How to find peace of mind - what it is and how to find balance

Every person sooner or later finds himself in a situation where it is necessary to find peace of mind and try to stop being nervous and worried. This is when the question arises of how to find peace within yourself. The answer is quite simple and is described below, but reading alone is not enough, you need to work on yourself.

Harmony can be achieved when a person is ready to work with his feelings

Peace of mind in psychology

Harmony, from the point of view of psychology, implies coordinated work in which the system itself and all its constituent elements successfully fulfill their purpose. At the same time, the entire work process has absolute organization and thoughtfulness of actions. When harmony is achieved, then all necessary needs are satisfied, relations with the outside world are in balance.

Harmony itself appears at the moment when all members of its work accept and understand their importance and the importance of common goals.

Important! Any action aimed at improvement and goodness in the system’s work format leads to the emergence of harmony. The reverse process, an evil and harmful design, leads to disharmony.

It is in a state of harmony that a person can achieve peace of mind. This means that he does not have to worry about dangers from the outside, all his current needs are satisfied, he sees his goal and he has enough wisdom to know how to achieve his goal. By achieving inner peace, a person can also gain strength and self-confidence.

How to find peace

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Despite all the advantages of a state of calm, for many people it is a fairy tale. They do not believe that permanent peace can be achieved. Some people allow a change in both positive and negative emotions. This is indeed considered the norm, but to achieve humility, positive emotions must still prevail. To be less influenced by negativity, you should clearly understand your goals in life and desires. Those who manage to follow this algorithm do not differ in their actions and words.

In order to get rid of negativity, you can follow several tips:

  • Monitor your usual reaction to the situation, and if it is negative, try to intercept it and react differently. You need to understand what exactly causes negative emotions in this or that case, and reconsider your attitude.
  • Finding the strength to react even in the worst situations is easy.
  • Do not forget to thank others for everything, since the feeling of gratitude most quickly leads to peace of mind.
  • Remember that all problems exist only in the present tense. They cannot exist either in the past or in the future, which means that each of them is solvable.
  • Try to eliminate the state of resentment and under no circumstances offend others.
  • Monitor your emotions and condition. If there is a feeling that a nervous breakdown is on the way, it is better to immediately stop communicating and move away until you find calm.
  • Try not to refuse help, because this will bring good results both to the person himself and to the one who needs support. The main thing is to remember that you should only help those who really need it.
  • A good way to get a positive attitude is to play sports and walk in nature; yoga classes will be useful for women, as well as for men.
  • Peace of mind always directly depends on your state of health. If some problems bother you physically, then it will be difficult to achieve humility.

The key to self-control is the desire to see the world around you in a positive way.

Peace – peace of inner peace.

Peace is a state of calm and contentment in the mind.

as an active element of the psyche constantly creates various moods, among which various states of peace and tranquility, as well as worries and unrest, stand out. The fundamental reason for both the state of peace and the state of restlessness and anxiety is the activity of the mind, which creates various desires, aspirations, emotions, feelings, and moods. The biggest influence on peace of mind is imagination. As a function of the mind, the imagination constantly draws various pictures of the future, which gives rise to desires, aspirations and worries. One movement of the mind, in the form of some kind of thought, can seriously disturb a person.

This movement of the mind is called vritti and it is this impulse that is the source of impulsive behavior both internally and externally . A sudden change in mood or an obsessive need to perform some action occurs from such fluctuations in the mind. Anxiety generated by various games of imagination is also generated by vritti, the fluctuation of the mind. Thus, worries, worries and anxieties, which are the opposite of peace, are a product of the mind. The more active the mind, the more a person is susceptible to mood swings, impulsive actions and behaviors , as well as obsessive aspirations, ideas and desires. A strong mind , through the control of feelings and emotions, is able to suppress these fluctuations, but sooner or later, if everything is left as it is, the vritti will be strong enough to break the control.

