How to learn to relax: effective relaxation techniques

Every day we are bombarded with a huge number of tasks and worries, problems that need to be resolved, obstacles that need to be overcome. All this creates a powerful stream of stress on the psyche, consciousness and even the body. But finding time to rest is not always possible and not everyone can do it, especially since we often think that for this we need to have at least a couple of free hours or even the whole day. In fact, for a completely complete and high-quality rest, a short break of 10-15 minutes, spent wisely and wisely, may be enough.

The main condition for quick and effective rest is a conscious desire to relax and recuperate. So it doesn’t matter whether you’re a teacher or a student, run a business or throw boxes in a warehouse, spend all day driving or sit for hours at a computer - if you really want a quick break (or want to learn how to do it), you’re already halfway there. this goal. All that remains is to find a technique or technique that suits you that would allow you to do this. In this article we have collected several options.

Relaxation methods. Relaxation techniques

There are many ways and techniques of relaxation, which are based on:

  • Music,
  • Breath,
  • Visualization,
  • Various types of meditations
  • Deep meditation.

Anyone can master these techniques, and you can practice them either at home or during breaks at work.

Relaxation with music

Music is a very accessible medium, and the effect of listening to correctly selected compositions will pleasantly please you. You can stay at home, turn on records, and relaxation music will do its job - it will put you in a relaxing mood.

Music that immerses you in a state of relaxation usually uses special harmonies that have a relaxing effect on the listener. The selection of tools is also important. Often among them there may be authentic ones, for example, the Turkish ney or the Indian sitar. Their sounds are so soothing that you will feel lulled by exotic melodies. And now I don’t even want to reach for the remote control to turn off the track and go to bed.

First the music, and then everything else.

Breathing practices

Another method is associated with breathing, concentration on it, full awareness of the process of inhalation and exhalation, feeling its warmth. This method is very effective, but for it to really become part of your arsenal of relaxation tools, you need a little practice.

By performing conscious breathing or pranayama, you can achieve such amazing results that after some time you will only need to take a couple of cycles of inhalation and exhalation to get into that state called deep relaxation.

Relaxation through visualization

Relaxation, based on visualization, includes the presentation of some image or situation. It is important that they are positively colored. You can remember pleasant episodes from your life, perhaps it will be a vacation, natural landscapes, images of mountains, ponds, or paradisiacal places like the tropical beaches of the Maldives.

Any calming, positively acting images will do, from one representation of which you are transported to another reality. Visualize them in as much detail as possible, see if you are there in your visualization. If not, then add yourself there. This alone will allow you to merge with the visualized image and feel yourself in the picture being presented.

This technique will not only help you relax well, but will also improve your mood, elevate your spirit and help develop creativity. For creative people, images of future creations first appear in their heads; great works begin to be created there, film scripts, plots of books and theatrical plays are written. It all starts with ideas, and then gradually the thought form materializes. But this will be discussed in the next article.

Meditation as a way of relaxation

Different types of meditation, such as object meditation, dynamic meditation, Zen, mindfulness meditation, Vipassana course; they can all be great ways to get into a relaxed state. The principle of any meditation is based on the fact that the practitioner moves into another state of consciousness, and this is possible only by achieving the proper degree of relaxation of the body and mind.

Although relaxation is one of the conditions for successful meditation, it is also its goal. By practicing meditation, you become even more immersed in it, disconnect from external stimuli and become extremely aware and receptive on a new level, plunging into a state of deep meditation.

Deep meditation leads to complete relaxation

This state is characterized by the fact that the rhythms of your brain activity gradually slow down, which allows the whole body to completely relax, unblock muscle tension, and relax to such an extent that your body becomes as if weightless. Other characteristics that describe this state are also possible: the body “dissolves” or, on the contrary, you feel how it gets heavier; sensation of a light breeze blowing around the head or in the limbs. It can be cool or, conversely, warm.

When you begin to feel something like this, it means that you are on the right path, the body is sinking deeper and deeper into relaxation. The influence of beta brain waves is reduced, and the more aware you become of your body and sensations, the more beta rhythms will begin to give way to the alpha brain rhythms that we need.

