All about kisses: types, techniques, life hacks and movie techniques

The first kiss in any relationship is important only to girls. In my opinion, they greatly overestimate it, create a cult, and consider it something special and unique. Well, you understand what I mean: all these songs are about the first kiss, and how she got dizzy, and blah blah blah.

Men do not attach any significance to this event at all. And they always forget this “important” annual date, when it is necessary to give a gift and have a romantic dinner, celebrating the first kiss.

From films we know the approximate scenario of the first kiss. After watching all these pretentious scenes, the girls perceived this model of behavior as the only correct one, although in reality it all looks stupid and unnatural.

In fact, the first kiss doesn't have to be anything special, with off-screen music and fireworks.

Of course, if you can surprise your chosen one, then that will be great, but you shouldn’t jump over your head.

If a woman really likes you, then your kiss will automatically be successful. To do this, you don’t have to spend all day thinking about how to kiss a girl on the lips for the first time.

But there is one small nuance in this matter - we are not always sure that women like us. Therefore, the first kiss, based only on supposed sympathy, should be supported by some “tricks”.

These secrets will help make the kiss bright and memorable, regardless of who likes who best, and also minimize the risk of refusal.

What types of kisses are there?

Despite the fact that a kiss belongs to the sensual and not the rational sphere, it can also be viewed from a technical point of view. Today, there are several of the most popular types of kisses and even their classifications by meaning. The latter concerns the rules of appropriateness for a certain type of affection. Let's look at the types of kisses, their technique and meaning.

Kiss on my cheek

A fairly formal option, especially if in your environment it is customary to say hello/goodbye in this way. A kiss on the cheek means nothing romantically, but is considered good manners on a date. Greet the girl this way. And kiss me goodbye like an adult ;)

Quick kiss on the lips

A timid and quick peck on the lips will be the best first kiss. Firstly, you will test the waters and understand whether the girl likes you. Secondly, this is a very sweet move, especially if nothing was foreshadowed. And thirdly, this is the best type of kiss if you are in a public place.

Kiss without tongue

It's time to kiss on the lips like an adult. This type of kissing is considered the most romantic. You simply gently caress each other's lips with your lips without using your tongue. This option is suitable for the first time, as well as for any situation where you don’t have the strength to restrain your feelings, but you don’t want to break the rules of decency.

French Kiss

The tongue kiss is the most sensual of all lip kisses. Here you need to open your lips and touch the girl’s tongue with your tongue. And then you will understand what needs to be done. The main thing is not to rush and try to feel the moment. A French kiss requires an intimate atmosphere, and therefore you should not indulge in passion in public places. Have fun alone with each other.

Kiss on the neck

When things heat up, it’s hard to concentrate on just your lips. Go lower and caress her neck with your lips and tongue. Most girls get excited by kissing the neck, and therefore such caresses will become a gentle foreplay. But don’t get too carried away - bruises on the neck do not decorate girls. And you are being decorated, so don’t stop her, if anything happens :)


A passionate kiss on the lips, from which the most interesting thing in a relationship begins. To kiss a girl passionately, simply penetrate deeper with your tongue than in a French kiss, and then easily suck her tongue. Your tongues should intertwine and intertwine with each other, as if in a dance of love. A passionate kiss is a bridge to more overt caresses, so don’t try to suck her in during a chaste date in a cafe.

Advice! When dating, always start with the simplest, and move on to the “difficult” if you see positive feedback.

Kiss on the cheek:

  1. Like the first step.
  2. Expression of tenderness.
  3. As a greeting.
  4. As a congratulation.
  5. How to kiss on the cheek correctly?

As the first step

As the first step

Don't know how to hint to a guy that you like him? Have you been friends for a long time, but feel that the relationship has turned into something more? How not to “disgrace yourself” if you fail? A banal kiss on the cheek will come to the rescue.

Such affection is perceived on a subconscious level as something personal and intimate. This means that the person is interesting to you, but not only on a personal or sexual level, but much deeper - on an emotional level. This kind of kiss is tenderness, respect, affection and sincere sympathy.

Try to kiss the object of your passion on the cheek one day: unexpectedly, tenderly, loudly, with laughter and warm hugs. You'll see, this will not go unnoticed on his part.

