What is envy and is it always a bad feeling: reasons, signs, ways to get rid of it

Envy is an unpleasant human feeling caused by irritation, as well as displeasure from the well-being and achievements of other people. Envy is a constant comparison and desire to possess something intangible or material. An envious feeling is common to all people, regardless of character, nationality, temperament and gender. Sociological studies have shown that this feeling weakens with age. The age group from 18 to 25 years old experiences envy acutely, and closer to 60 years old this feeling weakens.

What is envy

We cannot speak unambiguously about envy; this concept is broad and very capacious. The simplest lexical meaning of the word can be found in Ushakov’s explanatory dictionary. Envy is the desire to have what someone else has.

A large psychological dictionary offers the following definition: envy is a feeling of annoyance caused by the well-being and success of another. In its extreme manifestation, envy provokes a feeling of hatred, anger towards a person, a thirst for his failure, fall.

Psychology believes that envy is bad, because it has a destructive effect on a person. He finds happiness for himself in someone else's misfortune.

Some people have a neutral or even positive attitude towards envy, because this feeling is a kind of litmus test. If envy arises, then something is going wrong in a person’s life. This feeling can help usher in positive change.

Reasons for the transition of emotion into pathology

To cope with envy, which becomes a destructive pathology, it is necessary to get to the bottom of its origins. Not a single feeling arises in a person just like that, out of nowhere. They are all grown on some soil. Therefore, the first step towards getting rid of a poisonous scourge is to find out the reasons. The following circumstances are most often the provoking factors.


Inability to satisfy one’s own needs, discrepancy between desires and capabilities. In psychology, it is one of the strongest psychotraumas. Causes strong aggression against someone who does not have such a problem. The consequences are deprivation, neuroses and egodystonia. For example, one of my friends goes on vacation to the sea every year. The second, due to his financial condition, cannot afford it and begins to envy.


It is a source of frustration, which subsequently develops into pathological envy. Lack of money, financial insolvency, low social status force a person to compare himself with others - the rich, the successful, those at the helm of power. As psychologists note, today the too obvious stratification of society, which is actively exaggerated by the media, is the cause of most psychological disorders.

Dissatisfaction with appearance

More than 75% of people have internal complexes due to their own appearance. Some are embarrassed by the shape of their nose, others hate their figure, and still others cannot look at themselves in the mirror at all. Reasons: congenital pathology (deformities, heredity) or acquired psychotrauma (contrived complexes due to suggestion by parents, peers, husband, etc.). Such people are capable of being very envious of those who fit social stereotypes of beauty.

Lack of personal achievements

Sometimes people, having wealth, family well-being, normal appearance, begin to feel emptiness within themselves. It seems that everything is there, but the potential remains unspent. It would be possible to make a more successful career, move to a larger city or abroad, send a child to sports, etc. Comparisons with former classmates, co-workers, neighbors, relatives begin - and envy arises.


A person stews in his thoughts around the clock. Often, focusing on problems, he does not see the positive things happening in life. For example, if at work it is not possible to occupy a high position and earn more, all efforts are thrown into closing this gap. Even if everything is fine in the family, everyone is healthy, no one quarrels, the children are doing well in school or sports - all this fades into the background. There is no objective picture of life. Envy arises towards those who achieve career growth. Although, most likely, the latter also has his own difficulties, but in a different area - disagreements with his wife, illness of parents, misunderstanding with teenage children, etc.

Childhood psychotrauma, peculiarities of upbringing

The most common cause of envy. It completely takes over a person if, in childhood, parents:

  • they praised him only when he achieved a certain success (if he finished a quarter with honors, won a competition, etc.);
  • punished for the slightest offense by saying offensive words and using physical violence;
  • forced to constantly limit oneself in desires;
  • convinced that wealth and power are always bad;
  • invaded personal space, controlled every step;
  • They argued that you always have to pay for happiness with tears and pain;
  • supported pessimistic sentiments.

