Motherwort for insomnia, tincture, how to take

If you experience excessive excitability and subsequent insomnia, you should not immediately turn to medications that have too strong an effect and have a whole list of side effects. Medicinal herbs can come to the rescue, but you don’t have to prepare them yourself. They can be purchased in large assortments in pharmacies. A well-known plant often found along roads and in fields - motherwort - will help you calm down and improve your sleep. But its use also has contraindications and specific rules of administration. It is not always combined with other plants; strict adherence to the dosage recipe is necessary.

Plant composition

In herbal medicine, motherwort has been used for many hundreds of years; it has a calming effect and can be used for hypertension and to relieve painful spasms. For a long time, official medicine did not pay attention to the rich composition of the plant.

In the first half of the last century, the sedative effect of the herb was noticed and alcohol tinctures, decoctions and tablet preparations with motherwort appeared in the pharmacy chain.

Chemical composition:

  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • microelements - calcium, sulfur, potassium;
  • vitamins A, C, group B;
  • essential oils;
  • glycosides;
  • alkaloids;
  • flavonoids.

Medicinal properties

Motherwort is not limited to its powerful sedative effects. The chemical composition allows the use of medicinal herbs for other therapeutic purposes:

  • normalization of heart function, restoration of nutrition;
  • increasing immunity;
  • relieving spasms of muscles and blood vessels;
  • improvement of cerebral circulation;
  • fight against migraines and aches in the temporal region;
  • stabilization of the nervous system;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • eliminating insomnia and improving sleep quality;
  • restoration of damaged vessels and capillaries;
  • normalizes heart rhythm;
  • acts at the cellular level - restores membranes, regulates metabolism within cells.

The list of therapeutic effects on the body is impressive, and motherwort is not addictive. It is effective at every stage of therapy, even with long-term treatment.

The plant does not damage the kidneys, liver, nerve endings and does not have side effects on the body similar to those that can be caused by pharmaceutical sedatives. Unless they have a medicinal plant as an active ingredient - motherwort.


An alcoholic tincture of this plant is a useful remedy, but it has contraindications. You cannot take the drug:

  • in the initial stages of pregnancy and breastfeeding women;
  • persons with low blood pressure and slow heart rate;
  • individual intolerance.

Side effects may manifest themselves in the form of dizziness, drowsiness, loss of strength. In case of overdose, dry mouth and thirst.

How to take motherwort tincture for insomnia should be discussed with your doctor. The fact is that it helps some people, but for others it can cause excitement of the nervous system or loss of vitality.

Does motherwort help with insomnia?

Insomnia is a disorder of the sleep-wake cycle. This problem occurs in many people and develops against a background of stress, concomitant diseases, and nervousness.

The problem with sleep is serious; prolonged absence of normal night rest leads to disruption of the heart muscle, pathologies of the nervous system, and other diseases. Can motherwort help with insomnia? The answer to this question can only be yes.

The calming properties of motherwort are three times stronger than those of valerian root. The plant also affects the quality of sleep itself:

  • relieves nervous tension, spasms and helps to relax and take the most comfortable position for relaxation;
  • reduces blood pressure and anxiety.

Motherwort allows you to quickly fall into a healthy, restful sleep that will not be accompanied by disturbing dreams.

Composition of the drug Motherwort

The most important active ingredient is motherwort extract. The plant has the ability to have an effect on the central nervous system. Flavonoid glycosides found in flowers and stems, as well as alkaloids, saponins and tannins, regulate the state of the nervous system, inhibiting its excitability. In addition, the natural components of the herb can regulate heart rate.

In addition to motherwort extracts, Motherwort forte contains magnesium. This element is indispensable in the formation of nerve connections and impulse transmission. Magnesium is found in all organs and tissues; its deficiency leads to behavioral disorders, decreased resistance to stress, and vulnerability to negative factors. In addition, a lack of magnesium can cause joint pain and night cramps.

Vitamin B6 is another important component of the drug. Without it, magnesium cannot be fully absorbed by the body. This vitamin helps you control your emotions and find the strength not to react sharply to negative information.

