What does pain in the back of the head and temples mean? Headache map

Vesti found out the causes of headaches (see infographics at the bottom of the article), and also figured out how to choose a medicine for migraines and when massage can be a salvation.

Sharp, dull or pressing pain in the back of the head and temples can occur after severe stress, nervous strain, penetration of an infectious agent into the body, etc. In this case, it is enough to eliminate the pathological factor, and the unpleasant symptom will completely disappear, without special treatment. But sometimes pain in the temples and back of the head can be a sign of a dangerous disease that requires immediate medical intervention, for example, hypertension, increased intracranial pressure, meningitis, pneumonia, benign or malignant tumors in the brain. With such diseases, in addition to headaches, other pathological symptoms appear. Therefore, if the condition has been disturbed for a long time and relief does not occur, it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible, find out the diagnosis and begin treatment.

In this article you will learn:

  • Why does my head hurt?
  • Headaches in the temple area
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Possible diseases
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Diseases of the brain and blood vessels
  • Headaches in the back of the head
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Possible diseases
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Prevention of headaches in the temples and back of the head
  • People's Councils
  • When to see a doctor

About pain in the back of the head:

  • Head massage for cold pain
  • Headaches during pregnancy
  • Pills “for the head”: which one is better to take?
  • Infographics about pain in the back of the head

Why does my head hurt?

A severe headache can occur due to various reasons. Every person has encountered this unpleasant syndrome at least once in their entire life. In most cases, pain in the head is periodic, short-term in nature and is not evidence of the development of a serious illness. It is necessary to listen to the body in cases where acute discomfort often bothers you and is not relieved by the usual painkillers.

Depending on the root cause, the following types of disease are distinguished:

  • Migraine. During migraine attacks, the headache often occurs in the temples, but only on one side (in the right temple or left temple). Other signs: nausea, photophobia, intolerance to certain smells, loud sounds, general weakness. A migraine can last from a couple of hours to several days.
  • Tension headache. A frequently diagnosed pathology, mostly of low intensity, but can be a regular concern. The nature of the syndrome is pressing or compressive, spreading over the entire head, but sometimes it is localized in a separate part - the area of ​​the back of the head, forehead, crown. The syndrome occurs in men and women who constantly experience muscle strain.
  • Cluster headache. One of the most severe types of disorder, in which a person is bothered by excruciating throbbing pain in the back of the head, temple, forehead or eyes. The causes of this pathology are not fully understood, but doctors believe that cluster headaches manifest themselves against the background of pathological activity of the hypothalamus.
  • Headache caused by infection. The syndrome occurs with acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, and is accompanied by fever, cough, rhinitis, and sneezing. A person is often bothered by a headache in the temples of moderate intensity. After taking antipyretic and painkillers, the condition returns to normal. When infected with meningococcal infection, a high temperature lasts for a long time, throbbing pain in the back of the head is bothersome, and other symptoms appear: nausea, vomiting, fog.
  • Post-traumatic pain. It is a consequence of severe injuries suffered. An unpleasant symptom is localized at the site of injury, bruise, or other damage. When a concussion occurs due to increased ICP, pressing pain in the temples, attacks of nausea, and vomiting appear.
  • Sinus pain. It is a concern when there is inflammation of the nasal mucosa and is accompanied by additional symptoms: swelling, rhinitis, nasal congestion. The pain is localized in the forehead and near the nose. It may bother you until the disease is completely cured.
  • Head pain that occurs due to high intracranial pressure. The symptom is intense, painful, oppressive in nature, affects the entire surface of the head, but can be localized in the eye area. It is more often diagnosed in people who have suffered a head injury, as well as those who have injuries received during childbirth.
  • Headache associated with inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. The syndrome is painful and usually lasts a few seconds. The pain can be localized in the back of the head on the right or left, in the temples, forehead. Damage to the trigeminal nerve can provoke untreated caries, chronic stomatitis, sinusitis, malocclusion and other dental problems affecting the oral cavity.

Pain in the back of the head: if you have pain in the back of the head

Pain that occurs in the back of the head or in the upper neck is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon, aggravated by the difficulty of determining the location of the pain.

Causes of pain in the back of the head

There are several reasons why pain in the back of the head may occur. Let's look at some of them.

Diseases of the cervical spine (osteochondrosis, spondylitis, subluxations in intervertebral joints, sprains due to injury) - the pain will be localized in the back of the head, in the neck, and there may be increased pain when moving the head.

Cervical spondylosis refers to chronic diseases of the spine. In this case, osteophytes grow along the edges of the vertebral bodies. Many people interpret osteophytes as salt deposits. But that's not true. The appearance of osteophytes is associated with bone degeneration of ligaments. In most cases, the cause of spondylosis is age-related changes, but the appearance of this disease is also possible in younger people who lead a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle. Symptoms of cervical spondylosis, in addition to pain in the back of the head, are eye and ear pain, as well as pain in the shoulder girdle. In addition, neck mobility is limited and there is pain when turning the head.