The mind is always directed towards various material objects and the pleasures and pains emanating from them. The mind becomes attached to those objects that are capable of causing strong desire or strong fear. The functions of acceptance and rejection in the mind are generated by the fact that the mind perceives the world exclusively dividing it into pleasant and unpleasant, good and bad, what brings pleasure and pleasure and what brings suffering and troubles. A strong source of pleasure, just like a strong source of fear, is the cause of constant fluctuations of the mind, to which the mind either strives or runs away. Chaotic and irrational fluctuations of the mind, which for the most part have no basis, are ultimately the fundamental cause of all types of worry, anxiety and worry. The absence of such fluctuations or their control allows you to find inner peace - tranquility.

If we go back to the definition:

Peace is a state of calm and contentment in the mind.

It will become clear that anxiety comes from:

  • dissatisfaction
  • excessive mental activity
  • an active imagination that endlessly imagines negative scenarios
  • strong attachment
  • lack of inner confidence and identity
  • the desire to control everything or to do everything perfectly

Sources of worry and worry

Peace can only be achieved by one who is not disturbed by the continuous flow of desires, like rivers flowing into an ever-filling but always calm ocean. And there is no peace for those who strive to satisfy their desires.

Bhagavad Gita. 2.70

Unsatisfied mind

An unsatisfied mind that strives for some object of pleasure, be it people or objects, will constantly fluctuate and cause a person to experience both fears and desires. At the same time, a person will have to constantly either reflect on the object of his desire, on the one hand, trying to enjoy it, and on the other, being afraid of losing it, and also take any action for this in order to both enjoy and preserve it. During active and multiple actions, a person obviously makes many mistakes, which only increases anxiety. A typical example is parents who are very worried about the future of the child, raise him in such a tough, straightforward and tortured way that the child himself loses both the desire to achieve something and the awareness that obedience to parents is simply a forced necessity for the time being. time.

Overactive mind

A young man in love is a clear example of what is the antipode of peace, since at the beginning of a relationship many desires are raging in a person, along with experiences and the desire to meet the object of his love again and again. Such worries are the opposite of peace and are generated by the activity of the mind. As has already been said, the mind attached to the object of pleasure experiences strong and frequent vibrations from which disturbances arise. On the one hand, a lover is afraid of losing the object of his love, and on the other, he strives to constantly be close. Such attachment gives rise to dependence, which manifests itself in the need to constantly be close, maintain relationships, enjoy, and preferably do this forever. When encountering various obstacles in the form of deeds or opposition from other people, various negative states of mind arise, ranging from melancholy to rage. Ultimately, a lover is able to experience all this even on the object of his love, if it seems to him that he is not giving enough influence to him. The most common case is resentment.

Excessive imagination

Active imagination is a quality of the mind that is characterized by great dynamics of mental activity in the ability to visualize various events, plots, scenarios, etc. Active imagination is an indispensable and necessary tool for people in the creative profession; it also helps in solving various problems. However, being unbridled, imagination in everyday life will most often be aimed at visualizing the most terrible scenarios in a person’s life. Giving rise to worries and anxieties, such activity of the imagination fetters a person and makes it impossible to take real actions, since constantly reflecting or engaging in self-flagellation, a person is simply not able to act constructively, plunging more and more into his far-fetched anxieties.

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In order to get rid of such worries, it is enough to imagine the most terrible scenario of development, constantly and consciously escalating everything within yourself more and more, and then try to remember how many times the events that caused anxiety and concern turned out to be justifiably far-fetched? 99% of fears, anxieties and worries are groundless and most of them are generated by an overactive imagination. This means that a person’s mind is not occupied and from idleness there is too much energy that is wasted.

Peace never comes from such an active degree of imagination, and therefore such imagination should be controlled and used for constructive purposes, channeling abilities and powers into useful channels.


Strong attachment is also a source of anxiety. Peace in this case is very dependent on the object of attachment, most often on people. It also happens that a person becomes attached to things or ideas, but most often the objects of attachment are people. And if it is unknown about a person, if he is in a bad mood, he has problems, he is sick, something happened to him, and so on - all this gives rise to a huge amount of anxiety. But we must understand that each person, in fact, is independent and separated from all other people by his own will. To take away a person’s will for the sake of one’s own peace of mind means dooming another to suffering for the sake of one’s own peace of mind. But such confrontation often ends in resistance - that is, the desire to escape from such control. And this provokes an even greater wave of control, and therefore greater unrest.

