What to talk about with a guy on a date to get him interested

Author of the material:

Svetlana Smyshlyak

philologist, writer, lyric poet

Awkward silence, misunderstandings, accidental or even deliberate insults and the final breakup - this is what threatens the inability to choose the right topics. What to talk about on a first date so as to avoid negative consequences? How to make a good impression and open up your interlocutor?

Rules of good manners, a list of appropriate questions and prohibitions are in this article.

What do men like to talk about?

Meeting and flirting with a man is a special magic that decides the outcome of future relationships. If communication goes well, everything will develop well, but if the dialogue “does not start,” it is unlikely that people will be able to recognize interesting traits in each other.

A competent woman will definitely prepare for the exam in advance and think through all the important topics for conversation. But you cannot know in advance what type of character you will meet, what kind of mood he will have and his desire to communicate. Therefore, it is important to prepare topics for communication in advance that will brighten up the date and bring people closer together.

The best topics are those that men love and talk about regularly: their hobbies, activities, interests. But, in addition to the fact that you need to start a topic, you need to have at least a little mastery of it. Therefore, take the time to read a couple of articles (and maybe take some notes) to really show your level of knowledge.

What men like to talk about:

  • Cars. Men are ready to “savor” this topic as much as they want and anywhere. Even those men who do not have cars certainly know their brands, features and abilities. You can discuss with men not only the year of manufacture and engine power. But also disks and wheels, spare parts that often break and other little things. We can say with confidence that there is no man in the world who would be 100% indifferent to cars. But how to make a conversation about cars interesting is a question for you.
  • Sex. Sometimes it’s difficult to say what interests a man more: sex or cars. But, if not every representative of the “stronger sex” has a car, then sex definitely happens to everyone. Your conversation should not be specifically about the process; the purpose of such conversations is to whet interest and whet the appetite by learning as much as possible about the person. Light and non-vulgar jokes, anecdotes, life stories, spicy situations, fantasies or dreams will be relevant.
  • Computers and games. Modern men all over the world cannot imagine their lives without this word - “technology”. Therefore, they are ready to brag for hours about their success in the next strategy or describe the advantages of a multi-core computer.
  • Sport. If a man does not play sports, then he at least follows it (football, basketball, tennis, and so on). You can discuss the latest matches, team compositions, competitions, sports coaches. The same topic can be carefully translated into a “healthy lifestyle” (if you have one).
  • Hobby. Every man has it, but everyone has their own. If you want to conquer him, then through friends or social networks, find out about his hobbies: fishing, hunting, gardening, designing, drawing, music, and so on.
  • Cooking. This is one of the most “delicious” topics for conversation, because any man loves to enjoy home cooking. You can discuss your impressions of modern restaurants, types of cuisine, list your “mother’s” favorite dishes, or, conversely, discuss the benefits of healthy food and share ways to lose weight.
  • Trips. This topic attracts any person who has traveled once or has never traveled at all. Almost every person dreams of visiting large capitals or unexplored places, and therefore you can discuss the “travel map” by talking about unusual countries and their inhabitants.
  • Future plans. Any adult, conscious man should build them. If a person has no plans, then perhaps you shouldn’t communicate with him at all, because he is not interested in anything in life and it is not a fact that you will interest him too.

What to talk about with a man?

Promising topics for conversation at the second meeting

If during the first date there was good contact, mutual interest increased and some trust arose, then during the second meeting you can allow yourself to be more frank. Those topics that have aroused mutual interest provide an answer to what to talk about on a second date with a girl. You can deepen them, reveal your innermost plans, tell and ask more about your family, and remember moments from your childhood. The manifestation of emotions and experiences in memories will help establish closer emotional contact and trust if the girl is committed to a long-term serious relationship. If she is not interested in your life and inner world, then she most likely perceives dating as a fleeting episode without continuation.

You should take the second date more responsibly. If a girl agrees to a new meeting, it means that she is interested and will evaluate the young man more meticulously and demandingly in order to foresee the prospects for the development of the relationship. This is something to talk about on the second date. Delicately and gently, it is worth finding out what each of the couple expects from meetings in the future.

