Charisma: what is it in simple words and how to develop it

“I don't believe in astrology. “I believe in my charisma,” Freddie Mercury once said when he was the lead singer of the rock band Queen.

During his lifetime, he attracted huge concert halls, and even now millions of people remember him. And all thanks to talent and, of course, charisma.

What is charisma and what are the signs of a charismatic person? Why is it so important and how to develop it? What books about charisma are worth reading? Surely you are asking yourself exactly these questions, and this article definitely has the answers to them!

What is charisma in simple words

There is no exact interpretation of the concept of “charisma” anywhere. This is not a special gift, but a set of specific skills that a person can develop in himself consciously or unconsciously.

For example:

  • self confidence;
  • positive attitude towards people and life;
  • leadership skills;
  • high communication skills;
  • reasonable generosity;
  • inner calm and prudence;
  • sociability, charm;
  • individuality;
  • high level of empathy.

Just being an empathic and thoughtful person does not mean that he is charismatic. Crowds follow charismatic people. They blow up concert halls, they have a lot of friends and are welcome in any company.

In addition, it is easier for such people to move up the career ladder: it is obvious that employers give preference to purposeful and responsive employees with excellent communication skills. They can easily convince counterparties to enter into transactions, and in general they quickly resolve difficult situations.

Charisma also plays a role in relationships. If a person always finds common topics for conversation, is interested in something and is generally considered an interesting conversationalist, he will not have any special problems in both friendship and love.

From a psychological point of view, charisma is divided into several types:

  1. Focus charisma is the ability to show another person that you are focused only on him. Bill Clinton has this skill.
  2. Charisma of authority is the ability to convince people that you can change their lives. For example, as Bill Gates or Elon Musk did.
  3. The charisma of kindness is to make a person feel important, like the Dalai Lama.
  4. The charisma of a visionary is to instill faith in people, even in the unreal. How Steve Jobs did it.

History of the origin of the term

The meaning of the word “charisma” comes from the ancient Greek χάρισμα, or gift of God. Its use was found in mythology and meant the ability to attract people to oneself. Charites in Ancient Greece were the goddesses of beauty, elegance and grace.

In Christianity this term also had its place. Select people who were endowed with special talents by the Holy Spirit were called charismatics.

Religious interpretations move away from traditional scientific explanations. We will focus on the latter.

This term was introduced into sociology by the German theologian and cultural philosopher Ernst Troeltsch. The concept of charismatic authority was further developed by his compatriot, sociologist, historian and political economist Max Weber. He was convinced that charisma was a supernatural power accessible only to a narrow circle of people.

Weber considered it within the framework of statehood. He identified 3 types of power: traditional, rational and charismatic. The first was based on inheritance, the second on law, and the third was based on the exceptional qualities of the leader, that is, on his charisma.

Charismatic person - who is this in simple words

A charismatic is a person who has inner strength and energy, thanks to which he can lead crowds of people.

Charisma is important not only for communication, but also for achieving certain goals in different areas of life:

  • career advancement;
  • love relationship;
  • policy;
  • education.

There are students whom teachers, all other things being equal, give preference and give higher grades than others. There are politicians who promise and do not keep their words, but people continue to believe them. There are teachers whose lessons you want to go to more than others, simply because they are more interesting. All this is nothing more than the influence of charisma on people.

Sometimes they say that charisma is the ability to manipulate people. And this statement is partly true: thanks to charisma, a person can do both good and evil deeds if he knows how to convince and lead crowds.


Let's see what definition Wikipedia gives us.

Charisma is an exceptional attractiveness, a special giftedness of an individual in an intellectual, spiritual or some other way.

This term also means a set of emotional and mental abilities, thanks to which a person evokes sympathy and trust from others, and is able to influence them for reasons that often cannot be objectively assessed.

In simple words, these are some inner qualities of a person that make him stand out from the crowd. At the same time, he may not have a bright appearance, but others still consider him attractive.

Signs of a charismatic person

There are several external and non-verbal signs by which you can identify a charismatic person:

  1. Sociability and openness. Such a person is always happy to meet people and can support any topic of conversation. He has many interesting ideas, and positive energy is felt in his every action.
  2. Uniqueness is the ability to live without regard to the opinions of others. A charismatic person does everything the way only he needs, as long as it does not violate the interests of other people.
  3. Neat appearance, neatness. This is not always a sign of charisma, but looking your best makes it much easier to charm people.
  4. Sensitivity – the ability to listen to other people, empathize with their problems, and give the right advice (when asked).
  5. Confidence. A charismatic person has no special complexes about his appearance. Even if they happen, he tries not to pay attention to them or work to eliminate the cause.
  6. High level of self-control. In any situation, the charismatic “keeps his face” and does not become despondent in front of the public, even if his whole life has fallen into the abyss at that moment.
  7. Oratory skills. A charismatic person always conveys his message to people clearly and clearly, and they listen to him. And they want to hear.

If there is a charismatic person next to you in the crowd, you will definitely feel it. At a minimum, you will periodically look at him, and at maximum, you will want to get to know him and start a conversation. At the same time, you will not be able to explain why exactly this person attracted you and why you paid attention to him.

Where to begin

We have already decided what qualities a charismatic person has. What about how to develop them? The books “Charisma. How to Influence, Convince and Inspire” by Kabein Fox and “Charisma of a Leader” by Radislav Gandapas.

