Ways to meet men: tricks of female “pickup”

It is generally accepted that when making acquaintances, a man should take the initiative. However, modern etiquette quite allows the fair half of humanity to be the first to start a conversation, especially if the man does not make contact. If you find out how to meet men, it will be easy to do. Today we will look in detail at ways to meet a man for a serious relationship, and what exactly to do.
From this article you will learn:
  • Where is the easiest place to meet a man?
  • What are the usual ways to meet the man you like?
  • How to meet a man using extravagant methods
  • What attitude should you have to meet a man?

Where is the easiest place to meet a man?

One of the most important issues that determines how to meet men is where you meet. According to statistics from Western countries, most often single people meet their “halves” in bars or in church. In Russia, making acquaintances in churches is not customary. But cafes, bars, clubs and other entertainment establishments are quite common in our country, and the chances of making acquaintances in a bar are very high. The only thing you need to take into account is that it’s not easy to meet a homebody in a drinking establishment. That is, a girl looking for a husband needs to think carefully before introducing someone she meets at a disco as her husband. Where else should you look for a man?

  • At work.

A great way to meet a man is to find a companion among your colleagues.

Working side by side, daily communication even on work issues allows you to get to know a person better and understand what kind of character he has.

  • On learning.

university or courses – it doesn’t matter. A person studies, learns something new, and, therefore, is already interesting. In addition, being in the same study group, you will almost certainly find yourself with people with similar interests.

  • In the shop.

Even if a guy is a homebody and rarely leaves the house, he still goes to the supermarket to buy groceries. It is not forbidden by etiquette to talk to another buyer. One way to meet a man in a store is to accidentally bump into his cart. Such an incident will allow you to unobtrusively start a conversation.

  • In public transport.

If you get to work by public transport, then look around - there are a lot of interesting people around, also going about their business. Many of them are not poor at all, but prefer the metro because of traffic jams. Many future spouses met in the subway or minibuses.

Another option is a waiting room at the airport or train station, or in a compartment of a long-distance train. Pass the time by talking to a nice guy - this way of meeting a man is quite innocent and natural. Who knows how a fleeting meeting will end, perhaps in a long-term romantic relationship.

  • At the resorts.

On vacation, people are relaxed and more friendly to each other. At recreation centers and sanatoriums, relationships are much easier to establish. There are often cases when, after a holiday romance, people remain friends or even get married.

  • At various events.

A great way to meet a man is to go to some kind of public event, rally or march. City Day and other holidays in a nearby park or city square, events in support of someone or to save, for example, homeless animals - meeting places for people with similar interests or views. Why not look for a life partner here?

It is even more likely to meet a like-minded person at an exhibition, in a museum, in a theater, or in an art gallery.

Of course, the above list is far from complete. To find your happiness, you need to visit a variety of places, expanding your circle of acquaintances.

Method four: music connected us4

Bars and cafes or other entertainment venues become “meeting places” for single people. You can often visit there with a friend or by yourself. There is no need to go through many different places. Choose one cozy cafe where you feel comfortable and happy. Go there on weekends. Be sociable and friendly. Don’t be shy to start a conversation with strangers and answer questions. But at the same time, do not be an intrusive, boring or frivolous person. Be confident and dignified (not to be confused with arrogance!). Don’t sit through slow dancing alone and politely accept guys’ invitations. As an exception, you can pluck up the courage and invite a single, handsome man who you like. Perhaps the two of you will leave the cafe together.

Ways of meeting men on the street that fall outside the generally accepted norms of behavior

These ways of meeting men are somewhat less traditional for women, since the behavior of the fair sex differs from generally accepted norms. But when typical dating methods for ladies are unsuccessful, you can try them too. Just be prepared to fail.

  • Go up to a guy who is smoking and say: “You are handsome and interesting, but you are ruining your health by smoking. Please stop smoking, otherwise women will be left completely without real men.”
  • A bold way to meet a man is to directly tell him that you like him. Out of surprise, your counterpart will support the conversation. During the conversation, use all your charm and the job is done.
  • Ask a passerby to be a porter, offer him money for carrying your heavy suitcase from the metro. A decent man, like a true knight, will not take money, which will give you a reason to thank him in some other way. For example, offer a cup of coffee if the guy delivered your luggage to your entrance.