Attachment causes unreasonable fears for people, money, things and ideas that people hold. All this becomes a source of hostility, aggression, worries, anxiety and sorrows generated by quarrels and scandals. The ability to control your attachments, and ultimately overcome them, is one step towards peace. Defeating attachment does not mean that you have to break up with someone, it only means giving up unreasonable control over another person, the desire for which comes from your own dependence.

Lack of confidence and identity

Lack of confidence and originality means a constant search for oneself outside, in other people, in events, situations, objects and the opinions of others. When a person is immature, his character is determined by the desire to be supported by someone, most often a person strives for honor among the majority, recognition, fame, or any other way to appear worthy and competent to the world. With this type of recognition, a person finds peace until someone points out otherwise or until this degree of recognition begins to fade away. Fame among the majority also comes with rejection among people and the worries associated with this will haunt a person, but it is impossible to try to please everyone, and it is simply not necessary. Much more depressing is the fact of the fickleness of honor and glory among people. Rare personalities are truly remembered among people, but most have long been forgotten and are unlikely to be mentioned anywhere except in dusty archives. Self-confidence is almost always synonymous with calmness, which is a sign of peace. But a self-confident person draws this confidence not from the opinions of others, but from within himself, realizing that he is able to exist separately from all people and at the same time remain happy and free.

On a more personal level, lack of identity and confidence is one of the main reasons for constant attachments. People who are insecure rely on the support of others much more often, because it is the opinion of others that plays a key role for them. This is typical for young people who thus find authorities, teachers and those who help them grow. But for an adult, such infantile behavior is just another harmful source of worries and anxieties, since the thought constantly arises: “What will happen if I am left alone?” Finding identity is a matter of finding yourself within, not without, and it is a process worth devoting time and effort to, and with it comes confidence.

The desire to keep everything under control and do everything perfectly.

The desire to do everything perfectly is a sign of insecurity, the belief that ordinary effort will not bring recognition and will not find a response from others, and therefore it is necessary to do everything perfectly, better than others.

The desire to control everything is also a sign of insecurity, because it is a signifier of the fact that a person is afraid of uncertainty, afraid of unpredictable behavior and believes that “good” is in a strictly defined form, most often in a stationary form. This most often affects people who don’t trust others and believe that something really terrible will happen if they don’t control everything. There is a wise thought that goes like this: “Let go - if it doesn’t leave, then it’s yours, and if it leaves, then it was never yours.”

Why do people lose their calm?

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For many, it becomes unclear how to find peace of mind if there are constant distractions. Psychologists say that there are main reasons that prevent you from finding harmony. Having identified them, you can work on yourself and get closer to a constant state of calm:

  1. Fear. Often people are tormented by anticipation, and are frightened by fears about how this or that event will go. This state will continue to bother you until everything is done and remains in the past. It will be easier to cope with such situations if you try to live in the moment. Do not mentally think about the upcoming event, but try to feel the present.
  2. Guilt. Due to the fact that a person internally realizes that he could have offended someone or failed to do what he promised, he may be reproached by his own inner voice. Mentally, he will constantly return to these thoughts. To help yourself cope, it is important to make wise decisions. Instead of reproaching yourself, you should admit your own guilt and find ways to make amends for it.
  3. Coincidence. This happens when a person makes some promises, but in the end cannot fulfill them, not through his own fault, but due to a combination of circumstances. As a result, he feels guilty for something he was not involved in, but he made a promise. If this situation happens regularly, it is important to learn to refuse. Then you can move away from the habit of giving false hopes.
  4. Be insulted. How to find peace of mind if someone has offended a person? Self-love can take a long time to return attention to itself in thoughts. To regain inner peace as soon as possible, you need to learn to forgive the offender even before he comes with an apology.
  5. Aggressive state. Being in such a mood, it is very difficult to force yourself to calm down and regain peace. Every person experiences negativity more than once. The main thing in such moments is to try to throw out your anger not in the presence of others, so as not to shake their condition.

