Original declarations of love to a guy: prose and poetry, in your own words, beautiful sentences

Declaring love is a difficult thing. It’s hard for guys to approach her, let alone cute, young girls. However, if your ideal is a strong, femme fatale, confident in her actions, there are several tips that will help you overcome this stage without losing your dignity.

Do it and regret it or do nothing? It is extremely dangerous to rush into a quarry. Let's look at all the pros and cons of a girl declaring her love to a guy.

How to Confess Your Love to a Guy

It is easier for a woman to fall in love than to confess her love.
And it’s easier for a man to confess than to fall in love. Konstantin Melikhan

  • 1.Is the game worth the candle?
  • 2.Can I finally decide?
  • 3. Let's confess our love correctly 3.1. Use of social networks
  • 4. Confess your love to a guy by correspondence
  • 5.How to confess your love to a guy if you’re shy
  • 6. Confess your love to a guy in a beautiful and original way
  • 7. We give a verdict
    • Signs that a man likes you
    • Why is a man afraid of the woman he is in love with?
    • How to seduce a woman?
    • Signs that a guy likes you
    • How to determine if a man needs you?

    Is the game worth the candle?

    Let's start with the negative aspects:

    1. The emergence of complexes.
      Getting rejected is hard, especially at a young age. All feelings will be turned to the maximum. A small blow to one's ego can instantly lead to disaster. Refusal will make you doubt yourself and look for flaws. And, rest assured, you will find them, even if they are not there. When declaring your love, remember that you can really be refused. Be prepared, don't lose your presence of mind.
    2. Wrong assessment.
      You may be misunderstood and, worse, considered too bossy or too promiscuous. Such an event will be a painful blow to one’s reputation and can lead to dire consequences: humiliation, indifference, and bullying.

      Don't forget about banal selfishness. A person who hears a confession may fall victim to pride and reject your feelings only because he thinks: “Girls hang themselves on their own necks, which means I can choose anyone. It’s not necessary to reciprocate now.”

      In other words, make sure the guy is reasonable. The fact that he will not humiliate and will not assert himself.

    3. Risk of regret.
      And regardless of the answer. On the one hand, you can associate yourself with the person causing pain. And not necessarily physical. The relationship simply may not be “healthy” for one reason or another. You might just feel uncomfortable.

    If they refuse you, it can break your heart...
    What to do if the girl does not reciprocate

    A few little tips for a 10 year old girl

    If you like your deskmate (did we guess it right?), then you can consider yourself lucky because you have a wonderful opportunity to get to know him better.

    • Does he have a sweet tooth? Then treat him to something tasty. Now we can admit: “I like to share with you.”
    • Is he an excellent student? Why not tell him: “I’m with you, I’m interested!”
    • He is a sportsman? Then the words of recognition could be: “You are so strong and dexterous, how great it is that we are sitting together! It’s like you’re protecting me!”

    But maybe it can still be decided?

    Looking at this list, you can forever lose faith in people and choose the harsh life of a hermit.
    But recognition also has positive sides:

    1. Showing courage.
      In modern society, determined people are increasingly praised. It is not uncommon for guys and girls to tell their friends about such a “feat” with delight in their voices.
    2. All the i's are dotted.
      Confession is an excellent cure for unrequited secret love. There is no need to create a cult of adoration and admire unattainable ideals. Sometimes it's better to just come up and talk. In addition, do not forget that some guys are much more embarrassed about their feelings than the fair sex. They may never overcome themselves. In this case, only a girl can bring some order.
    3. Prospects.
      Recognition is only the first step, but without it it is impossible to begin the journey. Simple words will increase the chances of a wedding and future life together.

    What should a guy do if a girl doesn’t reciprocate?

    Let's confess our love correctly

    So, if the “ FOR
    ” side has outweighed the balance, we move on to decisive action.

    Let's consider the most popular ways of declaring love:

    Using social networks

    For example, let's take one of the most popular - VK.
    The tips below can be adapted to any situation and adjusted as needed. So, the main enemy of the fair sex in this situation is haste. The object of your adoration is familiar to you, studies with you or is a long-time friend? Still, you shouldn’t lay all your cards on the table and hope for an easy victory.


    Such decisive actions can easily scare away a guy.
    Make him block all access channels and come across your eyes as little as possible. The social network is different in that you can quickly and painlessly thin out your social circle from obsessive fans or admirers.
    You must act as carefully as possible. Prepare a springboard by attracting attention to yourself.

    Rate the posts on his page, like the photos and videos. There is a chance to force someone to show reciprocal interest.


    Do you feel like the fish is on the hook? It's time to move on to the next stage. To correspondence.

    If you are already 14 years old

    If you really decide to confess, first understand what you would like to happen to you next. If you want to be friends with him, then you need to find some words. And if you just want to have fun with him at the disco, then choose others. You see him as your pen pal - look for the next option for explanation.