As a result of such upbringing, there is no ability to sincerely enjoy life, deep internal complexes and a distorted value system are formed. While others, believing in success, make a career, create a prosperous family, and realize their potential. It goes without saying that jealousy of others’ achievements and envy arises.

If the cause of envy is psychological trauma, you will have to get rid of it with the help of a psychotherapist - perhaps even through hypnosis. It allows you to identify gaps in the upbringing and attitude of parents and correct distorted attitudes. If the problem is low self-esteem and internal complexes, a psychologist will help you cope with them. All other points can be eliminated yourself.

This is interesting! In 2009, Japanese scientists from the National Institute of Radiology (Honshu Island) conducted a series of studies under the leadership of Hidehiko Takahashi, MD and PhD. As a result, they said they had found the area of ​​the brain responsible for envy and schadenfreude. This is the anterior part of the cingulate cortex. It is noteworthy that it plays a major role in the occurrence of pain syndromes.

Types of envy

People envy in different ways, which is why psychologists distinguish different types of envy.

A type of envy.Description.Example.
Malignant envy.It creates mental suffering and forces a person to act immorally.A child steals his neighbor's car because he doesn't have one, but would really like to.
Benevolent envy.A person understands that he is experiencing envy, but does not wish harm to the object of his feelings. He realizes that this is his problem. The girl saw her friend’s fashionable and modern tablet, and she wanted one. She started looking for additional part-time work and saved up for the item. Because of this, she did not stop communicating with her friend.
Depreciating envy.The envious person explains the success of another person by a lucky coincidence or success. Sometimes he can take credit for other people's achievements. A woman's daughter receives a diploma in college. The woman claims that she was just lucky in the exam and got an easy ticket. In the process, she claims that this is her own merit, since she raised her daughter strictly.
Narcissistic envy. (see narcissism) Manifests itself in hostility towards those who deserve the reward.The student received an A for dictation. A classmate began to just hate her for this, although the first one had not done anything bad to her.
Envy of a person's status in society.A person envies those who have a higher position, a larger apartment or an expensive car.An office employee regularly brags to her colleagues about her purchases, salary and other material goods, trying with all her might to show that she is superior to them. At the same time, her salary is no different from the salary of other employees of this office.
Uncertain envy.A person has achieved something, but is afraid of losing it.The boss fires a talented and hardworking employee because he believes that he can influence his privileged position.
Parasitic envy.A person envies another, but ingratiates himself to take it away.A girl from a poor family is jealous of her richer classmate, makes friends with her, ends up at her house and steals a gold chain.
Depressive envy.A person envies and experiences hatred towards the object of envy. But at the same time he feels a sense of guilt, which leads him to depression. The student is jealous of his classmate, but he is an excellent, friendly guy and a devoted friend. The student realizes that he hates him undeservedly and gradually falls into depression.
Envy of loved ones.A very destructive feeling that provokes toxic relationships in the family.The mother refuses to let her daughter go for walks with the guys and tries in every possible way to quarrel with each gentleman. Subconsciously, she envies her daughter’s success with men, since her personal life has not worked out for her.
Professional envy.Manifests itself in relation to colleagues, classmates, co-workers.A woman is jealous of her colleague's success at work, so she begins to spread bad rumors and gossip about her.

There are other classifications of envy:

  1. Black and white. Black envy provokes negative feelings (anger, competition, dissatisfaction, hatred, desire to compare). White is an impetus for positive changes.
  2. Male and female. It is believed that envy is more common in women than in men. Women's envy often borders on hatred. Quality also manifests itself in guys, but it is no longer envy, but a spirit of competition, a desire to win and prove one’s superiority.
  3. Short term and long term. Envy can only arise once. For example, a woman envied her friend that she had a fashionable bag, and then bought herself an equally fashionable one or completely forgot about someone else’s bag. But envy can last for years. For example, to someone else’s social status, lifestyle or position.

Age characteristics

Psychologists note that each age is characterized by different manifestations of envy.

