List of popular professions for girls after grades 9 and 11

The natural qualities of almost any girl are attentiveness, resistance to stress, sociability and artistry. Therefore, statistics show that the majority of female applicants are for such specialties as HR inspector (97%), tourism manager (92%) and personnel manager (90%), and cellular network operator (82%). Jobs related to environmental protection (about 80%) and in advertising and PR management (75%) are also very popular among women. A girl’s creative nature will always show itself worthily in the field of architecture, television, theater, mass entertainment and literary professions (editing, etc.), where 65% of professionals are women. And, of course, everything related to the purchase and sale of certain goods is 65-70% female management and marketing.


  • Women's professions or what the weaker sex can do?
  • Professions in demand for women
  • Creative professions
  • Actress
  • Singer
  • Musician
  • Writer
  • Artist
  • Handmade mater
  • Culinary
  • Military professions
  • Signalwoman
  • Cartographer
  • Medical worker
  • Translator
  • Technical professions
  • Ecologist
  • Chemist
  • Engineer
  • IT specialist
  • Interesting professions
  • Stewardess
  • Conductor
  • Photographer
  • Designer
  • Tourism manager
  • Webinar trainer
  • Florist
  • Etiquette Specialist
  • Sports instructor
  • Fashion designer
  • Choreographer
  • Popular women's professions
  • Waitress
  • Secretary
  • Governess
  • Salesman-cashier
  • Prestigious professions
  • Merchandiser or sales agent
  • Assistant Manager
  • Beauty industry worker
  • Chef
  • Professions for girls in the police
  • Professions with good salaries
  • Highly paid professions: how to get and what to do?
  • Promising professions for women
  • Nanotechnologist
  • Psychologist
  • Journalist
  • Professions that can be mastered after 9th grade
  • Professions that can be mastered after 11th grade
  • How to decide on your future profession?
  • Conclusion


Interesting vacancies

Blockchain Specialist

While blockchain specialist has become the job of the future. The active development of cryptocurrency has made such workers one of the most sought-after specialists in our world. You can work both in Russia and with foreign companies.

You can get a degree in finance or economics, but this is not required. Personal experience is important. There is also no salary level - you can either work at a loss or earn tens of thousands.

3D visualizer

One of the original professions that does not require communication with clients: you will receive tasks from designers. At the same time, the industry is creative; gray models can be used to create a beautiful and rich picture.

Education is not necessary; you can study in a specialty related to design. Beginners are paid 20,000, already popular ones - 80,000. You work only for yourself, often on the principle of freelancing.

Women's professions or what the weaker sex can do?

Modern women strive to be independent and self-sufficient. Nowadays there is practically no field of activity in which work would be beyond the strength of a girl.

Indeed, ladies of the 19th century can master almost any specialty, but in order to remain a happy person, you need to choose the right profession.

This problem is faced by girls finishing school or women who have decided to radically change their lives.

We will try to talk about the most interesting and popular professions, but before we begin to describe them, we will dwell on professions that are still not suitable for the fair sex.

  1. Work involving heavy lifting . Women are still not accustomed to heavy physical activity, and heavy lifting has a negative impact on the reproductive system and health in general. This is probably why girls are not hired as loaders.
  2. Hard professions . There are male professions, with difficult working conditions, where I don’t hire women. For example, miners or firefighters.
  3. Professions with long working hours and long business trips . Sooner or later, a husband and children appear in a woman’s life, and they will need to devote a lot of time and attention. You need to think about your upcoming family in advance, so that you don’t regret your choice later. Therefore, you should not dream of becoming a truck driver.

Also read: What to do if you can't find a job

Professions in demand for women

As we have already said, women and girls can realize themselves in almost any field of activity. The main thing when choosing a profession is to look not only at the salary, but also to listen to your heart and inner voice, otherwise the work will not be a joy.

There are a lot of women's professions. We have ungrouped them, and present the most complete list to your attention.

Creative professions

Many girls are creative individuals who are suitable for professions where they can demonstrate their talents.


If you feel the potential of an actress, are a member of theater groups, regularly visit theaters and cannot imagine your life without a stage, then you can find work in this direction.