Expression of tenderness

It is common practice in families to kiss each other. Mothers kiss their children, and children kiss their parents, spouses kiss each other. A sweet kiss on the cheek is an integral element of a wedding and family photo shoot. This is an expression of sincere affection, love, attention.

Don’t forget to kiss your loved ones periodically, and your relationship will become warmer and closer. Love each other and show it as often as possible.

As a greeting

In some cases, a kiss on the cheek has a social, secular meaning.

It is used as a greeting to close friends at social parties and public receptions or among young people. If you are a socialite, do not forget to greet your friend when you meet with a double kiss. Unlike “home kisses,” social kisses are not reverent or sweet, they are more of a tribute to fashion, a prop, an illusion.

It is customary to greet each other with similar two- and three-time kisses when meeting on the street in some countries, for example, in Russia. But such a tradition is gradually fading away even there, giving way to the traditional handshake or a more intimate form - a hug.

In youth circles, friends usually kiss on the cheek, expressing a warm greeting and emphasizing strong friendship.

As a congratulation

A kiss on the cheek often accompanies congratulations. Moreover, this is equally relevant both for giving gifts in a warm home environment and for rewarding and recognizing services to society. Therefore, a warm kiss both during the presentation of the award at the ceremony and at a home celebration will be appropriate.

French kissing techniques

Of course, you are interested in what kisses with the tongue are like. There are several popular lip kissing techniques. We will look at six of them. And they will all make her melt like ice cream on a summer day.


Without invading her mouth, begin to lightly lick her lips, lightly pressing on them with your tongue. If the girl opens her lips slightly, then lick the tip of her tongue without trying to penetrate deeper. Feel the feedback that she is doing. Don't force it, just lightly touch her with your tongue. Such a gentle kiss on the lips will inflame her, and she will be ready to move on to the next stage.


Gently open her lips with your tongue and carefully enter her mouth. Now caress her tongue with yours, sucking it lightly. Don't forget about your lips, periodically returning to the first stage. Do everything gently, so you will get a beautiful kiss on the lips, no worse than Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams in The Notebook.


If you want to make the kiss a little rougher, add some biting. Bite her lips, doing it slightly impatiently, as if you were burning with passion. Don't overdo it so that the girl's lips don't swell the next day. This technique is ideally combined with a passionate kiss that precedes love games.


For this technique you must be passionate, otherwise it will not work. Don’t try to reproduce the technique unilaterally; the girl should be charged with enthusiasm no less than you. For this kiss, simply intertwine your tongues and move in a circle, as quickly and passionately as possible.


Rest a little, especially if you are in a public place :) Sucking is a technique where you lightly clasp one of her lips with your lips and suck lightly. You can also suck on her tongue. For many girls, this kiss is one of their favorites, because it is very gentle and romantic.

Passionate reception

This technique is more than an ordinary passionate kiss. In essence, it is a kiss with tongues. Only tongues, no lips. You simply lick each other's tongues, sticking them out shamelessly. Very animalistic and wildly exciting for girls and guys. But this requires a certain level of intimacy, so don't rush things.

Lifehack! When kissing, use your hands for even greater closeness and intimacy. You can hold her face, run your hand through her hair, hug her around the waist and even lower your hand if things have gone too far.

How long should a first kiss last?

One of the confusing questions about most first kisses is how long should it last?

It's better to keep it short and sweet than to awkwardly linger with your lips pressed against hers or torment the girl with your swirling tongue. Remember that this should be pleasant, you should feel a little hot, your heart rate should increase.

If you like it, you can step away for a few seconds and then come back again. This allows you to take a break and make the kiss more sexual.

At the end you can say the magic phrase:

"I've wanted to kiss you for so long"

This statement works great and has a very positive effect on the girl.

How to learn to kiss?