Some have innate charisma, and some acquire it through self-improvement. If you are reading this article, you are probably the second type. You need not only the signs of a charismatic person, but also information on how to become one. My article, Leader Charisma and Potential Development, will help you deepen your knowledge on this topic.

To help develop charisma in yourself:

Feeling. In simple words, when communicating with people, you need to record all their gestures, facial expressions and intonation, even implicit pauses or accelerations. By understanding what is meaningful to a person, you can understand how to win them over. Oratory courses. You can go to a professional, or you can limit yourself to your own performances and speeches. Successes and mistakes

It is important not to be afraid of mistakes, to be able to accept your defeats, but to always strive for victory. The more knowledge and skills you have, the more confident you will feel.

A person who can be called charismatic can be seen from afar. He always has something to say. And while doing this, he enjoys every minute, every surprised, delighted or dissatisfied exclamation. Time freezes next to him and you want to put everything aside.

What is charisma in a woman?

If you see a completely ordinary girl next to a tall, handsome man, and it’s clear from their relationship that he carries her in his arms and loves her very much, most likely it’s a matter of her charisma. She has charm and her own “zest”.

Women are characterized by their own special signs of charisma, which are less common in men:

  • playfulness;
  • romance;
  • immediacy.

A charismatic woman also has self-esteem and the ability to clearly indicate her desires. She doesn’t make a scandal just because her husband bought the wrong brand of oil or came home half an hour later than usual. And in general, her husband will run home from work, without stopping anywhere, because he knows: it’s good and calm there. Charismatics try to build relationships where there is no place for hysterics and negativity, and all problems are resolved through calm discussion.

A man will always want to be close to a woman who clearly defines her boundaries and declares her desires, without allowing herself to be treated with disdain. But on one condition: they will support him in a difficult situation, listen to him when he feels bad and will not make trouble for no reason.

There are also personality traits that are important for a career. For example, the ability to convince and listen to your interlocutor, get out of difficult situations, argue your opinion in disputes, maintain good relationships in a team.

“She was ugly, but she used her plainness so skillfully that even the most beautiful girls recognized her as a dangerous rival.” Ayn Rad, from the book “We are the Living.”

Is there a difference between male and female charm?

All of the above qualities can be inherent in a person, regardless of his gender. However, there are some differences between the charisma of women and men.

Which girl can be considered charismatic? Most likely, that representative of the fair sex who knows how to charm, flirt moderately, her intelligence is quite high, she knows how to support any conversation.

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Often, charisma in a woman is determined by another person’s subjective view of her. For example, one man will consider a mysterious and reserved person as such, while another will consider a sociable and emotional lady charismatic.

It’s about the same with representatives of the stronger half. Traditionally, confident, persistent, responsible men endowed with eloquence are recognized as bright and charismatic. They are true to their word, leaders by nature, they know how to listen, but they only go their own way.

What is charisma in a man?

In all sorts of pickup courses, men are taught to meet and start relationships with women using various psychological techniques. But they will never work if the man doesn't have charisma.

A man’s charisma in a relationship is a combination of qualities that most often attract women:

  • attentiveness;
  • ability to listen and hear;
  • reliability;
  • responsibility;
  • interest in communication;
  • determination;
  • sense of style;
  • confidence in yourself and your actions.

When it comes to a career, a certain persistence, self-confidence and all other qualities that are also characteristic of women are important for men.

“You just have to be charismatic and talk to people, even if you don’t want to. Put on a happy face and go. Be bolder. Don't be a weakling." – Evan Peters, American actor.

How does innate charisma differ from acquired charisma?

An innate quality is considered to be a property that a person demonstrates from early childhood. Those people who, due to their professional activities, are faced with a large number of very tiny children, notice that it is impossible to take your eyes off some babies. Of course, there can be no talk of any set of non-verbal methods of behavior in such a situation.

However, many children who did not stand out in infancy later begin to attract attention and evoke tenderness and admiration. As a rule, those behavioral features that caused delight among others are fixed in the subconscious and become reflexive.

This happens especially often with little girls, who then grow into adult women and continue to enjoy everyone's attention, just as in early childhood. Thus, to put it as simply as possible, a charismatic woman is a girl who successfully smiled or otherwise touched adults

That is, every child can grow up with charisma, you just need to give him confidence in his own irresistibility. For example, the most charismatic women never admit the possibility that they might leave someone indifferent. These ladies don’t fight such thoughts, don’t drive them away, they simply don’t think like that. The possibility of remaining unnoticed does not initially appear in the mind of a woman with charisma. If you tell a lady who has this quality that some people are not noticed in public places, she will be very surprised.

Acquired charisma, cultivated in oneself already in adulthood, is the result of long and extremely difficult work on oneself. This work is not about controlling weight or teaching yourself to be neat, but about changing your type of thinking, breaking conditioned reflexes and stereotypes.

Acquired charisma differs from innate charisma in that the woman who possesses it, as well as the man, have a pronounced trait, a feature, with the help of which they become the epicenter of attention. This could be a sense of humor or quick reaction, the way of holding a cup or quiet, insinuating speech, the ability to play musical instruments or something else. In any case, if you have acquired charisma, you can always list the qualities that distinguish its owner from other people.