Cervical myogelosis or muscle tightness. Myogelosis can occur from drafts, prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, incorrect posture, and even under the influence of excessive nervous tension. Symptoms of myogelosis include: pain in the back of the head and shoulders, limitation of movements performed by the shoulders, dizziness.

Mental stress can be the result of stress, both acute and chronic. The risk of headaches due to stress increases from age 25 to 30. This is especially true for women.

Prolonged mental or physical stress, uncomfortable posture (for example, while driving or at the computer) can also lead to pain in the back of the head.

Neuralgia of the occipital nerve, the cause of which can be diseases of the cervical vertebrae, spondyloarthrosis, osteochondrosis, as well as hypothermia and colds. The pain in occipital neuralgia is paroxysmal in nature, it radiates to other organs: the ear, lower jaw, neck and back, sharply intensifies and becomes shooting when sneezing and coughing, turning the head.

Arterial hypertension also causes headaches localized in the back of the head. Most often observed in patients in the morning.

Cervical migraine, in which the patient feels a burning pain in the back of the head and temple, the pain can also spread to the superciliary region, often there is pain and a feeling of sand in the eyes, fog before the eyes, dizziness, and decreased hearing.

Vertebrobasilar syndrome - occurs as a consequence of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. At the same time, some patients experience tinnitus, pain in the back of the head, a feeling that the world is “floating”, and a veil before the eyes. Characteristic signs are also nausea, vomiting, hiccups, paleness, double vision, hearing impairment, and some movement coordination disorders may occur. The diagnostic symptom of vertebrobasilar syndrome is a sudden fall and immobility in the presence of consciousness, which occurs when turning or throwing back the head.

Prolonged muscle tension as a result of improperly performed exercises. Tension headaches are characterized by a constant feeling of heaviness in the forehead and back of the head, which intensifies to a state of pain with fatigue, concentration, excitement, prolonged fixation of the head (when reading, writing, heavy physical activity). There is a feeling that something is pulling the head and pressing on it, as if some foreign body is in the forehead, crown, or back of the head. When pressure is applied to the muscles of the temples, forehead, back of the neck, the headache intensifies, dizziness and tinnitus appear. Limiting the mobility of the cervical spine reduces the intensity of headaches.

Headaches in the temple area

Headaches in the temple area

Severe pain in the temples occurs for various reasons. In some situations, temporal pain is considered a characteristic sign that allows the doctor to determine the diagnosis at the initial stage of development of the pathology. Therefore, if the syndrome recurs regularly, it is better not to self-medicate and visit a specialist as soon as possible. To find out the root cause of the disorder, the doctor will refer you for a comprehensive diagnosis, the results of which will help you choose the most effective treatment regimen.


Common reasons for pain in both the left and right temples:

  • Infection with a viral or bacterial infection. After entering the body, viral or bacterial pathogens begin active life, releasing decay products into the patient’s blood. This leads to general intoxication and the development of characteristic symptoms: headaches, nausea, and sometimes vomiting.
  • Sleep problems. Throbbing pain in the temples may be a consequence of chronic lack of sleep. In such situations, a person is constantly overtired, thought processes are slow, and as a defensive reaction a headache occurs in the right or left temple.
  • The onset of menstruation. Pain localized in the right temple or the left often bothers women before menstruation. This is due to changes in hormonal levels, which can negatively affect women’s well-being. After the hormonal levels stabilize, the unpleasant discomfort will disappear.
  • High psycho-emotional stress. Occurs against a background of severe stress or chronic fatigue.
  • Meteosensitivity. Sudden weather changes negatively affect the condition of groups of people suffering from increased weather sensitivity.


Depending on the degree of tolerance, pain in the temples can be:

  • Weak. A barely noticeable symptom that does not affect the general well-being and performance of a person. It goes away on its own, without taking painkillers.
  • Strong. A severe headache in the temples is difficult for patients who are forced to take a break from everyday activities and begin treatment. After using painkillers, the condition does not immediately return to normal.
  • Intolerable. Pain in the left or right temple cannot be relieved with conventional medications. The patient's condition is rapidly deteriorating, and professional medical care is indispensable.