  • Asking a handsome young man for an umbrella during the rain, if you “forgot” your umbrella at home, is another way to meet a man, suitable for brave girls.
  • "Sociologist". Pretend that you are conducting a sociological survey, for example, on the differences between single and married men. So from the very first minutes of meeting you will find out whether the person you are interested in is married or single.
  • Throw yourself on the neck of a handsome stranger, pretending that in front of you is an acquaintance whom you have not seen for a long time. When apologizing for your mistake, explain it by saying that your interlocutor is just as handsome, intelligent and neat. Most will be happy to support an acquaintance started in such an extravagant way.

Method six: love of literature 6

Some guys like girls who are well-read. Take your favorite volume of essays, sit on a bench and read. You will receive only bonuses: reading in the fresh air calms the nervous system, fills you with energy and peace, and helps you make new acquaintances. Go to cultural events alone. Someone from the crowd will definitely pay attention to an interesting person.

Remember: if you listen to music on headphones or plug into your phone while in the park, not a single young man will approach you. He will decide that in this way you are protecting yourself from communicating with strangers.

How to get ready to meet a man

We have looked at a variety of ways to meet men. But before you start using them, make sure you're in the right mood. Don't worry about what the object of your attention thinks about you. He is definitely not the only man on Earth. If you don’t get to know him, there will be crowds of others. Don't be afraid to come across as arrogant or, on the contrary, insecure. When you meet someone first, you are proactive, courageous, and intriguing. Agree, it sounds much better.

The worst thing that can happen to your attempt to meet an interesting guy is his refusal. Maybe the man already has a girlfriend, for example, or he’s simply not inclined to communicate now. By the way, men refuse quite rarely - most of them are flattered by the attention of the opposite sex, and they willingly make contact. But if a person refuses to meet you, remain positive and look for someone else. As we said above, there are a lot of men around, this one is not the last.

Don’t forget that sometimes completely random, unprepared meetings lead to long-term romantic relationships.

Method seven: beauty saves you from loneliness7

To attract the attention of the stronger sex, a girl must have a well-groomed and attractive appearance. It is very important. Whatever philosophers say about inner beauty, men first of all pay attention to appearance. Watch yourself. Dress with taste, in accordance with your figure parameters. For self-confidence, play sports. Men are more likely to pay attention to a fit woman than to a blurry “pig”. Don't forget about personal hygiene. Your chances of finding your soulmate are gone if your hair is shiny with grease and your breath smells like sour salad. Take care of these nuances. A confident girl who feels beautiful will definitely gain a crowd of fans.

People and setting

  1. Often interesting, decent-looking men meet on minibuses. It is more difficult to get to know each other in transport, since there are a lot of people around who will hear the entire dialogue. It feels like you are under the lenses of video cameras. The best option is to write a short letter to a handsome guy indicating your phone number and hand it over personally.
  2. If a rich person does not travel in minibuses, but travels distances on an airplane in business class, you can send him a message with a declaration of love, for example, by email. The main thing is that the letter reaches the addressee, and not his secretary.
  3. It’s better to meet people in restaurants, cafes, clubs and even sanatoriums, without inventing anything. When people relax, they are relaxed and open. You can approach and offer friendship.
  4. You should look for a fit man in the following places: a fitness club, a gym or a regular gym, a swimming pool, an ice skating rink. How to attract a guy's attention? First, you can pretend to be a beginner. Let's say, stand on skates in such a way that many young people will want to train you or at least hold you. You also need to be able to “learn.” Try to look sexy and look for opportunities for physical contact: touch the man, fall on top of him, etc.
  5. You shouldn't get acquainted at work, in the sense of in the office or at the machine. It’s better to wait for your colleague at the end of the day, start a conversation on a professional topic, and then gradually move on to the personal depending on the situation.

In general, you can remember enough dating stories. They all boil down to the above options. The only thing is that you need to look at the specific situation wisely, correctly choosing the most organic way to start a relationship.

