How to kiss correctly: for the first time, with tongue, without tongue, passionately, with a guy, with a girl, French kiss, types of kisses and their technique

It's no secret that a person begins to be attracted to representatives of the opposite sex long before the onset of puberty. Boys' interest in girls and vice versa is noticeable even in kindergarten. It is here that children show the first signs of attention to each other. If you observe children in kindergartens, you can see this without any problems. After all, cases of interest in representatives of the opposite sex among children are far from isolated. For example, in kindergartens they are extremely common.

Children's sympathy for the opposite sex is manifested in all sorts of little things. So, if a boy likes a girl, then he can give her his toy, markers, coloring books and all sorts of little things. At this age, sympathy can be exclusively platonic, without any physiological basis.

People begin to experience even greater sympathy for the opposite sex for each other in the lower grades. At this age, it can also manifest itself in different ways. For example, if a boy likes his classmate, then he will probably want her to sit at the same desk with him.

Over the years, people experience increasing sympathy and attraction to people of the opposite sex. And this is not surprising, because the process of puberty begins. Therefore, physiology becomes the basis for attraction. And it is at this time that a person has many important questions that are somehow related to relationships. For example, many people are really interested in the question of what age you can start kissing.

How important is the first kiss?

Many people glorify the first kiss too much. They consider this moment one of the most vivid and memorable in the life of every young person. Such people are sure that the first kiss should be perfect, because it will be remembered for a lifetime.

However, if you look at the first kiss without excessive romanticism, you can say with confidence that there is nothing special about it. Moreover, due to the inexperience of his partners, he will be awkward and unsuccessful. So don't overestimate this point. Treat it much more simply. This way, it will be easier for you to kiss someone for the first time at absolutely any age.

Why some guys avoid kissing

There are men who don't like to kiss. There are reasons behind every action. What reasons lie behind the attempt to avoid such caresses?

The refusal is due to a ban on showing emotions. The reason lies in the upbringing of the young man by harsh parents. Most likely, he did not see sincerity and love in his family, so as an adult it is difficult for him to show his feelings. The parents did not speak tender words to the guy, did not show affection. Such men are stingy, they do not want to give tenderness. Most often, they think only about themselves, and women become only an object of passion for them.

Some guys perceive kissing as a prelude to sex. If a young man is not ready for intimacy, then he will not kiss.

How to make your first kiss memorable forever

Some people take their first kiss so seriously that they want it to be memorable for the rest of their lives. They take seriously the question of how to make such an intimate moment memorable forever. Such people do not want to believe that it is almost impossible to remember the first kiss, especially if it was at an early age. If you don't believe this, then ask your parents or older friends about their first kiss. There is a high probability that no one will remember this. Well, if your parents claim that their first kiss was with each other, then you can be sure that they are probably deceiving you.

The only exceptions are those who kissed for the first time at a conscious age, for example, at fifteen years old. And you can’t fully trust them, because perhaps they forgot about their kisses, which happened between the ages of five and fifteen.

In general, no matter how much you would like to remember your first kiss, it is almost impossible to do so. But there is no need to be upset about this. After all, the importance of the first kiss is greatly overrated.

How to kiss a girl

A girl requires a special approach. Moreover, the expected behavior will not necessarily correspond to her image. It is wrong to think that someone who is bold, daring and uninhibited will want to give a kiss on the first date. And it’s not a fact that the sweet and modest one will be happy if you treat her like a crystal vase, delaying passionate caresses.

A man who is ready to take decisive action must catch the slightest hints from his companion. It's no secret that women's moods are changeable. At the beginning of a date, a girl can play hard to touch, then crave kisses, and at the end, be offended by their absence and proudly turn away. Knowledge of female psychology and basic attentiveness will help.

How to understand that a girl wants to kiss:

  • looks straight into the eyes, making eye contact;
  • brings his face closer and coquettishly looks away;
  • bites or licks lips;
  • continuously or frequently looks at the partner’s lips;
  • tries to cuddle or get closer, minimizing the distance;
  • enticingly plays with her hair or fingering her beads;
  • fleetingly touches a man’s arm, leg or shoulder;
  • gives sensual compliments.

If the passion's mood is correctly guessed, there should be no difficulties with the kiss. It is worth gently touching her lips with your lips, and, depending on the reaction, continue the caress gently and thoughtfully, or quickly and passionately, so that the ground is removed from under her feet. There can be no advice here, because each couple is individual, and what is good for some is unacceptable for others.

The main thing when kissing a girl is to guess her mood

It may be that the girl pulls away, showing that she is not ready to continue. There are many explanations for this: in her opinion, too little time has passed since they met, she is not in the mood, or she simply ate a salad with garlic in the morning and is afraid of being scared off by bad breath.

The main thing is not to insist, so as not to completely alienate your companion. It’s better to turn everything into a joke, without focusing on the incident, and try to kiss her again on the next date. Most likely, she will prepare and everything will go as it should.