Possible diseases

Pain localized in the left or right temple may indicate the development of the following diseases in the body:

  • Hypotension. A sudden drop in blood pressure is accompanied by an increase in dull pain in both temples. Additional symptoms: weakness, lethargy, tremors of the limbs, tinnitus, cold sweat.
  • Hypertension. With a sharp increase in blood pressure, a sharp headache and pulsation in the temples bother you. Associated symptoms: nausea, vomiting, facial flushing, increased sweating.
  • Adrenal diseases. The adrenal glands are paired glands of the endocrine system. Violation of their functioning leads to serious disruptions in the body. Some complications are accompanied by severe pain in the temples.
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. With degenerative-dystrophic processes in the cervical vertebrae, pain in the neck and back of the head is bothersome; discomfort often spreads to the parietotemporal zone.
  • Vasoconstriction. It can result from vascular spasm, neurocirculatory dystonia, and atherosclerotic changes. Men and women may be bothered by shooting pain in the left and right temples, darkening of the eyes, tinnitus, and mental fog.


To find out the causes of regularly recurring pain in the temples, you must first consult a doctor, who, after examining and collecting an anamnesis, will refer you for a comprehensive diagnosis. The following diagnostic procedures will help determine an accurate diagnosis:

  • Ultrasound of head and neck vessels with Doppler;
  • CT or MRI of the head and cervical spine;
  • electroencephalography;
  • X-ray of the cervical spine.


The treatment regimen is determined by the doctor based on the examination results and the established diagnosis. If the causes of pain in the temples are not associated with serious illnesses, the doctor will prescribe an anesthetic drug that will help relieve pain at the initial stage of progression.

If pain in the temples occurs against the background of serious illnesses and malfunctions, the doctor draws up a treatment plan aimed at eliminating the underlying pathology. After the underlying disease is completely cured, the headache will disappear on its own, without the use of special medications.

Throbbing pain in the back of the head: causes, treatment

A headache can come from anything, and the reasons that cause the discomfort are not always cause for concern. Usually this is overwork, lack of sleep, changes in atmospheric pressure, stress, nervous strain, or just a cold. Painkillers and sleep help cope with the discomfort. However, if attacks begin to occur regularly and become increasingly intense, it is necessary to take emergency measures and seek advice from a specialist.

Headaches in the occipital part of the head and in the upper neck are among the three most common complaints of patients. As a rule, the feeling of discomfort originates in the cervical area, then spreads to the scalp at the base of the skull. Unilateral pain requires special attention, as it may indicate the development of serious diseases of the spinal column, blood vessels surrounding the brain, nerve roots, spinal cord or brain.

The pulsating nature of the pain may indicate compression of the vertebral arteries.

Causes of pain

The main factors causing headaches in the back of the head:

  • Pathologies of the spinal column (osteochondrosis, spondylitis, spondylosis, hernias, protrusions, vertebral instability, etc.).
  • Traumatic injuries (dislocations, subluxations, sprains, open wounds, etc.).
  • Pathologies of the muscle corset (myositis, myogelosis, muscle strain, spasm or inflammation of the fibers). Prolonged stay in an uncomfortable forced position, as a result of which the muscles become numb and do not receive the necessary nutrition (for example, when sitting for a long time at a computer or at work). Weakening and atrophy of the muscular corset due to insufficient physical activity and an inactive lifestyle.
  • Damage to nerve structures (neuralgia of the occipital or facial nerves, inflammation or pinched roots).
  • Instability of arterial or intracranial pressure.
  • Pathologies of blood vessels running in the cervical area and washing the brain and spinal cord.
  • Damage to the temporomandibular joints.
  • Nervous or psychological stress, overwork, stress, chronic lack of sleep.

To determine the cause or complex of factors causing pulsating headaches in the back of the head, a thorough diagnosis is necessary, taking into account all the features of the development of the disease and the general health of the patient. Only after conducting a set of necessary studies and making an accurate diagnosis, the attending physician prescribes an individual treatment program.


Osteochondrosis damage to the intervertebral cartilage is the most common and common cause of pain in the occipital part of the head. Losing the necessary nutrition and water supply, the vertebral discs gradually dry out, crack, flatten and cease to perform the functions (shock absorption and flexibility) originally assigned to them by nature. Sagging discs lead to pinched nerves, blood vessels, and soft tissues.

The pain can be localized only on one side, radiating to the parietal region and temples. Accompanied by dizziness, poor coordination of movements, unsteady gait, nausea, and sometimes vomiting. With the addition of vertebrobasilar syndrome, dysfunction of the organs of vision (flickering “fly spots”, dark spots, a feeling of blurriness of the surrounding space, etc.) and hearing (tinnitus, weakened hearing) is noted. Physical activity and sudden movements of the neck increase pain.

Spondylosis of the cervical area

Spondylosis is a disease characterized by the growth of bone growths (osteophytes) at the edges of the vertebral bodies. Both cartilaginous tissue and ligamentous apparatus can ossify, forming sharp edges that injure or compress blood vessels and/or nerve endings. The causes of early degeneration of spinal tissue are a sedentary, inactive lifestyle or metabolic disorders in the body.