Up to 6 years

Young children are characterized by a feeling of envy, but it manifests itself as a short-term uncontrollable emotion: “I want the same toy!”, “I want to go to the zoo too!”, “Praise me too!” If this turns into intrusiveness and obsessive thoughts, improper upbringing or the presence of psychotrauma is to blame. If you do not provide a child with psychotherapeutic assistance in a timely manner, this will affect the formation of pathological patterns of behavior and may develop into a neuropsychiatric personality disorder.

7-10 years

At primary school age, children already begin to realize that the feeling of envy they experience is negative. That's why they try to hide it. With proper upbringing and well-formed personal values ​​up to this point, when negativity (anger, irritation, hatred) arises, the child tries to curb the surging emotions. They are still learning this, so it doesn’t always work out. Adults should understand this and not swear, scream or punish. The work should be carried out through explanatory conversations. Art therapy helps a lot in such cases - through drawings, dancing, fairy tales or role-playing games.

What parents need to do to prevent their child from growing up envious:

  1. Accept him as he is.
  2. Show unconditional love, and not only when he deserves it.
  3. Forgive pranks and minor offenses, do not be too strict.
  4. Do not elevate poverty, sacrifice, self-restraint, and self-torture to the rank of virtues and priorities.
  5. Do not cultivate an attitude towards wealth as something sinful, negative and evil.
  6. Respect personal space: do not touch his phone, do not check his pockets, do not enter the room without knocking.
  7. Enjoy every little success.
  8. Prevent naive belief in the “evil eye” and do not promote suffering as an inevitable price for success.
  9. Instill optimism and love of life.

The more attentive parents are to the manifestations of envy in children, the less harm it will cause to the developing personality.

11-17 years old

Envy intensifies precisely during puberty, when, against the backdrop of puberty, a teenager tries to assert himself and break out from under the care of his parents. Its subject can be anything, from external data (my friend is more beautiful than me) to the possession of newfangled gadgets (his parents bought the latest model iPhone, but not me). Since at this age everything is perceived hyperbolically and as a personal insult, such experiences often lead to sad consequences:

  • theft (if parents do not have the opportunity to buy what they want, what everyone else has);
  • suicide (often due to internal complexes about appearance);
  • deviant behavior (to compensate for one’s own inconsistency and inferiority, to demonstrate ostentatious indifference);
  • the development of hypocrisy, when a teenager learns to hide his true (shameful) emotions and pretend that everything is fine with him.

Adults should notice such moments, be prepared for them and react correctly. The most common mistake parents make is to immediately satisfy their teenager’s desires: buy that same iPhone, allow them to get a tattoo in a visible place, pay for piercings, etc. This is not a solution, because envy in such cases will spread to other items, become large-scale and will lead to worship before the world of money and things. It is necessary to devote more time to the child, to get rid of loneliness and internal complexes, and to raise self-esteem in all possible ways. A teenager who feels the love and support of his parents will be able to curb his own negative impulses and cope with this difficult period.

18-30 years old

Psychologists distinguish this age period separately, arguing that it is this that becomes the real foundation for all kinds of forms of envy. If during the puberty period, after puberty ends and hormonal levels normalize, youthful maximalism disappears, then this is not to be expected here. According to statistics, it is from 18 to 30 years old that people tend to experience burning, sometimes unbearable envy.

This is due, firstly, to self-determination in life. For some, rich parents buy a place at a prestigious university, while for others, having an excellent certificate, they are forced to enter an educational institution that is an order of magnitude lower. Some fly out of the parental nest and begin to arrange their own lives, while others continue to be cared for and controlled by adults. All these factors are fertile ground for cultivating envy of more successful and fortunate peers.

The second reason is interpersonal relationships between the sexes and family formation. Someone starts dating in school, gets married, buys an apartment, has children - everything is great. For others, their personal lives go awry: one partner replaces the other, no constancy, unhappy love - what kind of family happiness can we talk about here? Girls who strive to obtain the status of a married woman as quickly as possible and envy their friends who managed to ring someone especially suffer from this.