But theoretical knowledge of all kissing techniques will not help you kiss coolly. This takes practice. Tomatoes are unlikely to help you experience the moment, so you shouldn’t bother. When you meet a couple, everything will work out by itself. And if you want guarantees, then keep detailed instructions that tell you step by step what you need to do to learn how to kiss on the lips if you have no experience. So, let's learn to kiss in practice:

  1. Start with a small step. Take her hand, hug her, kiss her on the cheek or give her a quick kiss on the lips. Assess the reaction, and only then proceed to the next step.
  2. Pull her towards you and touch your lips to hers. Lightly kiss the upper lip, then the lower lip, then both. Make light, slightly retracting movements.
  3. Most likely, during the kiss the girl’s mouth will be slightly open. Then try lightly touching her tongue with yours. But if she doesn’t open her lips, then continue to do as in the previous point or you can take a break.
  4. If you are sure that the girl likes the kiss, but she categorically does not open her lips, then try to be more assertive. Press your tongue on her lips to penetrate inside. Perhaps she simply has no experience, and she also doesn’t quite know how to kiss like an adult.
  5. When your tongue is in her mouth, don’t move it too intensely. Gently caress her tongue and lips, making light drawing or sucking movements.
  6. Never end a kiss abruptly. Do everything in reverse order so that the kiss slowly fades away. This means that the end of a French kiss will be short and light pecks on the girl’s lips, cheeks, and maybe the neck.
  7. That's it, consider the mission accomplished! Now you know how to kiss on the lips correctly and you won’t be confused on the first date.

Attention! The instructions are intended for guys who want to kiss a girl for the first time and don’t know where to start or what to do. If you want to learn how to kiss at home, here is a video with a visual aid from a very pretty girl.

Will your first kiss be remembered forever?

A person remembers events that were emotionally significant throughout his life.

This has long been proven by psychologists. The more important the action was, the more vivid the memory remains. This definition is called emotionally charged brightness. The brighter the feeling emotionally, the longer it will remain in a person’s memory, especially if such events occur for the first time. And the first kiss of teenagers is one of the most emotional sensations that can leave a deep imprint in memory for many years. Moreover, the memory of the first kiss and the pleasant sensations that were experienced can be remembered forever.

Kissing for the first time, the second, and the third is good for your health. It improves your mood, burns calories, strengthens the immune system, and increases physical and mental activity. Psychologists believe that kissing means finding peace of mind and harmony between the external and internal world.

How to kiss for the first time so that it is remembered forever? It is important to know:

  • you need to kiss for the first time with someone who is desirable for you, someone who makes your heart skip a beat even when you look at them; it is important that sympathy is mutual;
  • You should not kiss for the first time in the absence of desire, if the situation does not correspond to the expected event at all;
  • You should forget about alcohol for courage - it can dull the senses, and the liberation created in this way will not help make the kiss memorable.

The main mistake made by those who decide to kiss for the first time in their lives is to do it just for their own pleasure. It is advisable to try to feel his (or her) desires and support them. This will help you get a unique experience from your first kiss.

How to initiate a kiss?

Most guys are concerned not only with how to learn to kiss, but also with how to lead them to a kiss. So, here are the most romantic and spontaneous ways to kiss a girl.

  1. Initiate eye contact for a few seconds. If the girl does not hide her gaze, then kiss her. Not necessarily with your tongue right away, just touch her lips.
  2. If you are at the cinema, then take her hand, hug her (after opening the armrests). And then during a romantic scene, kiss her for real. Imagine how delighted a girl will be when she realizes that romance can be not only on the screen.
  3. If you're at a club, kiss her while slow dancing. The romantic atmosphere will enhance the sensations several times.
  4. Take her to rides, like the Ferris wheel. And kiss her when you get to the very top. She will never forget such a first kiss.
  5. Make her laugh and kiss her suddenly, when the hormones of happiness are still boiling in her blood. Imagine the cocktail of emotions she will experience.

The best reason for a kiss is when you are both experiencing strong emotions. It doesn’t matter - fear, excitement, happiness, joy. Therefore, always try to create an atmosphere in which a kiss is inevitable. Also, look into her eyes more often. Long eye contact increases falling in love, which means the kiss will definitely be cool.

If you want to know the secret of how to kiss correctly, then it sounds like this: do it on emotions, and not only yours, but also the girl’s.

How to kiss a guy so that he really likes it and falls in love

It is important that the guy realizes that you are not an easily accessible person. Even if you want the kiss to be followed by a continuation, he should not think that this is a common situation for you. That is why it would be a good idea to choose a time so that soon after the kiss you need to say goodbye before meeting again - that is, it is better to initiate the first kiss not at the very beginning of the date, but closer to its end. In this case, this incompleteness will provoke the guy’s thoughts about you until the next meeting, and will further inflame his fantasy. As you understand, under such circumstances it won’t be long before you truly fall in love.

