are not so in love with your mistress that you would break off the marital relationship overnight. This also suggests that not everything in your family is so bad that you can thoughtlessly exchange it for a love relationship. Whatever choice you make, there are only two ways out of the situation: either you remain a family man and say goodbye to your mistress forever, or you destroy your marriage and continue to build a relationship with your passion.

Married man and free woman: psychology of relationships

Girls really like married men. They are successful, serious, experienced. But the secret is that it was his wife who made him so well-groomed, responsible, interesting and courageous. She most likely met with the same simple guy that you are tired of.

Why do women love married people? They create the illusion of readiness for a serious relationship. If one day he walked down the aisle, then marriage, family and children definitely won’t scare him. And this misconception has ruined the lives of many mistresses.

By falling in love with a busy man, you are letting into your life a man who is not trustworthy, who has already deceived at least one woman. Relationships with a married man and psychology are very connected with each other. Therefore, the scenarios for the development of events are always approximately the same.

Imagine what you can get and what you can give up in this or that case7

Of course, family life is unlikely to bring you surprises. Your boring and unsexy wife, who always demands something, will remain next to you. You know her inside and out, you know all her positive and negative sides, however, just like she is yours. She saw you in all sorts of states and did not turn away, she worried about all your failures and defeats, forcing you to believe in your strength. Who takes care of you during your illness, organizes your life and puts up with your obnoxious relatives and friends? Is it worth exchanging such life experience, acquired through backbreaking labor, for a bright advertising booklet called “mistress”?

Life with a mistress, especially if she is a beautiful and young woman, can be very pleasant and stormy for a while. But such relationships will someday become commonplace. Or they will resemble the last day of Pompeii, when the volcano is capable of erupting at any minute. So in this case, you don’t know what to expect: she may find herself another lover, she is capable of leaving you if she gets tired of the relationship, it is quite possible that she is simply using you.

Try to remember what you actually know about her. It is unlikely that you saw her in an unattractive form, just as you yourself did not show her the worst side of yourself. Do you know what kind of mother, wife or housewife she will make? Of course, she is a very sweet, passionate and attractive girl, but your wife used to be like that too.

One thing is absolutely certain - you need to make a choice, and the sooner the better, otherwise the situation may get out of control and little will depend on your decisions.

Causes of double bond

What pushes guys to look for emotions on the side, especially with a married woman?

  • both in this case meet for the sake of sex, easy, non-binding, not requiring responsibility or promises;
  • courtship and the candy-bouquet period are reduced to zero - there is no time for obvious things;
  • both partners feel calm, without worrying about misunderstandings, without throwing tantrums;
  • family relationships remain beyond their connection - therefore they are unshakable and unchangeable;
  • there are no expensive gifts - due to the presence of husbands and wives and control of the family budget;
  • when the time comes for such relationships to be closed, they will easily and naturally end;
  • the risk that arises when two unfree people meet creates an additional influx of adrenaline and brings positive emotions into the relationship that are unusual for a classic marriage.

Maybe we should end this relationship?8

The question of whether it is worth ending the relationship with your mistress if great feelings have appeared in your relationship with your mistress can only be answered by the man himself. Only he can weigh the pros and cons of such relationships and understand where they can lead in the future. As a rule, a man tries to end a love affair when he seriously fears for his peace of mind.

He understands that things can only get worse; a small spark can ignite such a fire that he will not be able to put out. And he has something to lose in a fire: his wife, children, home, material values, stability, respect from friends, relatives and colleagues.

As psychologists say, something truly amazing must happen to a man for him to decide to change his familiar world for a new life, which will also need to be arranged. Thus, the protective instinct of the ancient man is activated, whose duty is to protect his family. Many rationally thinking men try to listen to the voice of their own reason.

What to do if your married lover is jealous

First of all, you need to weigh the situation and understand what caused the jealousy. Maybe the day before you specifically evoked this feeling in him? Then don't be surprised if he behaves strangely or inappropriately.

If a man goes beyond all boundaries and makes violent scandals, talk to him. Discuss the fact that your relationship is not at the level where he is able to lay claim to your fidelity. However, if you are sure that this conversation will not help, it is better not to start it. For example, such statements can provoke a choleric person into a loud conflict. Then irreversible consequences cannot be avoided.

But if the goal is to maintain a relationship with a man, relieve him of feelings of jealousy. It's worth considering how this can be done.

Famous men who left their family for their mistress9

The most beautiful and seductive women always hover around famous men, whose charm is simply impossible to resist. Their desire to get a tasty morsel in the form of a celebrity is so strong that the man simply has no choice. So, the most famous unfaithful husbands who left their families for their mistress:

  • Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston - In 200, the famous actor left his wife for Jolie’s beautiful eyes, however, this union of the star couple turned out to be impermanent.

  • Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Ewan McGregor, an actor couple, are famous for keeping their relationship secret for a long time, but after their secret became public, Evan had to get a divorce. But for some reason his mistress did not appreciate such an act, and she left her hapless partner.
  • Dominic Joker left his wife and children for The Voice contestant Ekaterina Kokorina. But, according to his ex-wife, only children who rarely see their father suffer from the divorce.
  • Alexander Ustyugov, who became popular after the TV series “Cop Wars,” was once married to actress Yanina Sokolovskaya. After the relationship had exhausted itself, the actor became interested in another actress, Anna Azar, with whom he married.
  • Fyodor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva. One of the most scandalous celebrity divorces. After 30 years of marriage with his wife Svetlana, Bondarchuk left his wife for the sake of a young actress. Interestingly, their romance began even before the director’s divorce.
  • Evgeny Tsyganov is a fairly popular actor who, after a ten-year marriage, did not hesitate to leave his wife with 7 children. Evgeniy's new wife was actress Yulia Snegir. By the way, Tsyganov does not forget his children and often visits.

Probably, one can even feel sorry for celebrities, because if an ordinary man has to make so much effort not to cheat, then what is it like for them to constantly be in the company of the most attractive ladies? In addition, men who are in love with their mistress often risk not only their family relationships, but also their work, career and reputation. One wrong step and all prospects will be ruined. However, the future of any traitor can be covered with the same basin, even yours...

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