As you know, all actors and actresses graduate from special educational institutions. It is when you join them that teachers look at your talents and confirm their presence or refute them.

If you really want to appear on TV screens, then you can go to all kinds of castings and try to pass them. You can act in films, TV series or commercials.

Please note that to achieve great heights, you need to make a career in big cities. Although, to get your first experience, local television and the theater scene in your city are also suitable.

For cinema, it is important to get an acting education. After all, this is what producers pay attention to first. This way you will increase your chances at the casting.


Having a naturally beautiful voice, you can try to make money with it. Talented girls sing in school choirs from an early age, graduate from music schools, attend vocal clubs, and participate in various show jumping competitions.

Even singers have different specialties. For example, you can become an opera or rock singer.

True, talent alone is not enough in this profession. You either need to have good starting capital for “promotion”, or find a sponsor, or win the favor of the producer and convince him of your uniqueness.

Today it is fashionable to post your videos on social networks, where quite often producers are looking for undervalued talents. This was the case with the group “Artik & Asti”, the lead singer for which was found on the Internet. Don't forget to write # and full information about yourself on the page to make it easier to find you.


In order to connect your life with music, you must attend a music school from childhood, and then enroll in educational institutions in your field.

We can write music, give concerts or play in some orchestra. The amount of your earnings will directly depend on the specifics of the work and the talent itself.


Girls with unlimited imagination and the ability to write beautiful texts can try writing books. You can start with a small novel, and after creating it, take the manuscript to several publishing houses.

If your books turn out to be extraordinary and interesting, they will definitely start selling out.

If you are still studying, you can try the power of your word on the Internet by creating your own blog. To do this, we recommend reading the article: How to become a blogger and make money from it


Having artistic talent, you can realize yourself as an artist, portrait painter or illustrator.

In order to create works of art, you need to at least graduate from art school, and after that think about improving your qualifications in higher educational institutions in your specialty.

You can also realize your artistic talents online. Today, website designers, logo designers, game developers, creatives of advertising products, etc. are highly valued. There is even a hunt for highly talented people. And the wages there are completely different. If you decide to develop your talent in this direction, do not forget about your portfolio and advanced training with eminent masters.

Handmade mater

If you create exclusive things with your own hands that people like, and you are sure that you can turn your favorite hobby into a successful business, then at least just try to sell your creations.

You can create:

  • Pictures embroidered with ribbons, beads or cross stitches;
  • Exclusive soft toys;
  • Accessories for children (envelopes, bumpers, soft toys, soft educational books, fleece mobiles, etc.)
  • Clothes (you can focus on a specific accessory: hat, felt boots, brooches, etc.);
  • Souvenirs, etc.

In order to get promoted, you need to attend all kinds of exhibitions, conduct master classes, constantly improve your professionalism, and develop your skills. It is difficult for young and inexperienced girls to cope with the task and make their hobby start bringing in money. But if you have an impressive capital, the support of people who know about this business, time and desire to create - feel free to take on the implementation of your plans.


Many may not agree that cooking is a creative profession, but it depends on what exactly you do. If you love and know how to bake cakes, make pastries or create sweet flowers, then try to master the profession of a pastry chef.

To do this, you will need to graduate from a lyceum, a university with a confectionery specialty, or simply attend several courses. After that, start making sweets for your friends. When you see that clients are satisfied with your work and recommend them to their friends, save money and formalize your activity.

Military professions

In Russia, some military professions can be mastered not only by men, but also by girls. Of course, it’s unlikely that anyone will trust you to drive a tank, but there are specialties that even the fair sex can do.


Signal operators are in great demand in the army. This position will become irrelevant only when there is no war in the world. People of this particular profession ensure stable transmission of information at all levels.

In order to take this position, you need to graduate from a university with a degree in communications. In this case, the educational institution may be civilian, but after graduation you will simply go to a military unit for service and further training.


A cartographer is a very interesting profession that involves frequent business trips and exploration of little-studied areas.