Emotions can shake your peace of mind

First steps in the fight against stress

To successfully deal with stress, you need not only to know what methods are used to overcome it (we will discuss them below), but also to understand how it occurs, and also be able to identify sources of pressure. Let's talk about everything in order.

Determining the stage of stress

Understanding the stages in which stress develops is required in order to correctly determine options for its subsequent treatment, as well as to realize how advanced the situation is. To describe the stages of stress progression, it is best to refer to the concept of Canadian physician Hans Selye, first described in 1936 in his work describing the general adaptation syndrome.

Selye named three stages of stress, each of which gradually flows into the other:

  • First stage. The human body is in a state of shock and strives to overcome irritating factors, for which it produces more energy. The feeling of anxiety increases.
  • Second stage. It can be called the stage of resistance, when the body tries to develop a certain immunity (we recommend that you read the material “How to develop immunity against stress”). The volume of hormones that increase stress and depress a person is reduced. There is balance and calmness, and the disappearance of feelings of anxiety.
  • Third stage. Under the influence of stress, the body begins to deplete. The psycho-emotional state worsens, the body's resistance to stress factors decreases, and the feeling of anxiety increases. If this condition continues for a long time, changes begin to occur at the physiological level.

In the case of each individual person, each stage has its own duration. In addition, all stages are individual for individual situations. They can last for several minutes or several weeks.

This information is sufficient for a person to determine the progression of stress in his or her own case. But all this is mostly theoretical. The practice of working with stress begins directly with identifying the source of stress and its possible elimination.

Identifying the Source of Stress

Even the barking of a neighbor's dog can be a source of powerful psycho-emotional disturbance. However, such things are perceived by a person as ordinary; they fit quite harmoniously into the array of daily events, and therefore in most cases they are not the main irritant.

People tend to think of the real stress maker as something much larger. This could be, for example, an endlessly yelling boss at work or an economic crisis in the country. But this is still a fallacy, and in reality the situation is completely different from what most people believe.

If we start looking for the starting point, we will find it in the barking dog. When we are cheerful and full of energy, we perceive almost all external stimuli relatively objectively and adequately. But when we didn’t get enough sleep because of the dog’s barking, irritation begins to take hold of us, and through its prism we begin to perceive everything that happens.

As a result, after a while we begin to “seem”, commit rash actions, and “break wood.” And the neighbor’s dog has no idea that her barking puts pressure on our psyche and that it is because of it that our lives are filled with problems and relationships with loved ones suffer.

We have described the simplest situation, although in real life not everything is so simple, and the causes of stress are often not so obvious. But still, in the vast majority of situations, you can do without the help of a specialist to understand the problem and find its true cause - the source of stress.

To begin with, you can use the simplest technique to help you understand what is causing pressure. You take a piece of paper and a pen and, in chronological order, write down all the negative events that have happened recently. After this, it is enough to conduct a small analysis of everything that was written in order to get to the bottom of the truth.

And to help in the search for this truth, psychologists have even developed several special auxiliary questions to answer the main question: “Where did it all start?” To determine the primary source of stress, you need to ask yourself (questions are asked in this order):

  • When did the changes start?
  • What happened before the changes?
  • How has the world around you changed?
  • How has my attitude towards what is happening changed?
  • How has my attitude towards people changed?

On the same topic, we recommend reading the article “Questions to yourself to cure stress” so that the search for the cause of stress will be more thorough and painstaking. And remember that you need to answer these questions as honestly as possible - this way you can really help yourself by becoming a true friend and useful advisor. But the real work, of course, is not in thinking and answering questions, but in applying effective ways to deal with stress.

Main signs of a problem

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After identifying the reasons that affect peace of mind, it is important to understand what a person who is internally restless looks like.

Some people are constantly tormented by a background feeling of anxiety, others may experience fear only in certain cases, for example, in crowded places, while driving a car, before speaking in front of an audience, etc.

