Personality accentuation (classification by Lichko A.E.) part 1

Character is a relatively stable combination of psychological traits and personality qualities that are manifested in activity and communication, and characterize typical human behavior patterns. For example, in relation to people he can be sociable or withdrawn, towards the world around him - convinced or unprincipled, towards activities - active or inactive, towards himself - selfish or altruistic.

A person’s character is formed depending on his lifestyle and social environment (upbringing and family, educational institutions, work collective, etc.). It is important which social group is more preferable to a person. Character is closely related to temperament. But temperament is unchanged, it is fixed genetically, and character can be formed throughout a person’s life. Depending on the situation, for example, during rush hour, people behave differently: some calmly endure the crush in the subway, while others are quite noticeably nervous, some react calmly to a remark, while others get into a fight. It depends on the type of temperament and character of the person.

The typology of character and personality was studied by many both domestic and foreign prominent psychologists and psychiatrists: E. Kretschmer, K. Leonard, A. Lichko, D. Casey, N. Obozov, A. Gannushkin, etc. Research has shown that a person’s character has its variability: when this or that trait is on the border of the norm, then we are dealing with accentuation.

Accentuations of Lichko's character

Each person has stable personality characteristics, temperament, demeanor, style of communication with others and reactions to various circumstances. All these traits can be called in one word - character. It is he who gives the individual distinctive properties and makes him an individual.

Not all character traits are positive. Some cause a lot of difficulties in the life of their owner. These features, as a rule, are congenital, and in the process of socialization they can undergo changes. Maybe the subject will be able to suppress them altogether in everyday life. But in a critical situation, negative qualities can manifest themselves very clearly.

Accentuation of character is the excessive expression of individual personality traits, which are characterized by sharpness, abnormality, go beyond the norm and lead to disharmony. This personality trait affects behavior and actions, attitude towards oneself and others. Accentuations of character arise as a result of heredity or as a result of improper upbringing. What kind of upbringing perpetuates accentuations? Overprotection, emotional coldness, contradictory upbringing.

Excessive expression of certain characteristics is not always harmful. For example, people with a hysterical type are talented actors, and those with a hyperthymic type are positive, sociable and can find a common language with any person.

Concept through the eyes of a scientist

It was Lichko who was the first to propose the introduction of the term “accentuation of character,” explaining his decision by the fact that personality is a more extensive definition, including manners, level of education, and reaction to events happening around. While characteristic components are a reflection of the work of the central nervous system and a narrow description of all behavioral factors of a particular individual.

According to Lichko, personality accentuation is features that can appear and disappear during the formation of children’s consciousness and thinking. Moreover, some of the inherent qualities can develop into psychopathy and remain forever. The path of accentuation development largely determines the degree of expression and the surrounding society.

According to the specialist, accentuation is a so-called deformation of character, as a result of which individual traits become especially noticeable. Such a problem can lead to a deterioration in adaptation to the environment, but in general the individual’s ability to exist in society remains at a sufficient level.

The scientist considered his work as an average concept between what is considered the norm and the initial stage of psychopathy.

Why determine character accentuations?

Strengthened character traits can develop into psychopathy under unfavorable conditions, cause neurosis, and become the cause of alcoholism and illegal behavior. Knowing these features, you will be able to leave the negative environment in time, or reduce its harmful influence to a minimum.

Some accentuations may be your strengths. You can use them when communicating with people or in your activities, as well as choose a profession in accordance with your predisposition.

Secrets of communication

If you have a person of this type in your contacts, then you should know a number of psychological secrets so that communication is safe for the psyche and effective in its purpose:

  • It is not so easy for such people to build a strong, healthy family or achieve career heights, since they constantly indulge their momentary desires and impulses. For this reason, the “carrot and stick” method of communication operates;
  • think about how psychologically ready you are to withstand the constant need to control a third party, be it your husband, friend, colleague. When entering into a relationship in any capacity, it is you who will “pull” a person out of life’s troubles into which he has driven himself;
  • be consistent in your actions and words. When communicating with an unstable type, you should not show traits of carelessness. If you have made a decision, then follow it, and if you told your communication partner that you will continue communication under certain conditions, then achieve your desires;
  • try to take the individual to a psychologist. Correctional work allows you to soften existing traits (according to leading scientists, an unstable personality type is 50% genes and 50% upbringing).
  • Remember that only a strong-willed person with a tempered character can build a relationship with a person with an unstable personality type. The authority must be such that the subconscious of the ward reads it automatically, and the controller does not have to repeat instructions and threats many times.