The duties of a military cartographer include studying terrain and creating military maps. By choosing this profession, you will not only sit at the table and draw maps, but also go on exciting expeditions.

If you have good physical fitness and you love to travel, then graduate from college with a degree in Cartography and do what you love.

Medical worker

At any exercise or military unit there are medical personnel. It is women who are happy to go to work in hospitals and monitor the health of soldiers.

This profession is remarkable because unmarried girls quickly and without problems find their soul mates.

In order to become a honey. As an employee of a military unit, you need to graduate from at least a medical school or college, and at most from an institute.


During hostilities, the profession of translator is considered to be in great demand. This specialty does not require any unique skills. It is enough just to know several languages ​​perfectly.

The position of translator can be obtained by graduating from the Institute of Foreign Languages. Just remember that in peacetime, translators are not in great demand. But after you learn a language, you can get a job in your specialty at any travel agency or school.

Technical professions

Each girl has certain abilities. Some people are good at sewing and knitting, others have no difficulty mastering a foreign language, while others are closer to technical professions. The following selection of professions is just for such people.


An ecologist is not the most popular profession and it is often very difficult for such specialists to find work.

Ecologists are engaged in studying the state of the earth, air, water, animals and plants, analyzing the data obtained, and then providing information about how the world around us affects people.

Environmentalists are needed at large chemical enterprises; they are also used in the agricultural sector.

You can become an ecologist after you graduate from a higher educational institution with a degree in ecology.


We offer girls who are interested in chemistry and dream of inventing something useful for humanity to master the profession of a chemist.

People in this specialty study the compositions of unknown substances, try to synthesize new compounds, make discoveries, etc.

Before entering a university, you must decide on a direction, and there are a lot of them. Some specialists study physical chemistry, others medical, etc. This position is in demand in research institutes and laboratories.


An engineer is a person who studies, optimizes and modernizes certain processes.

Every enterprise has engineers of different specialties. Someone monitors labor protection, someone monitors compliance with technological processes, and someone is responsible for safety precautions.

It is believed that engineers are middle managers who make sure that the enterprise runs smoothly.

This specialty can only be obtained at universities.

IT specialist

In modern life, computers and digital technologies play a huge role. It is IT specialists who create the programs and applications that we are accustomed to using.

In order to master this specialty, you need to study programming for several years and be able to write programs.

For some, this may seem like a very tedious job, while others really love writing codes for websites and programs.

At this time, IT specialists are in great demand; they pay very good money for their work.

Interesting professions

Not all professions tie women to the office and force them to endlessly rummage through papers. There are specialties that, having mastered them, ladies see the sights of different countries, are the creators of some masterpieces, or make new interesting acquaintances.


This is one of the most interesting professions. But becoming a flight attendant is very difficult. It is very important to have an ideal appearance and be fluent in several foreign languages.

In addition, you still need to get a special education and go through a tough selection process. But if you succeed, then you are guaranteed an interesting and rich life. Really, think about whether this profession will become an obstacle to family happiness, because husbands rarely like constant travel.


This is not as romantic a profession as the previous one, however, once you master it, you definitely won’t be bored.

Becoming a conductor is much easier than becoming a flight attendant. Here no one arranges castings and no one forces you to learn languages. However, you still need to graduate from a specialized educational institution.


Photographers are able to capture the brightest moments of any person’s life. A piece of joy is always transferred from the client to the photographer.

It would seem that there is nothing easier than buying a camera and starting taking photographs. But photography, like any other craft, needs to be learned. In order to make a career as a successful photographer you must:

  • Have good equipment and accessories;
  • Complete training;
  • Practice a lot.


A designer is not only an interesting but also a creative profession. If you have a sense of taste, know how to draw beautifully, your head is full of ideas, and your imagination has no limits, then be sure to try your hand as a designer.

Of course, you will not be able to become a professional without receiving the proper education. Only educational institutions will help you discover your talent and give you all the necessary knowledge.

Tourism manager

Any travel agency has one or more tourism managers on its staff.

These are the people who find clients and sell them tours. Most often, such specialists visited all the tours themselves, accompanying tourists. They must have a good understanding of the specifics of their profession and the psychology of people. And they are taught this in colleges and institutes.