Alpha brain rhythms

In ordinary life, everyone has experienced in practice the effects of alpha rhythms. This is the state when you fall asleep. You haven't fallen asleep yet, but you're no longer awake. In this state, it is impossible to do things that require maximum energy and concentration on one thing. Consciousness is not fixed, it is as if it is around you, capable of registering signals from the outside world, but internal judgments are turned off, access to the inner voice of criticism is not available, and this is good.

Being in the alpha state can truly recharge your energy throughout the day. Many practitioners of deep meditation have noticed that the more they relax, the more they feel a restorative, refreshing effect when they come out of relaxation.

How can an HR professional help employees reduce stress?

We spend most of our time at work. That is why it is important for HR specialists to learn from the experience of Western colleagues, such as Google, and, if possible, organize the everyday life of staff more comfortably. What does that require?

Create relaxation rooms

And not only for games and evening gatherings. It’s good if the company has a quiet place where every employee can come and relax. You can place a soft sofa or bean bags in it. 15 minutes of peace and quiet will help restore strength and relieve stress.

Give yoga passes/massage certificates

Each company has its own so-called “buns”. Why not introduce a wonderful tradition of giving “employees of the month” or those who deserve encouragement a gift in the form of an opportunity to relax. Some companies enter into partnerships with various spa centers so that their employees receive discounts or certificates for certain services.

Give preference to healthy products

If your company provides free (or partially free) meals for employees, then with the right choice of products, an HR specialist can directly influence the mood of the staff. It is worth paying attention to:

  • fruits (bananas, apricots, apples, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries);
  • fish;
  • green and herbal teas;
  • cereals and cereals;
  • black chocolate;
  • nuts.

Organize team building activities in nature

Of course, when there is such an opportunity and the weather allows it. Office workers most often suffer from chronic stress and back pain. Walking in nature will not only bring the team together, but will also help the body recover after long hours of sitting.

Relaxation exercises

One of the most effective and well-known exercises based on the progressive relaxation technique is considered to be immersion in complete relaxation by concentrating on your body and its individual parts. Performing this exercise is based on the fact that you consistently direct your consciousness to different parts of the body, primarily to the muscles. Starting from the facial muscles and ending with the feet.

In order to achieve the relaxation effect, you must first feel the muscles, that is, tense them and then relax them. And in this way, you mentally go through the entire body from top to bottom, and by the time you finish such an examination, relaxation will be achieved. This is a very easy exercise that is accessible to everyone.

The main thing is to allocate 15–20 minutes of free time, it is advisable to sit comfortably or even lie down. The place should be quiet and the lights dim. Nothing should distract you. The atmosphere is pleasant, music is playing softly for relaxation, you inhale and exhale deeply and slowly several times, and you can start doing the exercise.

People like it so much that many then perform relaxation using this technique every day before going to bed. After all, it relieves stress and prepares all body systems for sleep.

Yoga Nidra practice as a relaxation method

Speaking of sleep, how can one not recall the wonderful technique of “Yoga Nidra,” otherwise known as yoga for sleep. By the way, the first part of this practice includes the exercise described above. It can be performed in different variations, for example, the process of relaxation and relieving muscle tension begins not with the head and face, but with the fingers, but this does not change the essence of the matter. You realize, feel your body, coolness or warmth, tingling in your palms - these are energy channels that are activated. Now that you are becoming more aware, your consciousness is open to a large flow of information coming through the body. That's why you feel many more signals passing through you.

This is the first stage that prepares you for “nidra” itself, a state bordering between sleep and wakefulness. Properly performed relaxation will also lead to emotional relaxation, which, in turn, will open a channel of access to the world of the subconscious, where you can work with your emotional blocks and even effectively resolve many life situations. The mind is open, you have reached a deeper level of the subconscious, which leads you to deep relaxation.

Deep relaxation in the practice of Yoga Nidra

Immersion in deep relaxation is achieved by disconnecting external senses from external stimuli. It would be better to call it disidentification from the reality around you and immersion in the inner world.

You are still at home, you are still aware of your “I”, but your senses are free from those images and objects that usually stimulate the work of consciousness. This is one of the goals of the practice - to bring you to yourself, to help you penetrate your inner world, to connect with the deep layer of the psyche - the subconscious. This can only be done when the mind has been silenced. Real inner silence, where the mind ceases to conduct internal dialogue, and the consciousness finally becomes accessible to deposits of information that were not accessible in the past - this is where any meditation begins.