The pain syndrome extends to the base of the neck, shoulder girdle, stiffness of movements is observed (up to complete fusion, formation of a bone block and immobilization of the cervical segment). In addition to pain in the back of the head, patients experience decreased hearing and visual abilities, disturbed sleep, irritability, and fatigue. In some cases, the pain does not go away even at rest and is poorly relieved with analgesic drugs.

Neck muscle diseases

Myositis, myogelosis are diseases of muscle fibers in which they become inflamed, swollen, and hardened, causing stiffness of movement, pain on palpation and other unpleasant sensations. They appear when the neck or the whole body is hypothermic, during prolonged exposure to a draft, in the presence of poor posture or deformities of the spinal column (scoliosis, kyphosis), after suffering from nervous strain, stress or viral infections.

Tension headaches are also associated with pathologies of muscle fibers. They occur when staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time (for example, at a table with constant concentration, concentration of attention and vision), lack of physical activity, when the muscular corset of the neck atrophies and is not able to confidently support the head. In this case, the nature of the pain is pulsating, but moderate, with a slight tingling in the occipital-parietal region of the head or the sensation of wearing a hoop or helmet. May be accompanied by tinnitus, dizziness, and a feeling of fatigue.

Complete relaxation, the patient taking a horizontal position, a light massage of the head and collar area, and a hot bath help relieve pain.

Nerve fiber pathologies

Neuralgia, neuritis - damage or inflammation of peripheral nerve fibers, characterized by attacks of sharp and acute pain in the innervation zone, loss of sensitivity and reflex reactions. In particularly difficult cases, it can develop into paresis or paralysis (complete immobilization). Depending on the damage to a particular nerve, the distribution of pain depends (on the neck, shoulder girdle, ears, lower jaw) and accompanying symptoms are observed (muscle spasms, limited mobility, weakened hearing, difficulty swallowing and speech disorders, etc.).

Quite often, neurological headaches are accompanied by hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity) of the pathological area, do not weaken at rest, and intensify with sudden movements (turning the head, bending, coughing, sneezing).

Vascular diseases

Anomalies of the vascular bed of the neck and head can be either congenital or acquired. Compression of the vertebral arteries by muscle, bone, cartilage or ligamentous structures leads to impaired blood circulation in the brain and its constant oxygen starvation. Over time, brain cells are depleted, the patient experiences chronic weakness, malaise, fatigue, and any, even the most insignificant, factor can cause a severe throbbing headache in the back of the head.

Such pain is accompanied by dizziness, tinnitus, darkening of the eyes, sudden fainting, and vegetative-vascular dysfunction.
A feeling of heaviness, nagging pain and confusion, and rapid heartbeat are inherent in blood pressure disorders (hypertension, hypotension). Relief comes from vomiting, complete rest, foot baths, and hot, sweet drinks. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Diseases of the brain and blood vessels

Diseases of the brain and blood vessels

Vascular diseases of the brain are often the main cause of prolonged, intense headaches that recur at regular intervals. Damage to the blood vessels of the brain leads to impaired blood circulation and the development of hypoxia, which becomes the root cause of poor health.

Common vascular diseases of the brain:

  • Atherosclerosis. Develops against the background of lipid metabolism disorders. With this disease, a fatty substance forms on the inner walls of blood vessels, which narrows the lumen, disrupting normal blood circulation.
  • Aneurysm. Local dilatation of cerebral vessels, which can cause rupture of the vascular walls.
  • Hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke. Deadly vascular pathologies, accompanied by damage to brain vessels and internal hemorrhage.
  • Acute hypertensive encephalopathy. It develops against the background of a sharp increase in blood pressure and is characterized by intense prolonged cephalalgia, blurred vision, confusion, and unbearable headaches.

Brain diseases accompanied by severe headaches:

  • Meningococcal infection. A deadly infectious disease that affects the tissues of the brain. Characteristic signs: temperature rise to critical values ​​– 39 – 40 °C, unbearable headache, weakness, nausea, vomiting, fog.
  • Encephalitis. Inflammation of the brain that develops when the tissues of the gray matter are damaged by a viral infection. Characteristic signs are high fever, headache, weakness, disorientation.
  • Brain abscess. A severe complication in which there is a local accumulation of purulent masses in the gray matter. Signs of pathology: headache, lethargy, fever, neurological disorders.
  • Tumor processes. A malignant or benign tumor located in the brain, constantly increasing in size, begins to compress the nerve endings that penetrate the gray matter. As a result, a person begins to experience pain in the head, the intensity of which increases as the tumor grows.