Ask a Question

This method is very simple. After all, you can ask anything. Remember the famous Soviet film “Where is Nophelet?”? The principle is the same, but the question must be correctly posed and directed. There is no need to ask something inexplicable and incomprehensible. You can ask for a specific address, explain that you are lost. In large cities this is especially easy. Perhaps he is even on the way and then he will take you to the right house.

For those who are friends with technology or cars, if you see a man you like have an interesting gadget or a certain brand of car, you can ask how he uses the device, whether there are any problems, etc.

You can learn more about what to write to a guy HERE.

State your intentions openly

Not all girls are ready to arrange different situations for dating. Sometimes it’s easier for them to say everything straight. But not so openly: “I like you, let’s meet” (although there are such cases), but, for example, leave a phone number. A napkin with a written number or a business card, if available, is suitable for this. By leaving your phone number with a man, smiling sweetly and leaving, you will clearly intrigue him and attract his attention.

Here are some examples of original phrases for dating:

  • “Do you mind going somewhere for a cup of coffee and chatting?”
  • “Call me, I want to get to know you better”

For more examples, see the article: how to start a conversation with a guy in an original way.

But if there is embarrassment in the face of such direct pressure, then you can use the option above, saying that you have lost your phone. Then he will still have the number, and interest can be aroused during the conversation.

Compliment to a pet

If the man you like is walking with an animal, and you are not afraid to approach him, then this method can be very simple.

For example, a guy is walking a dog. Come up and ask what breed it is. “I saw one of these on the Internet, very beautiful. I have been dreaming of a dog for a long time, I would like one for myself. Can you tell me how she is cared for? Is it difficult to keep her at home in an apartment? Maybe there are some peculiarities in upbringing?”

In this case, you can ask a lot of questions. And the young man will be pleased to answer: after all, interest in his pet is an interesting topic for conversation. For one thing, you can ask where the dog was purchased, in which kennel. Just don’t need to find out the price, it’s better to ask how you can contact them. So he will need to find the contacts of the breeders and pass them on to you, that is, there will be continued communication.

It might be interesting: how to understand that a guy likes you.


When dating this way, you need to know a few important life hacks:

  • In communication, naturalness is primarily important . Don't be pretentious or flirty. The man will feel pretentious and will be disappointed. Natural reactions to jokes, joyful laughter, sincere smiles - this will help you get closer.
  • Positivity . You need to be determined only for a positive result. Everything will work out for you, even if not with this man, then with another. Smile more, enjoy the new day. Failure will be forgotten faster if it is turned into a joke.
  • Don't reveal all your cards . You shouldn’t tell a virtual stranger about your past at the first meeting. And even more so, scold your exes, remembering them with bad words. This will show you from a bad side.
  • Don't ask personal questions . In turn, you should not approach a stranger with personal questions. Although it’s worth finding out if he’s married or if he has a girlfriend. For a decent woman, a busy man is a taboo. And it’s better to leave questions about income, car, apartment and other valuables for later, when your relationship moves to a closer level.