And finally, it is at this age that appearance plays a big role. When hiring young personnel, preference is often given not only to those who are sociable and educated, but also to those who are handsome, well dressed, and well tailored. People with congenital physical disabilities and internal complexes often find themselves left behind. And resentment begins to lurk in the soul - the beginning of all-destructive and pathological envy.

Psychologists strongly advise those who suffer from envy at this age to engage in self-development and seek help from specialized specialists.

After 30 years

At this age, the feeling of heightened envy begins to fade among those who achieve their goals and already have a certain position in society. For those who were never able to cope with their complexes, it turns into the status of pathology and mental disorder. After 40 years, people, having gained life experience, already know how to control their feelings and emotions, so they rarely seek help with such a problem.

Envy can be destructive if it becomes a pathology and subjugates all a person’s aspirations, poisoning his life and soul day by day. In this case, it must be fought by any means, attracting your own internal resources or resorting to outside help. It must be remembered that it can also carry a positive charge if it motivates you to move forward and reach the top. It is precisely this hypostasis that everyone should strive for.

Envy in literature

Many books are written about envious people, some of which have already become recognized world classics:

  1. A. Pushkin “Mozart and Salieri”. A work about the eternal confrontation between two geniuses.
  2. Christopher Priest "Prestige". What to do if your friend becomes more successful than you? What if he is to blame for the death of your lover? Another story about the eternal confrontation between art and science, reason and feelings.
  3. Thomas Mann "Joseph and His Brothers" Joseph was Jacob's favorite son, which made his other brothers terribly angry. What will come of this?
  4. Ian McEwan "Atonement". The feeling of envy can ruin a person's life and change his destiny forever. “For the company” his relatives, who are not guilty of anything, may also suffer.
  5. Julian Barnes "The Sense of the End" The main character suffered all his life from feelings of envy towards two more successful and bright people. The feeling haunts him even in his old age.

Do you know works and films about envy? Share in the comments. Let's put together a cool selection.


Black envy simply paralyzes a person and does not allow him to exist normally. Signs:

  • aggression;
  • inferiority complex;
  • gloating;
  • injured pride;
  • vanity;
  • exaggerated desire for justice;
  • greed;
  • hatred;
  • hostility;

A person with such feelings considers the successes of others to be the reason for his own failures. Tries to harm the object, to humiliate him.

White envy is an adequate feeling. An envious person perceives the success of another as the result of his efforts. There may be a desire to elevate yourself. Signs of this condition:

  • empathy;
  • goodwill;
  • Delight.

It is difficult to recognize unconscious gray envy in yourself. Its signs:

  • Bad mood;
  • dissatisfaction with life;
  • irritability;
  • despondency.

Such a person is bored listening to the target talk about his successes, and is irritated by his boasting and lack of restraint. For some reason I often feel sad and sorry for myself.

Why do people envy others - reasons

If a person regularly envies others, then such behavior is not the norm. There are serious reasons for envy. Where envy comes from and how the habit of envying others is cultivated in a person, see the table.

Diffidence.An insecure person lacks the resources to achieve achievements. He sees how easy it is for others, so a feeling of envy flares up in his soul.
Increased demands on yourself.If something doesn’t work out for such a person, then the question arises: “Why do others succeed in this, but I can’t?” This thought transforms into envy and prevents a person from living in harmony with himself.
Lack of money or other material resources.If a person constantly lacks money, then this is the most fertile ground for the development of feelings of envy. Over time, envy can transform into blind hatred and bitterness.
Negative attitudes from childhood, instilled by parents.Some parents do not consider it necessary to give their child absolute love. In their opinion, love must be earned. If a child does not reach the bar that his parents set for him, then he begins to envy other children who are given love for nothing.
Excessive focus on the opinions of others.When a person is too focused on the opinions of others, he thereby devalues ​​his life and personal achievements. This practice can also provoke feelings of self-hatred.

What do you think provokes envy in a person? Share your opinion in the comments. Examples from your life and the lives of friends.

I don't feel any envy towards anyone

Are you jealous of anyone?