It may turn out that the third meeting will become uninteresting for both. A young man should know that often girls on the second date try to understand whether the relationship has a future.

It is advisable that the second date take place in a different format. For example, the first time was a walk in the park, during which common interests were identified. If this is photography, then the second time you can organize a joint hunt for interesting shots or visit a photo exhibition. It is important for both to see each other in a different situation.

If a young man plans to have intimate contact soon, he should delicately ask the girl about her attitude towards this. It is better to do this, for example, by finding out her opinion about the relationships of mutual acquaintances or popular people. However, there is no need to rush. The first two dates are more about an exchange of information, conscious and subconscious. If both understand that they are not suitable for each other, then the separation will be less painful in the absence of intimacy and will allow you to maintain a friendly relationship.

What to talk about with a guy or a man on a first date: topics and questions for conversation, examples

Decorate your first date with the man you like with sweet and funny conversations that you will start. Prepare topics and questions for your boyfriend.

Options for topics and questions:

About human qualities:

  • What is true friendship for you?
  • Do you have many loyal friends?
  • what do you appreciate in people?
  • What do you like in women?
  • Do you have female friends?
  • Are you friends with your exes?
  • Do you have a good relationship with your family?
  • What scares you about women?
  • What turns you off in people?
  • Are you attracted to natural female beauty or are cosmetics “to help”?
  • Do you love it when a woman smells delicious with perfume?

About mood and dreams:

  • What can instantly cheer you up?
  • What completely and irrevocably spoils your mood?
  • What did you dream about as a child?
  • What are you dreaming about now?
  • Are you achieving your dreams?
  • Have you ever made a wish map?
  • Do you dream of visiting different countries?
  • Are you saving money for a rainy day or to fulfill a dream?
  • Do you have many plans for the future?
  • Do you live one day at a time?
  • Do you have something to tell about something that has already been done, accomplished, comprehended or accomplished?
  • Do you have anything to be proud of?

About the past:

  • How did you study at school?
  • Do you maintain friendships with your classmates?
  • Did you enjoy going to school?
  • What was your favorite subject at school or university?
  • What was your nickname as a child? Did you have a nickname?
  • Have you ever received certificates or awards?
  • What are your best childhood memories?

Questions and topics for conversation with a man

Best topics for a first date

From the proposed list, we advise you to choose several topics that are most interesting to you, so that the conversation turns out to be sincere, and not rote or stereotyped. Also at the end of the article, we have compiled a small list of questions for you that will help if there is an awkward pause in the conversation.

Hobbies and pastimes

The basics with which almost every acquaintance begins. You can start by talking about how he prefers to spend his leisure time: perhaps it’s hiking or working out at the gym?

It’s definitely worth talking about your favorite authors and books. It may well turn out that the “dates” are passionate about the same literature, and a detailed discussion of literary subjects sometimes stretches for several hours without any tension on the part of the interlocutors. Using the same template, you can discuss cinema, music, video games, and if the interlocutors are connoisseurs of high art, then painting, architecture, theater, etc.


Sports games are another topic that is beneficial for starting a conversation, and you can talk about it for hours. It’s good if a guy and a girl are fans of the same team, and no less good if they’re fans of different teams.

After all, a friendly argument can become much more interesting than joint odes of praise!


Although the fashion for travel has spread to women over the past few decades, wanderlust was originally a purely male trait. If the girl’s chosen one is already an experienced traveler, all you have to do is start a conversation, and he himself will be happy to brag about all his trips. He will be equally pleased to learn that his interlocutor has also seen the world.

If neither the guy nor the girl has ever had the opportunity to travel outside the country, they will be interested in talking about future routes, which may well result in a joint trip.

What did he want to become as a child?

Conversations of this kind always relieve a tense and serious atmosphere, evoking funny memories and provoking jokes - what you need for a date. Almost everyone remembers with pleasure the carefree time of childhood. In addition, it is an excellent way to get to know a person better.

Favorite dish

Although not every man's heart is reached through his stomach, every man has a favorite dish, so such a seemingly mundane topic can be a salvation during awkward silences.

If it turns out that your interlocutors like the same dishes, you can reveal your own secrets of preparing this food or discuss which restaurants prepare it best. If the girl has never heard of her interlocutor’s favorite dish, so much the better! After all, this is a reason to ask the guy about the recipe for the dish.