How to understand whether you are a charismatic person or not

In different areas of life, charisma is defined differently:

  1. In a love relationship. If they value you, say that it’s interesting to be with you, and try to spend more time with you, you probably have charisma. In addition, charismatics are much more likely to be noticed by people of the opposite sex than others.
  2. At work. If you are often asked for help, your manager is interested in your opinion on various issues, and in general you feel like a significant part of the company, most likely, it’s all about not only your professionalism, but also your charisma.
  3. In friendship. If you often have guests, friends constantly invite you to all sorts of events, and in general you are the life of the party - this indicates a high level of charisma.

There are other signs by which you can understand whether you are charismatic or not:

  • open attitude towards people;
  • the desire to always achieve results and complete what was started;
  • honesty and sincerity;
  • complete dedication to what you love.

There are certain skills that charismatic people tend to use. If you know a lot of interesting stories and anecdotes, know how to ask rhetorical questions in a timely and correct manner, and have unshakable moral convictions, you are probably one of them.

How does it manifest itself?

Let's consider what qualities distinguish charismatic people from others.

  • High emotional intelligence

On our blog you can read what emotional intelligence is and how to develop it. Here I will just briefly explain that EQ is the ability to manage your emotions and express empathy, that is, to show sensitivity and understanding towards others.

  • Public Speaking Skills

Charisma directly implies excellent command of one’s speech, the ability to win over oneself and convince listeners of the correctness of one’s statements. Such a person knows how to insert a funny joke or story into a topic at the right time, masters metaphors, expressed intonation, facial expressions, and gestures.

  • Self confidence

Such people have healthy self-esteem, are confident in their strengths and talents, know what they want and what needs to be done for it. You want to follow the leaders and follow their example.

By the way, on our blog there is an article about how to become a leader. I recommend reading it.

  • Communication skills

A charismatic person can find an approach to every interlocutor: both a positive one and an opponent.

A simple charisma test

It can be difficult to determine whether a person is charismatic or just a matter of charm. But you can take tests yourself that will give you a clearer understanding. They can be found on the Internet.

There is also a test by H. Friedman, a professor at the University of California. It is considered more or less reliable and consists of 13 points.

For each statement, add from 1 to 9 points depending on how close it is to you. For example, 9 points – definitely about you, 5 – 50/50, 1-3 – not at all about you.

These are the questions:

  1. I am prone to tactile contact if I like the person.
  2. When I laugh, those around me inadvertently start laughing too, even if they don’t know the reason for my laughter.
  3. I easily express my emotions: both in real communication and on the phone.
  4. I have expressive facial expressions.
  5. I like to stand out from the crowd.
  6. I often touch my interlocutor during a conversation.
  7. I like to be the center of attention.
  8. People often tell me that I would make a good actor.
  9. I love playing games where you have to pretend to be someone. For example, in "Crocodile".
  10. At entertainment events I am usually the center of attention.
  11. If desired, I can make my eyes and voice seductive.
  12. I start dancing every time I hear good music. Even if I'm on the street.
  13. I am not shy around strangers.

The average level of charisma is from 56 to 86 points. It is typical for most people. Anything below 56 is a low level. Only a few get scores above 86.

Let's talk about charisma, charismatic movements, charismatic cults and charismatic leaders

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1. Charisma

(from ancient Greek χάρισμα - gift (from God) - “anointing”) - special talent, exceptionalism of a person in an intellectual, spiritual, or some other respect, the ability to appeal to hearts (definition from a modern dictionary of a Soviet and Russian linguist , specialist in the field of lexicology, semantics, stylistics, lexicography and sociolinguistics Leonid Petrovich Krysin (born June 6, 1935, Moscow, USSR)). The dictionary of the Soviet and Russian philologist and translator Nikolai Georgievich Komlev (December 30, 1924, the village of Gari, Puchezhsky district, Ivanovo region, USSR - December 10, 1998, Moscow, USSR) also mentions: high talent, personal attractiveness. Charismatic – characterized by charisma.

Usually, charisma is understood as the totality of a person’s emotional and mental abilities, thanks to which he is assessed as gifted with special qualities, while, often, he does not have any special external data.

2. The word χάρισμα was used in ancient Greek mythology to denote the ability to attract attention to oneself. The ancient Greek goddesses of beauty, grace and elegance were called Charites.

In Christianity it means “gift of God.” In Church Slavonic and Russian translations of New Testament and other texts it is usually conveyed by the word “grace”; in English it is “grace”.

In Catholic theology, it was used in the sense of “an exclusively spiritual property bestowed by God on someone for the good of the church.”

3. In Christian theology, "charisma" is a term that refers to the undeserved gift (or blessing) that God gives to a person. The significance of these spiritual gifts is that they take the believer beyond his natural capabilities and thus enable him to carry out the special task to which God has called a person.

In a more specialized sense, “charisma” is the supernatural manifestation of the Holy Spirit in a believer, intended for the edification of the church (1 Cor. 14:12) and for personal spiritual edification (1 Cor. 14:4). According to the Bible, there are nine supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit; This is stated in 1 Corinthians 12:8–11: “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to everyone to benefit. To one is given the word of wisdom by the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit; to others gifts of healings by the same Spirit; to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another divers tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. Yet all these things are done by one and the same Spirit, distributing to each one individually, as He pleases.”