Yuri Buziashvili: Despite the fact that I knew what the conversation would be about, this question has now puzzled me. Let me see. Well, perhaps I tend to want to repeat someone else’s achievement, to achieve the same success. Is this envy? Don't know. Yet envy for me is such a base, such a destructive feeling that I am afraid of offending myself with it. In the church understanding, envy is a sin. This is an empty activity that takes away a lot of internal energy, bringing only anger and illness. I say this as a doctor. On the other hand, I know for sure that I have the desire to achieve the same, and maybe even more, than someone else. But I never torture myself with questions: why did this person reach such and such heights, achieve such and such regalia, and I did not? How is he better than me? Which of us deserved something and which of us didn’t? I perceive someone’s success simply as a fact and I don’t feel any envy towards anyone. You can be envious for any reason - it is a disease that is difficult to cure. There are wealthy people who have many of the blessings of life, but they can envy someone else’s meager success or acquisition. Being self-sufficient is a very essential characteristic of a person. Envy has no skin color or territorial location; it is universal and is located in the human psyche. A self-respecting person is unlikely to be jealous.

Maybe there are people around you who, it seems to you, have achieved more than you, or have become more famous? Are you jealous of them?

Yuri Buziashvili: What to envy? I have everything. After all, I am a man of success myself. And I understand that the only passions that do not give pleasure are envy and fear. People who are envious do not get pleasure from anything.

It seems to me that there is a hierarchy in who envies whom. As a rule, they envy someone who is considered equal to themselves in intelligence and talent, but for some reason has achieved more (the standard set of “whys” is always ready: proximity to power, connections, intrigue).

Yuri Buziashvili: If you recognize someone as smarter and more capable than you, then this is definitely not envy. It is rather a desire to be equal to this person. And envy... envy is a black feeling. It is a pain. It quickly turns into hatred. This is not a desire to achieve the same thing that a certain person has achieved, but a desire that he did not have what he achieved.

How to understand that others are jealous

The main signs of envy:

  1. There is a sense of insincerity in a person’s tone, even if he congratulates or compliments another.
  2. Efforts are worthless. An envious person attributes success to favorable circumstances or luck.
  3. An envious person constantly brags about his successes and deliberately exaggerates them.
  4. The person notices that the envious person has begun to imitate him (clothes, manner of speech, hobbies).
  5. Jealous people love to compete with others.
  6. If a person fails or makes even the slightest mistake, the envious person will not miss the opportunity to demonstrate his joy.
  7. They are always looking for a reason to gossip behind their envy's back.
  8. Shows a clearly negative attitude.

How do you recognize the envy of others? Share your secrets in the comments.

Experience your own powerlessness

A very important step in working with envy (as with any problem) is to admit that you can overcome it on your own. That is, in our case, you will neither reconcile nor act. Why? Any passion is a breakdown of a person’s volitional mechanisms. This is especially evident in the example of chemical addiction - there is a certain zone in which you are not able to control your own behavior. The main illusion that a person has in this situation is that he will now tense up, pull himself together, pull himself together, read another book and... improve.

An attempt to cope with one’s passion by a volitional decision when one’s will is violated results in an endless nightmare of rotation in the cycle of passion. This is self-deception. Until a person admits that his volitional mechanisms are broken, he will not be able to do anything. “Go, throw your passion at the feet of Christ and you will receive relief,” the Egyptian ascetic said to his disciple. It is very useful to face the experience of your own powerlessness. Admitting your powerlessness over passion is the first small victory over it.

Source: www.nsad.ru

Please note that the information presented on the site is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended for self-diagnosis and self-medication. The selection and prescription of medications, treatment methods, as well as monitoring their use can only be carried out by the attending physician. Be sure to consult a specialist.

Why is it dangerous and does it affect health?

From the point of view of etiquette, envy is condemned; even if it arises, it is customary to hide it. A person begins to become more emotionally invested in someone else’s life, while forgetting about his own. His affairs, plans and hobbies gradually collapse, and when a person comes to his senses, it is often too late.