Despite the fact that these situations may be very different from each other, they all have one thing in common - a person’s inability to gather his courage and find inner balance. In addition, a person may exhibit restlessness in behavior:

  • feels fear or apprehension;
  • cannot concentrate on important things, loses thoughts;
  • is nervous and shows this in his behavior (sudden movements, fussing, fiddling with objects, tapping his fingers, etc.);
  • background expectation of bad;
  • irritability and aggressive reaction;
  • display of impatience.

In addition to behavioral symptoms, physical symptoms can also be observed:

  • rapid heartbeat and breathing;
  • sweating;
  • muscle tension or mild cramping;
  • headaches, fatigue;
  • restless and shallow sleep;
  • problems with bowel movements and urination.

Causes of modern stress

Americans were among the first to study the causes and consequences of stress, so it would be appropriate to start talking about what causes stress with US statistics. After digging around the Internet, we found some telling data from the American Institute of Stress.

According to the research conducted by the above-mentioned Institute, it turned out that the main causes of stress are (in descending order of importance):

  • stress at work, pressure from bosses and overload;
  • fear of losing a job, reduced pension and medical expenses;
  • health problems, including chronic diseases;
  • divorce, death of a spouse, problems with friends and loneliness;
  • poor nutrition, consumption of caffeine and refined sugar, poor quality foods;
  • information overload associated with the media and the Internet;
  • sleep problems, increased production of adrenaline and other stress hormones by the body.

The study also notes that:

  • 77% of people regularly experience physical symptoms of stress;
  • 73% of people regularly experience psychological symptoms of stress;
  • 33% of people feel they live under extreme stress;
  • 48% of people believe that stress levels have increased over the past 5 years;
  • 76% of people believe that the reasons for their stress are income level and work;
  • 48% of people suffer from insomnia due to stress.

Stress studies have also been and are being conducted in Russia, and the most large-scale of them belongs to the GfK Marketing Research Institute. To date, it presents some of the most objective results:

  • the main cause of stress for Russians is rising prices – 35% of people;
  • the second cause of stress for Russians is unemployment – ​​24% of people;
  • other economic problems worry a quarter of respondents – 25% of people;
  • in fourth place is crime - 19% of people;
  • followed by housing problems - 18% of people;
  • In last place are the problems of pensions and healthcare – 16% of people.

Over 60% of Russians are convinced that life in the country is becoming more dangerous every year, and because of this they experience stress. 51% of people name the fear of losing loved ones among the main causes of stress, and 43% name the fear of getting sick and dying themselves. 40% of Russians are concerned about the risk of becoming a victim of criminals, and 53% are concerned about the risk that their loved ones may become their victims. And finally, 28% are most afraid of social conflicts and wars.

We will not provide statistics for other countries (if you wish, you can easily find them freely available on the Internet), but we will continue to talk about the causes of stress in general. Scientists divide them into physiological and psychological (by the way, we recommend that you read our article “Stress and psychology: how they are connected”).

Physiological causes include everything that negatively affects a person’s physical condition, for example:

  • poor nutrition;
  • overwork;
  • lack of sleep;
  • changes in weather (changes in pressure, temperature, etc.)

It is interesting that physiological causes do not affect people in the same way: while they can cause stress for some, others practically do not react to them. And this difference is often explained by the second group of reasons - psychological reasons.

Psychological factors provoke powerful emotional outbursts that arise against the background of various kinds of psychological problems, such as difficulties in communicating with people, lack of self-confidence, etc. But it is important to note that we are talking not only about excessive negative, but also about positive emotions.

Among other things, stress is caused by external and internal causes. External factors are various life situations that are beyond human control (for example, environmental conditions, weather, etc.), and problems in interaction with society (blockages at work, problems in the family, conflicts, etc.)

And internal reasons are reasons such as health problems, unjustified hopes, unachieved goals, disappointments and other factors that influence a person without external influence.

Naturally, this is only a brief examination of the causes of stress, but it gives a very clear idea of ​​what generally causes a deterioration in a person’s physical and mental condition.

And in addition to what has been said, it would not be superfluous to identify some risk factors that cause stress. People who are primarily affected by stress should be mentioned:

  • people who consciously expose themselves to stress factors: adrenaline addicts, fans of extreme sports, testing the strength of their nerves through activities at the limits of the body’s capabilities;
  • workers in the fields of finance, education and medicine: brokers, traders, bank employees, office workers, educators and teachers, doctors;
  • public transport drivers and representatives of other professions whose work involves increased stress.