Webinar trainer

This is a very young profession that appeared after the Internet became available to everyone.

A webinar is the same seminar with the difference that you do not go to a meeting in a specific place, but simply listen to it while sitting in front of your computer online.

But in order for such an activity to generate the desired income, you must have useful knowledge for which people will pay you money to convey.

Don’t think that if you tell us how to bake a biscuit, someone will pay you a penny.

Webinars where the trainer tells how to make money or teaches methods of influencing people, psychology, as well as webinars on motherhood and breastfeeding, etc. are in great demand.

Also read:

  • Work on the Internet at home without investment and without cheating
  • How to make money on the Internet - proven and current methods


At all times, men have won the hearts of women with the help of luxurious bouquets. But such beauty is created by simple girls and women. If you love plants and your imagination is limitless, we suggest becoming a florist.

In order to master this specialty, you need to have minimal knowledge about plants and a sense of style. If you compose good compositions and acquire regular clients, then in the future you can think about opening your own business.

Etiquette Specialist

In all educational institutions of the 19th century, a minimum of time is devoted to issues of etiquette. But the ability to behave in society is a quality that every person should possess. But now there are very few specialists who can teach the art of etiquette.

Due to the large number of clients and the small number of teachers, etiquette specialists never sit idle.

Sports instructor

A healthy lifestyle is at the peak of popularity. PP and postpartum recovery are generally some of the TOP areas today.

Many people have realized how important it is to lead an active lifestyle and are starting to enroll in gyms en masse. Once there, people are very willing to pay for the services of sports instructors who accompany them throughout the entire lesson.

In order to master this profession, you must love sports and be on friendly terms with it. In addition, you will have to graduate from an educational institution where there is a department with a physical education focus.

Most often, professional athletes become instructors who, for some reason, decided to leave professional sports.

Fashion designer

As a child, did you sew clothes for dolls, and now you create clothes for yourself? Then you definitely need to master the profession of a fashion designer.

In order to become a fashion designer, you need to be able not only to draw beautifully, but also to thoroughly know the art of sewing. Most often, fashion designers make their career after mastering the profession of a seamstress, and then working in an atelier for several years.


Not only children, but also adults love to dance. This is why more and more people of conscious age are signing up for dance lessons.

Due to the fact that there are so many dance styles, choreographers will always find work. It’s true that girls who have danced or practice dance professionally master this profession.

At the beginning of your career, you can only teach dance lessons, and after a few years, accumulate capital and open your own choreographic studio.

Popular women's professions

Often, the most prestigious professions that pay average wages are not in demand. Nevertheless, such work helps girls feel confident in the future and financial independence.


Due to the fact that new cafes and restaurants are opening every day, their owners are constantly looking for service personnel.

Girls with a desire to work, even without special education, can master the profession of a waitress. Just keep in mind that this is not as easy a job as it seems. You will have to be on your feet all day, be helpful and polite, thoroughly study the menu and be able to resolve any conflict situations.

Good waitresses sooner or later become administrators of cafes and restaurants, and this is a more prestigious profession where they pay more. Agree that there is something to strive for.


Every boss prefers not to do routine and monotonous work that can be delegated to his secretary.

Having an attractive appearance, an extraordinary mind and a certificate of completion of secretarial assistant courses, you can try to find a job in this specialty.

And if you have a higher education, then career growth in the company will not be difficult, the main thing is not to be afraid to take initiative and show perseverance.

But don't think that your responsibilities will only include making coffee. The list of responsibilities can be very extensive, and it depends on the requirements of the manager.


Wealthy people do not waste time on household chores. The governesses do this for them.

In order to become a governess, you can take appropriate courses, but in such a profession, work experience and recommendations are more valued.

It is not easy for young girls to get such a job due to the lack of this very experience. But if you demonstrate your skills (cook delicious food, demonstrate cleanliness, etc.), you may get this job.


In any locality there are stores that require salespeople and cashiers.

If you do not have any specific education, but you urgently need a job, you can try to work as a cashier.

