How to refresh your relationship with your husband and regain your former passion?

Falling in love cannot be compared to any other feeling: it gives a surge of hormones and an indescribable feeling of happiness. But after falling in love comes disappointment or emotional decline, because it is impossible to always be on the limit. If a few months or years ago you were going crazy from moments of separation and were ready to do anything to be together a little longer, now there are more quarrels, and spending time together no longer seems so exciting. Here every loving person will think about how to diversify relationships. Looking for another girl is a so-so option, but at the same time you want that novelty and the frantic pounding of your heart from her touches.

Let's see how to refresh relationships and make sure that everyday life does not destroy love. Let's start with 10 tips to shake up your relationship.

Tip #1: Be ok with change

You change, just like she does, so the format of the relationship is also constantly changing. She won't always be the young girl you fell in love with, and you need to accept that. You are also not that skinny kid, but quite an impressive man with no less brutal stubble. There will be physical and psychological changes. Every day you will get to know each other anew, and here it is important to love the person who is nearby, and not his distant image. Surprise each other with your new positive qualities, do unexpected and atypical things so that she cannot say that you are predictable.

Women love with their ears

How to improve relationships in the family if sometimes it seems that the love from your partner has passed? Compliments are the easiest way to conquer a woman. Don't be shy about praising your wife. Be attentive to all the little things. Compliment her appearance, thank her for the delicious food she cooks. Just think about how much your wife actually does for you. She strives to make the house cozy, tries to look better in order to be liked, and probably pleases you in little things that you sometimes don’t even think about.

Don’t be lazy to say thank you to her more often and celebrate all her successes out loud. Follow this simple rule, and quarrels in the family will probably occur much less frequently.

Tip #2: Give each other more personal space

If you are together, it does not mean that you should grow together with each other and not let your loved one go anywhere. In order for you to be interested together, you need each one to have their own impressions that they want to share. Trust must be unconditional: without hysterics that she stayed at a friend’s place and you decided to meet with friends. Yes, joint activities bring you closer, but it is separate activities that invigorate, motivate and shake up relationships. There are many options:

  • hobbies will help diversify communication with a girl;
  • work is part of life, and without it it is more difficult to diversify relationships;
  • Meetings with friends will shake up and diversify communication;
  • courses, training seminars.

It's great when, after spending time with other people, you realize that your girlfriend is the best. It happens the other way around, but we are talking about real feelings that need to be shaken up.

What not to do

Restoring relationships is a labor-intensive process in which mistakes can be made. Some men completely bend to the whims of their wives to please them, others put moral pressure, and still others show annoying obsession. To improve relationships, try to avoid the most unforgivable mistakes:

  • hushing up your own complaints - of course, it is important for you to do everything to regain your wife’s favor, but do not forget to talk about your dissatisfaction, otherwise the relationship will not be able to revive and improve;
  • pleasing - you should not do everything that a woman wants, just to make peace faster, such behavior will not eliminate problems in relationships, on the contrary, they will only accumulate;
  • uncompromisingness - if you are not able to admit your share of guilt in the fact that the relationship has deteriorated, it is unlikely that you will be able to reconcile, the improvement in the microclimate will be temporary;
  • lack of initiative - after quarrels and conflicts, it is difficult to take the first step to improve relationships, but initiative is largely the prerogative of men, this is important to remember;
  • inability to hear - even if you listen to everything your spouse says during a quarrel or a frank conversation, this does not guarantee that you will understand her, although this is an important condition for the restoration of peace and harmony.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Family relations expert. Family psychologist.

When trying to maintain or improve relationships, try to start with yourself. A big mistake most men make is waiting for a woman to make the first move. If you clearly understand that you love her, improve yourself, and she will answer you in kind.

Tip #6: Flirt to spice up your relationship with a girl!