Such people literally spend every day under the influence of stress factors of varying magnitude, causing the production of cortisol - the stress hormone, nervous and emotional overstrain, various nervous conditions that do not allow them to adequately and constructively respond to current events. Naturally, there can be no talk of any peace or high productivity here.

Today it is quite difficult to find a person who has not experienced the effects of stress at least once. Moreover, stress is expressed mainly in the same manifestations, and they are also familiar to everyone. But we still think it would be very useful to say a few words about the symptoms of stress.

The influence of peace on life

Peace of mind has a beneficial effect on everyday life, this can be traced in several aspects:

  • There is an opportunity to calmly express your position in disputes. When speaking, a person stops losing his thoughts, does not get excited, does not rush, his speech is measured.
  • A husband or wife can, in everyday life, stop quarrels in advance, at the stage when they are just beginning.
  • In the event of unforeseen and dangerous situations, a person who is internally balanced gives every chance to resolve the problem in a short time.
  • In achieving your own goals, peace helps to maintain self-control and not stray from the path to your desires.
  • Self-control helps in raising children. A fulfilling parenting process requires a loving approach, as well as patience and care.
  • The settlement of relationships between people will be better given to those who know how to cope with their own feelings and emotions.

Based on the above points, we can conclude that peace of mind means:

  • a person’s ability to maintain clarity of mind in any life situations, even extreme ones;
  • the ability to make informed and quick decisions even during periods of turbulence of emotions;
  • manifestation of one's own will to achieve goals;
  • manifestation of trust and friendliness to the world.

The ability to find balance within yourself helps in everyday life

If you can't find peace

If you spend some time observing a group of people in a public place, such as a crowded bus, you can monitor everyone's well-being. Some people are constantly nervous or think about their anxious thoughts. This is noticeable in their frowning facial expressions, concentrated gaze or restless movements: tapping their feet or hands, fiddling with improvised objects. Such people are in a restless state, and it is not difficult to get them angry.

At the same time, there is a category of people for whom minor troubles do not represent anything serious. They calmly listen to music, look at the views from the window, or think about something else, smiling serenely.

So why, in the same situation, are some able to maintain composure and not succumb to negativity and minor irritants, while others are not? Many explain this difference that some were lucky to be born calm, others were not. In fact, everyone can find inner balance; it’s just a matter of ability and desire to work on oneself.

How to restore peace of mind and tranquility if you are unlucky enough to be born with strong nerves? Working on yourself involves reviewing your own reaction to different situations and taking several steps towards correction:

  1. You need to reconsider your reaction to negativity. Yes, it is common in the world around us. If you let him pass by and rehearse your positive or neutral reaction, it will be much easier later.
  2. It is important to learn to lead your own stream of thoughts in a positive way. No matter what happens, you need to praise yourself for even a small show of effort.
  3. Instead of worrying about unfulfilled actions or other people's reactions, it is better to get ahead of events and act in such a way as to ensure a positive outcome.
  4. Try not to overwork yourself. Fatigue is the main cause of stress, which gives rise to negative reactions. A sage is one who loves himself first and takes care of his health and condition.
  5. Do not get involved in unnecessary disputes. This is also stress for the nervous system; it is better to try to resolve the conflict at the inception stage.
  6. What else can unsettle you? The excited nervous state is influenced by situations when a person fusses or is late for the appointed time. Self-discipline, organization and planning will help you maintain confidence and inner balance.

Finding harmony is available to everyone, but with different efforts

  1. Avoid negative emotions such as envy, pity, and suspicion. Such emotions not only do not lead to positive results, but actions such as suspicion of infidelity, discussion of gossip, dependence on empty chatter will only have a heavy aftertaste.
  2. Make time for exercise. Physical activity can only bring good things: not only a fit body, but also the ability to control your own willpower.
  3. Plan and dream. Those who constantly figure out how to diversify their own lives do not find time for empty experiences and negative emotions.
  4. Find your own way that can quickly calm your nerves in stressful situations. This could be breathing practice, walking, counting to yourself, contact with water, or any other individual method.