It’s no secret that in the minds of most girls and boys, men and women, the initiative when meeting for the purpose of amorous relationships should come from men.
Therefore, it is believed that Pickup is for guys. But not all men are “pick-up artists” and not all guys, using a thousand and one rules of picking, will make acquaintance with you. And you really want to meet the guy you like. But at the same time, not every girl is able to simply walk up to an unfamiliar young guy and just start a conversation. As a rule, this is prevented by pride or shyness. Therefore, many “accidental” ways have been invented for girls to meet guys on the street, in a store, in transport, and so on. Some will require more determination from you, while others you just need to muster up the courage to take the first step. So, take the initiative. 1
You can try to provoke a man to get acquainted. For example, catch his eye and smile. If a guy is not shy, he will definitely come up and talk. This method is very suitable for cafes, bars and clubs. 2
Ask him about a mutual acquaintance, friend, if he has one. There are many options, for example, I haven’t seen for a long time, where he is now, and so on. A conversation started and you already know each other. 3
Dating via the Internet I think the easiest way. Use the VKontakte or ICQ website. Text the guy “Hi!! How are you?”, or “Let’s get acquainted, my name is Masha!” I think that the easiest way to meet people is on the Internet... you don’t need any commitments... you can think about the conversation and be a more open person in communication. 4
Ask for help dragging your suitcase to the subway, home, and so on. For the sake of decency, offer money, he still won’t take it. And this is already a reason to thank you, in a good way, for example, to invite you to your home if the poor fellow was dragging your luggage all the way to the entrance... 5
Performance with a lost phone. Ask him to call your phone (explain this by saying that you can’t find it in the wilds of your bag, maybe it was stolen!!?). By the way, you will still have his number, and he will have yours. 7
Rainy weather and an umbrella forgotten at home is a good way to get acquainted. Having chosen a nice stranger, ask to be under his umbrella. It's unlikely that the guy will refuse. If he refuses, let it be worse for him. 8
Ask about his gadget. If a guy has a cool PDA, a tablet, and so on, then do the following: with your eyes widened, you approach and ask the guy with sincere curiosity about the merits of his electronic toy. It is advisable to prepare beforehand so that you can ask questions on the topic and not look like a complete fool. This is a great way to get even a man you don’t know into a conversation, because any guy can talk (brag) endlessly about his cool gadget. 9
Another reason to meet a guy is that you now have a cool gadget. Let's say you have a digital camera with numerous functions and a complex menu, a tablet or just a mobile phone. Pretend to be a blonde from jokes and ask a stranger for help in operating your “very complex” digital camera. At the very least, the guy will be flattered. You can take a few pictures to check your gadget - any phone or tablet has a digital camera. 10
And again familiarity with the use of digital technology. Asking to take your photo seems quite natural. Even if there is no landmark or picturesque corner nearby that would be suitable for making your request believable, you can take a photo near the supermarket, on a bench in the yard, or against the backdrop of new buildings. Tell him a heart-warming story about this place, then ask him if something similar has ever happened to him. 11.
Meeting someone in a clothing store.
An interesting young man can provide you with invaluable assistance in choosing a shirt or sweater as a birthday gift for your father or brother. And by the way, “quite by chance” he turned out to be similar in build to the brother for whom you choose the same sweater or shirt. Ask the guy to try on the item you have chosen and ask his opinion and taste preferences. Even at the grocery store there is always a reason to meet someone. You can, of course, ask a young man to help you choose dumplings, but it’s better to get to know the guys in the alcoholic beverages department. You can choose cognac as a gift for your boss, and in order not to make a mistake in your choice, you need the man’s recommendations. You may also be preparing for a party and want to pamper your guests with a delicious drink. In gratitude for the advice, invite the young man to be the guest of honor or simply to taste the purchase. In a hardware store, ask a young man to help you choose from several models you like, for example, a laptop or a router with WiFi. Just don’t need to show off your knowledge in this or that area.

The “Fake Sociologist” method is a method for bolder girls. Approach the man you like and say: “Could you help me? I was assigned to conduct a sociological study on the topic: “Nine differences between single and married men.” I need to compare the male and female points of view.” At a minimum, you will find out whether the object of your attention is single or married. 13
Ask about music. If you are in a club, cafe and he listens to music that you also hear, ask him if he knows the name of this song that was just played or at least the name of the group that performs it. You can say something like “I really love this song, do you know who sings it?” You can also hum this song along with the artist on the radio. Maintain eye contact with the guy, smile and say “I love this verse” and wait to see what he says. Either way, this is a good way to establish a common understanding. 14
A trivial but sometimes effective way is to ask for directions. It is advisable to resort to a little trick. You need to force the guy to take you to the right place. Let’s say you “need” to find house 25 on third street. Builders or Red Square or general store. You walked around and asked all the passers-by, but you couldn’t find this enchanted place. You need to portray a confused look and some helplessness. It is also necessary that the “searched” place be nearby. If a guy starts showing the way, waving his arms - first to the left, then to the right, then you have already been there and don’t understand anything at all. Of course, some acting skills are needed here, but when later this guy is yours, and he is yours, you can reveal to him the small secret of your acquaintance. 15
The textbook way of dating, seen in numerous melodramas and TV series, is a “random” encounter. To meet a guy on the street, organize this event, preferably not in a very crowded place. Don’t forget to take with you “to get acquainted” some folders with a bunch of papers or a bag with small items. It is important that the folder opens easily and the bag opens. When collecting items with a stranger, express complete confusion and disappointment. It is advisable that some important item (for example, an old mobile phone) from your purse breaks - you need to break it in advance. The young man will feel discouraged and somewhat guilty, and this is what is needed. By the way, considering that you are now without a cell phone, you can ask him to call from his cell phone. (See method number 5) 16
. Praise his dog. Let's say a guy is walking in the park with his four-legged friend. Admire his dog and ask if you can pet him. This is a great conversation starter because you can keep asking questions about his pet and he will of course participate in the conversation. Ask the animal's age, name, breed, say something good about its behavior and training. If a guy is interested in you, he will be happy to continue the further conversation on a topic that is not necessarily related to his favorite. But if he is indifferent to you, then he will answer your questions and move on in his direction.

