How to kiss a girl on the first date to make her fall in love: instructions and tips

The first kiss for a girl is already the beginning of a relationship. After it, she will call you her boyfriend and will be ready for further developments. But after it, she may stop answering calls or say that you are just a friend to her. Find out how to kiss a girl for the first time and make her fall even more in love. It's actually quite simple: trust your feelings and don't make common mistakes. After reading this article, your first kiss with the girl you want will definitely not be your last!

How to Know She's Ready for a Kiss

Before you kiss a girl on the lips, it’s better to make sure that she doesn’t mind. Just don't ask her permission! This cliché comes to us from films, but in reality the question looks inappropriate and strange. It’s always easier to answer “no,” otherwise the girl will simply give in to her feelings. Here are a few points that indicate that it’s time to take action:

  1. The girl takes the initiative or supports the idea of ​​finding a quieter place.
  2. She herself tries to touch you more often, brings her face closer to yours. A girl can lay her head on your shoulder and straighten your hair.
  3. A woman looks at you for a long time, moving her gaze to your lips, pauses during communication. At the same time, there is a sparkle in her eyes, not boredom.

You can use a small test that indicates whether a girl is ready for a kiss. Say something in her ear, but after that do not move your face away, and do not try to kiss her. If she hasn't pulled away, then it's time to act!

Rules to follow with a girl

If a man decides to abruptly and unexpectedly kiss a girl, then he should be prepared for the most negative consequences. Do not neglect our advice, because if you stumble, you may lose her trust forever.

When communicating, avoid vulgar compliments, stupid jokes and topics on which your views radically differ. First, read the article about the best compliments to a girl and see what to talk about with a girl on a date. Having thoroughly prepared and studied the theory, behave with dignity and demonstrate the following qualities:

  • Politeness and gallantry. Giving a hand, helping to take off or put on outerwear, letting a lady go forward is the shortest way to become a gentleman in her eyes.
  • Attentiveness and interest. Ask a variety of but relevant questions and listen carefully to the answers: hobbies, friends, leisure, work, etc.
  • Caring and desire to protect. Create maximum comfort for the girl so that she feels safe next to you. Try to keep a distance that indicates your interest, but does not force the girl to look for ways to retreat.

Choose the meeting place wisely and with special passion! Strictly not suitable:

  • concerts,
  • sporting events,
  • noisy parties,
  • meetings at your home.

They will not allow you to relax and have a casual conversation.

Much better for creating the desired sensual atmosphere are:

  • cozy cafe or bar,
  • cinema,
  • a walk in the park in good weather.

You can catch the moment for a kiss on the way home from rides or other joint entertainment.

Don't forget to give sincere compliments, for example:

  • "You have an amazing figure"
  • “Your lips are very beautiful, and your eyes are simply mesmerizing.”

Women often care not about what you say, but how exactly you say it, with what tone, intonation, and gestures.

Watch your lady's reaction to words, actions and signs of attention. If she reacts well, then you can give her a little hug and whisper something gentle and sweet in her ear:

  • "You are a wonderful girl"
  • “My head spins when you’re around” is quite suitable.

Step-by-step instructions: how to kiss a girl for the first time

So, you already know the rules of how to kiss a girl correctly, but now let’s talk about the kiss itself. To begin with, understand that she herself is waiting for your initiative, so if you are sure of her sympathy, then you just need to choose the right moment and act more confidently. Follow these instructions and your first kiss will be perfect:

  1. Stay with the girl alone. For the first kiss, it is important to choose the moment when you can kiss the girl: no prying eyes around: just you and her!
  2. Don't rush things: don't greedily pounce on a girl as soon as you turn into a dark alley.
  3. Check if she is ready for a kiss and work on how to lead up to a kiss.
  4. Be closer: let him feel your touch. Maintain tactile contact: stroke her hand, touch her hair.
  5. Indicate your desire to kiss her so that it does not come as a surprise to her. Slowly move closer and take a short pause, looking into her eyes and then at her lips. Let her also come a little closer to you, or at least not move away.
  6. Don’t create an event out of a kiss: let everything be natural. The first kiss on the lips will bring you closer, but it should not cause awkwardness, so do not make accents, but rather repeat it after a while.