Symptoms of stress

Stress manifests itself at different levels and has devastating effects on the physical, emotional, mental and behavioral areas. Let's talk about everything separately.

Under stress, the body strives to mobilize all its resources, and at the physiological level a whole range of changes are possible:

  • cardiovascular system: changes in blood pressure, hypertension, heart rhythm disturbances, interruptions in heart function, tinnitus;
  • digestive system: lack or decreased appetite (less often - increased appetite), weight loss, abdominal pain, dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, vomiting, belching, heartburn, stool disturbances, heaviness in the stomach);
  • respiratory system: lack of air, inability to take a deep breath, shortness of breath, asthma attacks, frequent colds;
  • musculoskeletal system: muscle spasms, convulsions, constant muscle tone, back pain;
  • integumentary system: rash, allergic reactions, increased sweating;
  • nervous system: headaches, low resistance to stress, low temperature (less often, high temperature);
  • reproductive system: decreased libido.

The next level is emotional, and here the following changes are possible:

  • anxiety, restlessness, premonition of trouble, attacks of causeless panic;
  • causeless irritability and moodiness;
  • emotional decline, sadness, melancholy, depression, suicidal thoughts (separately, tearfulness is noted in women);
  • decreased self-esteem, increased demands on oneself;
  • lack of interests in life, passive behavior;
  • constant tension, difficulty relaxing.

Next, we move on to the intellectual level, at which stress manifests itself as follows:

  • inability to make decisions;
  • memory impairment;
  • obsessive thoughts (mostly negative);
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • absent-mindedness and disorganization.

As for changes in behavior, they manifest themselves as follows:

  • emotional instability (it often leads to conflict situations at work and at home);
  • inattention (it affects performance and appearance);
  • workaholism (one of the responses to stress is going to work);
  • the desire to suppress stress with the help of cigarettes and alcohol (an increase in the quantity and frequency of their use is noted), as well as drugs.

The above symptoms most often appear in combination, rather than one at a time. There is no need to sound the alarm if you suddenly begin to notice one or two manifestations of stress in yourself or someone around you (although you still need to pay attention), but if several of them begin to appear at once, this is already a reason for closer observation and taking appropriate measures.

As you may have noticed, even the symptoms of stress are already a serious shake-up for the body (by the way, regarding the shake-up, stress does not always have only a negative effect, and you can read more about this in our article “Stress: is there any benefit from it and how can it be done?” get"). However, stress can also lead to other consequences, which we will discuss below.

What affects peace of mind

In general, we can identify the main factors that have a greater influence on how mental balance is formed:

  1. Living a life moment, and not wanting to live a moment as quickly as possible. The manifestation of intolerance interferes with being in a state of calm. This is an internal irritant that people create themselves. At the same time, living the moment allows you to feel and accept all events and your own emotions, which means you can more quickly come to terms with them.
  2. The ability to moderate one's own interests. Being satiated in one area or another of life leads to an inability to feel gratitude and does not provide the ability to accumulate strength for new goals.

Physical activity is the key to inner peace

  1. The ability to track your own thoughts in the general flow. Unconscious actions, without processing information in your head, lead to negative impulses. At the same time, if you think about your actions and thoughts, then each action can not only be deliberate, but also have its own explanation, purpose and benefit.
  2. In addition to thoughts, it is important to monitor your own emotions, which so often interfere with establishing mental balance. If some situations give rise to negative emotions inside, it is worth working through this moment and understanding why and where the negativity comes from. Subsequently, try to control this process.
  3. The condition of the physical body is no less important for maintaining balance. A healthy, fit body will not only not bother you with your well-being, but will also teach you how to manage your desires and emotions. Sports and any physical activity develop endurance and character in a person.

The ability to experience inner peace is not given to everyone equally. Some people learn this on their own, others have to work harder with themselves. This does not mean that inner harmony is an unattainable state. Many factors influence mental balance; if it is not in order, it is worth paying attention to them and identifying the reason that needs to be dealt with.

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