Envy also negatively affects a person’s health and well-being:

  1. Envy breeds passive aggression and develops depression.
  2. Depressive conditions can cause breathing and bowel problems.
  3. When a person is irritated or stressed, his skin produces more oil. The result of this is an increase in rashes: acne, various forms of rash, hives. If a person is prone to eczema or psoriasis, then the diseases worsen.
  4. Envy develops tachycardia, provokes chest pain and heart failure.
  5. Anger has a negative effect on the eyes.
  6. Envy provokes congestion in the liver and gall bladder.
  7. When a person is constantly in a bad mood, his immune system suffers and the likelihood of getting sick increases.
  8. Constant melancholy can provoke insomnia and excessive fatigue.
  9. The sexual sphere of a person’s life suffers due to stress.
  10. Negative emotions lead to weight fluctuations and pinched nerves.

Consequences: how it poisons our lives

This is a dangerous feeling accompanied by anxiety. It needs to be taken seriously. The human body, like poison, is saturated with negativity. It corrodes the nervous system from the inside. What an envious character can lead to:

  1. Development of chronic depression. Anxiety is accompanied by frustration, despondency, and a decrease in emotional background. Prolonged stay in this state leads to changes in the biochemical structure of the brain. An important hormone, serotonin, is not produced. Without it, there is no motivation, there is a loss of strength, and important processes in the body slow down. A deficiency of this hormone leads to depression.
  2. The person falls into apathy. There is absolutely no energy to implement plans and goals. Inside there is nothing but devastation. There is no desire to do what you love and enjoy life.
  3. Communication with people is deteriorating. Such people are avoided. It reveals their arrogant attitude towards others and their sarcasticness.
  4. Conflict situations arise.
  5. Low self-esteem is reinforced. Attention shifts to other people's achievements, and the chance of one's own success decreases.
  6. An imaginary sense of justice develops. Constant disappointments.

Envy, like rust, corrodes and destroys souls. If you feed it with negativity and resentment, then it is impossible to overcome it. In contrast, it is worth putting strong, bright feelings. There are many ways to deal with this emotion. The most important thing is to stop feeling sorry for yourself and take steps towards success. It is important to focus on your own development. Become friendly, wish people well, praise them, give sincere compliments.

How to deal with envious people

Envious people are not the most pleasant interlocutors. They can make a person nervous, worried, and feel awkward. How to communicate with them with minimal losses for yourself:

  1. Limit communication time and keep it to a minimum.
  2. If a person expresses envy openly, then you can honestly tell him how difficult success is, how much you have to work for it, and what you deny yourself. A person must understand that other people's achievements are not a happy accident or a generous gift. But there is a chance that the envious person will simply brush it off.
  3. Follow the saying “Happiness loves silence.” There is no need to talk about the level of your bonus, your relationship with your significant other, or other achievements. This only creates the ground for envy.
  4. In the presence of an envious person, you should behave neutrally. There is no need to complain about failures and mistakes. This will only feed the envious person emotionally; he will then use all the information against the person.
  5. Show self-confidence, do not react to the caustic remarks of the envious person, or respond to them as politely as possible.


How to protect yourself from the envy of others?

There is a saying that only those who do nothing make no mistakes. This does not work with envy; even a completely passive person is not immune from becoming the object of this not very pleasant feeling. This means you shouldn’t look back at those who suffer from envy without intending to change anything. But you need to take personal safety measures. First of all, don’t take it to heart. “If they spit in your back, it means you’re ahead.” And that's great. And communication with an envious person should be limited to a minimum, meeting attacks with a neutral smile and not reacting to provocations.

How to understand that this is envy?

It is easier to recognize an emotion on the part of another person, since you can observe facial expressions and behavior from the outside. If a person does not show sincere joy at the success of others, is constantly wary and ready to say nasty things, bows his head so as not to make eye contact - this is envy. It is more difficult to catch yourself in this feeling. You will have to listen to your inner feelings and note if there is a feeling of discomfort, irrational resentment or dissatisfaction when you look at or think about a certain person. In this case, you can’t let negativity take root if you don’t want to ruin your life. When your strength is not enough, you should consult a psychologist.

How do I know if I have envious people?

And again observation will save you. If there is an unhealthy buzz around a certain person, the person is the subject of gossip or scandals without reason on his part, then most likely he has become an object of envy. It’s worth looking around and thinking about how sincere your friends and acquaintances are in expressing their feelings. This will allow you to quickly identify the envious person and neutralize him, reducing communication to a minimum.

How to understand that people envy you at work?

The main external manifestations of this situation are regularly occurring gossip, groundless nagging and inflated demands, attempts to give additional workload without payment, as well as ignorance from colleagues. A good sign is that if people begin to imitate a person, this is already a constructive option, when hostility is translated into motivation.

How to deal with envious colleagues?

Envy is not a reason to change your job, especially if you like it and are satisfied with the conditions. You can neutralize an envious person by not giving him a reason for gossip and not mentioning your successes more often than necessary. The personal must be left behind the scenes, but at the same time there is no need to skimp on compliments and avoid group events. The most important thing is that you should not deviate from your intended goal, since you cannot bury talent in the ground to please others. Everyone goes to their own heights.

What is narcissistic envy?

This is a special type of hatred associated with the desire for the unattainable, the desire to receive everything without giving anything in return. Often negative self-esteem leads to the appearance of complexes when dissatisfaction is directed at oneself. In case of failure, such a person cannot and does not strive to find support from others. This provokes the development of emotional and behavioral disorders, neuroses, and unmotivated aggression. Need help from a psychologist.

What is maternal envy?

A woman's envy of her child may be associated with a poorly developed maternal instinct. Most often, this occurs if the baby is unwanted, born too early, when the mother’s personality has not yet formed. Signs include complaints about an unfulfilled life, a constant emphasis on the fact that the child is luckier and has better conditions, and constant dissatisfaction with any actions of a daughter or son. The feeling is so destructive that it destroys the lives of both, rewarding them with complexes, a feeling of unreasonable guilt and a desire not to meet for as long as possible, even to the point of refusing to communicate.

Protection from the envy of others

If someone is jealous of a person, this can seriously affect his emotional state. There are several ways to protect yourself from the envy of others, see the table.

Don't share your secrets.Tell your secrets and share your successes only with trusted people who will definitely not make this information public.
Stay balanced.Do not give an envious person a chance to upset yourself. You can ask him uncomfortable questions yourself and answer him causticly. This has a sobering effect on the envious person.
Amulets and talismans.Some people believe in the protective power of amulets. If it helps and gives you self-confidence, then it’s worth purchasing such a thing for yourself. You don't have to go to a magic supply store. Sometimes a simple ring or a banal bracelet is enough.
Calm.Always remain calm and look your interlocutor in the eyes. There is no need to be embarrassed, shy away, or avoid the conversation. Let him see a strong opponent next to him, not a victim. It is enough to show perseverance to the end just once for the envious person to stop pestering you.
Manifestation of aggression.If necessary, show aggression. This is the most extreme method and should only be used in exceptional cases. We are talking only about verbal aggression, there is no need to show physical aggression.

Vision angle

Yes, it is natural and normal to compare yourself to others. But how we perceive our personal and professional achievements (or lack thereof) depends only on us. Will it be black envy and condemnation of more successful friends (colleagues), or white envy, like an internal shot that triggers the work of thought in one direction: how and what to do so that I can have it too.

Psychologists have terms to designate two types of people’s reactions: extrapunitive and intrapunitive. With the first, we look for the causes of world evil in the actions of others. With the second, we dive into ourselves, turn on the mode of searching for answers, opportunities, reserves and motives within ourselves. With “white” envy, it is the second type of reaction that “works” for us.

What to do if you yourself feel jealous

The Germans are sure that an envious person always suffers and cannot be happy. How to deal with your own envy:

  1. Accept the world as it is, and not look for justice and answers to questions.
  2. Stop criticizing people, especially stop unconstructive criticism. Not all people act as we ourselves consider necessary, and they have the right to do so. If you need to criticize someone at work, then do it as tactfully as possible, always rely on your colleague’s successes and positive emotions.
  3. Engage in self-improvement. New knowledge and positive emotions will leave no room for envy in your soul.
  4. Learn to rejoice in the achievements of others, sincerely admire people who managed to achieve something. They did it, and you can too.
  5. Stop comparing yourself to others. It is much more productive to compare yourself with your former self than to regularly recognize your inferiority compared to more successful people. Goal setting and self-analysis will help here.

When people start imitating you

People who most often experience feelings of envy try to subconsciously seem better than you and begin to imitate you in every possible way. These people only feel better when they completely copy your clothing style or communication style.

Don't feel bad about it, rather try to encourage such people to follow their own path. And at the moment when they try to do something on their own, encourage them in every possible way. Try to show them that in order to be yourself you don’t have to imitate you.

How to get rid of a problem and benefit from it - practices

Any emotion is valuable, including envy. We do not encourage you to directly fight it, but to transform this feeling and make it work in your favor:

  1. Exercise “Forgive and Let Go.” It is important to learn to let go of negative emotions (anger, resentment, anger, aggression). If you get rid of them, new, productive and creative feelings will come to replace them. Previously, we wrote about how to let go of your own anger and give vent to your emotions.
  2. Exercise "Plus and Minus". There is a balance in life, which says that if a person loses something, he will certainly gain something in another area. If something bad happens, then you should look for advantages in this situation, it is advisable to record them in writing. For example, the owner of the apartment asked me to vacate the apartment, but I can find a better or more attractive option.
  3. “Real Goal” technique. It is important to set only realistic and achievable goals. A prerequisite is that the result of an activity must depend on the person, and not on random circumstances. For example, next month I will write reports well, and I will definitely be praised at the meeting.
  4. Exercise “What can I?” Envy is a marker that something is going wrong in a person’s life. It is worth thinking and deciding what can be done now to improve the situation. For example, increase income, learn something new, make peace with loved ones.

It is advisable to surround yourself with positive people who know how to be grateful and give these emotions to others. There is no need to treat envy badly. Every person experiences this feeling. It is only important to learn how to work with it correctly.

Do the exercises in writing. This will help secure the material. By unloading all thoughts from your head, new ideas and thoughts begin to come to you, which will help you see new solutions.

How often do you notice feelings of envy in yourself? How do you prefer to work with him? Or maybe there are envious people in your environment. Tell us about your experience in the comments.

Share the article on social networks, as well as with family and friends. Let as many people as possible realize the value of their own emotions.

People are constantly gossiping behind your back

Envious people secretly always try to discuss you and your behavior in every detail. And in fact, this is not funny at all, since they can spread very bad rumors about you. You can confront them directly in order to stop these people.

As a rule, people who, out of jealousy, spread rumors behind your back, are not actually hostile towards you, and therefore sometimes one serious conversation may be quite enough for them to stop spreading gossip about you.

Do they envy you?

“The envy of other artists has always served me as a thermometer of success,” said Salvador Dali . Some people happily flaunt their achievements and juggle in front of familiar bright events in their lives. But most of us are in no hurry to talk about ourselves. How can you tell if your friends and colleagues are sincerely happy for you? Should they be trusted with their little successes, or is it better to never share them with anyone, and when leaving the house, just in case, wear an “evil eye” pin under your clothes?..

Article on the topic

Without envy and complaints, but with love: how to live to be a hundred years happy

Most often, envy is felt on an intuitive level. And the rule “the eyes are the mirror of the soul” does not lose its relevance to this day. When the interlocutor hears information that clearly upsets him, his pupils noticeably narrow, his gaze and facial expression change. Even if he smiles diligently at the same time.

Therefore, try not to let everyone in on your secrets. One or two close people is a sufficient circle of listeners. There is no need to report to others about the events of your life. If an envious interlocutor persistently asks you about something, try to switch him away from the topic that is undesirable for you. This is pure diplomacy, but it is necessary! Better yet, exclude those who envy you from your list of acquaintances.

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