How to change jobs: what gets in the way and how to organize it correctly

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The article explains:

  1. 5 reasons that prevent you from leaving a job you don't like
  2. Where to look for a new job
  3. What you don't need to agree to when changing jobs
  4. Step-by-step algorithm for changing jobs
  5. Steps to take when leaving your old job
  6. Dealing with emotions when changing jobs

Many people think about how to change jobs, but not everyone is ready to take any steps in this direction.
Fears may be justified or groundless, but in any case they prevent you from making a decision, even if it is long overdue. The main thing to remember is that it is advisable to prepare a change of company in advance and not rush to extremes. In our article we will tell you how to change jobs correctly, we will figure out what stops you from taking this step, and we will provide recommendations that will simplify the process of changing activities.

Where to look for a new job

First, you need to update your resume. Make sure that it is correctly composed, reveals all your professional skills, and fully reflects your advantage over other applicants.

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You should think about a new job before leaving your current one. Here are a few channels you can use when searching:

  • Social media . It is there that you can find a large number of vacancies from employers. Also on the Internet you have the opportunity to leave your resume and contact information for communication.
  • Recruiting agency . This channel will be free and really useful if you want to change jobs.
  • Family ties . Ask your relatives or friends for help; perhaps your acquaintances will have a suitable position for you.
  • Relevant companies . This channel is not the most effective, because in large companies there is a large flow of candidates and the workplace is rarely empty. However, there is always a chance of getting an interview with a company you are interested in if your resume is reviewed.
  • Various job search sites . In the 21st century, there are many applications for both employees and employers. Thanks to this channel, you can find common vacancies, so it’s worth a try.

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“How to change jobs? The first steps towards change"

What you don't need to agree to when changing jobs

If you do not want to be deceived, then do not agree to unofficial work. Situations are common when unscrupulous employers offer “black” wages. Among its advantages, they include non-payment of taxes on your earned money.

In fact, unofficial employment poses a huge risk, because the employer may at any time stop paying for your work or stop cooperating altogether. With a “black” salary, there really will be no confidence in the future.

What you don't need to agree to when changing jobs

The great advantage of official employment is the mutual rights and obligations of the parties to the employment contract. We strongly recommend that you apply only for “white” wages. Before changing your job and getting a new one, carefully read all the conditions and nuances, let the employer understand that “black” and “gray” earning schemes are not of interest to you.

How to start earning money remotely from 150,000 rubles. per month, choosing the right profession

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Also, send your resume only to reputable companies; this can be easily checked by reviews and ratings. If you have doubts about your job when applying for a job, then it’s not worth risking yourself and your future.

Features of going to a corporate event

The corporate culture has taken deep roots, and not a single self-respecting company or company can do without organizing a festive evening for its employees on New Year, International Women's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, and so on.

A common mistake employees make is drinking too much alcohol. How many careers have been destroyed after such fun corporate events! You need to monitor the amount you drink and not do anything rash. This rule applies to both beginners and fairly experienced employees.

When is it worth changing jobs after an unsuccessful corporate event? In case the person behaved in an extremely indecent manner, blabbed out some important or secret information about figures or reports.

Step-by-step algorithm for changing jobs

In order to change your job as consciously and confidently as possible, you need to follow the following algorithm of actions:

  • Step 1. Realize your true reasons for leaving.

The real reason for leaving your previous job will help you understand which tasks you want to give up and which ones you are really interested in implementing.

This is necessary in order not to repeat past mistakes. Simply moving to a new job may not solve your problems. Clearly formulate your desired goal by doing a lot of analytical work on your reasons for leaving.

  • Step 2. Determine the criteria that future work must meet.

For each person they can be completely different, depending on values ​​and priorities. It is necessary to write down the Top 5 criteria in descending order of importance.

For example, the list might look like this:

  • salary and bonuses;
  • job functions, responsibilities;
  • remoteness of the office location from your home;
  • prospects for career advancement;
  • company rating, etc.

Only by defining your priority search criteria will you be able to find a suitable vacancy.

I want to change everything, but I’m afraid – what should I do?

When we dare to change, we cannot predict the future and try to imagine it based on our experience. This is a projection, subconscious past failures, failures that we imagine in the future. Therefore, when you decide to change your profession, you are afraid of the unknown and afraid of failure. Hence the fears - not to live up to trust, to disgrace ourselves, the fear that we will be considered a failure.

Yes, the brain plays cruel tricks on us. We have certain life experiences, in professional terms, built certain neural connections that have become entrenched. Building new connections is difficult, it is easier for the brain to do the same familiar actions - this is more convenient for it than learning something new.

We can't predict the future, so it scares us. People are often afraid of new things, even when reality does not suit them.

For example, you may have a leader who raises his voice and gives unclear tasks, but you are used to him and know what to expect from him, what he will do tomorrow or in an hour. That is, you can roughly predict what will happen next. The brain is happy with this situation and doesn’t want to change anything.