And not with someone, but with his girlfriend. Give gifts, make pleasant surprises. You did this when you first started dating, and if not, then it’s all the more time to catch up. Flirting doesn't always have to lead to sex. It is important that lightning flashes constantly between you and there is tension. Kisses, hugs and compliments lift your spirits. All this should be in moderation. Sometimes let the girl yearn for your attention so that she doesn’t get fed up.

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Romantic by candlelight

Have a small romantic wedding. The best solution to relieve tension in a relationship.

Take a bouquet of flowers, buy groceries at the store, and cook her favorite dish for dinner. Imagine how surprised she will be when she returns from work. Well, or from a friend, if the wife doesn’t work.

And if you don’t know how to cook, then order sushi, or at least take-out kebab. And by the time she arrives, arrange everything beautifully, decorate the table, put the children to bed, wash the dishes...

In general, give your loved one a pleasant surprise. Improvise. Place a bottle of good wine on the table. Or a martini. What does she like there?

I'm sure your sweet wife will be simply shocked when she comes home. I mean this in a good way. Well, at dinner, you can smoothly move on to talking about painful issues. About pressing problems. We are starting to build relationships.

Ways to get more positive emotions together

And now some individual tips that are aimed at reducing irritation, reducing the number of nagging and normalizing the situation. These tips will be needed if you experience negative feelings more often when communicating with your loved one than pleasant feelings:

  • arrange a pleasant surprise: it will help diversify your relationship with the girl;
  • give a small gift;
  • remember the most pleasant moments of your past together;
  • come up with traditions for your couple to diversify everyday life;
  • Organize a joint vacation: cinema, theater, travel, walk - a real date;
  • add variety to sex.

This way you can both renew your relationship and add spice and passion to it. Get to know each other again and discover new facets of sensuality and character. Help each other develop and change, spend more time together, but so that these are bright moments, and not so that they seem to be nearby, but everyone is on their own phone.

Stop being jealous for no reason

Many married women complain of unreasonable jealousy on the part of their husbands. Indeed, many spouses have a negative attitude towards their wives’ regular meetings with friends, visits, and corporate events. Any man is an owner by nature. And even with firm confidence in the fidelity of his chosen one, every husband experiences discomfort, realizing that his wife in beautiful clothes is going somewhere to rest alone. How to avoid quarrels over holidays separately?

It is important to find a compromise. Ask your spouse to warn you in advance about all meetings in women's groups and feel free to agree to spend time with your friends on these days. Under no circumstances should you forbid your wife to have any hobby. But if you are very worried and angry when your spouse has fun without you, tell her about it directly. Offer to relax together more often, and it is quite possible that very soon, instead of gatherings with girlfriends, dinners with their families will become a tradition.

How to freshen up a long-distance relationship

Now let's talk about how you can diversify your relationship if you are far from each other. Such feelings are exhausting and sometimes it is no longer clear whether it is worth waiting for a meeting if there are so many grievances and omissions now. To prevent relationships from completely sliding to the level where it’s better not to meet again, it’s worth working on them a little:

  1. It is better to use a separate messenger for your loved one. A work account is not the best place for love correspondence: you will be constantly distracted, and she will be angry that you are online but not answering. She doesn’t care much that you’re running out of deadlines, your report is on fire and you have to report to your boss and urgently resolve the problem. All that matters to her is that she is not in the foreground, and at a distance, resentment will only push you away.
  2. Chat more via video and send each other voice messages. Nothing is more annoying than voicemails from colleagues or a similar group. Why would you listen to someone else's stream of thoughts that can be contained in a couple of lines? But with your beloved, everything is different: be sure that when you quarrel, she will listen to your dialogues with declarations of feelings.
  3. Online dating: spend more time together, even via video call. Make the same dinner, watch a movie, turning it on at the same time.
  4. Use private streams especially for your beloved: you can not only show how you play, but also arrange broadcasts from work or the gym.
  5. Share your favorite music: the one that reminded you of her or just funny melodies that lift your spirits.
  6. Play one online game to spice up your relationship with your girlfriend.
  7. Give gifts and surprises at a distance - now it’s very easy to organize. It’s so easy to diversify everyday life and do something pleasant.
  8. Try to be physically a little closer: the sex shop has special gadgets, but you can also get by with a smart bracelet that vibrates when the other person sends a signal. This will diversify your relationship, and you will not look at other girls.

