Day and night woman: which one are you? The path to female happiness

  1. Chinese Yin-Yang symbol
  2. What does the Yin-Yang sign mean?
  3. The masculine and feminine principles are in each of us

The deep concept of Yin and Yang, which came from China, goes beyond the opposites of hot-cold, day-night.
In fact, this concept represents a whole philosophy where forces complement each other. The result of the transformation of Yin and Yang energy is the life force Qi. It is the eternal conflict between opposing forces and principles present in all actions. Such principles are inherent in every person, they exist in their existence, the world around them, the Universe. The extreme state is the limiting position, the final stop. However, for true development there must be constant harmony in the interaction of these energies.

The ancient Chinese imagined the manifestations of Tao as the product of a dynamic alternation of the force of Yin and its opposite. Before Heaven and Earth were divided, the world was whole. And everything was in Chaos and had no limits. To create peace, Chaos needs to divide. Thus two opposing elements appeared. Yin, when interacting with its antipode, created natural objects. Initially, Yang meant the sunny, sunlit side of the mountain, and Yin meant its shadowed side. These symbols most accurately reflected the very essence of the beginnings. But the Sun does not always shine on one side.

Yin Yang: man and woman or something more?

You have probably come across the question related to the Yin Yang symbol: “What is black and what is white?”

Yin Yang is
a fusion of opposites, then each of the components must have its own individual qualities.

The masculine, bright principle of Yang manifests itself in many areas of life, from the world order to the characteristics of an individual’s behavior.

Yang is dry and light, active and extroverted, fiery and transformative.

Yang is associated with the sky and the Sun, light and spirit, mountains and birds, movement. This is the left side, odd numbers, warmth, life. Yang is a rational type of thinking, creative activity.

A person with an active Yang is a leader, as well as a marketing and advertising specialist, an artist, a sales manager, a politician, a TV journalist, and a businessman. Such individuals choose everything bright and loud, they love clarity and abundance. These are the owners of choleric or sanguine temperament.

Yin Yang symbol

consists of 2 halves, so now it’s worth studying Yin in detail.

Yin is night and cold, passivity and humidity, water and north, the Moon and depth. This is the right side of the body and even numbers, softness and fluidity, silence, body. Yin symbolizes an intuitive approach to decision making, stillness, and contemplation.

People with active Inem are programmers and monks, researchers and scientists, security guards and nurses, writers and artisans. They are excellent subordinates, efficient and punctual, but they themselves rarely achieve serious career heights. They value silence, comfort, family life, modesty and asceticism. These are the owners of a melancholic and phlegmatic temperament.

As you can see, in the picture Yin Yang

has a deep meaning!

Energy personality type test: who are you - