How to outdo Casanova: pickup rules for men

Many modern men simply do not know how to meet people. This is not an unfounded statement, but a fact established on the basis of information from various sites, forums, and social networks on the Internet. Young people, hiding under nicknames and avatars, write openly about this. Some of the guys who really care about this issue go to the pickup truck. What is it about? This can be found in this article.

What is a pickup truck for?

The concept of “pickup” means a type of activity aimed at getting to know the opposite sex for the purpose of seduction and obtaining the knowledge and practical skills necessary for this.

Currently, there are many trainings whose purpose is to teach clients the basic methods and techniques of pickup.

Such training includes not only a theoretical part, but also practical exercises.

Learning pickup techniques allows men to solve the following problems :

  • become self-confident;
  • learn to meet women;
  • develop skills in building effective communication;
  • understand female psychology;
  • learn to quickly seduce the object you like.

In practice, the main goal is precisely acquiring the skills to quickly seduce the women you like. Essentially, pick-up artists strive to engage in sexual contact without wasting extra effort and time.

RMES-Master (TsAO)

Address: metro station Tsvetnoy Boulevard, st. Troitskaya, house 13 Website: Phone: Cost: from 7000 rub. for taking part

Any seducer knows that RMES-Master is the best training in Russia for “advanced” seduction of women today! A unique and amazing training on seducing women, for which many guys traveled to other cities!!!! And today you have a wonderful opportunity to undergo training and enjoy a life that is available to only a few men on the planet!

“RMES-Master” teaches you to seduce at the highest level - in terms of “speed”, “costs” and most importantly, according to the “class” of women.

You need a RMES-master like air if you want to seduce the best women. If in the space of flirting you want to perform aerobatic maneuvers.

This training is for those who want more! A training that really takes seduction to a new level! To a level higher than what nature intended.

Basis of teaching

The founder of the teaching is considered to be the American writer Ross Jeffries , who wrote the book “How to Get the Woman of Your Dreams into Bed” in 1992.

It was Jeffries who founded the very first seminar on seduction. He later held a conference on a similar topic.

The writer to some extent justified the consumer attitude towards women by the inherent inequality between the sexes .

In his opinion, even the most unattractive woman who demonstrates her readiness for sexual intercourse will find herself a partner without any problems.

This may not be the most handsome or the most successful man, but in any case he will be found.

For a man to quickly enter into an easy relationship with a woman in the absence of an attractive appearance, wealth and charm, he has to work hard .

School of male success by Igor Lapin

Address: not specified Website: Phone: Cost: from 490 rub. per lesson

Let's be honest: a girl's refusal to get to know you or go on a date can hit your male ego very hard.

Do you often see a girl passing by on the street, in the subway, in a cafe, but you don’t take the first step, putting off everything until tomorrow as always? Stop being afraid of girls! Why do you agree to any proposals when the girl has shown some minimal signs of attention? We must act! Don't know how?

What does the course include:

  • Weekly lessons of 30 minutes: 2 lessons every week. Total: 6 lessons and 4 hours of communication.
  • Required to complete the task.
  • Do you want to feel free with girls and not be afraid to ask them out on dates? Then write to me, we’ll discuss everything.

Negative side

a rational grain in the pickup truck - it helps insecure men learn how to meet women and communicate with them.

These skills can help you impress the girl you like and start a relationship with her.

In reality, pickup training often promotes a rather immoral lifestyle.

A man learns to endlessly seduce women who act as soulless objects for him. Moreover, the more goals are achieved, the better.

As a result, such a consumer attitude towards the opposite sex leads to the following negative consequences:

  • the development of cynicism, which manifests itself in open disregard for existing norms of morality and morality;
  • causing moral suffering to women who may misinterpret the pick-up artist’s attitude towards them and subsequently have a hard time dealing with the breakup;
  • the risk of missing out on a truly promising relationship with a suitable woman in the pursuit of new victories;
  • rapid satiety from a constant change of non-binding contacts, which is guaranteed to cause a feeling of boredom;
  • the low quality of life experience gained from such fleeting relationships without emotional involvement;
  • loss of the ability to express sincere feelings, experiences, and sympathies.

Ordinary men?

Yes. They are distinguished only by their lifestyle: seduction, seduction and attraction of women. It is unlikely that it will be possible to change such a person, but it is easy to get rid of him.

They differ in their manner of behavior. I don’t recommend that you get involved with such men and believe everything they say. As a result, you will be left without self-esteem and self-respect, with tears and unfulfilled dreams.

Share in the comments, have you had any experience with pickup artists and how did it end? Or are you still trying to re-educate one of them?

Don't get hooked, your Yaroslav Samoilov.


The pickup technique includes a number of sequential actions:

  1. Acquaintance . This is the most difficult stage at which you need to make contact with the woman and not scare her off. There are many ways that have long been proven effective: helping to carry heavy bags, sitting at a table and buying coffee, giving a compliment on the street, giving up your seat on public transport, etc. At first glance, these are ordinary methods of casual, easy acquaintance. A woman has no chance of recognizing a pick-up artist at this stage.
  2. Revealing . During communication, a man begins to receive the necessary information: age, place of study or work, hobbies, character traits, life goals, etc. Questions are asked naturally, without pressure, so as not to create the impression of interrogation.
  3. Rapport. This psychological technique consists in the fact that a person artificially adapts to the values ​​of his opponent. As a result, he achieves complete trust and favor in himself.
    Women, as you know, are easily captivated by a companion who colorfully describes his virtues and exploits.

    At the initial stage of a relationship, they have no desire to check the accuracy of the information they receive.

  4. Setting the evaluation dependency . Every person has certain complexes. You can easily detect weaknesses and use the acquired knowledge for your own purposes. The easiest way is flattery. Thus, a woman who is insecure about her appearance will instantly fall under the influence of a man who will constantly compliment her.
  5. Touching . This moment requires a truly subtle game. Most women are alarmed by the boyfriend's quick desire to establish physical contact. For this reason, pick-up artists learn to influence in this way quietly, unobtrusively. This could be a light touch on the arm or shoulder while discussing a serious issue, an inconspicuous pull on the waist when crossing the road, a hand out when going down the stairs, etc.
  6. Enticement .
    When the victim has already matured and is completely under the influence of the charm of his seducer, the moment comes to lure him to the desired place. This is where sexual contact can occur. Of course, such plans are not voiced out loud. Enticement can take the form of an invitation to coffee, a friendly party, etc.
  7. Removal of responsibility. This rule works in two directions. The pickup artist convinces the victim that she is not responsible for her reckless behavior. It just happened that way. If conflict situations arise, then the man easily removes responsibility from himself - there was no coercion to sexual contact, everything happened by mutual consent.

Myths about pickup artists

For most men, the pickup technique has evolved into a fairly simple "quick take" method. For example, to the question of who a pickup artist is, you can get answers from many:

  • This is a student who is just “warming up” in relationships with women, and therefore is looking for an easy victim. He often uses free, basic advice for dummies from the Internet. Everything is logical here - he doesn’t have money yet, but he wants sex, and his classmate Lyudka does not fall for his tricks. Myth.
  • It could be a 30-year-old, he just doesn’t want to spend money on a woman. His main goal is sex. Then the girl is no longer interesting to him. For pick-up artists, the process of conquering a victim is important, and sex is already a “reward” for the tricks and skills used.
  • This is a horny psycho. No, I’ll disappoint you, but in many ways it’s just men who are not looking for a serious relationship now or at all.
  • This is a lonely loser who is “not given.” Misconception again. Most often, this is a handsome man who succeeds in various fields.

So as not to overwhelm your head, a pickup artist is more about behavior and lifestyle. No, this is not a separate “type” of men - just a way to get what you want.

Of the well-known and obvious ones, there are two options: either no one pays attention to the man, or he had a bad relationship experience. Less often - if he is simply bored.

At first, he learns to simply meet girls, practicing classic pickup techniques. And only then he tests his skills on the possibility of getting you into bed before the 3rd date.

When a man is bored, things are a little different. He can only learn some pickup tricks to simply find a woman for a codependent relationship.

If, after several attempts to get sex from a stranger, she refuses, then he gets bored and such a fighter is eliminated.

Only true pick-up artists remain, for whom the very process of seduction and “divorce” into incomprehensible relationships becomes a way of life.

Mystery Methods

The most popular in the world are the pickup methods of Eric von Markowicz , better known as Mystery. This is a Canadian figure who created a system called the Mystery Method. This system has gained great popularity in the pickup community.

Demonstrating social value

Mystery attributed the success of individual men to the ability to demonstrate their social value.

In his opinion, the biological value of men, which consists of attractive appearance and good health, is of little importance for women.

much more attention to social signs:

  • financial security;
  • leadership skills;
  • self confidence;
  • force.

Mystery's method involves seducing women by demonstrating socially significant behavior .

Moreover, it does not matter what qualities a man actually possesses; the behavior he demonstrates is much more important.

If he seems strong, confident and successful , then she will immediately follow him. And the real picture will be revealed when it is already too late.

Linear seduction

Every woman, in the process of being attracted to a man, experiences three states: interest, trust, excitement.

It is important to guide her through these three stages and ultimately get what you want.

Interest arises after a man demonstrates high social value.

This takes a few minutes. To develop trust, you need to spend at least 4-10 hours together. to demonstrate openness, friendliness, and interest during communication .

Some kind of joint process that requires combining efforts helps to achieve a quick effect. Emotional intimacy and constant unobtrusive touches lead to excitement.

A game

Pickup is a game . The whole process must be perceived from this point of view. Trying to meet a girl is a start.

Receiving a refusal means a restart and a reason to start the game over again in a different place. No worries, grievances, disappointments.

Pickup stages

In the psychology of relationships, a three-stage model of human courtship is distinguished - attraction, creation of mutual comfort and trust, seduction.

Attraction refers to the desire to initiate contact or establish physical intimacy with another person. Pick-up artists use some kind of conversational trigger, usually a bold statement expressing romantic interest, in an attempt to attract attention.

This approach is supported by practical evidence that demonstrating social dominance and risk-taking through these approach and compliment tactics is considered attractive.

Comfort and trust are mediated markers of emotional sensitivity to the needs of others. This emotional responsiveness has been found to be critical to both establishing and maintaining relationships. Research in this area supports the importance of honesty, politeness, and kindness in courtship. Evidence suggests that trust can be strengthened through the smart use of touch.

Seduction can only follow after attraction has emerged, comfort and trust have been established. Some pick-up artists may use techniques such as sharing information about each other and gaining information about their target, while the topics they discuss become increasingly personal and intimate.

This allows the pick-up artist to get to know his target in more detail, and mutual revelations can help develop relationships. Using these methods can lead to seduction within a few hours.


The following real-life examples demonstrate the basic principles of pick-up for guys in action:

  1. In the flower pavilion we choose a woman who evokes sympathy. We approach her and ask her for help in choosing a bouquet for her grandmother’s birthday. Let us make it clear that we have no problems with finances: we can purchase a bouquet of any cost, grandmother’s birthday will be celebrated in the most expensive restaurant in the city at the expense of her loving grandson, etc. After purchasing a bouquet, we suggest you take a walk in the park together. If a woman is busy at the moment, the date is postponed to a time convenient for her. During communication, we build the conversation around her person, not forgetting to ask leading questions and obtain the necessary information. We “openly” talk about ourselves, share our “most secret”. Don't forget about unobtrusive touches and constant eye contact. If she shows interest and disposition, we suggest moving to a suitable place.
  2. We select the object we like on the dating site. We carefully study the page for interests, hobbies, and views. We begin our acquaintance by mentioning her interest. In the communication process, we focus on common ground. We openly talk about ourselves and ask her leading questions.
    If she is reluctant to respond, you should increase the time it takes to respond to her message. The need to wait will cause slight irritation and impatience, and this, in turn, will fuel interest.

    When her responses to messages become prompt and detailed, you can suggest a meeting. During the date, act in the same way as in the previous case.

The main signs of a pickup artist

Pickup artists aren't that bad, I'll tell you that. If the norm for you is one-time sex, then you don’t have to worry. The main thing is not to take it too seriously. So that the pickup artist does not turn into a rogue who sits on your neck.

But if this story is not about you, then I will now teach you how to identify this type of man.