Discussion of cuisines of different nations can be smoothly translated into the above-mentioned topic of travel.

Favorite actor

As with dishes, each person will have their favorite actors. In a conversation on this topic, the main thing is that the girl knows at least one of the actors named by the guy. Based on this, we can discuss the films in which he played.

Favorite movie quotes

This topic can serve as a development of the previous one. If it turns out that the guy is an avid movie fan, he will probably be able to quote more than a dozen movie characters, be they characters from old Soviet films or modern American blockbusters. If it turns out that the tastes of your interlocutors coincide, you can unobtrusively hint at going to the cinema, reminding you that a similar film is currently being shown.

How many years has he lived here?

Not every girl will be comfortable asking directly about a person’s biography on the first date, but you can without hesitation find out how long he has lived in this city. Whether the guy answers “Since birth” or says that he moved here as an adult, it doesn’t matter. There is a reason to talk about his parents, school, sports clubs, etc.

“Do you know that...”

All women love intelligence in men, so surprising them with interesting facts is a traditionally male activity. It will be all the more pleasant for the guy when it turns out that her new friend also has more than three convolutions in her brain, and it will be doubly pleasant if the girl surprises him with a fact from an area that is well known to him. Don't know your interlocutor's hobbies yet? Well, all that remains is to “hit” standard male interests. For example, ask if he knows that the most expensive car in history was the 1963 Ferrari GTO, which sold for $52 million. Or report that the longest match in football history took place between two Irish teams in 1981 and lasted 65 hours and 1 minute.

"Have you ever?.."

The continuation of these words depends entirely on the girl’s imagination. You can ask if he has ever done something extreme, life-threatening or just crazy. If a man is not one of the extreme sports enthusiasts, a good option would be to simply ask him to tell him something interesting about himself.

At the same time, you need to know and remember that psychology experts advise avoiding questions that can be answered with a monosyllabic answer - “yes” or “no” (“Have you jumped with a parachute?”, “Have you rafted down the river?”, etc.) .d.). Such issues rarely develop into meaningful dialogue.

What and what topics can you talk about with a guy or a man on a walk: topics, questions, examples of dialogue

While walking around the city or in the park, it is important not only to enjoy each other’s presence, but also to communicate on different topics. This way you can have a good time and get to know each other better.

Topics and questions:


  • Do you believe in dreams?
  • Have you ever had a fortune, or maybe someone has told you a fortune?
  • Do you read your horoscope?
  • Do you believe in combinations of zodiac signs?
  • Do you have a personal amulet or talisman?
  • How strong is your intuition?
  • Have you encountered omens in life?
  • Do you believe in palmistry?
  • Do you believe in numerology?
  • Have you ever deliberately wished harm on someone?

Weather and nature:

  • Do you like sunny or rainy weather?
  • What time of year do you like best?
  • Do you like to relax in nature?
  • Do you like to relax actively?
  • Do you care about the environment?
  • Do you feel good in the metropolis or are you still outside the city?
  • Do you love taking care of flowers? Do you do gardening or gardening?
  • Do you have live plants at home?
  • Do you love animals?

Creativity and talents:

  • Do you have any special talents or abilities?
  • Can you draw?
  • Do you play any musical instrument?
  • What kind of creativity do you like most?
  • Do you like creative people?
  • How do you feel about the man of art?

What to ask a guy on a date?

Practical psychology

There are things that are the basis for meeting and communicating between people, regardless of who wants to make a good impression on the interlocutor: a guy or a girl. Dale Carnegie and other psychologists devoted a lot of work to this. Nowadays it is often mentioned on social networks that Carnegie died alone. However, this is a distortion of the facts. It’s just that some people unconditionally believe everything that is written on the Internet without checking the information.