Every job is hard in its own way. Cashiers and salespeople must know the full range of goods and be very careful as they deal with money. Already at the workplace you will be taught how to use a cash register or other special equipment.

In addition to these professions, we recommend that you pay attention to such professions as:

CelebratorsIf you are the “life of the party”, have artistic abilities, are not afraid of public speaking, and also have creative thinking, you should definitely complete special courses and start offering your services as a presenter.
KindergartenerIn order to work as a teacher, you must have “nerves of iron,” a strong psyche and boundless love for children.
Speech therapistIn order to become a speech therapist, you will need to graduate from a pedagogical university where there is a department of defectology. After this, you can provide private services to everyone, or get a job as a speech therapist in a kindergarten, boarding school or school.
HairdresserBy doing haircuts, you will always have money, because you can work not only in a hairdressing salon, but also provide services at home. In the future, you can open your own beauty salon.
Primary school teacherUnfortunately, this profession is not considered prestigious and highly paid, but being a teacher is more of a calling.

Molecular nutritionist

People are willing to pay extra for inclusivity, for something special, unique, made especially for them. Going on a diet that you can read about on the Internet is no longer interesting, and also ineffective. It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the human body. This is what a molecular nutritionist does, creating a specific diet for a specific person.

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If we talk about salaries, in the field of medicine the figures vary depending on the chosen specialization. The range is large: starting from 20 and ending with 250 thousand rubles. A doctor in a public clinic earns less, and in a private clinic - more, on average 100 thousand rubles.

Prestigious professions

There are professions that are quite problematic to master due to the large competition among applicants to educational institutions. After graduating from university, another problem arises - the lack of vacancies. This situation arises because too many people want to master prestigious professions.

Merchandiser or sales agent

Everything we buy in stores is delivered there by agreement with sales agents.

If you always find a common language with people, know how and love to sell any product, and have a car at your disposal, then you definitely need to try yourself as a sales agent.

Of course, it is better if you have the appropriate education, but a girl with extensive work experience without a diploma can get a job as a merchandiser.

Assistant Manager

Heads of large firms and companies often do not have time to do some things and strive to shift some of their responsibilities to their assistants.

Women are perfect for the role of those same deputies or assistants. Since it is believed that girls are more responsible and diligent. Often their responsibilities include reviewing mail, drawing up all sorts of reports, maintaining some kind of documentation, and in some cases replacing their boss.

In order to obtain the position of assistant manager, you need to obtain a higher education and have work experience.

Beauty industry worker

If we talk about a hairdresser or a manicurist, then you will say that these are not the most prestigious professions. But if we are talking about beauty salon workers who attend all kinds of exhibitions, seminars, training sessions, take part in competitions, and use new techniques in their work, then many girls will want to master this profession.

To work in the beauty industry, you need to complete courses in a specific specialty. After that, find a job and improve your skills.


In every family, the housewife prepares the most ordinary dishes, but there are times when you really want to treat yourself to restaurant dishes. That's when we choose the restaurant where the best chef works.

To become a chef yourself, you need to study a lot, constantly develop, practice, experiment, and just cook deliciously.

Chef is a very promising profession that offers high wages.

Professions for girls in the police

Nowadays, a girl being a police officer is a completely normal phenomenon, which no one is surprised by. The weaker sex is not considered as such when it comes to ladies in uniform.

If you have dreamed of joining the police since childhood, then you need to graduate from a special university, where you will decide on the specifics of your future work. Women can occupy a variety of positions, from patrol officers to high management.

Just keep in mind that police officers most often have irregular working hours and it is very difficult to combine service with caring for the family.


To work as a governess you need a higher pedagogical education, and to become a nanny at home you need to graduate from a governess school or course.
A governess is an educator and teacher at home. Governesses work in private homes with average or above average income. Salary depends on employment, but the minimum is 40 thousand rubles.

The duties of a governess include: teaching the child, instilling moral standards, regulating food and sleep patterns, as well as consulting parents on raising children. The profession excludes freelancing or remote education.