Try different options and you will succeed in both diversifying your relationship with a girl and making her fall in love with you again. Everything will work out, but provided that your significant other is also interested in the development of the union and is also very much in love with you. In any case, the efforts will not be in vain: they will show whether love can be revived or whether it’s time to think about looking for a new relationship.

Listen and learn to hear

Women speak more often and more than men, this has long been a known fact. At the same time, it is very difficult for the latter to always delve into the essence of the words spoken and take them seriously. This is not necessary. It is enough to learn to understand when your spouse is upset or speaks with inspiration about something important to herself. Share her sadness or joy, listen, and if necessary, cheer her up.

By the way, another feature of female psychology is the need to speak out, but not hear advice. They are offended if the husband begins to immediately resolve the issue and extinguish emotions. Give your woman the opportunity to unwind emotionally, and she will thank you.

Strengthen your emotional connection

Emotions in marriage gradually subside. Excitement disappears, passion dulls, most signs of attention are taken for granted. But emotions are extremely important for a woman, it is from them that she is nourished, feels desired and unique. Therefore, in order to improve relations with your wife, it is important to pay enough attention to this point.

Regularly give your woman a pleasant emotional shock, break her out of her routine. Plan an interesting trip, a hike in the mountains, or have a romantic dinner. Anything, the main thing is that it brings pleasure to both, brings closer and strengthens the marriage.

Skin contact

This is not about sexual relations at all. They are an integral part of a happy marriage and are not even discussed. Skin contact must be present during normal communication.

Hug your wife more often, touch her hair, kiss her. At the right moment, you can pat her on the shoulder or take her hand. You can’t ignore sexual advances during the day: stroking or even pinching erogenous zones (back, buttocks, feet, neck, chest). This keeps the relationship on track, makes both of them glow and feel wanted.

And yes, if a woman is offended or angry, she may try to stop attempts at physical contact in the first seconds. Do not give up. Use humor and still embrace her to break down the wall of alienation.

Coupling of a negative state with an external cause

The next stage in the development of the state of breakdown is “coupling with an external cause.”
We begin to believe that our mood has worsened due to some external reason. There is a “projection of pain” onto external circumstances.

I wrote about this process in detail in a new article, “Projection of Pain.” I advise you to read it.

We think we feel bad because:

  • That you are tired or overworked,
  • We need to rest
  • Some external problem in life,
  • Problems at work
  • Problems in personal life
  • The difficulties of our life
  • Or due to other external circumstances,

However, the worsening mood is caused by past drinking and we begin to experience withdrawal symptoms (negative feelings and sensations). You can find out in detail what this is from my article “Symptoms of Withdrawal.”

If we attach these feelings to an external cause, then

  • the state of breakdown intensifies;
  • without realizing it, we add fuel to the fire that burns inside us;
  • we begin to rock the boat we are sitting in.

Give gifts to your wives

Each of us knows how nice it is to receive gifts. So why not please the person closest to you – your own wife? Many men will say that if you regularly please your wife with expensive gifts for no reason, then you can spoil her. This is a reasonable judgment, but for most women the main thing is not the gift, but the attention. A box of chocolates on the bedside table, a cute keychain or photo frame, stylish jewelry, cosmetics - all these little things will not damage your budget. And they can help improve relationships.

If the phrase “We constantly quarrel with my wife” sounds like you, try bringing your wife sweets or flowers instead of another showdown. From time to time you can leave romantic messages for your wife or write SMS messages. An option for those who don’t know what to give their own spouse is to get into the good habit of occasionally giving her an amount of money that is acceptable to you with an offer to buy something for yourself. Any woman will appreciate such gestures.

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