Let's remember what communication rules professionals talk about:

  1. The first impression is very important. The human psyche is such that the brain evaluates a stranger in a matter of seconds and hangs a certain “label” on him. Therefore, it is very important how a girl is dressed, what kind of cosmetics she wears, how she smells, etc. This does not entirely apply specifically to communication, but the impression a guy gets about you depends on your appearance.
  2. You need to smile more often. If a woman smiles, a man starts a monologue on a subconscious level: “Wow! She is a positive person. Finally! At least someone lives happily in this world. Surely, she won’t “burden” herself with her problems or just sit there with a sour look.” Unfortunately, in Russia people are accustomed to behaving differently from typical Americans. They smile with or without reason at acquaintances and strangers. Although there is a significant difference: the smiles of our compatriots are always more sincere. When you go on a date with a person after spending several months at home looking for a suitable guy on dating sites or VKontakte, isn’t that a reason to smile?! You need to learn. The easiest way is to practice in front of a mirror.
  3. What you say is very important. But what should you say to a person you don’t really know yet? Everything is very simple: he needs to give him some kind of pre-prepared or spontaneous compliment. People love to be praised.
  4. What is even more important is not what you say, but how you say it. This statement is confirmed by numerous studies and examples. If there is something wrong with diction or timbre, it’s worth working on it. You know, a declaration of love in a hysterically high voice will sound ambiguous.
  5. Carnegie recommended, among other things, to show sincere interest in the interlocutor. We'll talk more about this later.

The above five points can truly be called the basis for creating a good first impression. Although this is clearly not enough to interest a man and, most importantly, keep him. Men are a polygamous people, they run after every skirt. Therefore, only a wise woman should make sure that the young man does not have the slightest desire to look for a relationship on the side.

What to talk about with a guy, a man you like: topics, questions, examples

If you like a man and want to have an easy and pleasant conversation with him, ask him to tell you as much as possible about himself. On the one hand, men love to brag about their achievements, but on the other hand, you will learn as much as possible about him.

Topics and questions for conversation:

Features of life:

  • Where do you live?
  • Do you live on your own or with your parents?
  • Do you have a cat or dog?
  • Where do you work?
  • What is your profession?
  • Do you have an additional business or income?
  • Are you a simple or complex person?
  • Are you easy or do you have your own “cockroaches in your head”?
  • Do you have a car or a license?


  • What kind of music do you like?
  • Do you often listen to music?
  • Do you listen to music in the car?
  • What tune is on your alarm clock?
  • Do you like to dance?
  • Do you go to music concerts?
  • What was the last festival or concert you attended?
  • Who is your favorite artist or band?


  • I love movies, and you?
  • Do you often go to cinemas?
  • Do you like watching movies on the big screen?
  • What's your favorite movie genre?
  • Can you list the names of your favorite films for me?

Questions to talk to a guy

Topics in relationship development

As relationships develop, you can move on to personal topics, ask about relatives, feelings in the family, share your experiences and difficulties, for example, when communicating with parents. When contact continues for a long time, people begin to plan a future together.

They discuss plans for life, starting small:

  • Where to spend your holidays;
  • Where to go for the weekend;
  • When to go to your parents together.

Later, issues related to living together are resolved, for example, moving to one of the partners or buying an apartment together. It is better to raise such topics when the relationship lasts more than a year. The main thing in communication is not to put pressure and give the man the right to choose. If he is not ready for the next step, wait, especially if the person is dear.

What to say to a guy or a man to make him fall in love: topics, questions, examples

Phrases to make a man “fall in love” most often imply ways to interest and attract a guy to you.

Sexual relationships:

  • How much sexual experience do you have?
  • What sex position do you like best?
  • You're a good lover?
  • Do you like sexually liberated ladies?
  • Do you like to have sex often and for a long time?

Women things:

  • How do you feel about erotic lingerie?
  • Do you like it when women wear stockings?
  • Do you like breakfast in bed? With dessert?
  • How do you feel about foreplay?
  • Will you teach me to be gentle in love?

How to increase your chances

It's no secret that beautiful, well-groomed women enjoy the attention of the opposite sex. Therefore, if you are single and starting to think about how to attract men, urgently start increasing your self-esteem through your beautiful appearance.

Think over your image. Have a beautiful hairstyle, not too flashy makeup, give preference to stylish, but not eye-catching clothes.

Remember that a well-groomed appearance and a light, pleasant aroma will complement your image and make you irresistible.