The key to understanding these nine gifts of the Holy Spirit is said to be the word “manifestation” (see 1 Cor. 12:7). The Holy Spirit himself, who dwells within the believer, is invisible. But, thanks to the action of gifts through the believer, the Holy Spirit reveals Himself to the human senses. Stated another way, each of these gifts is a supernatural manifestation of the Holy Spirit living in and working through the believer. And since these gifts do not manifest the believer, but the person of the Holy Spirit, they are all supernatural in character. And in each case, the results are of a higher level than the level of ability of the believer himself. All of them are possible, as stated, only through the direct action of the Holy Spirit. Through these gifts, the Holy Spirit penetrates and influences the physical world of space and time through the believer from the invisible spiritual realm. At the same time, the manifestation of gifts does not depend on man, but on the sovereign will of the Holy Spirit: “distributing to each individual, as He pleases.”

In Pentecostalism and the charismatic movement, where the charisms of the Holy Spirit are given increased attention, the manifestations of the Spirit are generally classified into three groups:

gifts of speech (gifts that operate through the believer's organs of speech) - prophecy, diversities of tongues, and interpretation of tongues.

gifts of revelation (gifts that give secret knowledge about someone or something) - the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge and discernment of spirits.

gifts of power (gifts that demonstrate the supernatural power of God in physical reality) - faith, gifts of healing and miracles.

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4. The term “charisma” was introduced into sociology by the German Lutheran theologian and cultural philosopher Ernst Troeltsch (German: Ernst Troeltsch, February 17, 1865, Haunstetten Prussia - February 1, 1923). The concept of charismatic authority occupied an important place in the context of the analysis of ideal types of states by the German sociologist, philosopher, historian, political economist Maximilian Carl Emil Weber (German: Maximilian Carl Emil Weber, known as Max Weber), April 21, 1864, Erfurt , Prussia - June 14, 1920, Munich, Germany). According to his classic definition: “Charisma is a personality quality that is recognized as extraordinary, thanks to which it is assessed as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or at least specifically special powers and properties that are not available to other people.”

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According to another point of view, charisma is not an innate or magical quality of personality, but the result of special non-verbal behavior that can be learned. The reason why charisma is considered an innate quality may be that charismatic behavior tends to emerge and become established early in life, becoming instinctive.

A sense of humor, quick wit and quick reaction - every charismatic person has these qualities, according to Nikolai Ovcharov, author of the book “Master of Public Speaking” (2017).

The phenomenon of charisma takes place in small and especially large groups, where the personification of ideals is observed in the process of unity. Charisma most often arises in extreme historical conditions, when a corresponding socio-psychological need is formed.

Charismatics are famous statesmen and military figures, such as Genghis Khan

(Mong. Chinggis Khaan, proper name - Temujin, Temujin, Temujin (Mong. Temujin), about 1155 or 1162 - August 25, 1227) or
Napoleon I Bonaparte
(Italian: Napoleone Buonaparte, French: Napoleon Bonaparte, August 15, 1769 , Ajaccio, Corsica - May 5, 1821, Longwood, St. Helena).
In the 20th century, among such figures were Adolf Hitler
(German: Adolf Hitler, April 20, 1889, the village of Ranshofen (now part of the city of Braunau am Inn, Austro-Hungarian Empire - April 30, 1945, Berlin, German Reich),
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini
(Italian: Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini, July 29, 1883, Predappio, Emilia-Romagna - April 28, 1945, Giulino di Medzegra, Medzegra, Lombardy),
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
(eng. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in the USA also known by the initials FDR, January 30, 1882, Hyde Park, New York, USA - April 12, 1945, Warm Springs, Georgia, USA), Sir
Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill
( English Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, November 30, 1874, Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, Oxfordshire, UK - January 24, 1965, London, UK),
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov
(main pseudonym Lenin; April 10 (22), 1870, Simbirsk , Simbirsk province - January 21, 1924, Gorki estate, Moscow province),
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin
(real name - Dzhugashvili, cargo.
იოსებ ჯუღაშვილი, December 6 [18], 1878 (according to the official version, December 9 [21], 1879), Gori, Tiflis province, Russian Empire - March 5, 1953, residence of high-ranking party and government officials of the USSR "Volynskoe", Kuntsevo district, Moscow region, RSFSR, USSR), Lev Davidovich Trotsky
(pseudonym, also: Pero, Antid Oto, L. Sedov, Old Man and others, birth name - Leiba Davidovich Bronstein, October 26 [November 7] 1879, Yanovka, Kherson province , Russian Empire - August 21, 1940, Coyoacan, Mexico),
Mohandas Karamchand "Mahatma" Gandhi
(Guj. ધી, Hindi मोहनदास कर्मचन्द (महात्मा) गान्धी, English Mohandas Karamchand "Mahatma" Gandhi, October 2, 1869 year, Porbandar, Gujarat - January 30, 1948, New Delhi), Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha (Turkish: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk), 1881 - November 10, 1938), Pope Saint John
Paul II
(lat. . Ioannes Paulus PP. II, Italian Giovanni Paolo II; before enthronement - Karol Jozef Wojtyla, Polish.
Karol Józef Wojtyła, May 18, 1920, Wadowice, now Lesser Poland, Polish Republic - April 2, 2005, Vatican) and Martin Luther King Jr.
(born January 15, 1929, Atlanta, Georgia, USA - April 4, 1968, Memphis, Tennessee, USA). The property of charisma is relatively indifferent to the type of activity and its moral and ethical content: a charismatic leader can be a saint or a criminal with equal success.

The common expression “he has charisma” means that a person makes a strong impression on others, they succumb to his influence and are ready to follow him.