Should you prepare for your first kiss?

At a conscious age, a person who goes on a date prepares for a possible kiss. He makes sure his breath is fresh and prepares for the kiss emotionally. This must be done, because in many ways it is from the first kiss that a person draws conclusions about his chosen one. After all, if the kiss was truly terrible, then there is a possibility that the person who did not like this moment will no longer want to go on dates with the one who ruined the first intimacy. Therefore, those who are planning to go on a date must definitely prepare for a kiss.

However, a person does not always have the opportunity to prepare for this. After all, a kiss can happen completely by accident, when a person does not expect it. Therefore, it is not always possible to prepare for this moment. But this does not mean that without preparation the kiss will be terrible. So don't worry about the fact that you didn't prepare for a kiss that happened completely by accident, because everything probably went great. The only thing you can worry about is the freshness of your breath. After all, it largely depends on this whether your partner likes the kiss or not. Therefore, if you hope to receive a kiss from the person you like on this day, then be prepared for this. That is, keep an eye on the freshness of your breath. It's better to carry mint candies with you, just in case.

How to kiss a guy

There are situations when a girl has already decided that she likes a young man, but he does not dare touch his lips to hers. In this case, you need to take the initiative into your own hands. Probably, in the last century this would have looked strange, but in the 21st century, men are not surprised and even rejoice when a representative of the fairer sex takes the first step.

The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it. Many boys retain the belief that a girl should be modest and innocent, even if she is far from 18. Therefore, animal passion and dominance when kissing a new partner are not welcome. He may be afraid of the pressure and think that he will not be able to handle such an experienced woman without complexes.

Sometimes girls have to take the initiative

To make the course of events seem as natural as possible, the date should be arranged in a romantic place that literally encourages kissing. The last row in the cinema while watching a light film is perfect. Almost all plots have a love line woven into them, under which hugs and other manifestations of intimacy will look organic.

You can try to slightly hint at what you want by clinging to the man, as if in search of warmth and comfort. Then turn your head towards him and, being literally a centimeter from your lips, erotically whisper something pleasant, for example: “you smell delicious.” Afterwards, you should coquettishly close your eyes and wait for the cherished rapprochement. If this time the guy is shy, then there is nothing else to do but kiss him yourself and enjoy the response.

Ideal age for your first kiss

In fact, love and relationships do not tolerate any strict rules. After all, they usually represent a flow of emotions and experiences. Therefore, there is no clear understanding of the ideal age for a first kiss. The fact is that this age will be different for each person. That is, if for some people the ideal period for their first kiss is going to kindergarten, then others prefer not to rush into this matter and kiss for the first time only in high school.

There is also no clear rule about what age you can start kissing. After all, no one can forbid you to kiss at the age when you really want to do it. Neither your parents nor society has the right to prohibit you. Therefore, it is not surprising that most people have their first kiss in early childhood.

Everyone has their own opinion

Opinions about the appropriate time to kiss a man or woman for the first time differ depending on the person's gender and social norms.

Attitude of men

Men are more relaxed about kissing; they don’t care what kind of date they’re on; not everyone is ready to wait for a second meeting. If a guy likes a girl, he immediately takes action. But it is worth considering that men like ladies who do not allow themselves to be kissed on the first date. Of course, a kiss can enhance the impressions of time together. A man needs to remember that the first contact should be gentle and careful, even if emotions are raging inside him. For such an event it is important to choose the right moment and place.

What girls think

Women take romantic events more seriously and attach great importance to the first touch of their lips to their partner. For them, this is a manifestation of sympathy and further interest in their partner. At a young age, girls make contact more easily and strive to kiss for the first time as quickly as possible in order to look more mature and cooler in the eyes of others.

To impress a man, you need several meetings to test his feelings and intentions. There is even a “five date rule.” This approach clearly limits early kisses on the lips. This eliminates applicants who are only after achievements and do not perceive the girl as an individual.

Public opinion

Previously, a decent woman did not even think about when it would be possible to allow even a slight touch of lips. It was believed that only an indecent person could afford such a manifestation of her sympathy. In the Middle Ages, an Italian man who kissed a woman was expected to marry her. In Rus', kissing received sexual overtones after the adoption of Christianity. In Russia, they have become widespread, for example, the president can kiss a person on the cheek when meeting with the people. In America this is considered harassment.

There are no restrictions on touching with lips in society. Every adult is free to do as he pleases.


How to make a girl fall in love with you: lessons in seduction

4-6 years

At this age, many people kiss for the first time. This usually happens in kindergarten or on the playground, when the children are having fun. What is noteworthy is that both little boys and girls initiate the kiss. That is, children of opposite sexes show almost the same interest in each other. Moreover, girls do this at an earlier age, because they mature faster.

