How to attract a girl's attention to you if you like her?

Falling in love suddenly overtakes a man and makes his heart beat a little faster than usual. Unfortunately, sympathy is not always mutual; at such moments, thoughts begin to spin in the heads of representatives of the stronger sex: how to get a girl, her location and attention.

Psychologists say that women's distant behavior does not always mean a complete lack of sympathy. In many cases, they are simply waiting for decisive action and courtship from their partner. It’s not always possible to win the favor of the lady you like, but it’s worth a try.

What women really want

To understand how to get the attention of an ex-girlfriend or someone you just like, it is necessary, first of all, to understand some aspects of female psychology. To be intimate with the opposite sex, they need an emotional connection, affection, and trust. A man can easily make contact with a companion he likes, but a girl needs to make sure that the stranger’s sympathy is not fake, but real.

This is why some female representatives behave coldly and secretively on first dates. But, of course, you shouldn’t rule out the fact that she may simply not like her partner. In such cases, it will be more difficult to win the lady’s favor. But there is no need to give up.

During communication, a woman always considers her partner as a potential companion, husband, father of her children. Even if she is now busy with her career, study or self-realization, one way or another, to create a relationship she needs to be sure that her partner will fit the roles described above. So, what does a woman need from a man?


Probably, someone will think that material wealth or appearance will come first. But that's not true. No amount of beautiful appearance and impressive material wealth will make a lady happy if her partner is not reliable and faithful.

This behavior gives a woman confidence in the future, emotional strength, and protection. A man's wealth is not a guarantee of his adequate attitude towards his partner. Therefore, ladies with normal self-esteem and perception of the world choose a companion not only based on material wealth.

Male strength and reliability force a woman to be calm for herself and her children. And it is not necessary to have million-dollar bank accounts.

Mini lifehacks

We've covered the main points. But there are a few more nuances that you need to know about. Try to take them all into account.

  1. Watch your appearance. At every meeting with a girl, you should look perfect. No sticky hair, no stains on clothes, no dirt under your nails. Don't forget about the smell. Wear a pleasant, unobtrusive perfume and freshen your breath with chewing gum.
  2. Let the girl feel that she is special, that you chose her out of thousands for a reason. Give exclusive compliments, note the qualities that distinguish her from other women.
  3. Gain her trust. Be sincere, open, friendly. Don't deceive her, don't try to manipulate her. Let her know that she can rely on you.
  4. Don't mess up. All mistakes reduce your importance to a girl and undermine her trust in you. You must behave nicely and consistently.
  5. Reinforce good behavior towards you. Every step a girl takes in your direction, even the smallest one, needs to be encouraged. I wrote first - tell me how pleased you are. You made an appointment yourself - give her a little surprise.
  6. But a bad attitude should never be reinforced. Otherwise, the girl will immediately understand that you are a wimp and will begin to wipe her feet on you. If, for example, she insults you out of nowhere, although you behaved perfectly, silently distance yourself and do not show up until she apologizes.
  7. Be gallant. Let the girl go ahead, open the door for her, offer your hand. She will definitely appreciate it - good manners are worth their weight in gold today.
  8. Show that you are serious about your intentions. The girl should see that you don’t just want to sleep with her, but are committed to a serious relationship. Then it will be easier for her to open her heart to you.
  9. Be natural. There is no need to try to intrigue a girl, pretend to be mysterious, or come up with cunning tricks to catch her attention.
  10. Try to make a good impression on her friends. Girls listen to each other's opinions. Your girlfriends' sympathy will certainly add a few points to you.

Emotional attachment 3

A woman loves with her ears, so she needs regular confirmation of male love. She wants to see that they need her, they want to see her, hug her, kiss her. Sometimes it is quite difficult for men to maintain this connection.

After all, they do not need regular confirmation of their partner’s love. A man's love is more focused on action - he provides for the family, goes shopping, walks the dog every morning, and so on. For him, this is a manifestation of love, respect, help.

