How to kiss correctly: for the first time, with tongue, without tongue, passionately, with a guy, with a girl, French kiss, types of kisses and their technique

How delicious, beautiful and sexy it is to kiss. Read the article and you will become a kissing master.

Kisses accompany a person throughout his life. The newborn feels the gentle touch of his mother's lips. Grown-up children are kissed by their grandparents and other relatives. Play kisses with friends and girlfriends begin in the kindergarten. At school - timid touches of lips with first love. As adults, people experience passionate and tender kisses with regular partners, and they don’t want to tear themselves away from them

The role of kisses is difficult to overestimate, and for some they are even an indicator of how the relationship will develop. A pleasant kiss that both lovers liked is conducive to constant meetings and, in some cases, to the union of destinies. If, after touching lips, people are disappointed in the sensations, then they will not seek dates with each other again and again. And in order to evoke positive emotions in your loved one, you need to know the basic rules of successful kisses.

How to kiss correctly for the first time

The first kiss is an exciting event that will be remembered for a lifetime. Usually he is timid and inept, because lovers have too many emotions and little experience. But this is the beauty of the intercourse of pure, innocent partners embarking on a long path of pleasure. Then, from the height of past years, awkward touches with lips are remembered with warmth and longing for carefree times, when mere trifles worried.

To avoid ruining a kiss prematurely, you need to:

  • thoroughly brush your teeth and tongue using a special attachment, remove pieces of food from the interdental space with dental floss;
  • if desired, spray your mouth with a special spray, chew chewing gum, but do not overdo it with aromas;
  • do not eat foods with a strong, difficult-to-remove odor, for example, onions, garlic, horseradish and the like;
  • to make your lips pleasant and not rough, exfoliate them with a scrub and apply hygienic lipstick;
  • gain confidence and courage, but do not drink alcohol, which spoils all the romance between young people;
  • if the partner is older and more experienced, honestly admit that the kiss is the first, and support, understanding, and patience are required.

If the kiss didn’t take you by surprise, then that’s half the success. But the process is unpredictable because it involves two people, and overzealousness can be a bad joke. You shouldn’t immediately attack your partner, trying to demonstrate the famous French kiss. There is a risk that the anticipation of passionate intercourse will turn into a series of awkwardness. The most common mistakes: chattering teeth, excessive salivation, not knowing where to put your tongue, prolonging the kiss or ending it too quickly.

A timid first kiss will be remembered for a lifetime

To make the first kiss look like something out of a beautiful movie, it is better to start with fleeting touches of the lips and observing the reaction of your loved one. His behavior will say it all. If he reaches forward and closes his eyes with pleasure, then you can continue, gradually pressing closer. If he pulls away and shows signs of dissatisfaction, it’s time to stop the experiment. If you respond to a kiss, but periodically tries to gently push away, then you need to reconsider your technique and kiss more tenderly or, conversely, more assertively.

I want a man to kiss first, what should I do?

Excite and make a guy kiss you

If you want your chosen one to kiss you, choose the right time for this. A young man who is clearly attracted to you will certainly want to kiss you under almost any circumstances, but you should still be sensitive and not persuade him to take this step if he is seriously upset about something. This insistence may seem inappropriate, and subsequently the guy will simply decide that you lack any sensitivity.

In general, you could excite your lover with just your appearance. Of course, it is better to avoid vulgarity - just dress in feminine clothes that maximally emphasize your figure. Speak to the guy in a calm and gentle voice, try to avoid a raised tone, hysterical laughter or shrill notes - your voice should attract the guy, making him seem to plunge into some kind of nirvana. Let your movements be smooth, and your gaze seem to be slightly drooping. When convenient and appropriate, touch the young man - his hair, arms, back. You should exude an aura of femininity and intimacy. Some girls manage to behave this way completely naturally, but in general, this can be learned.

Induce a kiss with reciprocal actions

Some guys are hesitant to kiss a girl, simply not being sure that they like them or that such a step is appropriate at the moment. However, with your actions you could very well push the young man towards a kiss; he should see that, in general, you are ready for this. Act relaxed around him, initiate tactile contact by taking the guy by the hand, hugging him or running your hand through his hair, he should see that you are comfortable in his company and like to touch him.

Kiss spell

To carry out this ritual, use a silver spoon (in general, the spoon can be made of any other white metal). You will also need a glass of holy water. If there is no holy water in the house, pour ordinary clean water into a glass and keep it in a dark place for a week. Now immerse the spoon in the water and, while looking at it, say:

“My beloved person (his name), I, the servant of God (your name), want you to miss and yearn for me alone. And white metal and spring water will help bring sadness and melancholy. Let you follow me on my heels, And I would visit you in my dreams, and never leave you in my thoughts. I appeal to the powers of heaven, the powers of earth. I ask for help, I repent and submit! Amen!"

After such a conspiracy, the young man will often think about you and want to be with you - accordingly, he will strive to kiss you, the object of his desires.