Meditation as a method of deep relaxation

The goal of most meditations is to stop the mind and calm it. This goal is feasible if you have passed the initial stages of relaxation. Maybe you've learned to relax by practicing visualization or progressive relaxation. You could chant mantras or concentrate and control your breathing through breathing exercises. Whatever method you use, they all lead to one thing - stopping the internal dialogue with yourself.

When silence reigns, real meditation begins. Having reached a state of inner silence, you also disconnect from your desires, which were once so significant to you; worries no longer bother you - you don’t have to remember this at all, since you parted with them just before entering deep meditation. Your consciousness is open to the universal mind. It is in this state that you practice Dhyana, the seventh limb of Ashtanga yoga, when you merge with the image of your meditation.

This stage is preceded by Dharana - the practice of concentration on an object or image.

By moving your attention from one part of the body to another, being aware of it, as you did, using one of the techniques for relaxation, you are simultaneously practicing Dharana.

Trataka, or the practice of gazing

Speaking about trataka, which, along with meditation, is also shatkarma, i.e., a purification technique, it must be emphasized that this is a fairly simple method of relaxation, based on the fact that the practitioner gazes intently at a chosen object (this could be a mandala, some kind of symbol or image) without taking your eyes off or blinking. In this case, thoughts stop instantly, because the mechanism responsible for the work of thinking is closely related to eye movement.

The practice of trataka on a lit candle is especially popular because it can improve vision. But you need to start practicing carefully - so that your eyes gradually get used to this exercise.

A few additional recommendations

We suggest you familiarize yourself with a few more simple relaxation exercises that will help you cope with a stressful situation, normalize your pulse, calm your breathing, and saturate your cells with oxygen.

1. Slowly inhale through your nose for four counts and exhale through your mouth for two counts. Repeat ten times.

2. Perform the exercise similar to the previous one, while relaxing the pectoral muscles and shoulders. Do ten sets.

3. Lying on the sofa or floor with your hand on your stomach, inhale through your stomach through your mouth (so that your hand rises up). Perform ten repetitions.

To maximize muscle relaxation, perform the following exercises:

1. Lying on the floor or sofa with straight legs, slowly begin to raise your arms and spread them to the sides, while trying to relax and not strain your muscles for twenty seconds. Breathe deeply. Do five repetitions.

2. Lying on the sofa or floor on your back, slowly, one by one, pull your legs bent at the knees to your chest, then stretch them out and relax for twenty seconds. Do five sets.

3. Lying on your stomach, straighten your arms and slowly raise your shoulders and head. Take the starting position and relax for twenty seconds. Repeat all five times.

4. Standing, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, clench your fists and raise your arms. Tighten all the muscles of your body and suddenly relax so that your arms fall down. Repeat five times at intervals of a few seconds.

In addition to exercise, proper nutrition can help relieve muscle tension.

Dietary recommendations

With proper nutrition, the body receives all the necessary substances to combat stress and tension.

To make your body less exposed to negative external factors, include in your diet:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • fish;
  • buckwheat and wheat porridge;
  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • dairy products;
  • potato;
  • honey;
  • green teas.

Cereals, apples, bananas, berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries), greens, nuts and dark chocolate help relieve nervous tension.

Yoga for relaxation

The practice of yoga complexes is the best way to bring your emotional state back to normal, balance your feelings and relax your body. Yoga practitioners know that holding a pose and being relaxed at the same time is one of the main conditions in the practice of yoga; it also indicates the correct execution of asanas.

In order for the practice to bring the desired relaxation effect, follow the main rules:

  • Prepare the room
  • Choose a set of asanas to practice,
  • While performing, focus on internal sensations,
  • Try to concentrate on breathing while holding the asana.

Excessive stress harms the body

Stressful situations provoke increased production of adrenaline and cortisol in the body, and their constantly elevated levels in the blood debilitate the body and cause many health problems: insomnia, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, mental disorders and even cancer.

Stress, which we inherited from our ancestors, causes tension throughout the body. The ancestors relieved tension by force. The culture no longer allows us to do this. As a result, we live in a state of constant tension. Yes, we relax in our own way, but often such relaxation is ineffective.

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