At this age, children learn about kisses from their family and friends. They are usually kissed by relatives and parents. Children understand that in this way people close to them show love and sympathy for them. Therefore, they begin to show sympathy for those people they like in this way, because children learn from adults.

Usually at this age children kiss each other on the cheek. There is nothing wrong with such kisses even at such a young age. Although it also happens that at such a young age they kiss on the lips. However, even a kiss on the lips that happened in kindergarten or on the playground is practically not remembered by people.

In general, most people have their first kiss between the ages of four and six. However, if you ask one of these people, when did they first kiss? Almost all of them will name a later period of life. So the first kisses that happened at that age are practically not remembered by anyone.

Step-by-step instructions on how to kiss deeply and beautifully

Despite the short time of acquaintance, partners kiss passionately for the first time.

This indicates the determination of one of the chosen ones and the response of the second opponent. Instructions with step-by-step steps will help you learn how to do this cool.

Note! A classic French kiss always begins with foreplay: there is no need to rush things - it is better to smoothly approach the most important climax.

A video tutorial and step-by-step description will help you master a simple French kiss and subsequently apply your knowledge in practice even at the age of 13:

PreludeBow your head towards your partner, gently take the girl by the neck with your hand. Gently kiss her on the lips, pay attention to her ears
RapprochementStart the kiss by lightly biting your partner's lips
ActionSlowly but confidently run your tongue over the girl’s lips, hinting at penetration inside the mouth. When your mouth opens, use your tongue. This should be done softly and gently, sucking the lips a little
CompletionAfter a passionate kiss, hug your partner, stroke her behind the ear, on the arm, on the shoulder, letting her know that the situation is under control

7-9 years

Unlike kisses that happen in kindergartens and playgrounds, kisses at this age are much more memorable. Most often they are at school, because it is here that boys and girls have the opportunity to communicate with each other almost every day. Such frequent communication leads to the fact that children begin to feel sympathy. They try to show this sympathy using all sorts of ways, including kisses. Most often at this age, children kiss each other on the cheek. However, there are exceptions when a classmate gathers his thoughts and kisses a classmate, for whom he feels great sympathy, on the lips.

Such kisses usually look quite harmless. After all, at this age people show their selfless and tender feelings. Many people can do this with a kiss. So don't judge them. Especially if we are talking about a harmless children's kiss on the cheek.

First date

To be successful at your first meeting, it is IMPORTANT to consider several factors. The first of which is the “be yourself” rule. Let your partner understand the real you, this will allow you to immediately determine whether you are suitable for each other. You should not wear masks.

REMEMBER! Sincere emotions are your best weapon when meeting someone for the first time. Smile, but don't force a smile, he/she will feel it and it will work against you.

Take note of the fact that it is very important to let your interlocutor know that you are interested in him. Don't talk only about yourself, even if your partner isn't very talkative. Don't hesitate to ask. But, do not go beyond comfort, if a person hesitates and does not give a clear answer - you should not continue to stir up a topic that may not be pleasant to him (her). Change the topic to something more casual.

10-12 years

At this age, children first begin to experience physiological attraction to members of the opposite sex. Therefore, in the period from ten to twelve years, children's kisses begin to take on new shapes. That is, children do this not only to show their feelings and sympathy, but also to experience personal pleasure. It is at this age that children begin to kiss each other on the lips more and more often. Although it all still looks extremely harmless. That is, there can be no question of any French kisses at this age. Most often we are talking about a simple “smack” on the lips. But, in fairness, it is worth noting that there are also children who try to kiss with their tongue. And although they have little success, they are making attempts. Various bigots and hypocrites may say that this is unacceptable, but you can ignore them. For such people, everything is usually unacceptable.

First kiss technique without tongue

Girls are accustomed to the fact that a young man on dates usually takes the initiative on his part, which helps the lady relax and accept the situation.

The problem arises when the initiator is a young lady - then you can’t show too much pressure, you just need to direct the guy in the necessary direction.

The most popular type of kiss on first dates is the one without tongue.

It is suitable for teenagers who do not know how to kiss properly, as well as for people trying to start communication with romance.

Let's look at the main nuances to learn the technique of the first kiss without tongue:

  1. The guy should lean down a little towards the girl, turn his head so that his nose does not interfere with the process. Next, it is recommended to gently touch the lips of your chosen one to make her feel good.
  2. It is not recommended to involve the tongue in the process - then the kiss looks assertive and harsh, which characterizes the guy from the negative side.
  3. After touching, move your lips over the girl’s lips, then kiss them again and whisper pleasant words in her ear.
  4. When a girl takes the initiative, when kissing a guy without tongue, the same actions must be taken. A sharp pressure characterizes a lady from a negative side, so everything is done smoothly: the girl approaches the guy, closes her eyes, approaches his lips and kisses him tenderly.

Finish the procedure by wishing you a pleasant evening and thanking you for the meeting and the time spent together. You should not immediately ask about subsequent dates; this is discussed over the phone or online.

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