Causes of pain in the back of the head on the left side of the head

Pain and discomfort are not a separate disease, so there are many reasons why the left back of the head hurts. The simplest ones are fatigue, lack of sleep, strong emotions, high air pollution. They pass immediately after rest and creation of comfortable conditions. Also, this symptom may indicate a number of diseases of the cervical spine, blood vessels and nerves, which require timely diagnosis and treatment.

Diseases of the cervical spine

If the occipital part of the head on the left hurts, it is important to conduct an examination of the cervical spine. It is here that the important vertebral artery passes, which carries blood to the head and nourishes nerve tissue. Pathological formations in the vertebral area, bone calluses, muscle spasms lead to compression and a decrease in blood flow to the brain.

  1. Osteochondrosis is a chronic disease of the intervertebral discs and joints associated with a slowdown in metabolism and blood circulation. It often occurs in older people, but can also result from injuries and diseases of the spine at any age. The cartilage becomes thin and inelastic, and the process of deformation of the vertebrae and the formation of bone calluses begins.
  2. Protrusion – protrusion of intervertebral discs in any direction. The pathological process goes through several stages, the last of which is a hernia. It occurs with rupture of the dense fibrous membrane and release of the cartilage contents. In advanced cases, treatment requires surgery.
  3. Displacement of the vertebrae - often due to injuries and falls, but can also be a consequence of weak ligaments. The process is accompanied by acute pain in the neck, compression of blood vessels and nerve roots. The pain in the occipital part of the head on the left is sharp, throbbing, intensifies during movements and turns of the head. It goes away if the normal position of the vertebrae is restored, but it is important to prevent them from being displaced again.

Treatment tactics for various diseases of the cervical spine will differ. It is important to eliminate the cause of compression of blood vessels and nerves, restore normal blood supply and innervation of tissues. For most patients, massage, gymnastics, and taking muscle relaxants and antispasmodics are sufficient, but in some cases surgical intervention may be necessary.

Muscle diseases in the neck area

Muscle spasms and inflammation of soft tissues are one of the reasons why the left back of the head hurts. Discomfort spreads to the neck and occipital region, and can affect the entire surface of the head. During diagnosis, a number of muscle pathologies in the cervical region can be determined, which cause an acute headache in the left occipital region.

  1. Myositis is inflammation of the muscles. The process can be of traumatic or infectious origin, or result from hypothermia of the neck and head. The pain is acute and persists even at rest, and the skin over the affected area becomes inflamed and acquires a red tint. For most patients, anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments are sufficient for treatment.
  2. Muscle strain is a micro-tear of fibers. This damage occurs as a result of sudden movements of the neck, falls, or prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable position. The most dangerous is a complete rupture of the muscle - it must be restored surgically.
  3. Myogelosis is a disease in which painful lumps form in the muscles. They limit the mobility of the cervical spine, compress blood vessels and nerves, and lead to the formation of ischemic areas in the brain. For treatment, muscle relaxants, massage and physiotherapy sessions are prescribed.

One of the reasons why the left occipital part of the head hurts is a sedentary lifestyle, working at a monitor. Lack of movement causes muscle spasms, slow blood circulation, and ischemia of brain tissue. Doctors at the Clinical Brain Institute recommend periodically warming up during the working day to maintain vascular health.

Nerve diseases

If the back of the head on the left side of the head hurts severely, this may be a manifestation of neuralgia. The pain is acute, throbbing, and persists both during movement and at rest. Its source is the greater occipital nerve, which originates from the second cervical root and passes under the base of the skull. Painful sensations can be caused by the following pathologies:

  • neuritis - inflammation of the nerve;
  • mechanical compression, pinching of nerve fibers;
  • incorrect posture;
  • diseases of the cervical spine associated with anomalies in the location of the vertebrae;
  • abnormal physical activity.

Neuralgia can occur in acute or chronic forms. It is often shooting and has a high intensity. When the greater occipital nerve is damaged, it spreads to the neck and back of the head. Treatment depends on the cause of the pain. In case of mechanical compression of the nerve, it is important to restore its conductivity; in case of infectious diseases, a course of antibacterial therapy is prescribed. At home, you can additionally use ointments with the addition of painkillers and anti-inflammatory components.

Vascular diseases

Pain in the back of the head on the left side of the head is a reason to undergo a vascular examination. Spasms, inflammatory and dystrophic processes lead to deterioration of blood circulation. Areas appear in the brain that are deficient in oxygen and nutrients. There are a number of diseases that manifest themselves as pain in the left or right back of the head, associated with pathologies of the vascular system.