Folk recipes

Motherwort in folk medicine can be used in any form that is available for self-preparation: decoctions, alcohol and water infusions, teas.

The herb has a bitter taste and an astringent effect on the mucous membranes, so its use for medicinal purposes is especially effective during the period of respiratory diseases. It will reduce phlegm production, eliminate spasms in the bronchi and reduce inflammation.

Tea with motherwort

  1. 2 tbsp. spoons of dried leaves of the plant;
  2. 250 ml of pure cold water.

Mix the ingredients, put on the fire and bring to a boil. Cover tightly with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. cool. The tea should be drunk on the same day, the norm is half a glass at a time. In addition to its calming effect, tea with motherwort will have a rejuvenating effect on the body.

Broader treatment goals can be achieved by enriching the tea with other medicinal herbs:

  • hawthorn (2-3 dried fruits) - for angina pectoris, rheumatic carditis;
  • valerian (5 drops of alcohol tincture), viburnum (5 dried fruits) - normalizes blood pressure, reduces temperature during colds;
  • cudweed and heather (1 tablespoon each) - for insomnia caused by stress and neurosis;
  • mistletoe (2 tablespoons of dry plant) - cleaning blood vessels, treating hypertension;
  • horsetail (1 tbsp) - weight loss, cleansing the body.


To prepare the infusion, it is better to take a mix of dried medicinal herbs:

  1. 2 tbsp. spoons of motherwort;
  2. 2 tbsp. spoons of pharmaceutical chamomile;
  3. 2 tbsp. spoons of St. John's wort;
  4. 2 tbsp. spoons of yarrow;
  5. 500 ml hot water (not boiling water).

Pour one tablespoon of the resulting mixture of dry herbs with hot water and stir. cover with a lid and leave for 30 minutes. The infusion can be strained or drunk as is. Take half a glass half an hour before meals.


  1. 2 tbsp. spoons of dry grass;
  2. 500 ml boiling water.

Pour water over the raw material and leave for 30 minutes. Take 0.5 cups, it is better to postpone taking the tincture until the evening.

Motherwort decoction can be taken not only internally; baths with the addition of decoction have a good relaxing effect. 500 ml of the decoction, preheated and strained, is poured into a bath of water. It is important that the water temperature does not exceed 38 degrees.

You can immerse yourself in the bath completely or do it only for your feet. Duration of stay in the medicinal decoction is 15 minutes before bedtime.

Alcohol tincture of motherwort

Medicinal tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy, its cost is low. You can cook it yourself:

  1. 5 parts alcohol (70%);
  2. 1 part dry motherwort herb.

Pour alcohol into the raw material and place it in a cool, dark place to infuse for 1 month. After a month, strain the tincture. Take 30-60 drops added to half a glass of clean water. Take 30 minutes before meals or 2 hours after. For insomnia - 30 minutes before bedtime.

The pharmaceutical product has detailed instructions, which you should read carefully and follow the dosage. If you prepare the tincture yourself, do not exceed the recommended dose or refer to the instructions for the pharmaceutical alcohol infusion for additional information.

It is worth remembering that motherwort has a cumulative effect during therapy. The first improvements will begin to appear after 2 weeks of taking the plant in one form or another. Complex treatment of insomnia lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. The main thing is regularity and compliance with the dosage.

Healing properties of tincture

Motherwort tincture in alcohol is a greenish-brown liquid. In addition to cardiac and sedative properties, the drug has medicinal properties:

  • anticonvulsant;
  • astringent;
  • antipyretic;
  • diuretic;
  • antibacterial - used for skin;
  • expectorant;
  • hemostatic;
  • cleansing;
  • restorative;
  • normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Use during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period of serious changes in a woman’s hormonal levels, accompanied by nervous conditions and instability of behavior.
Tearfulness, neurosis, excitability, irritability are conditions that do not benefit the health of the expectant mother and child. Motherwort tincture is prescribed by doctors during pregnancy to relieve nervous conditions, improve sleep for a pregnant woman and for general strengthening of the body.