The “Teach to Swim” method. Approach the man you have your eye on and ask him to protect you in the water, because you don’t know how to swim, but you really want to learn. This, as a rule, does not cause any suspicion of a dirty trick among men and they easily agree. Moreover, every man likes feeling like a knight next to a woman who cannot swim. Always emphasize that you completely trust him and that you feel calm and confident around him. 18
. A classic of the genre is the “Prevention of Tanning” method. Contact the man you like with a request to apply cream to your back, since it’s uncomfortable to be alone. If you don’t get acquainted with him the first time, approach him a second time after a while and again ask for help, explaining the reason for your approach to him: he has affectionate, gentle, warm hands and skillful actions.

Volleyball on the beach. As a rule, on the beach most often men play volleyball, gathered in a circle. You, presenting yourself for treatment during the game, ask to be taken into the game (as in childhood). Play all the time for the man you like. 20
A method for girls with good acting skills. Rush to the object from behind, hug, kiss and... apologize, citing the fact that you confused him with your brother or childhood friend. After which you make excuses for a long time that you are very similar, how awkward it turned out, it’s very awkward for me, although it’s a very funny situation, and what’s your name - maybe your names are the same. 21
Use this feminine cunning too. Hide one earring and begin an intensive search for the second one in the place where the man is until he offers his help. In this case, you need to lift your hair and show him the second earring. A joint search can lead to a life together - and why not! 22
. Sit next to the guy on the bench, pretend that you are getting ready to go somewhere and forget your thing on the bench. A decent young man will definitely call out to you or catch up with you to give you a forgotten item. If, having moved away to a distance of 10 - 20 meters, you do not see any actions on the part of the guy, then come back for the “loss”, and this goat turns out to be not decent at all.

Another classic way is a crossword puzzle. In a cafe, in a park on a bench, or at the institute while solving a crossword puzzle, ask a guy for a pen or pencil and (or) help in solving the crossword puzzle. This method does not oblige you to anything. As the conversation progresses, you can decide whether to make further contact with this intellectual or not. 24
. If you are standing in line at a cafe or sitting in an empty bar, ask him what he should order for his taste and tell him that it looks pretty tasty. If you interest him, he will certainly keep up the conversation, and maybe even treat you to coffee or ice cream.


And finally, the most unattractive and somewhat criminal, but at the same time the most effective way of dating. Unnoticed, steal something from a guy at college, school, or work, and then “accidentally find” it and give it away. Naturally, the guy will be happy and try to thank you in some way. But be very careful - don’t get into a criminal story. Therefore, it is better to accidentally find an umbrella, sunglasses, a flash drive or lecture notes at the University than a good mobile phone. Original statuses about SEX
Statuses for those who are on a diet

Nonverbal cues

You can show a man about your sympathy with the help of non-verbal signals - this is an “eye to eye” look, a smile, gestures, etc. Look straight into the depths of your chosen one’s eyes, pause for a few seconds and look away to the side. Flirt with him. Smile sweetly and tenderly. Run your hand through your hair, moving to your neck and décolleté. Walk past with a hip gait. All these gestures attract men and provoke them to meet the enchantress.

However, actions should not be vulgar or provocative. Otherwise you will be misunderstood.

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