If life has lost its taste and colors. How to help yourself with apathy, a psychotherapist told

Every person is familiar with the feeling of fatigue and lack of energy, especially during periods of bad weather or outbreaks of viral infections. Normally, this problem is solved with proper rest and sleep. But when such a condition drags on and significantly reduces the quality of life, this is a signal that it is time to think about the health of the nervous system.

Fatigue is a functional state of the body with a significant decrease in energy, performance and motivation, which affects both the physical and mental well-being of a person. Typically, persistent fatigue is a symptom and not a separate condition. In most cases, it is caused by a combination of lifestyle, health and social problems.

Constantly feeling tired can cause a variety of physical, mental and emotional symptoms:

  • Headache, dizziness
  • Decreased immunity, frequent infectious diseases
  • Lack of feeling of proper rest after sleep in the morning
  • Muscle weakness, body aches
  • Tinnitus
  • Slow reaction, problems with coordination
  • Constant lethargy, inertia, apathy, laziness, lack of motivation
  • Deterioration of thinking processes: decreased attention, concentration and intelligence, which means deterioration in educational and work activities
  • Loss of appetite
  • Problems with short-term and long-term memory
  • Exacerbation of allergic reactions
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Vision problems

Symptoms tend to worsen after exercise.

Clinically significant is a feeling of fatigue with accompanying symptoms for two or more weeks.

Certain symptoms may predominate depending on the type of fatigue. There are two of them:

Physical fatigue: Normally, muscle fatigue gradually accumulates during physical activity and goes away after rest. Pathological cases are associated with lack or insufficient sleep and health problems. It becomes difficult for a person to perform ordinary physical activities that he could easily cope with before. For example, a patient who previously visited the gym regularly and with pleasure completely gives up training due to lack of strength. The problem can also affect completely routine tasks: climbing the stairs to the second floor, walking to the nearest store. A mandatory symptom will be muscle weakness.

Mental fatigue: it is difficult for the patient to maintain not only physical, but also mental activity. Memory, concentration, and learning ability are impaired. Eternal fatigue and drowsiness prevent you from doing even light mental work. This condition affects the driver’s reaction and attention. According to statistics, sleepy people behind the wheel get into car accidents three times more often than others. This is comparable to the risks associated with being intoxicated.

It happens that a person sleeps enough every day, eats normally and leads an orderly lifestyle, but constant weakness and fatigue do not go away. Feeling exhausted can make it impossible to manage even necessary daily activities. This means that the condition requires professional diagnosis and possibly treatment.

We need specifics.

Many of us have a well-developed ability to exaggerate. To do this, many use a technique known from literary theory as hyperbole. Its meaning is deliberate exaggeration to enhance effect, emotional enhancement, and so on. Most often, under the phrase “everything is bad” there is an exaggerated “something specific.”

In other words, these are certain moments or situations on which the general condition of a person depends. It is advisable to find them . To do this, you need a piece of paper and a pen that will “endure” everything bad. Most likely, from the first line it will turn out that there are not so many reasons for depression.

But those reasons that exist and are specifically defined have created the effect of a snowball that impudently fell on tired shoulders. If the same question has been ringing in your head for a long time: “What to do when it’s very bad?”, it is advisable to start resolving the current situation right now. Which, in fact, is already happening.

Take a depression test

Let it go

What to do if everything is bad</p>

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