Types of accentuations


Often found in women and adolescents. It is characterized by the individual’s desire to be in the center of attention all the time, to look bright and extraordinary, to be different from everyone else. High sensitivity and emotionality, envy are manifested. It is difficult to perceive situations when he is not the center of attention.

A subject with such an accentuation is very artistic, easily gets used to different roles and adapts to new situations. He has imaginative thinking and is easily suggestible. He is an open and sociable person. He is talented and inclined to choose creative activities.

At the same time, excessive emotionality can greatly interfere with life. The individual reacts very sharply to criticism and all events concerning his personality. If difficulties arise, the matter may not be brought to the final result. They cannot do painstaking work. Psychosomatic diseases can occur due to nervousness. With a loss of authority, the subject may develop suicidal thoughts. Likes to provoke conflicts and attract attention.


This is an excitable personality type, characterized by the desire to attract attention through various manipulations. For example, stuttering, coughing or complaining.

The individual focuses on the negative, is pessimistic, accumulates dissatisfaction within himself, and as a result, major quarrels occur. After an outburst of emotions, it takes a long time to return to a calm state. He is tyrannical and conflicts over trifles.

Such people strictly follow previously established rules and cannot tolerate changes. They are guided only by their own opinion and can easily violate moral standards. They can indulge in rudeness, disrespect, and physical violence, and then feel no remorse.

They don't take anyone or anything at their word. They have logical thinking. They don't trust strangers. Show skepticism.


It manifests itself in coldness, secrecy and unsociability, but does not prevent the individual from adapting to the team.

The personality does not know how to establish interpersonal relationships and prefers loneliness. May combine shyness with tactlessness. Does not know how to determine the emotions of the interlocutor and attitude towards himself.

At the same time, the subject has unusual interests and hobbies, imagination, developed imagination and creative abilities. He may use small amounts of alcohol or drugs to relax and join the team.

Accentuation can develop into exhibitionism and a tendency to voyeurism.


Manifests itself in periodic mood swings (periods from several days to two weeks). Often found in adolescents, the severity of accentuation decreases as they grow older.

Between the two phases there may be “equilibrium” breaks, which manifest themselves in a balanced state and a fairly cheerful mood.

During periods of recovery, activity, cheerfulness, efficiency, sociability, a desire for leadership and achievement of success in all areas of activity are observed. During periods of recession, an individual tends to be alone, self-esteem, performance, and activity sharply decrease. He becomes very sensitive and vulnerable, he is overcome by thoughts of his uselessness and inferiority. If this phase is prolonged, thoughts of suicide may appear. With prolonged exposure to negative factors, accentuation can develop into bipolar disorder.


It is formed by the age of thirty and consists of perseverance and perseverance in achieving goals. There is a prevailing feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself and fear that others will think badly of the individual. There may be two personalities in it: one, in their opinion, is omnipotent, the second is worthless, against the background of which an internal conflict develops in a person.

Such people always see anger, envy, and hatred around them. They project their emotions onto others. They are selfish, fixated on their internal conflict. They don’t know how to refuse, and they make promises that they don’t intend to keep. They strive to be unique, different from others.

They are purposeful and determined, smart and well-read, and have unconventional thinking. They analyze their own and other people’s actions and anticipate the results. They have a sense of style. At the same time, they may show a tendency to excessive control over loved ones, suspicion, and aversion to people.


Determined by the desire for entertainment. This type is prone to laziness and idleness and needs frequent changes of impressions. He is not independent when making decisions; he is led by other people.

Shows carelessness, curiosity, and an optimistic outlook on the future. But he may be in constant search of thrills, and there is a risk of drug and alcohol abuse. Loves speed and gambling.


Characterized by sudden and unpredictable mood swings for no particular reason. Changes significantly affect his well-being and performance.

Such a person is sincere, caring, positive and loyal. This accentuation rarely progresses into the phase of psychopathy. Doesn't tolerate stress well.