Contrary to popular belief, the term should not be used to describe or refer to the characteristics of inanimate objects. For example, it is incorrect to say: “charismatic design,” but it is correct: “impressive design.”

5. Charismatic movement

(English Charismatic movement from the Greek χάρισμα “gift <grace>; bestowal”) - a movement within Christianity, mainly among Protestant communities, but also became widespread among Catholics, proclaiming that in its activities in accordance with 1 Cor. 12:7 – 10 the gifts of the Holy Spirit are manifested - healing, prophecy, discerning of spirits, working miracles, speaking tongues. In many ways, doctrine and liturgical practice overlap with Pentecostalism, but there are certain differences.

6. The term "charismatic movement"

describes a current international and interdenominational Christian movement in which individual, historically Christian communities embrace beliefs and practices similar to Pentecostalism, namely "the baptism of the Holy Spirit."

Initially, the goal of the charismatic movement was not to found new charismatic communities, but to spread the charismatic experience in all already existing Christian churches of various denominations. Later this process changed, and the charismatic movement in most cases began to spread through the founding of new independent communities.

Charismatic churches claim their adherence to the Apostolic and Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed.

In Russia the “charismatics”

usually call themselves
Christians of the evangelical faith
In some regions, in order not to confuse Pentecostals (also ХВЭ
) and “charismatics”, the latter call themselves
Christians of the Evangelical Faith

7. The charismatic movement is a collection of religious unions and independent religious organizations that have basically similar theology and form of worship.

Among the representatives of the charismatic movement "Faith Movement" (leaders: Kenneth Erwin Hagin

(English Kenneth Erwin Hagin, August 20, 1917 - September 19, 2003),
Oral Roberts
(English Granville Oral Roberts, January 24, 1918 - December 15, 2009),
Kenneth Max Copeland
(English Kenneth Max Copeland, born 6 December 1936) and his third wife
Gloria Copeland
Gloria Neece
, born February 12, 1942),
Jerry Savelle
, born December 24, 1946,
Jesse Duplantis
Jesse Duplantis, born July 9, 1949,
Creflo Augustus Dollar
, Jr., born January 28, 1962,
Keith A. Butler
, born 1955 year),
Toufik Benedictus "Benny
" Hinn, born December 3, 1952,
, née

Joyce Hutchison Joyce Hutchison, born June 4, 1943); Catholic Charismatic Renewal
movement ;
movement "Embassy
of the Blessed Kingdom of God for All Nations", also known as
" Embassy God "
(English Embassy of God) Sunday Adelaja (born Sunday Adelaja, born 28 May 1967, Idomila, Ogun State, Nigeria), South Korean
“Yoido Full Gospel Church”
(Korean 여의도 순복음교회, Chinese-Korean 汝矣島純福音敎會, English Yoido Full Gospel Church), part of the
Assemblies God
(eng. The Assemblies of God (AG)), also
the World Assemblies of God Fellowship
(eng. the World Assemblies of God Fellowship));
"Renewal Movement"
"Awakening in Toronto"
"Toronto" blessing
(English: The Toronto Blessing)), Dukhovny (Ukrainian: Dukhovny). There are also many other representatives of the charismatic movement.

8. It is difficult to highlight all the features of the doctrine of the Charismatic movement due to the fact that it is divided into many movements. However, the vast majority of Charismatic Movement organizations agree with the statements of the Apostles' Creed. Most are Trinitarians. The main difference between the charismatic movement is the belief in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, through which God can manifest himself in any believer: “To one is given the word of wisdom by the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit; to others gifts of healings by the same Spirit; to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another divers tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues (1 Cor. 12:8).”

9. The practice of glossolalia is common to both the charismatic movement and Pentecostals. Its essence lies in the conviction that every believer who has experienced the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit”

, can receive a supernatural gift from God to speak (or pray) in human languages ​​(such as, for example, English, German, Italian and others), as well as in angelic languages. The baptism of the Holy Spirit, according to charismatics, Pentecostals and other members of the Pentecostal movement, is accompanied by the sign of speaking in other tongues. This is based, for example, on these passages from the Bible:

“These signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues (Mark 16:17)”;

“Therefore tongues are a sign... (1 Cor. 14:22).”

This faith is built on several passages from the New Testament, namely from the book of Acts and the 1st Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians. So, for example, the 2nd chapter of Acts describes how the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles on the Day of Pentecost: “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance (Acts 2:4).”

Charismatics, like Pentecostals, believe that these are special languages ​​in which the Holy Spirit can pray in a person, and words can be spoken by a person. For example, this is based on this text: “Likewise the Spirit also helps us in our weaknesses; for we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings that cannot be expressed (Rom. 8:26).”

The meaning of the spoken prayer, according to charismatics and Pentecostals, can be interpreted by the Holy Spirit in a person through the gift of interpretation of tongues: “Wherefore, speaking in an [unfamiliar] tongue, pray for the gift of interpretation (1 Cor. 14:13).”

According to critics of the charismatic movement, the gift of speaking was present in the primal Church, but the Apostle Paul writes in his letter that this gift was not given to everyone (1 Cor. 12:10,28-30).