  1. Hypertension is a chronic increase in blood pressure. It often manifests itself in older people, and can also be associated with abnormalities in the structure of blood vessels, physical activity, and metabolic disorders. The walls of the arteries gradually stretch under blood pressure, becoming thin and inelastic. Hypertension is one of the main risk factors for the development of hemorrhagic stroke.
  2. Hypotension is a decrease in blood pressure. Its causes include heart disease, insufficient vascular tone, anemia and other factors. If the condition occurs frequently, you must follow a special diet and take medications to increase your blood pressure. Long-term oxygen deficiency negatively affects brain function, leads to headaches, and can provoke an attack of ischemic stroke.
  3. Atherosclerosis is a disease of large arteries associated with impaired lipid metabolism. Excess cholesterol and some fractions of lipoproteins accumulate on the inner wall of blood vessels, forming deposits and plaques. Detecting this disease at an early stage will prevent its further development. In the later stages, atherosclerosis is dangerous due to the complete blocking of the lumen of the vessel, as well as rupture of its walls.

Fluctuations in blood pressure and vascular disease are one of the risk factors for stroke. This is a dangerous condition that represents an acute cerebrovascular accident. An attack occurs either when an artery ruptures, or due to a prolonged lack of oxygen in certain areas. The treatment and rehabilitation regimen depends on the type of stroke and the size of the affected area, as well as the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Other reasons

If the left side of the back of the head hurts, it is worth undergoing a detailed diagnosis and determining the exact cause of this symptom. During the examination, it is important to indicate all the conditions for the appearance of painful sensations, as well as additional complaints. Discomfort can be associated with a variety of diseases and conditions, including:

  • migraine;
  • prolonged fatigue, stress and insomnia;
  • poor nutrition, excessive consumption of fatty and salty foods;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

In most cases, pain in the back of the head on the left goes away after proper rest. Doctors at the Clinical Institute of the Brain recommend that you seek examination if painful sensations occur frequently or are acute.

Headaches in the back of the head

Headaches in the back of the head

A headache in the back of the head can be a consequence of an injury. But the victim knows this for sure and will explain to the doctor the cause of the unpleasant syndrome. If the nature of the discomfort is inexplicable, then for effective treatment it is necessary to first find out the causes of its occurrence and try to eliminate them.


Discomfort in the back of the head is caused by:

  • Chronic stress. When stress is prolonged, brain function is disrupted, immunity suffers, and a person begins to experience annoying headaches in the back of the head.
  • Incorrect head position while sitting. When, during physical activity or sedentary work, the head is held in one position most of the time, this causes muscle strain, pinching of nerves and blood vessels. This condition is called tension headache.
  • Nervous overstrain. Nervous overload often causes headaches in modern people who face stress every day, have an irregular work schedule, and suffer from lack of sleep and fatigue.

Other reasons why the back of the head hurts on the left or right:

  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • damage to the jaw apparatus;
  • infectious processes.


Depending on the cause, pain in the back of the head on the right and left may have a different nature and degree of intensity. With organic lesions, the symptom gradually increases, becomes intense, and it becomes problematic to relieve it with usual medications each time. These headaches interfere with work and daily tasks.

Possible diseases

Diseases that cause headaches in the back of the head:

  • Arterial hypertension. If the symptom appears predominantly in the morning, after sleep, this may indicate the development of hypertension. People who suffer from frequent morning headaches should monitor their blood pressure and, in case of sudden increases, take antihypertensive drugs prescribed by their doctor.
  • Diseases of the cervical spine. This includes osteochondrosis, spondylitis, sprains and subluxations of intervertebral joints. With such lesions, the back of the head hurts more intensely with any head movements or turns of the neck. Additionally, dizziness and spots before the eyes may bother you.
  • Vertebrobasilar syndrome. Often occurs against the background of progression of cervical osteochondrosis. The main signs of the pathology: constant headache in the back, dizziness, tinnitus, visual and hearing disorders.
  • Cervical spondylosis. The pathology is caused by deformation and proliferation of osteophytes - pathological processes formed on the sides of the vertebrae. The disease is more often diagnosed in older people, but younger patients who lead a sedentary lifestyle also experience it. With cervical spondylosis, a headache occurs that covers the entire occipital area. The patient also complains of acute pain in the upper shoulder girdle, impaired vision and hearing. At rest, the syndrome subsides, but during activity it develops again.
  • Cervical migraine. This disease is accompanied by pain in the back of the head, temples, and brow ridges. In this case, the patient complains of tinnitus, spots before the eyes, and dizziness.
  • Neuralgia of the occipital nerve. The complication often develops against the background of advanced cervical osteochondrosis or spondyloarthrosis. Symptoms: pressing pain in the back of the head, spreading to the neck, upper back, lower jaw. Any movements of the head and turns of the neck cause an exacerbation of the symptom.
  • Lymphadenitis. Inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes, the progression of which causes pain in the neck and back of the head, as well as under the jaw.