Expressiveness is characterized by a tendency to trust and follow one's surroundings. Agrees with the opinion of the majority, does not show critical thinking. Strives to follow fashion and conform to generally accepted principles. In a circle of people with positive qualities he can become successful. But he is dependent, dependent and lacking initiative. Has hostility towards other nationalities and people from other social groups. Finding himself in bad company, he goes along with it, takes drugs and alcohol, and breaks the law.


Subjects of this group quickly get tired, irritable, and prone to hypochondria. It is difficult to endure physical and mental stress. Severe fatigue gives rise to short-term outbursts of anger, lack of sleep and appetite. These manifestations are explained by increased fatigue of the nervous system.

An individual with such a pronounced character is kind and sincere, attached to his family. But he has a risk of developing neurosis and neurasthenia, and increased fatigue does not allow him to realize his potential in the professional sphere.


Manifests itself in a tendency to introspection. Personality is characterized by: reflection, indecision, worries about the future, obsessive thoughts, fears. Such a person is prone to observing rituals and superstitions, which often cause only negative emotions.

Strives to meet the expectations of those around him, which results in increased fatigue and internal conflict. He has high intelligence and a developed imagination, but there is a risk of developing obsessive-compulsive disorder.


Optimism is pronounced, short bursts of anger are possible. Constant high spirits are the center of attention. An individual from this group can be described as sociable and carefree, energetic and active. He can easily endure physical and mental stress.

Negative traits include: promiscuity when choosing acquaintances, a tendency to abuse alcohol. Restlessness, wastefulness. Possible addiction to petty theft.


These are very sensitive people who, even in adulthood, remain susceptible to various irritants. Absolutely non-conflict, in critical situations they are able to show courage. They are insecure and pessimistic. Mostly, in a depressed mood, they are silent and gloomy. They are conscientious, efficient and faithful.

Brief background

The scientific basis for Leonhard’s accentuated personalities almost immediately proved its truthfulness. However, it applied only to mature subjects. Younger age groups, not having the appropriate knowledge base, could not answer the questions proposed. Accordingly, it was not possible to establish their features and subtleties of nature.

The search for solutions was undertaken by the Soviet doctor of psychiatry - A.E. Lichko. He modified Leogrand's testing for use in the children's age category, reworked the proposed character types, changed the names, and added new types. He considered that it was most rational to study the striking characteristics of boys and girls, since during this period the personality and its inclinations manifest themselves. It was through the study of behavioral manifestations during growing up that new species were formed that are not observed at a more mature age.


It is considered perhaps the most dynamic character accentuation in terms of the intensity of the nervous system. People with hyperthymia are sociable and have increased sociability. These are typical extroverts who can find a common language with almost anyone and easily make friends.

Characterized by a group of features:

  • Elevated mood. Constantly elevated background. Which generally explains the name of this character accentuation. The emotional component is characterized by high stability. It is difficult to upset such accentuators.
  • Sociability. Increased tendency to communicate. In difficult cases, when hyperthymia is pronounced, sociability reaches the point of intrusiveness and even talkativeness. Patients are encouraged to work with this aspect of their personality. Because they can be an obstacle to establishing personal relationships and/or professional growth and development.
  • Frivolity reaching the point of absurdity. In the mildest cases there is a minimal problem. When expressed, it carries danger. For example, such a patient is quite capable of wasting his salary on gambling and does not see anything wrong with this.
  • Inability to complete a task. A quick change of interests, as an integral part of that same frivolity.
  • Communication skills. The ability to make friends and partners. A useful trait for people involved in entrepreneurship and business. Therefore, representatives of this class can be found among professional “dealers”.
  • Intolerance of monotony and monotony. What determines professional preferences. For example, such people practically do not engage in scientific activities, since it requires constant concentration. However, they feel great in places where they constantly need to work with others and communicate. For example, in the role of a manager, etc.
  • Propensity to take increased risks. Including a passion for gambling, a tendency to risk your life. For example, the latter can manifest itself in extreme sports.

Positivity and sociability are clearly positive traits of hyperthymia. As for the disadvantages of hyperthymia, it is frivolity, a tendency to take unjustified risks. In the middle “position”, if the accentuation is slightly expressed, the negative features are smoothed out.


Children with unstable character accentuation according to Lichko are distinguished from others by their restlessness. They are disobedient and at times uncontrollable.

They can be punished countless times. Explaining why it is forbidden to do something, even until you become hoarse, will still not take requests and decrees into account.