The profession is quite in demand in modern society, so beginners have no problems finding work. Typically, governesses work with one child for a long time, which is a good indicator of stability. As soon as the child grows up and no longer needs constant supervision, the nanny begins to take care of another child.

Professions with good salaries

As you know, there is always not enough money for something. But there are professions that allow even a woman to provide herself with a comfortable existence.

DoctorAbsolutely all people need medical care. Therefore, the work of a doctor is not only in demand, but also highly paid. In order to become a good doctor, you will have to study for a long time at the institute, and then in an internship. It may take about 10 years until you become a highly qualified professional with a large salary.
ModelIn order to master it, you need to study at a modeling school and then get a job at a specialized agency. Many girls dream of becoming models, but sometimes they forget that their professional career may not last long. In a maximum of 10 years, you will most likely be sent to retire, because younger girls will be in demand, and you will have to look for work again.
AccountantThe staffing table of any enterprise includes at least 1 accountant. He is entrusted with great responsibility, and the work itself requires the presence of certain knowledge and skills. That is why the wages of these specialists are higher than those of most blue-collar professions. You can become an accountant after graduating from universities, and almost every educational institution has a corresponding department where future specialists are taught the specifics of working at different enterprises. If you have a mathematical mind, you love to count, and you never get tired of numbers, then choose this profession and you will never be hungry.


The direct responsibilities of seamstresses include taking measurements, designing things and sewing; knowledge of the entire technology of tailoring and knowledge of modern trends and trends in clothing are required.
To work in clothing factories, you need to receive a minimum of secondary specialized education, and for sewing clothes for yourself or your friends, there will be enough courses . Later, when you get better at it, there is a chance to open your own studio. Education for this profession cannot be obtained remotely.

The work schedule depends on the seamstress’s place of work. a factory or your own business requires a pleasant team, so a beginner will feel comfortable working. To become a professional seamstress you need to be diligent, patient, and not afraid of monotonous work. The profession is creative, so a developed imagination and imagination of the image will be a plus. On average across the country, seamstresses earn around 40 thousand rubles.

Highly paid professions: how to get and what to do?

Every girl and woman strives to earn as much money as possible. To achieve this, they are willing to work hard and take on great responsibility.

You will be paid good money only if you receive a higher education, are good at your job, have a good reputation, are proactive and courageous. The latter, by the way, is very important. After all, many, having got a job after university, are afraid to change it, even if they understand that they are underpaid there.

Please note that the more complex the profession, the higher the employee’s salary. We analyzed many professions and selected the highest paid ones.

ProfessionRequired EducationFeatures of work
LawyerHigher legalA lawyer advises clients, represents their interests in court and draws up all the necessary documentation.
Recruitment agentIt is acceptable to have a humanities or economics education.The agent selects personnel for the client's company based on his requirements.
NotaryHigher legalIn order to provide notary services, you need not only to obtain a higher education, but also to have work experience in a notary office, pass special exams and obtain a state license. license.
Doctor at a private clinic (dentist, gynecologist)Higher medicalHaving received the right to work as a doctor, the girl must find a clinic where, after employment, she will provide her services to everyone.
Marketing directorHigher economic educationThis specialist determines the marketing strategy of the entire company and is a senior manager.
Business trainerHigher education in the humanities or psychologyThe responsibilities of a business coach include:
  • training of company personnel and its managers;
  • drawing up manuals and memos;
  • employee certification;
  • preparation of necessary reports.

Specialty cosmetologist

Cosmetologists have the opportunity to organize their business at home, or by renting a small cosmetology office.
The profession of cosmetologist has several divisions, including a plastic surgeon, a cosmetologist, and a cosmetologist-esthetician. Plastic surgeons receive their education at universities and study for six years. Other categories of cosmetologists receive education by graduating from technical schools or special schools and beauty courses, and they also have the opportunity to receive education remotely. The schedule of cosmetologists depends on the place of work, most often 2\2, but there are different variations.

Qualities that a woman who wants to get this profession must have: politeness, excellent memory, perseverance, communication skills, good hand motor skills. Places of work for cosmetologists are beauty salons and beauty salons or clinics. The average salary of cosmetologists in Russia is 40 thousand rubles, higher paid professions are plastic surgeons, they receive many times more.