In addition, it is important to behave as naturally as possible and not pretend to be a violent passion - you can get carried away, overact and look simply funny.

Kissing positions: how to diversify your date

Do you think a kiss is good on its own? But no! The position in which you kiss also matters. And for your own convenience and comfort :) So, what kissing positions should you try on your next date?

Side by side

The best option for a cinema and cafe. You just need to sit next to each other and turn to face each other. You can hug and hold hands. To initiate a kiss from this position, grab the girl's chin and turn her towards you. Look into her eyes for a couple of seconds and then kiss her.


This can be done when you are walking in the park, dancing, or you walked her home and now you don’t want to say goodbye. Just lean towards the girl and kiss her on the lips. It will turn out cool, spontaneous and very romantic. This is also a very comfortable position to hold her close to you and hug her tenderly. Don't miss the opportunity!

Girl on her knees

If this is not your first date, then sit the girl on your lap. Modestly sideways or let her sit astride. The most passionate kisses begin with this position, and you have access to various delicious parts of the body.

Lying down

When you find yourself together on the couch (for example), don’t miss the opportunity to kiss. Lying opposite, you can stroke and hug each other at the same time. Well, then someone will definitely be on top. But that's another story.

Now you know how people kiss when no one is looking ;) Don’t be shy to try it out in practice!

How old can you be?

Are you worried about the question: at what age can you kiss for the first time? In this case, most likely, you are in love and want to get closer to the object of your desire. A certain age is not important because:

  • someone had the experience of kissing for the first time in kindergarten;
  • others were lucky at the age of 20;
  • Teenagers start kissing at the age of 12–16, there is nothing reprehensible or strange about this.

There are no critical age limits. This cannot be blamed or ridiculed. Girls, unlike boys, develop faster, so they often want to kiss for the first time with a high school student rather than with someone the same age.

Be responsible when choosing a partner. There will be no second attempt; you must act sincerely and tenderly. Girls should not kiss solely because all their girlfriends already have a similar practice, and guys should not kiss to look cooler in the eyes of others.

Rules for a great kiss

We looked at types of kissing on the lips, techniques, poses, and even learned this art according to instructions for beginners. Now we will find out how to kiss so that she gets goosebumps in her stomach.

  1. Be gentle. There is no need to bite, suck and lick your partner. Women like passion, but not when it masks inexperience or rudeness.
  2. Do not rush. Enjoying a kiss compensates for its possible shortcomings. But don’t delay the kiss if you see that the girl is not burning with passion.
  3. Use your hands. But don't let them go! You can put your hand on her neck, waist or take her chin. Run your hand through your hair if the girl’s hairstyle allows it.
  4. Hold her close to you. Hugs activate the hormones of happiness and affection, which means she is guaranteed to feel tenderness towards you.
  5. Stroke her neck. After all, this is one of the most powerful erogenous zones.
  6. Be courageous. Don't be afraid of persistence and initiative. Look confidently into her eyes, turn her chin towards you, pull her in. In general, show James Bond and Superman in one bottle.
  7. Don't think about anything while kissing. Stressful mental activity will show on your face, so just turn off your brain and enjoy the moment.

And remember that a great kiss between a guy and a girl is not about technique at all, but about feelings. If there is a spark between you, then everything happens by itself.

A spark can be created by giving the girl more emotions. Different. Not only positive ones. That's why in films girls fall in love with heroes with whom they escaped terrible danger. Take your lover to an amusement park or a powerful horror movie to awaken her emotions. Or do something to make her scared for you (but not too dangerous!). After your joint adventures, both of you will have no questions about how to kiss, and everything will turn out spontaneous and very cool.

What to do if she discovers your inexperience

She will discover your inexperience if you ask how she likes a kiss and the like. To prevent this from happening, be silent and don’t make excuses, even if everything didn’t go very smoothly.

It’s better to repeat the kiss to rehabilitate yourself. And then try not to lick her excessively, not to penetrate too far with your tongue, not to suck too hard and not to bite. Perhaps it will be possible to correct the situation. And if not, don’t despair, maybe she just doesn’t like you very much and it’s not about the kiss at all.