    You have a close friend, and he has a good friend. Agree with a friend and invite them to go somewhere the four of you: to the cinema, to a school disco or for a walk. Ask your friend in advance to start a conversation with his friend, and you could be alone.

    First ask him: “Do you want me to confess something to you?” You will understand whether you need to continue or whether it is better to move your conversation to another topic. If you see that he is ready to listen to you, now you can tell him: “I asked that we go together. I wanted to be with you.”

    You see that he is listening, then you can continue: “I think about you often.” Or, after inhaling more air, admit: “I’ve liked you for a long time.”

    Let's confess our love to a guy by correspondence

    You can start with simple banal phrases.
    Find out how he spent his day, whether he is in a good mood. If the interlocutor answers you willingly enough, move on to more decisive actions. Gently and unobtrusively ask what the guy likes to do, what movies he watches, what music he likes. Find common interests, focus on topics that you both find interesting.

    Remember one important trick. People, even by correspondence, love to talk about themselves. Especially if they feel that someone is interested in them. Therefore, talking about your own interests and preferences should be done only when necessary.

    The latter, by the way, is a very good sign. Questions like these indicate interest - the best feeling to start a relationship.

    The reconnaissance has been carried out. You found common interests and, perhaps, you have already met more than once outside the Internet for friendly gatherings. So it's time to take communication to the next level? Well, it's quite possible.

    After weighing all the “ PROS”

    ” and “
    ”, as mentioned earlier, it is necessary to select the most capacious “correct” words.

    You should not go beyond personal messages. Don't throw hearts and kisses at his wall. This will confuse the guy and cause an inappropriate reaction from others.

    When writing your message, remember the three pillars of love: brevity, honesty and sincerity. Describe not only WHAT

    you feel, but also
    . Do not hesitate to give him compliments, praise his views and tastes. You can make your confession more visual by adding it to a collage of joint photographs. However, you shouldn’t get carried away either.

    If the words don’t want to take on a laconic form, you can record a video, pouring out your feelings on camera. If you are not confident in your acting skills, but want to make a video, use a presentation.


    However, remember that a guy may consider this approach too naive.
    It’s a completely different matter if it is possible to connect heavy artillery.
    If you know how to write poetry, write. You can draw his portrait - draw it and send it to him in the form of a photograph. Such a gesture will definitely not leave him indifferent. You can time the recognition to coincide with some holiday. Perfect for Valentine's Day.

    They believe that declaring love is like surrendering to captivity. Janusz Leon Wisniewski

    How to make a guy fall in love with you: 7 fail-safe ways

    Should you take the initiative yourself?

    There is a belief that a man should always be the first to open up in love. But what if the feelings are overwhelming and you want to confess them to the object of your adoration? If there are arguments for and against the girl's first confession.


    • feelings may not be mutual. There is a high probability that the guy’s heart is occupied by another girl or he is simply not looking for a relationship at the moment;
    • if a young man has a classical upbringing, in recognition he will see ease of access or be afraid of pressure from her;
    • A guy’s self-esteem can also play a significant role. If he is complex and unsure of himself, his reaction may be inadequate - he will become confused or decide that they are laughing at him. If a guy has too much self-esteem, he will only once again become convinced of his irresistibility;
    • an unsuccessful attempt to confess will make the girl herself feel complex. If she is at a very young age, this will lead to problems later when the girl becomes an adult.

    There are no less arguments for recognizing the first:

    the girl will feel proud of her courage. At the same time, not only she will be proud, but also the guy to whom the recognition is addressed. If he sympathizes with the girl in return, he will be very happy; remedy for secret unrequited feelings

    If the answer is negative, the girl will be able to get rid of the useless torment of “loves - does not love” and pay attention to a more worthy guy; the feeling may be mutual, but hidden by the guy for fear of being rejected. In this case, both will be happy

    Why not take a risk? If the desire to open your feelings is great, then even a few arguments against it should not serve as a reason to abandon your idea.

    How to confess your love to a guy if you're shy

    We confess our love to a guy without being embarrassed about our feelings

    Another way to declare your love to a guy is through SMS correspondence. This option is suitable if you have known the guy for a long time (where will his number come from if you are embarrassed to even look in his direction?).

    Before the important step of recognition, analyze his behavior. Does the object of adoration hint at reciprocity? Did he offer to carry your bag, casually give you flowers, or just give you dreamy looks? If yes, then you can safely think over the text of your future confession. External coldness and indifference are also no reason to despair. Be aware that some guys are overly modest.

    Try to make the SMS text as sincere as possible. In the first lines, indicate that what is written next is very important. Write that you will be grateful if the guy finishes reading this text. Then feel free to write about what you feel. You may end up with a chaotic text, because its volume will be quite limited. But brevity, as we know, is the sister of talent.

    For SMS, the requirements of a regular message also apply. And, also, you can write it in verse, send a collage, etc.

    And remember, the better you get to know each other, the greater the chances of success.