Important steps to take when leaving your old job

The anticipation of future changes is always very exciting. After making the final decision to change jobs, it is necessary to carry it out competently, because no one wants to leave unpleasant memories about themselves. To be confident in your actions, follow these steps:

  • Write your resignation letter at least 2 weeks before you leave. Keep in mind that everywhere may have its own nuances and pitfalls.
  • If possible, complete any work you started or delegate projects to another employee to keep work going.
  • Comply with all obligations assigned to you under the employment contract.
  • Don't forget to say goodbye to your colleagues and bosses.
  • Terminate the employment contract.

You work in a toxic team

If your colleagues treat you badly, to hell with the team. It may seem like there's nothing wrong with gossiping behind your back or being disrespected. He suffered and went home.

But put it in the context of your entire life. A person spends approximately 100,000 hours at work. This is more than ten years. It is unlikely that you are ready to spend all this time with people who do not value you at all.

Emotional stability at work even affects your health. Happiness Affecting the Workplace Environment and Employees Wellbeing. Therefore, you need to look for like-minded colleagues and employers who care about their employees. Team building, Xbox, and cookies have become part of office culture for a reason.

Lera Yurina

25 years. She was an event manager in St. Petersburg and became an English teacher in Shanghai.

At my last job, the boss tested my nervous system for strength. She liked to ask unethical questions, like if I had a boyfriend and when I was going to have children. She was also sure that people remember better when you yell at them. There was no support from colleagues, rather the opposite: in case of troubles with a client or management, they made me out to be the culprit of all the troubles, and themselves as the saviors of the situation.

The only thing left was to either accept it and endure the constant pressure for a salary, or leave. And I left. In two weeks I got ready for Shanghai and flew away to teach English to children. The risks were more than justified: adventures, travel, salary growth. In the warm climate of Shanghai, I became interested in running and even completed my first marathon.

Review your past experiences

If you are changing companies, then reflection and structuring your experience will help when writing your resume. If it’s a profession, find out what experience will help you get a job in a new field.

For example, if you worked in logistics and optimized routes, then such experience working with big data will help in analytics - it’s worth mentioning this in your resume. Or you get a job in PR, although you worked in sales - your ability to win people over and quietly clarify needs will come in handy when communicating with journalists, this is also worth mentioning.

Focus not only on skills, remember how you used your soft skills. You've probably had difficulties at work - how did you overcome them? Perhaps you had to show empathy often? Or do you have developed emotional intelligence? These are universal skills that are in demand by any employer.

Read more about this: “Top in-demand competencies for career development or finding a new job.”

Look for useful connections

Nowadays, when looking for a job, you need to be active - send your resume to as many employers as possible so that HR specialists know about you. But don’t neglect other ways to find your dream job.

Find people you know in a field that interests you. Find out if they need a specialist of your level in their company. Perhaps this will turn out to be a win to win situation - in many businesses, employees are given rewards for a good recommendation.

Attend specialized conferences. Try to get acquainted with representatives of the industry you are interested in, invite them to talk in more detail about your employment later. Prepare a report and speak at an event - this way many people will immediately know about you. Later, during a coffee break, talk about your desire to find a vacancy, maybe they will suggest something interesting.

Complete stagnation and no growth

Each job is valuable not only for its salary, but also for the opportunity for career growth and expanded prospects. And if, despite diligent performance of his duties, an employee cannot advance in his career, this may become the reason for his dissatisfaction. In this case, one of the ways out of the current impasse may be leaving for another duty station.

Complete stagnation in the service can also be attributed to the suppression of all employee initiatives on the part of superiors. It’s as if the boss doesn’t see the subordinate’s desire to grow, and in some cases, he forbids taking any steps towards progress. Rational proposals, new ideas and non-standard solutions are perceived by superiors as a desire to stand out and curry favor. This happens if the boss (for some subjective reasons) is biased and unsympathetic towards the subordinate. If negotiations with superiors do not bring the desired result, then the only way out of the situation is to simply leave for another duty station.

Write a resume

HR specialists pay attention to the structure of the resume: subheadings (with keywords), space between sentences, font. As a rule, the HR department does not have time to read through several pages of continuous text - help them and yourself, format the text carefully, highlight the main points in bold, if you list something, then use bulleted or numbered lists in the text.

Here are the basic requirements for a resume:

  • Use simple layouts and fonts - the text should be clear, even if the recruiter does not read it.
  • Recruiters scan job titles and subheadings with their eyes—highlight these parts.
  • Describe achievements in short phrases - they are better remembered.
  • Use numbers, for example, tell us how many projects you have implemented and what successes you have achieved.
  • Write more about what you did, rather than what you did.
  • When listing skills, insert keywords into the text—for example, the names of the tools you know how to use.

Read more: “How to write a resume that will be noticed by employers.”

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