But with all this, do not forget about one of the tips that we talked about above. Each situation is individual, and only you yourself know best about your relationship. So don’t be afraid to skip some steps or add something of your own. There is no need to get hung up on the algorithm, and even more so, there is no need to get lost if you failed to kiss the girl and she pulled away.

First Kiss: A Guide for the Shy

A date is, of course, good, but how to kiss a girl if you are shy? There are recommendations for you too.

  1. If a girl comes on a date, then she likes you, which means you can relax a little and not think ahead.
  2. Remember that kissing is not at all necessary, especially if you didn’t want to, didn’t want to, or saw that the girl wasn’t ready. In the end, you can kiss a girl on the cheek goodbye, and this will already be a gesture of sympathy on your part.
  3. Before kissing a girl, try hugging her first so that she feels good and feels your sympathy. Put your arm around her shoulders in a cafe, sit next to her, or just take her hand at the cinema or hug her on a walk.
  4. If there is tactile contact, then a kiss will soon occur. Meet her eyes more often, and sooner or later a moment will arise when you will be drawn to each other.
  5. Don't try to suck it in if you already have access to your lips. Kiss gently and carefully, after all, you are shy. Why break the image of a romantic and slightly timid guy?

Now you have an idea of ​​how to kiss a girl for the first time and not die doing it :) As you can see, it’s nothing complicated, the main thing is to seize the moment.

How to react correctly if a girl pulls away

You may know how to kiss a girl and be experienced in this matter, but the first refusal always hurts your pride. You reach out to kiss her, and she pushes you away, or maybe even slaps you in the face. Don’t take her behavior to heart, just below there are common reasons for such a woman’s behavior, so you will be convinced that in most cases it’s not even about you. Here are some tips that will help you get out of this situation with honor:

Understand how to no longer receive refusals from the girl you like!

STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS from Alexander Galevich, a trainer who has trained more than 20,000 men over 15 years, will help you

Which you will receive during the FREE ONLINE INTENSIVE and you will learn:

  • 1. How to spend less resources (money and time) to seduce girls
  • 2. How to easily meet and lead communication with a beautiful girl to sex
  • 3. How to find your unique effective model of seducing girls


  1. Turn it into a joke and lighten the situation. You can say that you thought that she wanted you to kiss her, or pretend to be offended by saying that you didn’t really want to.
  2. Monitor her reaction and try to understand what confused her. Maybe she didn't expect your initiative or wasn't ready for a kiss. Pay special attention to the appropriateness of the moment when you should kiss a girl.
  3. Please try again later. You shouldn’t delay this, because the awkwardness and tension will only increase. Ideally, the second attempt should be immediately after the first: be more persistent!

Think several times before kissing a girl on the first date. If you don’t know each other well, then she may not be psychologically ready for intimacy or will decide that you are a horny maniac who only needs sex. There are many reasons why a girl doesn't want to kiss.

What we must not forget

Kissing is, of course, not quantum physics; sooner or later everyone masters the necessary technique. However, if you are still more of a theorist than a practitioner, then it is worth remembering some important points that can seriously affect your future relationships.

Do not rush

Perhaps your more experienced friends believe that you need to kiss a girl on the first date, otherwise you are not a macho man. Of course, a lot depends on what kind of relationship and what degree of trust has been established between the two partners. But personally, I strongly recommend not to perceive this opinion as the only correct one.

For girls, such a rush is not always justified. Of course, if you are both in the same mood and don’t want to put off kissing for a minute, that’s great!

However, remember that your girlfriend may not want to rush things. She may not be ready for this step and first prefers to make sure that your feelings are serious. Or she thinks that after the kiss she will immediately seem more accessible to you. In general, understanding what is going on in girls’ heads at such a moment is as difficult as solving Newton’s binomial. Therefore, if you are not one hundred percent sure, it is better to hold off on kissing. You may not seem very decisive to her, but you won’t give the impression of an ill-mannered lout.


If you are not yet a pro at kissing, then before you invite a girl on an important date, you should practice a little.

Once you have a thorough understanding of all the intricacies of this art, you will be much less nervous when it comes to practice. Naturally, in such an intimate process there are enough little things to feel unsettled, get scared and present yourself not in the best light. Therefore, before a date, I recommend that you carefully study the existing techniques and rules for kissing.

In our article “How to kiss correctly” you will find detailed instructions on how to become a guru and not be afraid to take the initiative in kissing.