10. The birth of the charismatic movement dates back to April 3, 1960. On this day, Episcopal priest Dennis J. Bennett (October 28, 1917 – November 1, 1991), instead of preaching, told his congregation about his experience of the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit” (D.J. Bennett, long ago previously in 1959, witnessed some members of his congregation receive the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit” and begin to “speak in tongues”; subsequently he too began to long for greater nearness to God and eventually allowed the Pentecostals to lay hands on him and he spoke “in other tongues”). This statement created confusion among the community members, which led to the removal of D.J. Bennett. Thanks to the press and television, this case received publicity and soon D.J. Bennett was inundated with letters and invitations. Thanks to his active lecture and preaching activities, the charismatic movement began to spread rapidly, and D.J. Bennett was recognized as his father.

The term "charismatic" was coined by American Lutheran minister Harald Bredesen (August 18, 1918 – December 29, 2006) in 1962 to describe what was happening in Protestant denominations.

Further spread of the charismatic movement:

1961 - Lutheran pastor Larry Christenson (English Larry Christenson, March 10, 1928 - December 26, 2021) experienced the emergence of charisma in his community in San Pedro.

1962 – Anglican priest Michael Claude Harper (12 March 1931 – 6 January 2010) from London had a similar charismatic experience and founded the Fountain of Faith

, which played a significant role in the spread of the charismatic movement in England. In 1964, David Johannes du Plessis (February 7, 1905 – February 2, 1987) accepted the Vatican's invitation to participate in the Second Vatican Council.

1965 - An ecumenical meeting on the charismatic building of the church was held in Germany.

1966 - the charismatic movement arose among the Catholic Church in a group of Catholic students from Duquena University.

1967 - the charismatic movement was brought to the Catholic University of Notre Dame in the city of Southband (Indiana, USA), from there the movement very quickly spread throughout all US states and Canada.

1969 - The first meeting of members of the charismatic renewal movement in the Catholic Church took place, and in 1970 the Second meeting took place, in 1971 - the Third meeting.

1974 - an international conference on the topic “The Holy Spirit” was held in Jerusalem. Participants were primarily members of Pentecostal churches and charismatic church groups.

1973 - The First International Congress of the Catholic Charismatic Movement was held, 1975 - The Second International Congress, 1978 - The Third International Congress.

1981 - an event called “Olympia-81” was held at the Berlin Olympic Stadium. Its initiator was Volkhard Spitzer (German: Volkhard Spitzer, August 12, 1943, Göppingen, Germany), who received a vision of a stadium crowded with people.

Around 1980, it became clear that the charismatic movement, on a global scale, had already passed the climax of its development. A continuation of the charismatic movement was a movement that came to be called the “Third Wave of the Holy Spirit”

“The first wave of the Holy Spirit”
is considered the Pentecostal movement,
the “Second wave of the Holy Spirit”
is the charismatic movement), although not everyone shares this point of view and considers the “Third wave of the Holy Spirit” the next stage in the formation of
the Charismatic movement
, which has already become non-denominational.

Today, the largest charismatic communities in Europe are in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Italy. In Latin America, in Brazil there are five charismatic denominations, each of which includes more than 2 million people, in Mexico there is a five-million-strong organization “Church of the Living God”

((Spanish: Iglesia del Dios Vivo, English: Church of the Living God), also
Pillar and Ground of the Truth
(Spanish: Columna y Apoyo de la Verdad, English: Pillar and Ground of the Truth) or
Light World
( Spanish: La Luz del Mundo, English: The Light of the World)) is the largest Spanish-speaking charismatic community in the world. In Africa, the charismatic movement is most widespread in sub-Saharan Africa, in the so-called Tropical Africa. The charismatic movement is also widespread in the United States.

Also, charismatic communities share most of the tenets of Protestantism - about “justification by faith” and “Scripture alone” (lat. Sola Scriptura).

11. The first communities of the charismatic movement began to appear parallel to how perestroika began in the USSR. A huge role in this was played by Ulf Gunnar Ekman (Swedish: Ulf Gunnar Ekman, December 8, 1950, Gothenburg, Sweden) - the founder and pastor of the charismatic Word of Life Church (Swedish: Livets Ord, English: Word of Life) from the city of Uppsala (Sweden) and his assistant Carl-Gustaf Severin (Swedish Carl-Gustaf Severin, born December 1953).

K.-G. Severin first came to the USSR in 1985, to the city of Leningrad (present-day St. Petersburg). The first religious building was opened in the city of Gatchina (Leningrad region). In 1988, K.-G. Severin made his visit to Khakassia.

Today, many independent communities of the charismatic movement have formed in Russia, some of them are included in different charismatic associations, however, maintaining their autonomy, others remain outside them.

12. At the moment the situation is quite complicated. Despite the strictly conservative point of view of a number of leaders in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the presence of churches with “new forms of ministry” throughout Russia was not something unusual for the Russian Church of the Christian Orthodox Church.

, although since the early 1990s this all-Russian union has been considered traditionally Pentecostal. Controversies among charismatics and Pentecostals arise mainly due to differing views on issues of missionary work and the conduct of ministries. Thus, charismatics recognize and use new forms in worship and missionary work, while conservatives reject the ideas of new theological doctrines (where, for example, the emphasis is on prosperity and health), as well as forms of ministry that are too emotional, in their opinion. Representatives of the conservative Pentecostal movement clearly distinguish between Pentecostals and charismatics. The difference between these two movements, the bishop of the Nizhny Novgorod association of the Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith of Pentecostals (TsKhVEP), Evgeniy Ivanovich Dulesin (born July 30, 1961), sees not in the external style of ministry, but in a different approach to teaching. Kharismatov E.I. Dulesin considers them representatives of the liberal development of the Christian church, and sees Pentecostals as fundamentalists who do not deviate from the purity of doctrine. Charismatics, in his opinion, are most concerned about the individual rights of a citizen, about “ to adapt to worldly life...”, and also allow the emergence of new teachings, such as the doctrine of wealth and health.