Preparations with motherwort are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but use during pregnancy is possible only after consultation with a doctor. Contraindications for use during pregnancy:

  1. Hypotension. Motherwort has the ability to reduce blood pressure; taking the drug can cause weakness and fainting;
  2. Allergies and individual intolerance to medicinal herbs;
  3. Stomach diseases, gastritis.

Motherwort is available and taken in a variety of forms. For pregnant women, it is better to choose tea, decoction or tablet preparations. Alcohol tincture is not recommended due to the ethyl alcohol content. If administration is necessary, the alcohol is evaporated: the spoon with the tincture is heated until the alcohol evaporates.

Motherwort forte Evalar: instructions for use

Motherwort forte tablets are indicated for adults. The maximum daily dose is 2 tablets. One is taken at the beginning of the day, the second before bed. Two tablets a day provide 80% of the body's need for vitamin B6. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the nervous disorder. Due to the fact that magnesium tends to accumulate in tissues while taking the drug, the duration of the course can last up to 30 days. In rare cases, the doctor may prescribe an appointment for up to two months continuously. Without the recommendation of a specialist, you should not increase the time of taking Motherwort. As a rule, to restore performance and nervous balance, it is enough to buy 1 package of 40 tablets.

Preparations with motherwort

In addition to alcohol tinctures, pharmacies offer a range of tablet medications.


Available in tablet form. Contains:

  • motherwort;
  • lemon balm;
  • cyanosis;
  • valerian;
  • vitamin C.

Designed to relieve nervous tension, reduce the effects of stress, activate the body's internal forces, and improve sleep. The drug is not included in the list of drugs, it is a dietary supplement. No prescription required.

Contraindications to taking Nervo-Vit are: pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergies and individual intolerance to the components.

Dosage: 3 times a day with meals. The number of tablets at one time is from 1 to 3 pieces. The treatment period is 2 weeks.

Motherwort P

A natural sedative that does not have a hypnotic effect.


  • motherwort grass;
  • vitamin C.
  1. Action: lowers blood pressure, anticonvulsant, regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism, normalizes blood glucose levels, relieves cerebral vascular spasms, sedative for neuroses and stress.
  2. Dosage: adults, 2 tablets three times a day for 20 days. This is followed by a break of 2 weeks to assess the effect and toxic effects. A doctor's consultation is required.
  3. Contraindications: pregnancy due to increased uterine tone, breastfeeding, hypotension, bradycardia, menstruation and bleeding tendency, central nervous system diseases. The drug should not be used by persons whose activities involve attention and physical exertion.



  • taurine;
  • hawthorn fruit extract;
  • motherwort extract.

Action: treatment of angina pectoris, normalization of heart contractions, therapy of neuroses, consequences of stress, complex therapy of post-radiation syndrome.

  1. Dosage: three times a day, 1-2 tablets before meals. Course 4 weeks.
  2. Contraindications: individual hypersensitivity to the components.


Refers to sedatives and hypnotics. Available in the form of drops.


  • motherwort, included in a mix of 32 herbal medicinal components;
  • Gaba Alishan - plant extract;
  • castoreum;
  • Lofant anise.
  • Regular use of drops allows you to:
  • make it easier to go to bed and get up in the morning;
  • neutralize the consequences of neurosis;
  • prevent new stress;
  • improve heart function;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • improve concentration and memory;
  • strengthen the immune system.

Pregnant women and children under 12 years of age can take Sonilyux. Use with caution by persons operating heavy machinery or engaged in activities that require alertness.

Contraindications to the use of motherwort

For children, taking medications even based on herbal ingredients is contraindicated. Any nervous disorders in a child should be examined with the help of a professional psychologist. Children are exposed to daily stress associated with high mental and physical stress at school. With the help of a competent specialist or during a confidential conversation with parents, it is necessary to find out the cause of the anxiety and help the child get rid of it. If these are difficulties in communicating with peers or a teacher, you need to work with them to find out the essence of the conflict and establish communication. It is unacceptable to quell a child’s anxiety with pills.

Adults with acute gastric or duodenal ulcers should also avoid taking Motherwort. It is important to remember that the chronic stage of hypertension cannot be treated with herbal remedies with a slight calming effect. To normalize your blood pressure, you need to contact a cardiologist.

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