But this is not enough for the ladies. They need to know that these daily actions of their partner are not a boring, familiar ritual, but the same love. Therefore, from time to time a woman wants to receive those romantic bouquets and invitations to dates. Even if the relationship has long passed the candy-bouquet period.

Should I pursue girls? How and why you should do this again and again, read the article at the link.

The crown grew into the head and squeezed the brains of the poor boys2

The peasants are divided into two halves, those who are capable of pleasing and those who are ready to compose hymns about themselves; they have a crown even cooler than women’s. So he goes from one to another, like the challenge pennant of a champion in quarrelsomeness.

It is they who believe that having asked once about a girl’s desire and heard a negative answer, they will never approach her again, do not humiliate themselves and stay away from her. And if she showed interest, it means she needs his money, and he doesn’t want to share, it’s not enough for himself. They sincerely believe that she should come running herself.

Hence there are two opposing opinions.

  1. You need to achieve by all known means, the best goes to the brave and determined, and the weak and whiners get nothing but bulkheads.
  2. You can't pursue a girl. Obsession will push her away even further; only someone who keeps a distance can like her.

Nowadays, guys have little interest in the problems of courtship, he asked her out on a date and thinks that she already agrees to everything, but if she doesn’t agree, it means there will be someone else. Men behave like an endangered species, everything is allowed to them and everything is available, let women worry about starting a family, and they will proudly parade around showing themselves from all sides.

This is partly to blame for the weaker sex, who have emancipated and are no longer weak; they can easily come up on their own and ask for the phone number of someone they like, make an appointment and take control of the entire program of the evening, or even pay for dinner in a restaurant. Afterwards, we’ll bombard him with SMS messages with compliments and successfully marry him, having planned our life together in advance. As a result, the reins of power and all the hardships of family life can be transferred to the fragile shoulders of the wife.

You shouldn’t take on too much from the very beginning, so as not to end up in the role of both the breadwinner and the keeper of the hearth and have another child instead of a husband, only one who is rude and boorish. And it’s impossible to teach them a lesson and anything good.

The value of relationships has plummeted. A woman can easily live alone, there is no need to protect her from wolves and bears, she earns an hour more than a man, civilization has provided everything necessary, just like a single man.

Respect 4

Any adequate person with normal self-esteem wants to be respected. The same goes for girls. She wants her work, friends, and parents to be respected. And even if this job does not bring in much income, and the friend does not inspire trust at all.

Men quite often devalue women's activities or hobbies, considering them useless and meaningless. Especially if the partner’s work brings in much less income.

This principle of behavior makes a woman deeply unhappy, because her loved one does not support and does not share her interests and endeavors. Therefore, when entering into a relationship, you need to give your partner maximum respect and support for all her hobbies.


When meeting, it is recommended to pay attention to the girl’s appearance. Surely she spent more than one hour dressing up for a walk, choosing a dress, applying makeup, etc. It is important for the guy to understand that everything was done for him. If he does not appreciate this, the girl may have a negative attitude.

You can praise a girl in general or concentrate the compliment on one thing:

  1. “Wow... Your image pleasantly surprised me!”
  2. “This dress matches your smile perfectly.”

Phrases like these will make a girl beam with pleasure throughout the entire walk.

Material independence6

A man's financial situation is important to a woman. This way she can understand about her partner’s readiness to provide for the future family and help in difficult situations. It’s not normal if a lady chooses a man only based on his financial status. And if money is important to her in tandem with responsibility and reliability, there is nothing wrong with that.

After all, few adequate women would want to throw in their lot with an unemployed slob. In addition, the financial independence of a partner makes it clear to the lady that he tried, developed his skills, and abilities in order to come to what he has. This will make you think about the man’s literacy and reliability.


Women are jealous creatures who see only rivals around them. You should not think that only representatives of the stronger sex are possessive and jealous. If necessary, ladies will sacrifice friendship with their friends if they see even the slightest suspicion of flirting or betrayal. Therefore, a woman wants complete fidelity from her loved one. Read more about how to maintain trust in a relationship in the article at the link.

