Chatting with a girl while walking - 19 subtleties of well-known facts

You can go for a walk with anyone.

And under the cover of darkness, share a frying pan of fried potatoes with sausages,

Only the chosen one is worthy!

Hello, my friend and subscriber! Finally, amidst everyday affairs, I got to our gazebo. Because the topic today is very spring-like and needed right now. What to talk about with a girl while walking or on the road is more relevant than ever. In winter, couples mostly sit under the roofs of various establishments, but now, in spring and summer, the time has come for walks in sunny parks and open embankments.


You have already gone through the stages of searching and dating, called and persuaded her to meet you in real life. This is cool! But I’ll tell you this: in the first stages of your acquaintance, there is a task - each time only to strengthen her attachment to yourself and lead your relationship to a specific goal.

So, the water word is said, the mood is given. Now let’s get specific point by point, it’s easier to remember and analyze.

What not to talk about

When going on a date for the first time, a man should understand that there are safe topics that should not be discussed. They will only ruin the evening, will not please the interlocutor and will make you want to stop communicating. Psychologists consider the following topics contraindicated for discussion:

  1. Former lovers. Meeting a girl is a reason to start a new relationship; you should not discuss your old romances. Your friend will find this extremely stupid and unpleasant.
  2. The girl's earnings level. A guy should not be interested in how much his girlfriend earns and whether she is able to provide for herself. Men should deal with financial problems.

If you avoid such topics of discussion, communication can be easy, relaxed, and enjoyable for both parties. Prepare for a date or meeting, ban all topics that will cause you awkwardness or embarrassment.

Do it once:

  1. The purpose of communication is what do you want to achieve from your friend? Really get to know her better, show yourself in all your glory, seduce her today, leave a pleasant impression for a long-term relationship, and so on. The more specific you set your goal (……link to dreams), the easier it will be for you.
  2. It doesn't matter what you say, it matters HOW. Facial expressions, voice timbre, intonation. It is important to reach her subconscious. Where she cannot resist you internally. There will be a separate conversation about this. This point simply cannot be thrown away now.
  3. Be relaxed and playfully build a conversation. Make it easy for your companion to be with you.
  4. You need to give her emotions. Don’t be loaded with terms and technical parts, talk about your feelings or those of other people in a certain situation, this works well on women.
  5. Be flexible in your communication. Catch the feedback, you see that it is turning sour, change the topic, introduce mainly non-verbals.
  6. The logic of the narrative in words is not as important as the feelings that you put into them. Even if she says: “You are so inconsistent,” you can always answer: “I’m taking a break from the whole world with you, you know how to turn off the part of the brain in men that is responsible for logic. Tell me how you do it?!” All! The ball is in her court ;). Follow her.

Rules for communicating with a girl

In order to make a pleasant impression on a girl during a walk, it is important for a man to follow several basic rules of behavior prescribed in the psychology of relationships. Experts highlight the following basic points on how to communicate with girls:

  1. There is no need to be overly intrusive, asking a lot of questions on diverse and unrelated topics.
  2. During the conversation, there is no need to stare at the girl point-blank, violating her intimate distance.
  3. There is no need to be silent, otherwise the girl will get bored and understand that the man is not particularly interested in her.
  4. Women love with their ears, so during the conversation you need to give compliments, emphasizing her external and internal advantages.
  5. During communication, it is important to be polite, without using rude words, sarcasm or barbs. Also, girls do not tolerate obscene language, which is considered offensive in their presence.

It is especially important for a man to show gallantry when communicating live on the street, giving a girl his hand, offering her a jacket in the evening, opening doors for her, etc. In order not to seem insecure and shy, you need to control the intonation and speed of the conversation, remaining calm and poise. Girls love and respect men who can control themselves.

Do two:

  1. Talk about yourself with humor and only in a positive way. No personal information like: “studied, got married, died,” even a grandmother would fall asleep on a bench near the house from such a conversation.
  2. If the conversation is “about nothing”, do not forget to insert interesting and funny stories from personal or not entirely personal
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