Remember that any awkward situation can end positively if you approach it and yourself with humor. So try to rehearse your first kiss and don’t forget to smile.

Choose the right moment

Even if you have already organized a date during which the first kiss is planned, it is not so easy to understand when the right moment has arrived. You need to carefully monitor the girl’s behavior and correctly interpret the signals she sends you.

You can be sure that you are on the right path and a kiss, as they say, is just around the corner if:

  • she doesn’t mind if you are regularly in the so-called personal comfort zone (closer than half a meter from her);
  • during a conversation she looks into your eyes and at your lips;
  • on a date she smiles a lot and plays with her hair;
  • if you touch her, she doesn't move away.

Find the perfect place

It will be better if your first kiss happens in a romantic setting. At such moments, girls prefer to be alone with their handsome prince, so try to avoid noisy places with large crowds of people. An apartment with a pre-thought-out setting is perfect for a first kiss: dim lights, lit fragrant candles, or a quiet romantic bench in the park, or an observation deck with a beautiful view. I advise you to choose a suitable option in advance so as not to be nervous and not to put off such an important moment because you couldn’t find anything worthy.

Traditional “kissing spots” in cinemas are more suitable for couples who have been together for some time and know each other well. For the first time, a girl will most likely want to see her partner’s face and whisper affectionately to him, and not try to shout over the dialogue of the characters in the next blockbuster.

Avoid sudden movements

When it comes to kissing, technique and the delicacy and respect with which you do everything are equally important. Remember that under no circumstances should a girl be forced into a kiss, even if it seems to you that she is just flirting with you and pretending to be hard to touch.

To achieve a romantic atmosphere and clearly show her your intentions, you can do the following:

  • sit or come as close to her as possible;
  • look her straight in the eye;
  • slowly lean towards her and touch her mouth with your lips.

If you do everything slowly, then the girl will have the opportunity to clearly let you know whether she is interested in a kiss, or whether it is better to slow down for now.

So that there are no secrets left for you in the art of the first kiss, I recommend watching special videos on this topic, for example:

Don't be afraid of rejection

Although we all hope that our romantic impulse will be reciprocated by our partner, sometimes events do not develop the way we would like. You don’t need to immediately set yourself up for pessimism, but you should still think through your actions in advance in case she says “no.”

Firstly, you must understand that there is nothing wrong with refusal. Maybe now is simply not the best moment for a kiss - she has a headache, or is worried about some problems with school or at home. It’s enough to give her time and who knows, maybe luck will smile on you on your next date.

Secondly, even if the refusal is final, and she doesn’t want to meet with you, there’s nothing terrible in that either. Yes, there is little pleasant, but try to find positive aspects here too. You will not waste time on a person who is not interested in you and will be able to meet your true soul mate sooner.

Remember that any experience, even negative, will help you make fewer mistakes in the future and will generally be useful in different life situations.

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Should I ask her permission first?

Some people think that before kissing you should ask the girl if she wants it. Let's try to figure out together whether this is necessary.

In fact, this behavior may seem a little old-fashioned and not very masculine. Moreover, even without words, the girl is able to clearly indicate that she will not object.

Of course, you shouldn’t unequivocally reject the option of asking a direct question. A kiss, like many other things in a romantic relationship, should occur according to mutual desire. Therefore, if you are absolutely sure that the girl agrees to a kiss, then you can do without additional requests. If your beloved is very shy, and you are not able to unambiguously interpret the hints that she gives you, then the option of asking a question may be useful.

This way you will not only avoid an awkward moment, but also show her that you care and do everything so that she likes what is happening between you.

The most common mistakes men make during the first kiss

There is no clear answer to the question of whether you should kiss a girl on the first date: it all depends on the specific situation. If she is your friend, and now you decide to get closer, then this is one thing, but if you just met, then you should act more carefully. Kissing on the first date is not a mistake, unlike the following situations:

  1. The guy asks permission before kissing the girl on the lips.
  2. There is no need to behave aggressively or intrusively if the girl does not want to kiss.
  3. It is better to avoid inappropriate remarks after a kiss like: “I tasted the salad that you recently ate.”
  4. There is no need to rush to show your unbridled passion: it can be expensive and scare her away.
  5. Both you and she should be ready for a kiss: it will be unpleasant if someone’s breath smells bad or there are pieces of food left in their teeth. There is chewing gum and you should not neglect it if you have recently eaten. Plus, this will let her know that you're getting ready to kiss her, so it won't come as a surprise to her.