And naturally, no feigned flirting with others to inflame her feelings. This is the act of an insecure person with whom an adequate woman would not want to be. If a problem has arisen in a relationship or the former passion has disappeared, you should mutually look for a way out, and not inflame passions by flirting with other girls.

What to do

Here are some effective methods to correct the situation:

  1. Serious conversation. We definitely need to talk. Do not hint, but ask direct questions, demand a clear answer. Tell him that you can’t be played with, you’re tired of the uncertainty. If a girl needs a break to think about the future, her behavior, analysis of feelings and desires, do not be afraid to give her a couple of days for this.
  2. Move away from each other. Stop running after her, trying to achieve a reciprocal feeling. The guy's distance and his coldness will help the girl understand how dear the guy is to her. If she doesn’t want to stop communicating, she will take the initiative herself. All you have to do is demand a specific answer to the proposal to meet.
  3. Take care of yourself, develop physically and spiritually. Promising young men attract girls more than tired losers.
  4. Connect tactile sensations. If a girl is not excited by romantic dates in a friendly format, use hugs, light touches on the palms, waist, and knees.

What not to do:

  • Intrude and beg to start dating as a couple. Be strong and courageous, it is better to break up with the beauty who did not see your soul mate, and quickly find another.
  • Continue to seek love if the girl honestly admitted that she is playing with your feelings.
  • Swear, insult the girl, make cruel jokes about her on social networks and troll after refusal.

How to get the girls you like8

When it has become approximately clear what a girl wants from a man, you can begin to take action. How to get a girl and her attention? Psychologists advise initially to stop persistently pursuing this thought.

The more pressure on a lady, the more she wants to run away. To achieve her favor, you need to act softly, easily, naturally. So that she doesn’t even have the idea that all this is a set-up. There should be a touch of spontaneity in communication.

If you are constantly preoccupied with the thought of conquest, this can lead to depression and disastrous results. After all, regularly thinking about his actions, a man begins to doubt the correctness of his actions, which brings with it a series of disappointments. What to do next? How to win the girl of your dreams?


To please a lady, you need to be confident on dates. Women do not like whiners and pathological jealous people, especially if they show their true colors from the first meeting. There is no need to complain about life, about the commercialism of former partners, or make complaints if your companion looked at the phone and answered the message. This will push you away from communication and will definitely not help win her heart.

You should also not make complaints if the girls did not respond with reciprocity or emotional intimacy after the first two meetings. This toxicity will only destroy the created image. You need to be confident and behave calmly. Show that other men pose no danger.

It is also a mistake to be excessively possessive from the first days of dating. You don’t need to call the woman you like every hour and bombard her with questions. Perhaps this tactic works with teenage girls who crave 24/7 texting with guys. A busy and working woman will definitely not like this pressure. And she, most likely, will immediately put an end to this satellite.

The best option is to call in the evening or on a weekend and offer to go out for dinner or lunch. Messages should be in a casual format. In correspondence, you can find out about some of the lady’s preferences in order to know where to invite her next time.

Sense of humor12

A sense of humor, self-irony and small notes of sarcasm are a great thing to impress a woman. There is no need to tell well-known stories and jokes; humor should come from within. If it doesn’t work out, then it’s better not to try. You may end up on the lady’s “black list” of admirers. Of course, before showing off your skills, you should make sure that the woman herself understands humor.

Persistence – is this real strength?

Men believe that perseverance is a natural manifestation of their strength. This is the same skill as not giving up your positions in life. But when the significance of a relationship is lost, returning it through importunity and perseverance is great stupidity. When seeking a woman’s favor, a loving man will never resort to blackmail, coercion and threats.


During meetings, you need to show your companion maximum interest in her. Don't miss the slightest detail. If she talked about upcoming plans or an idea, it’s worth asking her in more detail, showing interest, and supporting her. Even if this topic is completely uninteresting. This will make it clear that the fan is interested in the girl not only as a sexual object.