It's very simple, just 5 signs . If a pickup truck is about behavior, then we will pay attention to this parameter:

1. He is very attentive, talks little about himself, listens more.

2. He literally reads your thoughts and desires, and will say exactly what you always dreamed of hearing.

3. He tries to influence psychologically: look closely into the eyes, touch during a conversation. The beginning of communication is always unusual, for example, “What will you do tonight after dinner with me?”

4. The pickup artist is well-groomed, handsome and wears good perfume. He is self-confident and doesn't get embarrassed.

5. If there was no sex on the first date, he will definitely choose the place for the second meeting. And if you try to adjust it “to suit you,” he will never agree.

And yes, they avoid meeting in high-status cafes, cinemas, restaurants, because they try to spend as little money as possible.

Even your hastily put together bun or under-ironed blouse, he will definitely pay a compliment.

If the pick-up artist is already trained, you are unlikely to be able to identify him from the first minutes - everything will look very natural.

Examples of messages to a girl online

Original messages on the network are a win-win option for starting a conversation with the woman you like.

You can use one of the following example greeting phrases :

  1. What do you think a man should write to the woman he likes so as not to be rejected?
  2. Good afternoon, what shoe size do you wear? ………38… Well, we met!
  3. Hello! I am one of those who thinks that you are very beautiful.
  4. I've never met someone like this before.
  5. The Constitution says that each of us has the right to happiness.
  6. I've been trying to figure out an original way to meet you for two days now, but nothing works.

Seduction Studio (CAO)

Address: metro station Prospekt Mira, prosp. Mira, 13 Website: Phone: , Cost: 20,000 rub. for the training

Individual training on seducing girls is 10 lessons. How is VIP different from individual? Due to the fact that VIP – until the result, and individual – “10 lessons”, their number is limited. There are several formats, and options with a larger number of meetings are possible. In practical terms, they came to the conclusion: less than 10 lessons are ineffective. Therefore, a package of 10 lessons is made.


  • Meeting, getting to know the client.
  • The first meeting is introductory and necessarily includes checking out the wardrobe, changing clothes, and preparatory exercises.
  • A person learns how to approach girls, learns some basic things, and asks simple questions. Not getting acquainted, but simply preparing for active actions.

What is this article or introduction from the author about?

During my short life, I have attended many different pick-up courses and trainings, read many articles, forums and books. I learned a lot: I tried a lot of different methods, techniques and techniques. I made mistakes many times: I wasted my time, I threw away a lot of money. Today I want to share my experience with you. I hope it will be useful to you.

I won’t be able to cram all my knowledge and experience into one article. But I can tell you about the fastest ways to achieve your goal, and about possible mistakes that lie in wait for you ahead.

A few words about your appearance

According to my feelings, 80% of success when meeting a girl comes from your inner state. The remaining 20% ​​is your appearance. Accordingly, I advise you to divide your time and money in the same proportion:

  • 80% – training: paid and free courses, trainings, master classes, books, practice.
  • 20% – clothes, shoes.

If you have no money at all (this also happens), it’s better not to bother with stylish clothes at all. You can start with what you have. The only rule is that clothes and shoes must be clean. T-shirts and shirts should be well ironed. You can afford not to look stylish, but you must be neat!

Possessiveness and jealousy

You will understand how to learn to pick up girls, of course, in practice, but based on a lot of advice from experienced pick-up artists. From here you can immediately draw a conclusion regarding another very important point - even if you are a real jealous person like Othello from the work, cancel such behavior in yourself.

The meaning here is very simple. There will definitely come a time when there will be attempts to manipulate you. You can’t give her the understanding that you can be easily twisted. There may be sudden disappearances with friends, visits to clubs, and registrations. Consciously or unconsciously, the opposite sex will examine your behavior. Yes, she will really try to piss you off. Don't let your emotions out, no matter what happens.

Balance will be the key to solving such unpleasant situations. On the one hand, the female half should feel that you still care. For example, you should just ask where she is going, but not go into unnecessary questions with details. In this way, you show attention to her, but exclude the element of total control. This way you will automatically eliminate the possibility of actions that are done out of spite.

Possessiveness is a bad trait for everyone. Moreover, most girls, subtly aware that they are becoming things or toys, will not even think about taking on any responsibility. In addition, many immediately turn into real fools. And they simply pretend to be so.

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