How to kiss a guy

There are situations when a girl has already decided that she likes a young man, but he does not dare touch his lips to hers. In this case, you need to take the initiative into your own hands. Probably, in the last century this would have looked strange, but in the 21st century, men are not surprised and even rejoice when a representative of the fairer sex takes the first step.

The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it. Many boys retain the belief that a girl should be modest and innocent, even if she is far from 18. Therefore, animal passion and dominance when kissing a new partner are not welcome. He may be afraid of the pressure and think that he will not be able to handle such an experienced woman without complexes.

Sometimes girls have to take the initiative

To make the course of events seem as natural as possible, the date should be arranged in a romantic place that literally encourages kissing. The last row in the cinema while watching a light film is perfect. Almost all plots have a love line woven into them, under which hugs and other manifestations of intimacy will look organic.

You can try to slightly hint at what you want by clinging to the man, as if in search of warmth and comfort. Then turn your head towards him and, being literally a centimeter from your lips, erotically whisper something pleasant, for example: “you smell delicious.” Afterwards, you should coquettishly close your eyes and wait for the cherished rapprochement. If this time the guy is shy, then there is nothing else to do but kiss him yourself and enjoy the response.

First kiss with tongue

They say that the first kiss is a kind of test of a couple's compatibility. Adults do not think about how to correctly perform this procedure.

Having experience, they simply relax and surrender to the process. To do this beautifully, you need to remember the basic nuances.

Let's look at the technique of kissing with the tongue for the first time:

  • You need to start the procedure with standard caresses and touches: just touch your partner’s lips and kiss them gently.
  • To get your partner to open his mouth, run your tongue over his lips: if there is no response, you should stop trying.
  • It’s easier for teenagers to say that you don’t know how to kiss than to master the correct technique: for the first time, it’s important to be confident in yourself and your actions.
  • Great disgust is caused by a tongue inserted to its full depth into a partner’s mouth: each movement should occur gradually, the first time should not last long.
  • If it is noticeable that your partner likes the process, you can continue to caress his lips, tongue and teeth: the photo shows how to do this correctly.
  • Girls prefer long heart-to-heart conversations than physical intimacy: be a little restrained - this will give hope for a speedy development of events.

There are a large number of varieties of kissing with the tongue; they should be performed carefully: incorrect movements of a sudden nature can lead to injuries to the tongue.

Important! Many girls wonder what to do if the guy you like is taller than you. Then the initiative for the kiss should come from the young man.

Little tricks will help you cope with the first kiss even in the most sensitive situations.

How to kiss a girl

A girl requires a special approach. Moreover, the expected behavior will not necessarily correspond to her image. It is wrong to think that someone who is bold, daring and uninhibited will want to give a kiss on the first date. And it’s not a fact that the sweet and modest one will be happy if you treat her like a crystal vase, delaying passionate caresses.

A man who is ready to take decisive action must catch the slightest hints from his companion. It's no secret that women's moods are changeable. At the beginning of a date, a girl can play hard to touch, then crave kisses, and at the end, be offended by their absence and proudly turn away. Knowledge of female psychology and basic attentiveness will help.

How to understand that a girl wants to kiss:

  • looks straight into the eyes, making eye contact;
  • brings his face closer and coquettishly looks away;
  • bites or licks lips;
  • continuously or frequently looks at the partner’s lips;
  • tries to cuddle or get closer, minimizing the distance;
  • enticingly plays with her hair or fingering her beads;
  • fleetingly touches a man’s arm, leg or shoulder;
  • gives sensual compliments.

If the passion's mood is correctly guessed, there should be no difficulties with the kiss. It is worth gently touching her lips with your lips, and, depending on the reaction, continue the caress gently and thoughtfully, or quickly and passionately, so that the ground is removed from under her feet. There can be no advice here, because each couple is individual, and what is good for some is unacceptable for others.

The main thing when kissing a girl is to guess her mood

It may be that the girl pulls away, showing that she is not ready to continue. There are many explanations for this: in her opinion, too little time has passed since they met, she is not in the mood, or she simply ate a salad with garlic in the morning and is afraid of being scared off by bad breath.

The main thing is not to insist, so as not to completely alienate your companion. It’s better to turn everything into a joke, without focusing on the incident, and try to kiss her again on the next date. Most likely, she will prepare and everything will go as it should.

How should a teenager end a kiss?

You also need to end the kiss correctly. This is necessary so that the girl enjoys it and wants to repeat it. You need to end the kiss as follows:

  • The teenager needs to move away from the girl. At this stage, he and the lady of his heart will have to take a little break from the kiss physically. The process itself should not last longer than 20 seconds.
  • Recommend that the teenager smile at the girl. This way he can demonstrate to her that he appreciated what was happening. And that he liked the kiss.
  • Some time later on the same day, the teenager may kiss the girl again. In order to record the transition of relationships to a new level.
  • A teenager needs to make physical contact with a girl. Encourage him to hug her. Take your hand. And so on. Any physical contact will have a positive effect on the girl. He will make her feel close to the teenager.