The second important point is gait. The ability to move slowly and seductively comes with experience. Experiment, learn, choose your ideal option.

How to talk to a guy or a man beautifully: tips

Getting a guy to like you is not very difficult if you adhere to certain communication features.

For example:

  • Don't use harsh words. Men categorically do not like women who use foul language, so any rude and obscene words automatically lower your status in his eyes.
  • Don't joke stupidly. Whatever one may say, men love not only beautiful, but also smart women. Therefore, try not to overly, but to present yourself favorably from the intellectual side.
  • Do not shout. You need to master the nature of communication and avoid the loudest words and intonations. You should speak in a calm, slightly lowered voice, with slow and languid speech (this excites men).
  • Give compliments. Constantly and a lot! Men are real narcissists! Praise them for absolutely everything and only with the most beautiful words, but know when to stop.
  • Touch. As if by accident or on purpose. Affectionate and gentle touches create a romantic mood and fuel sexual appetite.

What topics should you talk about with a man?

Psychologist's advice

When communication is just starting, follow the simple advice of psychologists:

  • Try to talk freely, because feeling constrained interferes with open dialogue.
  • Let's talk to the guy, but don't forget to talk about yourself.
  • Lighten the mood with jokes.
  • Don't get distracted while talking.
  • Try to understand your interlocutor.
  • Be attentive to his words.
  • During your interlocutor's monologues, gently interrupt him with insignificant phrases so that he understands that he is being listened to.
  • Don't try to give advice unless asked.
  • Learn to put an end to the conversation. Endless conversations are exhausting. Such communication does not bring pleasure.

Now you have 150 topics in stock that you can talk about with a guy by correspondence, by phone or live. It is not necessary to use all the points. Select only those that you think will be most interesting to your interlocutor. Don't forget about yourself. When a girl always takes the initiative and goes out of her way to liven up communication, but does not feel any return, it is better not to waste your time on this guy. The situation here is the same as with a serious relationship - both must give their all.

What and what topics can you talk about with a guy or a man: list of topics

Favorite topics of conversation for men:

  • Equipment, machines, mechanisms
  • Fishing and hunting
  • Modern fashion
  • Logic games and tasks
  • Policy
  • Football
  • Sports Olympics and competitions
  • Unknown facts
  • Professional information
  • Travel abroad
  • Life's adventures
  • Gambling
  • Work and rest
  • Art
  • Tourism
  • Children and family
  • Bad habits
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Ecology

Enticement by action

All men love to feel strong, confident and in control of any situation. Give them this opportunity.

Find a reason to ask your man for help. Rest assured, they will definitely help you. And you, in turn, do not forget to thank your savior and admire his strength, skill and dexterity.

You should not present yourself as an easily accessible woman. If you dream of a serious relationship, are looking for a worthy and loving man, also become natural and sincere.

Don’t reject men, communicate with pleasure, but don’t agree to all offers at once. Test the man you like not with words, but with actions and deeds.

What should you not say to a guy or a man?

What is not advisable to talk about:

  • About former relationships
  • About prosperity
  • Ask about last/first sex
  • You can't criticize or judge
  • Asking how generous/greedy a person is
  • Ask about what he gave and whether he gave gifts to girls at all.
  • Do not analyze using psychological tests
  • About unpleasant people
  • If a person categorically avoids talking about specific people or topics, you should not focus on them.
  • Condemn for bad habits
  • Imposing your opinion

Why do you need to prepare for a date?

Firstly, dates are usually arranged with strangers. A girl may have no idea what type of temperament her chosen one has - a cheerful and talkative sanguine person or a self-contained melancholic person.

She may not know how experienced he is in communicating with the fair sex. Many guys, even the most interesting and smart ones, will feel some constraint at the first meeting with a girl and will care more about how they look in the eyes of their interlocutor than talking to her.

Finally, the girl may not know the guy’s range of interests, especially if he, and not she, initiated the meeting.

The situation is greatly simplified if the man himself is very interested in the girl - then he will make every effort to not let her get bored.

Otherwise, the woman will have to pull out the date “on her shoulders.” The first assistant in this matter is conversational clichés and a set of ready-made topics that you can talk about in order to get rid of awkward silence.

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