Promising professions for women

When choosing a profession, you must analyze its prospects. After all, there are specialties that will no longer be in demand in a few years, and there are those that are just developing. We talked about this in detail in the article: New promising professions of the future in Russia and abroad


The time is not far off when humanity will stop starving. This is not a groundless promise, but a completely feasible task that nanotechnologists promise to cope with.

Nanotechnologists study and create new matter at the molecular level. In order to master such a specialty, you need to know physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, and computer science very well.

If you decide to become a nanotechnologist, then you need to enroll in a technical university where there is a Nanotechnology department.


The profession of psychologist is at the peak of popularity. This is because every year it becomes more and more difficult for people to sort out their thoughts and feelings.

Girls, like no one else, can listen and give practical advice. If you often provide psychological assistance to your friends and acquaintances, and you really like helping people, then go to an educational institution where there is a psychology department, get an education and start your practice.


Nowadays, they are trying to replace people in the workplace with modern equipment and robots. But no machine can replace a journalist, since only a person can collect, analyze and transmit information to other people.

In order to become a journalist, you need to graduate from a university and also have some writing talent. The disadvantage of this specialty can be considered frequent business trips, but in return you get an interesting life filled with vivid impressions.

Professions that can be mastered after 9th grade

Incomplete secondary education allows girls to master many interesting professions . For some you need to study in colleges and lyceums, and for some you can learn directly on the job.

Makeup artist-cosmetologistIf you like this profession, we recommend attending specialized courses, after which you can go looking for work in beauty salons. To improve your professionalism, you can attend various seminars where professionals with extensive experience share their secrets.
NannyAny girl who wants to, even without special education, can go to work as a nanny.
NurseIn order to become a nurse, you must at least graduate from medical school and undergo relevant internship.
HousemaidYou can go and ask to work in a hotel, motel, sanatorium, recreation center, etc. This is not an easy profession, but it is quite possible for girls and women. Having proven yourself well, you can count on a promotion.
SeamstressAfter completing 9 grades, you can master the profession of a seamstress by enrolling in a specialized educational institution. After several years of training, you will be gladly accepted into any studio.
PainterPeople who work on construction sites and earn money doing repairs earn good money. But don't think that there is nothing easier than painting something. In fact, even college students study to become painters.

Florist girl

A representative of this profession must have good imagination, endurance and goodwill.
A florist is a person who works with flower arrangements. In the last couple of years, florists not only compose bouquets, but they are also involved in decorating special events and conducting various master classes.

There are many advanced training competitions in this area. For a florist, a diploma from courses or secondary specialized education is enough. Universities provide deeper knowledge in this profession. Florists work all week, with a rotating schedule.

The profession is quite in demand, so there is a chance to open your own flower shop and grow into a successful flower chain, because not a single special or ritual event is complete without flowers. The 2/2 work schedule in flower salons most often works with one florist at a time, and therefore it is much easier for a beginner to get used to it. Salary ranges from 20 thousand rubles.

How to decide on your future profession?

There really are a lot of professions for girls. Therefore, it is not surprising that many representatives of the fair sex are lost and cannot settle on something specific.

We recommend:

  • Find and read as much information as possible about the vacancies you like. Remember, he who is aware is forearmed;
  • Observe people in your chosen profession, ask them questions that interest you, learn about the advantages and disadvantages of the job;
  • Consult with family members and loved ones;
  • Go to open days at a university or college.

For inspiration, here are some useful articles:

Video editor

  • The salary is about 35 thousand rubles.
  • To master the profession, you need to complete college or special courses.

The job of a video editor is to assemble films, commercials and vlogs from individual frames. The specialist must be able to work with sound, as well as effectively use photo and video equipment. You can get a job in a marketing company or a film studio.

A specialist can perform work remotely and thereby increase his income. Video editors often write blogs. Their monetization can exceed 50 thousand rubles. Maximum productive work is possible only with high-quality software and a powerful computer.

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