Life hacks for kissing

If you want to know how to kiss on the lips so that all girls without exception will like you, then check out some very, very useful life hacks. Despite the fact that all girls are different, any of them will appreciate your skills if you do simple things. So:

  1. Carry mint gum with you. It's no coincidence that most chewing gum advertisements contain kissing scenes. Fresh breath is very important. Order mint tea at a cafe. But without sugar, otherwise it will neutralize the effect. Don't try to kiss a girl after eating all kinds of fast food. After filming the first Transformers, Megan Fox admitted that it was here that she had the worst kiss of her life. The actress's partner was Shia LaBeouf, who ate garlic burgers before the romantic scene. Don't be like Shia LaBeouf.
  2. Don't drool. Literally. Wet kisses are terrible for any girl. Try to control your salivation or at least not lick the girl too much. By the way, it was this feature of Robert Pattison that ruined his kiss with Reese Witherspoon on the set of “Water for Elephants.” But the actor can be understood, since he had a runny nose. Therefore, don’t kiss with a runny nose.
  3. Make the girl laugh more often. What does this have to do with kissing? In the most direct way! Laughter stimulates the release of happiness hormones, so the girl will always be in high spirits. Besides, humor enhances your charm, and this is the key to everything. After filming Pirates of the Caribbean, Keira Knightley admitted that she hated kissing Orlando Bloom. But with the charming Johnny Depp, she agreed to do a million takes!
  4. Quit smoking. It sounds difficult, but it's worth it. The smell of tobacco will remain even after mint chewing gum, and this is unpleasant for most girls. For example, after filming “9 and a half weeks,” Kim Basinger admitted that kissing Mickey Rourke was creepy precisely because of his love for cigarettes. And How I Met Your Mother star Allison Hannigan hated kissing Jason Segel for this reason too.
  5. Don't overdo it. By sticking your tongue deeper, you definitely won’t make the kiss cooler, but rather, scare the girl away. This is exactly what happened to James Franco and Vannesa Hudgens on the set of Spring Breakers. After kissing James, the actress said that she would rather kiss a girl than do something like that again. Don't overdo it!

And further! Be attentive to your partner after the kiss, give compliments, admit your feelings (if you have them), but don’t be silent. Women still love with their ears :)

What can ruin a kiss?

Not many things can ruin a couple's first kiss. Nevertheless, we will tell you the main points that cause negativity in most people who kiss.

  • The first place goes to “wet kiss”. Choking on saliva, especially someone else’s, is not a pleasant experience. Therefore, do not try to “moisten” your activity to such an extent that you then have to go wash your face.
  • The tongue is a tool that can make your kiss unforgettable in every sense. To make it a wonderful memory, avoid putting your tongue in your partner's mouth and do nothing else. Or move them back and forth in the rhythm of random Brownian motion.
  • Are you hungry? Then you don’t have to try to open your mouth so wide as if you want to eat rather than kiss your partner.
  • Sounds. The natural sounds that come from kissing are sweet and charming. You can even sigh and moan gently. But a menacing growl, purring and squealing can cause not just oncoming bewilderment, but even an attempt to escape. You don't need this, right?

Now you know all the subtleties and nuances that accompany the first kiss. Although there may be a different number of first kisses throughout your life, let each of them leave only pleasant memories!

Questions and answers about kissing

Where to put your tongue during a French kiss?

If your tongue is already in your partner’s mouth, then caress her tongue with it. You don't need to push it too deep into your mouth. And most importantly, relax your tongue. Tense and wooden, it will make the kiss uncomfortable for the girl.

What kind of kiss do women like?

It is important for women to feel comfortable and pleasant. When kissing passionately, do not use your tongue too intensely, and also do not try to suck her entire mouth, as in the famous scene with Jim Carrey in the movie “Dumb and Dumber.” If she has to wipe herself off after your kiss, it means you overdid it.

What kind of kiss do men like?

To balance the previous question, let's answer this one. Men love passionate and frank kisses, especially from girls with whom they are in love.

What is an Eskimo kiss?

Its key difference from the usual one is that it does not involve the lips. Partners touch their noses and lightly rub them together. In traditional Eskimo culture, there is nothing erotic about this gesture; it originated as a greeting between friends and family. But in the West, this is a great way to diversify erotic games and become closer to each other.

What happens to a guy during a kiss?

Many girls are interested in knowing how men react to kissing them. And they react very violently. Blood rushes to all parts of the body that are important at the moment, and the guy can only think about one thing. About what often follows a kiss.