    How to conquer an Aries man

    Short for SMS or social networks

    Short confessions are perfect for social networks or SMS. Touching and sweet words will bring a smile to the face of a person who is far away from you. Here are 10 interesting options:

    1. I love you to the moon and back.
    2. I can't get enough air without you.
    3. Memories of you make my heart beat fast in my chest.
    4. Only next to you I am the happiest!
    5. You are my most powerful drug.
    6. Time seems like an eternity when you are not around, but it flies so quickly when you are with me.
    7. Soon my love for you will no longer fit in my heart.
    8. How lucky I am to have you.
    9. Having met you, I hit the main jackpot in my life.
    10. Your love gave me wings.

    Such a message can be sent at the end of the correspondence, when you are already saying goodbye, or sent just to bring joy to your lover. Don't forget to add a cute smiley face at the end.

    Let's confess our love to a guy in a beautiful and original way

    Of course, you can talk about your feelings in person.
    Or even use the most non-standard approaches. It is worth considering that “non-standard” and “original” are subjective concepts. Someone may consider a joint hike or kayaking to be ordinary, but will be delighted by a room strewn with flower petals.

    Make sure that the chosen method will not put your lover in an awkward position. Choose a place and time that will be convenient for both, do not forget about mutual respect.

    And most importantly, no matter how original the method you choose, remember that the reaction to your words or actions can be completely different. From joy and reciprocity, then complete coldness.

    Below are the most common, but, paradoxically, the most non-standard declarations of love:

    1. Lots of letters.
      These can be not just words on paper, but also chalk notes in the most unexpected places. Pieces of the message can be scattered on various resources or leave hints everywhere where to look for the most important words.
    2. Attracting media or banners.
      The main thing is to make sure that the guy hears “that same song” on the radio (if you are afraid that he is no longer happening, then it is better to forget about this plan) or sees a banner on the way from school or work. It is not necessary to add specific details such as names or photographs to such messages. It's best if there is a vague but still fairly obvious hint. Write or convey your confession in any convenient way. Insert some code phrase into the message, the meaning of which only you will see. In the end, no one bothers you to take advantage of advanced achievements and, for example, take over the airwaves of a loudspeaker in a shopping center for a while.
    3. Spy games.
      Send your beloved guy an email in which you write in detail about your feelings, and also leave a few hints where and how he can find you. It is not necessary to set a meeting place and expect him to come, but you can give a few significant clues in the letter. You can even encrypt part of a letter using cryptography. In any case, he will get a lot of impressions from solving the riddle that will be offered to him.
    4. Use gifts.
      This could be a mug or a T-shirt with some symbolic inscription. You can even get a tattoo with his name (the step is quite risky, use it only if you are SURE that your action is reciprocated). Buy a box of sweets and throw them one at a time into your lover's backpack or pocket, along the way attaching notes to them with some sweet words. Order a cake with recognition and casually invite them for a cup of tea. If you have enough money, you can organize a joint trip to some secluded interesting place. Only your own imagination can limit you in this matter.
    5. Use hobbies as bait.
      If he is a fisherman, plant a secret message in a bottle. If you are a collector of figurines, send one of them, first putting a recognition on it in the form of an engraving. If a guy likes adventure games, arrange a real quest for him on rough terrain with hints or ask for help from the organizers of quest rooms.

    We give a verdict

    So, if you are a fisherman, a femme fatale, or really want to become one, you cannot do without demonstrating your own strength.
    Fortunately, in modern society, a girl is less and less often considered weak and reproached for taking the first step. Remember, at this moment it may be scary for both of you. Maybe it is your hidden strength and determination that will become the key to a long, strong relationship. The main thing is to evaluate the correctness of your decision. Avoid haste and actions taken under the influence of a not entirely clear mind. Don't let your emotions overwhelm you. They can prevent you from acting smoothly and gradually. And a sudden impulse will most likely destroy everything that has not yet been built.

    In any case, you should stock up on a considerable amount of luck, enlist the support of friends and, even if you refuse, do not despair. What do you think?

    Pondyakova Elena · 24 Sep, 2019

    Important Tips for a Shy 9-Year-Old Girl

    There are many shy people like you. And therefore, they also have their own recipes for happiness. Here is one of them:

    • Make it a rule to smile at yourself in front of the mirror, remember how you smiled, and then smile at school. No, no, not to the one you like (you and I both understand that this is not easy), but to completely different five boys. 5 such smiles a day are enough for you, but you need to do this all week;
    • Have you learned to smile and can you easily cope with it? Now you need to ask each of them 1 question. You will have to prepare your questions in advance. Let them be the simplest: “You learned what we were asked” and “How are you?” You do this all week;
    • It's time to repeat it all for Him: the smile and the question. Stock up on questions for the whole week, and ask Him different questions every day;
    • Now you can tell Him what you have long wanted. You will: Smile. Question. And only now: “I have long wanted to tell you that I think you are wonderful!”
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