The will is poorly developed, and accordingly, they are unable to force themselves to study, work and help their parents with household chores.

They want to have fun all the time, have fun and just relax. They are easy to control because they are quite cowardly. Therefore, if you intimidate such a child at least a little, he will be ready to do anything just to avoid something terrible.

By the way, due to cowardice and anxiety, children with unstable character types are predisposed to phobic disorders and panic attacks. They often have stuttering, enuresis, neuroses, and so on.

They look for every opportunity to avoid studying. At older ages they skip school. And in the first grades they can pretend that they are not feeling well, lying that they have already completed all the assignments.

They are usually characterized as children with deviant or even delinquent behavior.

That is, inclined to commit acts that are hooligan, or even illegal.

They try cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs early. And not because they like the taste, the state of intoxication. They just want new sensations and impressions. Otherwise, life seems gray and dull, and this is what they fear most.

They run away from classes and walk around the city, looking for people like them to have a lot of fun. They also gain sexual experience early, among the first among their peers. They are often familiar with various perversions.

There can be no talk of fidelity in later life. They don’t see anything reprehensible in cheating, because they are completely unable to resist temptations.

By the way, the desire of parents to control their every step only provokes them to run away from home. So, in raising children with an unstable type of character accentuation, one should learn to maintain a balance between overprotection and complete permissiveness.

Although, if a person is already mature, excessive control, on the contrary, helps him lead a normal social life without addictions and other manifestations of deviance. Provided that he will be under care literally every second.


Unusual accentuation. Its defining features are:

Impressionability. Even an event that is minimal by the standards of others can leave an indelible mark on the personality and consciousness of such an individual. In this, sensitive accentuation is similar to stuck according to Leonard. Memories, especially unpleasant ones, can persist for many years and flash back to the memory with intensity, as if it had just happened.

Vulnerability. Increased sensitivity to criticism, especially public criticism. In this respect, sensitives are very similar to hysteroids. Their main fear is being ridiculed. By the way, due to their vulnerability and daydreaming, such people often become the subject of ridicule and bullying, mainly in their teenage years.

A penchant for aesthetic contemplation. Sensitive people get pleasure from good music, haute cuisine, beautiful paintings and the like. They are mainly interested in lofty matters.

Increased morality. Conscientiousness. In a system with empathy, these traits allow the sensitive to achieve success in the fields of art, science, and social activities.

Openness. Sincerity in communication and relationships. Also loyalty and devotion to friends and partner.

Compassion. Willingness to help anyone and everyone. Unfortunately, sensitives do not always understand people accurately. Therefore, it is possible to help those who are not worthy of it.

Tendency for social recognition. Despite all that has been said, sensitive individuals are not without certain ambitions. They strive to do things that will bring not only benefit, but also recognition. For example, scientific or artistic activities, depending on interests.

Sensitive accentuation is partly similar to labile accentuation. With the difference that the described type of character accentuation is less adapted to life and tolerates criticism and attacks from others less well.


Characterized by instability of the emotional sphere. Often this is a minimally noticeable manifestation. There are practically no extreme degrees of deviation. The range of the emotional spectrum is minimal. Patients of this type are natural empaths. They have a good sense of the mood and state of others. Typical features include:

  • Sensuality and emotionality. Labile individuals are good at feeling the mood of others, so they easily get used to their role and can give the right advice. Therefore, they make good psychologists, psychotherapists and social workers. Patients of the labile type are not deprived of emotions themselves. At the same time, the sensory sphere changes quickly - from joy to sadness. In many ways, the sensations depend on the current interlocutor.
  • Difficulty lifting. People with such accentuation of character do not tolerate loneliness and separation well. Therefore, they strive to arrange life so that there are as few changes as possible. This often leads to some problems. For example, patients may give up a promising job just to be with people they care about.
  • Sincerity. Openness. Good nature.
  • Sociability. Together with sincerity, this makes them excellent interlocutors and advisers.
  • Vulnerability. Intolerance of criticism addressed to oneself. Inability to work with this criticism and become better through constructive communication, comments, even friendly ones.
  • Responsiveness and compassion. Willingness to help anyone and everyone. Sometimes this trait can become a problem.

Psychologists and social workers work with labile patients. Empathy makes them valuable employees, communicators and partners.

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