13. The main differences between charismatic theology and traditional Pentecostal theology are the understanding of the reasons for being “born again,” which, in the traditional understanding, occurs through enlightenment, awareness and complete conversion (repentance), and not through sensory decision-making (superficial repentance under the influence of surging feelings) . There is also a difference in the emphasis placed during community meetings on activities aimed at the possible manifestations of God's action in each parishioner, while, as a rule, the difference lies in the size of the audience, which is smaller for traditional Pentecostals. According to the doctrines of Pentecostal churches, practices that are permissible in charismatic groups are impossible in traditional communities:

prayer for Christian believers for liberation from unclean spirits and curses;

"falling under the influence of the Holy Spirit";

"dancing in the spirit"

Charismatics, in general, advocate external innovations in the course of worship in the church, giving it a “modern” look and sound, which is often categorically condemned by Pentecostals. A significant difference concerns the very form of worship. Charismatic meetings, as a rule, are quite emotionally charged; during the liturgical part, rhythmic music that is popular among young people (disco, rock, etc.) is often used, while Pentecostal services are much calmer. Issues of piety (attitude to material means, the appearance and behavior of a Christian, family relationships and subordination) are also understood differently. Some aspects of charismatic theology (such as the “prosperity gospel”) are completely unacceptable from the point of view of conservative Pentecostals.

Religious scholars have different views on the differences between Pentecostals and Charismatics. Some religious scholars are inclined to believe that these are fundamentally different movements in Christianity, while others classify these movements as one whole.

14. Today, charismatic churches are trying to play a fairly active role in modern society, trying to influence it.

Charity is traditionally widespread, and all possible participation is taken in social projects at the location of a particular charismatic community. In various localities there is a network of Pentecostal-charismatic organizations that help drug addicts and alcoholics free of charge to get rid of their addiction. At the same time, the activities of such organizations are subject to monitoring by law enforcement agencies, which often causes confusion among patients and their relatives. As one of the participants in such a project noted: “...When my 17-year-old daughter was picked up drunk on the streets, and then I was fined 500 rubles for it, no one in the police and prosecutor’s office was worried about this. And now, when there is hope that my now adult child will not die somewhere under a fence, they demand an explanation from me...”

Thus, one of such rehabilitation centers is the rehabilitation center in Kingisepp, Leningrad Region. The example of this center shows that, unlike commercial centers, Christian rehabilitation centers help anyone who turns to them. People from the center in Kingisepp created 17 new centers throughout the Russian Federation (the city of Smolensk and other cities). In total, Evangelical Christians have organized about 300 such centers in the Russian Federation. Also, for example, according to an article on the Russian Archipelago website, the Nizhny Novgorod charismatic organization “Loza,” which belongs to the charismatic “branch” of Pentecostalism, provides assistance to orphanages, boarding schools, helps the hematology fund, and conducts children’s camps for everyone. Christian (city of Moscow) has its own rehabilitation center in the Tver region, where drug addicts and alcoholics receive help. From time to time, Charismatic Pentecostals encounter resistance in their social activities from state and municipal officials and Orthodox Christians, but they overcome all obstacles “with “charismatic” aggressiveness and uncompromisingness.”

15. Charismatic cult

charismatic group
- one of the varieties of new religious movements (NRMs) or “sects”, “cults”, depending on the theological or sociological terminology adopted.

A charismatic cult is created on the basis of the unification of followers and adherents of a specific personality (chief, leader, leader), who recognizes himself and is recognized by others as the bearer of special divine qualities (charisma). Some non-traditional religions are formed and developed as charismatic cults.

The most common definition of the characteristics of a charismatic cult:

deification of the leader (personality cult) (the founder and/or leader of such a religious organization declares either himself to be God, or the deputy of God on earth, or a representative of some supernatural force (for example, Satan);

small number (at first, although over time the number can increase significantly);

isolation (self-alienation of members from the outside world, control over members);

exclusivity (delusions of grandeur, claims to the ultimate truth of one’s attitudes and values);

fanaticism (intransigence towards dissent and hostility towards the outside world);

mysticism (catastrophic-apocalyptic views).

16. The concept of “charismatic cult” is used by some researchers to describe charismatics, and some charismatic organizations use this concept in their name.

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17. Charismatic power

is based on giving sanctity to the outstanding heroism or exemplary character of a certain person, as well as to the normative patterns, orders formulated or prescribed by this person.

Charismatic power

is one of the three forms of power, formulated by M. Weber as
a three-part classification of power
the other two components are traditional power
rational-legal power
. This concept has become widespread among sociologists.

18. Charismatic power

based on the exceptional qualities attributed to the leader. The term charisma itself (from the Greek χάρισμα, “mercy”, “divine gift”, “grace”) was introduced into the sociological conceptual apparatus by the German Lutheran theologian and cultural philosopher E. Troeltsch. With this type of power, orders are carried out because the followers or disciples are convinced of the very special character of their leader, whose power is superior to the usual one existing and known to them. Charismatic power is based on the extraordinary, perhaps even magical, abilities that the leader possesses. It does not matter that perhaps his adherents endow him with these abilities, although they believe that some higher powers endow him with this gift. In this case, neither origin, nor heredity associated with it, nor other rational considerations play a special role - only the personal qualities of the leader. The presence of charisma means direct, directly exercised power. It is very likely that most of history's most famous prophets (including all the founders of world religions), generals and prominent political leaders were charismatics.