How to kiss on the lips correctly

A kiss on the lips is different in that it is mainly exchanged between lovers. Prolonged, passionate kissing is considered indecent in public places. Long, tender kisses are a great prelude to sexual intercourse, so they are more appropriate behind closed bedroom doors. Light and short “smacks” can become a flirtation or a hint of more if they occur in a romantic setting, a cafe or a movie. Any kisses should be pleasant for both partners, so it doesn’t hurt to know how to kiss correctly and what not to do.

The perfect tongue kiss

The classic tongue kiss is also called French. This is not surprising, because it was the French who became famous as a nation of love and passion. A kiss with the tongue is the most open, confidential, and occurs between close people, or those who have drowned in the abyss of desire.

Formally, a French kiss is one in which the partners touch their tongues at least once. Some people understand it to mean that you need to keep your tongue in your partner’s mouth all the time. In fact, the truth lies in the middle, and the best kiss will be the one in which the tongues seem to dance, sometimes touching, sometimes separating.

A prerequisite for a French kiss is the merging of tongues

They start the perfect tongue kiss with a light touch of lips, gradually increasing the pace and plunging into the abyss of pleasure. The mouth should be relaxed for the smooth penetration of the lover's tongue, not so much as to produce copious salivation. You can easily touch your lips with your tongue, come into contact with your partner’s tongue, both with the tip and almost completely, and work with it quickly or slowly. The main thing is that there should be no displeasure on the face of the person being kissed, but only positive emotions.

Deep kissing technique

A passionate kiss is no less passionate than a French kiss, and they are often confused. But these are completely different types of kisses, one of which may be unrealistically liked by the partner, while the other may cause rejection.

The main signs of a passionate kiss:

  • no matter with or without tongue;
  • the technique resembles the operation of a vacuum cleaner;
  • marks in the form of small bruises often remain on the lips.

When performing a passionate kiss, you need to open your lips slightly, and, drawing in air, alternately or simultaneously suck your partner’s lips. If desired, you can connect the language. In no case should you do this too much so as not to cause inconvenience to your loved one.

Passionate kiss has its devoted fans

Among young people, among jealous partners and as a game, there is passionate kissing on different parts of the body, most often on the neck. It is performed with noticeable force to intentionally leave a bruise. The mark is called a “hickey” and is often intended to demonstrate to others that a person has a mate. If you are not sure of a positive reaction from your spouse, then doing this is strictly not recommended.

The right kiss without tongue

A kiss without a tongue is considered not as passionate, but more tender than with a tongue. It is most often used not for excitement, but when you just want to lie there, leisurely enjoying each other. It is ideal for long romantic evenings full of comfort and warmth. Wrapping yourself in a fluffy blanket, turning on a comedy and endlessly kissing your loved one is a great way to end a hard day.

A kiss without tongue is tender and sensual

It begins with fleeting contacts of lips, touching and moving away, as if teasing a partner. You can kiss the corners of the mouth and go beyond its perimeter, and then return. It is advisable to keep your lips in a relaxed position so that they do not get tired and lose sensitivity from prolonged caresses.

The best indicator of correct kissing without tongue will be the partner’s relaxation and pleasure. The response in the form of hugs, maximum closeness of bodies and sensual moaning will say everything without words. If everything is not so rosy, it doesn’t matter. Skill comes with experience, and in life there will be many different kisses, during which you can simultaneously receive pleasure, try new techniques and hone your skills.

So, let's consider two options.

The first, if the date took place and you kissed. And the second, if it passed without a kiss. The first date itself is exciting, with many questions. Will you like each other? What impression will you make? How to look better? How will it go? Trust your intuition, feelings, observe, then in the first case you will just take the first step to become a little closer, a little more understandable to the person who came on this date. In the second scenario, the most important thing is not to get upset and not to rush to conclusions. In the end, in a couple everything depends on two people, and not on one person. In any case, the experience gained will be useful to you for the rest of your life.

Video: rules for the perfect kiss


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How to choose the right moment for a kiss

To kiss the girl you like, the first thing you need is to find a secluded place. This is very important, especially for the first kiss. People who are nearby can distract and ruin the moment.

I don’t recommend kissing during the movie, especially the first kiss.

The second thing you should pay attention to is the right moment.

When to do this? If you're on a date, kissing usually happens towards the end, especially the first time. As for the number of meetings, there are no clear dates. Some teenagers can date for a month and never kiss, but girls aged 26-30 are ready to kiss on their first date.

By the way, read How to ask a girl out on a date: simple ways (opens in a new tab).

In general, the best time is when you want it. If you feel that the atmosphere is conducive and the moment has come, then act!

Any hesitation will make you look like an indecisive person. Or the girl will think that she is not interested in you and will no longer want to continue such a “sterile” relationship, in her opinion.

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