Naturally, during a date you don’t need to look at passing girls or cars outside the window, much less check your phone regularly. It is important to show your companion that this evening no things can distract the man from her.

Is it worth pursuing a girl if she refuses a relationship?

If a girl refuses a relationship, you need to think about two things:

  1. Is it worth pursuing?
  2. What caused her refusal?

Think again about how much you need to pursue a particular girl. What motivates you? If you really just got involved in the excitement, but don’t love the girl, then you’re wasting your time, and then you’ll break the girl’s heart. If you sincerely love a girl, then you should pursue her.

How soon to pursue a girl after she refuses is up to you personally to decide. Be offended, calm down and then start fighting if you feel that you are ready to act for the sake of the girl.

Analyze the reasons for the girl’s refusal. If she doesn't like you, then you can change and become her ideal. If she's already dating someone, maybe it's not worth pursuing her. If she, in principle, does not want to be with you, then you definitely need to stop communicating with her.

Compliments 14

Girls love pleasant words, but not hackneyed banal phrases. It is worth giving a real and sincere compliment, for example, about an exquisite perfume or a beautiful dress. About what really makes her stand out this evening. But you don’t need to overwhelm them all evening, as the girl may doubt the veracity of her companion’s words. We will advise and teach you how to give the best compliments to a girl in the article at the link.

During courtship, you should consider a few simple rules

How can you still get someone to reciprocate your feelings? You need to follow some rules:

  • gain trust, be sincere and honest in your feelings and attitudes,

  • have a good sense of humor, which is highly valued and can lift your spirits, be able to make anyone who doesn’t laugh laugh,
  • eyes should radiate love and admiration, such a look will melt any heart,
  • romance has never hurt anyone: walking around the city at night, cafes, visiting big cities and buying surprise gifts, but not often, so that this does not become the main incentive in a relationship, you need to fall in love with yourself, and not with gifts,
  • make decisions on your own, girls love decisive ones.

If there are any ineradicable romantics left who are capable of wooing their beloved and taking her under their protection, then these are only a few. But fortunately they exist; all is not lost in the sublunary world. And having made a mistake in youth, they are ready to atone for it even in old age.

It also happens that, without appreciating the worth of a loved one, without showing due respect or perseverance, they are lost at twenty years old, but found at an old age. Quite often you hear such stories about examples of long-term fidelity and finding your true happiness already in your twilight years.


On first dates, it is important to find common topics of conversation, so it is better to talk about what is interesting to the woman. You should not bring up conversations about former partners, ask your companion about the reasons for the breakup and the qualities of your ex-boyfriend. The date should take place in real time and not concern the past in any way.

There is also no need to brag about your financial situation. An adequate lady will regard this as an opportunity to bribe her. A mercantile woman will immediately see a man as a bag of money. Therefore, topics for conversation should be light, pleasant and unobtrusive. It’s better to ask about the girl’s hobbies and her plans for the future. You can support her and say that the plans coincided. Granted, this is not entirely true. In general, you need to make the evening as comfortable as possible.

What not to talk about

There are certain topics of discussion between girls and guys that are recommended to be avoided to maintain good communication. What topics cause negativity and unpleasant feelings:

  • Ex-girlfriends. Talking about previous relationships pushes your partner away. She may think that the guy still has feelings for his ex-girlfriend, wants to return everything, but she pushed him away forever, etc. This will cause the girl to have a negative attitude towards the guy, he will seem weak or flighty in her eyes.
  • Money. Only mercantile girls want to know about a guy’s salary and his property. Normal girls are not interested in listening to this. She may take this as bragging or a way to woo her. The most successful topic is a conversation about plans for future life, assigned tasks and goals.
  • Complaints. Any complaints from a guy put him in a negative light in the eyes of a girl.
  • Religion. In order not to offend the girl’s beliefs, it is recommended to avoid the topic of religion.
  • Policy. The topic of political relationships will certainly cause a dispute, which does not always end successfully.
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