How to learn to kiss cool?

The success of a kiss depends on how much your partner (or partner, if we are talking about a girl) likes you. Mutual love enhances the thrill of a kiss, while non-reciprocal love, on the contrary, exaggerates all the shortcomings. Therefore, kiss only those who care about you and everything will be cool;)

When is a long kiss appropriate?

A long kiss is a love trance and cannot be created artificially. Lovers who simply do not want to leave each other kiss for a long time. Also, long kisses precede further caresses, and are the best foreplay for many girls.

What is an "adult kiss"?

If you want to know how adults kiss, then just remember any romantic movie scene with a kiss. Do you remember how it all ends? Exactly. This is an “adult kiss” - foreplay.

What to do if you didn’t like the kiss?

Most likely, your partner is not your soul mate. Perhaps there is a lack of passion, or maybe it's all about psychological incompatibility. However, it’s worth trying again, in case your first impression turns out to be wrong.

Tips for girls

It is important for a girl that her feelings are not overshadowed by a feeling of insincerity and mistrust. Therefore, before you take a step towards your first kiss, you need to be sure that this is exactly the guy you need. Only then will the first kiss remain in your memory forever.

How to behave with a guy?

You are a young lady, which means that the thought of first contact with a member of the opposite sex worries you. How to kiss correctly for the first time so that the sensations are not spoiled by incorrect actions? What to do if he seems to be showing signs of attention, but still does not dare to make such tactile contact? Well, you have to take the initiative and take the first step yourself.

To find out the secret of how to kiss a guy correctly for the first time, you will need:

  • object of the opposite sex;
  • your lips and his;
  • appropriate environment;
  • if possible, no witnesses.

The recipe is simple - maximum naturalness, minimum stress. All of us were inexperienced and understood literally nothing about the art of love. However, overcoming shyness and fear, some manage to find a person for life. What if the lucky person who is liked so much is fate?

The long-awaited first date has finally arrived. How to kiss without tongue for the first time?

  1. There is no need to rush things.
  2. You chat nicely, talk about various topics, laugh, and the meeting time slowly comes to an end.
  3. There are two options: he looks into the eyes without looking away, or he behaves at ease, and his future plans are to walk you home, and as a result, to carry out his plans.

Either way, be relaxed, open, and smile more. A smile always puts your interlocutor at ease.


  • look at him and playfully lower your eyes;
  • playing with hair - lightly winding a strand around your finger, straightening your hair is always perceived as flirting;
  • Don't overplay it so as not to scare it away.

There must be a measure in everything, the so-called “golden mean”.

The fewer nerves, the greater the chances that the meeting will be crowned with success, and you yourself will understand how to kiss a guy for the first time, since it almost always looks natural and effortless if sincere feelings have arisen between you. Nothing bad will happen if something doesn’t go according to plan, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. And for you this will be a lesson and experience for the future.

How to make your first kiss unforgettable

How to kiss correctly for the first time?

The moment is approaching when the first kiss will take place. How to kiss the young man you like correctly?

Only lips participate in this process; the initiative is in the hands of the lady. How to kiss without tongue for the first time? You can kiss him unobtrusively when saying goodbye at the end of the date:

  1. Facing the young man, smile and thank him for a pleasant evening.
  2. Step towards him or rise on your tiptoes to get close to his face.
  3. Close your lips, lower your eyelids, touch your lips to his lips and press together, only holding this position for a second.
  4. After this, your best decision will be to leave. After such an act, he will think about you and eagerly plan the next meeting.

A little trick: before kissing a guy with your tongue for the first time, apply lipstick at home. If “that” moment comes, erase it quietly. This will be a clear sign for him to take the decisive action that you are waiting for.

How to kiss a guy with your tongue for the first time? This technique is called French kissing - the most common. France is considered the birthplace of love; lovers often come here and confess their feelings.

  • The man should start kissing, the girl should follow;
  • although sometimes ladies can take over this initiative if the guy can’t make up his mind;
  • trust your lover, come closer, do not hide your hands;
  • movements are smooth, calm;
  • surrender to the moment, everything will happen by itself.