You can kiss a girl tenderly, or you can unexpectedly suck her in, passionately pawing her breasts and ass. Then you shouldn’t be surprised why she doesn’t want to continue the relationship. She wants to be with someone with whom she can be special, who knows how to look after beautifully, turning every date into an exciting adventure. Become for her what she is looking for, and show it in your first kiss.

Prepare properly

To please yourself and the girl during a kiss, don’t be lazy. Set the stage for a romantic date, the girl should want to kiss you before you do it.

Becoming attractive and inviting to close contact is not difficult, you need:

  • Be carefully shaven. Girls really don't like a man's prickly face; it leaves micro-scratches and causes irritation after a kiss. If your image does not imply grown and softer stubble, or even a beard and mustache, then shave properly and give the girl unforgettable tenderness.
  • Take a shower. Unpleasant odors that invariably appear throughout the day can give the wrong impression about you. The girl will decide that you are too lazy to prepare or don’t take care of yourself at all. When planning close contact, make sure that you smell of pleasant eau de toilette or a clean, ironed shirt, at a minimum.
  • Brush your teeth. At this point, comments will be superfluous, but stock up on chewing gum, refreshing candies or just mints.
  • Don't smoke before a date. It is better to abstain from cigarettes an hour or two before the date, as the smell of tobacco lingers for a long time, including on your hands, hair and clothes. If a girl does not smoke, it will be very unpleasant for her to kiss an “ashtray”. In the event that your partner does not hesitate to smoke at a meeting, relax and discuss brands of cigarettes.
  • Wash the hands. It is quite possible that on the way to a date you snacked on nuts, smoked and pet the neighbor's dog. Or they just touched hands a few times in public places. Wash your hands before your meeting or bring refreshing wipes with you. Be prepared to hug and stroke her hair with clean hands, because she deserves it.


You've learned to ask permission like a gentleman and talk to her like an alpha male, but in my opinion, it's much more enjoyable to talk to her as an equal.

Only such relationships can become strong and lasting.

In my opinion it depends on:

1. If the circumstances are in your favor, you are in the right place at the right time for a passionate kiss, do it.

2. Whether you're kissing her goodnight or she's getting ready for work, a quick kiss on the cheek is ideal.

3. But if it's your first date and you suddenly kiss her passionately with your tongue, she'll freak out.

So on your first dates, kiss gently and carefully!

Try to create a trusting atmosphere

Despite the fact that in modern society you can often hear “it’s just a kiss,” such an intimate and important event for a guy (especially when a kiss occurs with a girl, from whose accidental touch an electric shock passes through the body) should not become commonplace . Excitement is good. A person is also worried because a kiss lifts the veil of the secrets of his soul. If a girl kisses back, she has decided to trust as well. But even before intimacy, at least minimal mutual understanding is necessary.

Therefore, guys should slow down a little and take off the knight's armor, revealing what is hidden behind the chest and, according to scientists, weighs 21 grams.


This may be your favorite way to hint at a girl for a kiss because it always gives her the opportunity to say no without making it awkward.

Here are some examples:

  • Tell her to stand on the bench without telling her why.
  • Ask her to stand up straight.
  • Tell her to lift herself up onto her fingertips because “you won’t be able to reach.”

In all of these examples, you should say it with a flirtatious smile and a slight wink to let her know that you have a little surprise in store for her.

Final Thoughts

So, I hope I helped you figure out how to get a girl to kiss you. However, I want to give one more small tip, it is really important. If there is such a problem between you, and you don’t know how to kiss a girl, then you need to be more open with her, and establish a more serious relationship. When a girl feels your sincerity, she may kiss you first.

What do you think prevents a girl from kissing you?

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Very important understandings for rapprochement

  1. You don't steal a kiss from her, you GIVE it to her! You are already fulfilled and self-sufficient !
  2. You give her this pleasure, and you are not going to take something away from her.

This type of thinking will help you get closer and understand how to properly kiss a girl for the first time.

A kiss is an expression of your passion, sympathy for a girl. This is common and normal.

Read more about how to flirt with a girl correctly - the top 10 principles are revealed in the link here.

I have a few of my favorite things that I like to do before I kiss a girl. At first I didn't even want to share them with you. Since you're here, you deserve to know my secrets

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