The doctor will tell you how to relieve pain in the back of the head after studying the results of the diagnostic examination. For this purpose the following is carried out:

  • initial examination, palpation;
  • general clinical blood test;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • Ultrasound of the heart, neck and head vessels with Doppler;
  • electroencephalography;
  • X-ray of the cervical spine.


After determining the exact diagnosis, individual treatment is selected, aimed primarily at eliminating the root cause of the pain syndrome. Treatment options:

  • For neurological pathologies, proper rest and taking sedatives and painkillers are recommended.
  • For cardiovascular diseases, medications are prescribed that normalize blood pressure and strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessels.
  • For degenerative-dystrophic processes, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, and chondroprotectors are prescribed. Physiotherapeutic techniques, physical therapy, and manual massage can also be additionally used.
  • For infectious and bacterial processes, antiviral drugs, antibiotics, and medications that eliminate associated symptoms are prescribed.

Headache: causes

Every person, one way or another, has encountered headaches throughout their lives.
Unpleasant sensations are not a disease in themselves, but they can be used to diagnose a number of other diseases. Headaches can come in different ways. It can be classified according to the type of sensation - pressing, pulsating, sharp. Pain is also differentiated based on its cause – whether it is an independent disease or a symptom. Primary headache is an independent disease. Unpleasant sensations are the main and often the only symptom. Such cases account for approximately 90% of all visits to a therapist. This category includes:

  • Tension headache.
  • Migraine.
  • Cluster headache.
  • Pain during physical activity, sexual tension, etc.

Symptomatic (secondary) pain is a manifestation of pathologies and diseases of the brain and other structures that are located in this area. Secondary headaches also include drug-induced headache (MIH), which usually develops if the patient has already had migraines.

Women are more susceptible to migraines. It manifests itself most intensely at the age of 35-45. Diagnosed as an intense attack that occurs 2-4 times a month.

Migraine is a pain of a pulsating nature, the focus is on one side of the face, in the forehead, at the temple and around the eyes. At the beginning of the attack, unpleasant sensations appear in the back of the head and “crawl” forward. When moving, the discomfort becomes stronger. A well-known symptom of migraine is photophobia, as well as a strong reaction to sound. The disease is often accompanied by nausea, and in young people - drowsiness.

Migraines are usually caused by stress. This category also includes lack of sleep and vice versa, excessive sleep, hunger. In women, the onset of menstruation can trigger an attack.

People also regularly visit a therapist for tension headaches. TTH is divided into episodic and chronic. Both types are characterized by the same clinical picture; they differ only in the duration and frequency of attacks.

With TTH, the sensation is pressing, not pulsating, and can be described as a “hoop” squeezing the head. It is bilateral in nature and can spread to the back of the head, neck and trapezium. Unlike migraines, they are less intense and are rarely accompanied by additional symptoms, although some patients report mild nausea or dizziness.

TTH is usually caused by nervous tension, fatigue, or muscle spasms in the neck and shoulders. Usually starts in the afternoon after hard work. However, the patient remains able to work.

Most often, tension-type headache provokes prolonged forced holding of the head and neck muscles in one position, for example, when working at a computer or driving a car. Discomfort also occurs with anxiety and negative emotions.

Cluster pain combines the features of primary headache and neuralgia. This is one-sided severe pain, the focus of which is in the eye area, in the superciliary or temporal region. All attacks usually occur in the same place. Severe pain causes the eye to water, the eyelid to swell, and nasal congestion and sweating to occur.

Cluster pain is characterized by seasonality of exacerbation and alternation of attacks and periods of remission. The exact cause of the disease has not been established, but doctors associate the pain with the work of the hypothalamus. Its rhythmic activation leads to dilation of the vessels of the dura mater and the release of pain neuropeptides. Which creates a spasm similar to a migraine attack.

The only way to get rid of the problem is to start a course of medications as early as possible, after the first signs of exacerbation, and strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations. If the patient's attack can be predicted, then treatment begins in advance.

Prevention of headaches in the temples and back of the head

Prevention of headaches in the temples and back of the head

The best prevention of a disease is to find out the causes of its occurrence and completely eliminate them. Therefore, if symptoms recur regularly, you should not self-medicate and visit a doctor as soon as possible. After determining the diagnosis, the specialist will select an individual treatment regimen aimed at completely curing the pathology.

To prevent relapses, it is recommended to follow these simple general rules of prevention:

  • try to eliminate stress factors from life;
  • normalize your daily routine, get proper rest, get enough sleep;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • balance nutrition;
  • increase immunity;
  • involve moderate physical activity, spend more time in the fresh air;
  • Visit your doctor periodically for a preventive examination.