Quite often, after the death of a leader, disciples dismantle charismatic beliefs or transform them into traditional (“official charisma”) or rational-legal forms. Therefore, charismatic power in itself does not have a stable and long-term character.

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Examples of charismatic people

Both positive and negative leaders can be charismatic, using their talent for harmful purposes.

The positive ones include:

Charlotte Gainsbourg. She herself has repeatedly said that she does not like her own appearance. But director Lars von Trier has a different opinion, and quite often invites the actress to star in his films.

Uma Thurman. She is tall, has size 42 feet, a heavy look and a large forehead, but this did not stop her from starring in several films by Quentin Tarantino.

Lady Gaga. The singer, on the contrary, is short in stature, and in childhood she was considered an “ugly duckling.” However, it is known all over the world and always attracts full houses.

Adriano Celentano. The actor hardly meets modern beauty standards, but still remains a favorite of the public, including women. Even after 80 years.

This list can also include Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and many other famous personalities.

A striking example of negative charisma is Adolf Hitler. Yes, he knew how to persuade and gathered a huge army, his followers stood behind him like a mountain, but nothing good came of it. He caused a lot of pain both to the German people and to the whole world.

What happens: examples from life and cinema

Charisma does not depend on the moral and ethical side of the individual. It can be both positive and negative.

A prime example of negative charisma is the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. He was an exceptionally charismatic person and had an almost hypnotic effect on the public.

Negative movie characters can also be charming. Remember Anthony Hopkins' Hannibal Lecter from The Silence of the Lambs? The American Film Institute voted him the best movie villain of all time.

Other examples from films:

  • Heath Ledger as the Joker in The Dark Knight;
  • Jack Nicholson in the film “The Shining”;
  • Meryl Streep in the comedy-drama “The Devil Wears Prada”;
  • Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series.

Examples of famous charismatic people from life:

  • Mahatma Gandhi;
  • Martin Luther King;
  • Napoleon;
  • Vladimir Lenin;
  • Joseph Stalin;
  • Steve Jobs.

Examples of positive and negative charisma

Let's look at some practical examples of positive charisma:

  1. The manager knows how to organize work competently. There is a calm atmosphere in the team, all problems and issues are resolved one-on-one with those concerned. When discussing shortcomings in his work, he never gets personal. The team tries to work towards results, if only for the sake of not upsetting them.
  2. The coach gathers a lot of people for intensive courses and courses, knows how to present information competently, and treats people sensitively and with understanding. As a result, clients’ self-esteem increases, they find a purpose in life, and get rid of tension.
  3. A volunteer helps refugees who fled the war. As a result, people are drawn to him, knowing that they will at least receive moral support.

Sometimes charisma is not enough - in some situations it is also important to know psychological techniques. But pure psychology without charisma will not work 100%.

Negative charisma is the ability to manipulate people to achieve your goals. Most often – selfish ones. Such a leader knows how to persuade, but as a result, everything turns out to have negative consequences for those who succumbed to manipulation.


Charismatic people easily make friends and admirers, but to do this you need to be sociable and friendly, polite and pleasant. Charisma has nothing to do with unhealthy egoism.

Don't forget about appearance and image. Think about your personal style and follow it. Be neat. And yes, it has nothing to do with fashion or branded items. Any person can be stylish and visually attractive.

Charisma is the key to a successful and happy life. Study yourself and people, learn to look at the world positively. Become a good specialist and a wonderful person, be a unique person. By the way, they are not born, but become.

How to develop charisma in yourself?

You can enroll in public speaking courses, where you will learn to be the center of attention in a few months. But you can do without them if you follow a few recommendations:

  1. Set goals and develop self-confidence.
  2. Give a speech. She must be competent, clear and confident.
  3. Maintain discipline.
  4. Don't stop halfway - don't quit what you started.
  5. Learn to treat your shortcomings ironically. Learn to laugh at your own failures, and then others will not notice them.

There is also an interesting exercise. Stand in front of a full-length mirror and talk to an imaginary audience. At first you will feel tight, but then you will see all the shortcomings: poor posture, inexpressive facial expressions. Write it down and be sure to work through it. If you do this every day for 15-20 minutes, over time you will be able to confidently speak in front of a real audience.

Be confident in yourself

As social psychologist Alexey Znakov emphasizes, adequate self-esteem and self-confidence are mandatory qualities of a charismatic personality. People willingly follow someone who knows what they are doing and who helps them overcome doubts and fears.

Henry Ford was such a man. The one he created still exists today.

It is worth noting that if you feign confidence for a long time, it really comes. Of course, you need to work on yourself, develop professionalism and bolster your confidence with knowledge and experience.

However, you can start with basic things, for example, learn how to choose the right posture when communicating with others. Choose ones that demonstrate confidence and openness. These qualities are manifested:

  • Composite, but without tension in the body, shoulders back, chin held high.
  • When sitting, take a comfortable position, do not hunch, slouch or cross your arms and legs.

Such open poses change the inner mood. They help you feel strong and powerful, reduce stress and increase resistance to it.

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