Some tips on how to kiss properly for the first time with tongue:

  1. Lick your lips, moisten them slightly.
  2. Approach your face to the man, bow your head to avoid a collision with your nose, close your eyelids.
  3. Kissing for the first time in this way should be started by first closing your lips and gradually opening them, doing it as slowly as possible.
  4. If he doesn’t mind a “French kiss,” open and relax your lips a little, and have him lightly press one of your lips with his lips.
  5. Open your mouth slightly and close it again, sticking out your tongue, making movements similar to licking a lollipop.
  6. Tongue movements should be smooth and soft.

How can a guy kiss a girl with tongue for the first time and breathe? Your breathing should be through your nose. If your tongue is in your partner’s mouth, you can fantasize: run it across the palate, touch his teeth, tongue. A responsive man will make sure that the first French kiss becomes the most sensual and will give an unforgettable experience to both.

Bonus: what movie will teach you how to kiss?

The best movie kisses aren't always found in rom-coms. Often the most romantic scenes appear in films that are not intended for this purpose: action films, action films, disaster films and comic books. Thrillers and horror films, by the way, are not far behind. In general, watch the coolest (in the author’s humble opinion) movie kisses.

Batman and Catwoman (Tim Burton's Batman Returns 1992). The cunning Catwoman seduces the superhero to deliver the finishing blow.

What to learn : for boys - intelligence, and for girls - cat-like grace.

Mickey and Mallory (Oliver Stone's Natural Born Killers 1994). The criminals that America is looking for kiss on a bridge to seal their love with makeshift rings during a spontaneous wedding.

What to learn: spontaneity.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith (“Mrs. and Mrs. Smith” by Doug Lyman 2005). These two need thrills and are able to give them to each other.

What to learn: the ability to keep secrets.

Elizabeth and Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, Gore Verbinski 2006). With this kiss, Elizabeth finds the captain to certain death. But Jack doesn't regret anything :)

What to learn: lightheartedness.

Lilu and Corbin (“The 5th Element” by Luc Besson, 1997). Love is the true fifth element in the structure of the universe and the heroes proved it.

What to learn: openness from Lilu and courage from Korben.

Evelyn and Rick (Stephen Sommers' The Mummy 1999). Love as a reward for salvation from an ancient curse.

What to learn: fearlessness.

Dominic and Letty (Rob Cohen's 2001 Fast and the Furious). The sweet couple demonstrates a very passionate and incredibly sexy kiss. Vin Diesel is definitely not shy about his desires.

What to learn: the ability to turn off rational thinking and give free rein to instincts.

What else should you pay attention to when kissing?

Here are a couple more nuances, by paying attention to which you can avoid inconvenience.

  1. It is worth taking care of the freshness of your breath. Even for the most loving guy or girl, this can completely discourage any attraction to you.
  2. It is worth taking care of the condition of the skin of your face and lips. This is especially true for the autumn-winter period, when the skin can be chapped and dry.
  3. Don't freeze in one position. This can be very confusing for your partner, especially if, like you, he is new to this matter.
  4. The main thing is sincerity. Your kiss should let your partner know how you feel about him and what he means to you.
  5. It is worth tilting your head slightly. Otherwise, you will bump noses with your partner.


This species can be called one of the subspecies of French kiss. This technique is very common and popular, and therefore deserves special consideration. How to proceed:

  1. go to standard technology;
  2. start kissing in French;
  3. at first, touch only the tips of your tongues, teasing your mate;
  4. using your back as well, try to make a circular rotation of your tongue around your partner’s tongue;
  5. adjust the pace, find a comfortable rhythm, continue moving in a circle;
  6. occasionally change directions (clockwise and counterclockwise), alternate with other touches (standard, other French).

"Mill" can be used as a first attempt at a French kiss. The movements are more understandable, there is less improvisation in them, and therefore they will appeal to those who like everything to go according to plan.

French kiss - passionate kiss with tongue

One of the options is a French kiss with tongue. This is exactly the case when it is good to run your tongue along the lips, namely along the inner edge, of your partner. After paying attention to the edge, you can lick the guy’s tongue in a circular motion, but you need to keep your teeth away from his tongue so as not to accidentally bite in a fit of passion.

How to learn this kissing technique

You need to use the imitation reflex. How do we learn to dance at a disco? We watch how others move and repeat after them. You can do the same thing if you watch your kissing technique. This could either be a scene from a love drama or a special video. Turn on the video and play it several times, because the imitation reflex will work better when you try to repeat it more than once.

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