Headache treatment

The treatment regimen is selected for each patient individually. It is prescribed taking into account the exact diagnosis, the general condition of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases, as well as other factors. The main condition for successful treatment is strict adherence to all recommendations at home and carrying out all necessary procedures:

  • taking medications – the doctor may prescribe medications to improve blood circulation, painkillers, antibiotics and drugs to correct blood pressure;
  • proper nutrition - the diet should contain enough vitamins and microelements, and the consumption of fatty foods, salt and spices, and semi-finished products should be limited;
  • physiotherapy – a set of techniques to improve nutrition and blood supply to tissues in diseases of the cervical spine;
  • massage, therapeutic exercises - are prescribed additionally for spinal curvatures, osteochondrosis and other disorders.

If you have a headache in the back of the head on the left, it is important not to self-medicate. Rest, fresh air, head massage are the simplest techniques that will help get rid of discomfort in the absence of serious illnesses. In other cases, it is important to follow doctors’ orders and undergo periodic examinations.

People's Councils

If there is pressure in the temples due to stress and nervous fatigue, an infusion with chamomile, which has a calming, antispasmodic, and analgesic effect, will help relieve the condition. The recipe for quick chamomile infusion is simple:

  1. Place 1 tsp in the teapot. dried chamomile flowers and pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Cover the container with a lid and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. The finished product can be drunk with honey 2 – 3 times a day.

Some people find relief from headaches using compresses and lotions made from the following herbal ingredients:

  • cabbage leaf;
  • crushed leaves of peppermint, coltsfoot;
  • chopped onion;
  • lemon juice;
  • ginger root, crushed to a paste;
  • slices of unpeeled raw potatoes.

Spicy herbs help cope with migraines:

  • basil;
  • thyme;
  • Melissa;
  • marjoram;
  • rosemary;
  • fennel;
  • lavender, etc.

If you have a headache in your temples due to high blood pressure, a warm foot bath with the addition of sea salt will help normalize the levels. You need to take a bath for 15–20 minutes, then put warm woolen socks on your feet and wrap yourself in a blanket. The procedure will help dilate blood vessels and normalize blood flow.

When to see a doctor

It is necessary to seek medical help for prolonged, incessant headaches that recur at regular intervals. The accompanying signs listed below most likely indicate a serious pathology, the treatment of which is dangerous to delay.

You should urgently call an ambulance if, in addition to a headache, you experience:

  • changes in sensitivity in the upper and lower extremities;
  • impairment of auditory and visual functions: noise, ringing in the ears, spots, dark spots in the eyes, photophobia;
  • difficulty speaking;
  • pathological changes in consciousness and memory;
  • drowsiness, disorientation;
  • increased body temperature, fever;
  • lightning headache;
  • pain in the temples and jaw when chewing;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • tremor of the limbs, cold sweat, paleness of the skin.

Head massage for cold pain

Temperature slides outside the window are fertile ground for colds. A runny nose and nasal congestion often lead to headaches. In this case, a three-minute self-massage will help, which will improve breathing and oxygen supply to the body.

  • Place your index fingers at the base of your nose (at the beginning of the nasolabial folds). Massage the points in a circular motion for one minute.
  • Place your fingers on the points in the recess of the side surface of the nose. Massage them with rotational movements for one minute.
  • At the base of the eyebrows, find the indentations on the bone and use your middle fingers to massage in a circular motion for one minute.

Headaches during pregnancy

Most often, expectant mothers have headaches due to disrupted sleep patterns (oversleeping), overeating at night, hormonal changes in the body and intoxication. For systematic headaches (more than once a week), you need to contact a neurologist, endocrinologist or ophthalmologist, who will prescribe specific treatment. Ginger, a foot bath and a shoulder massage will help cope with periodic pain.

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So, for pain in the frontal area, prepare a paste of ginger powder (root powder and warm water) and apply it on the forehead until it dries completely. If the back of your head or the top of your head hurts, do a light self-massage of your shoulders with warm linseed or olive oil.

Massage the trapezius muscles from the neck to the shoulders with stroking movements. A warm foot bath with a drop of relaxing essential oil - ylang-ylang, lemon balm, mint - will enhance the effect. A sorbent (polysorb, activated carbon, enterosgel) will help reduce the pain of toxicosis - it will relieve intoxication.

Prevention methods

To prevent diseases of blood vessels and nerves, pathology of the cervical spine, as well as to prevent stroke, you should follow simple recommendations from doctors every day:

  • when working sedentarily, regularly do simple exercises for the back and neck;
  • lead an active lifestyle, carry out daily exercise necessary for health;
  • create a complete diet with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • give up bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol.

Headache in the left occipital part of the head is a manifestation of a number of diseases of the cardiovascular system, nerves and spine. The Clinical Brain Institute has all the conditions for diagnosing and treating this condition in an inpatient or outpatient setting. The center is equipped with modern devices for analyzes and examinations, and is also staffed by experienced specialists of a narrow and broad profile.

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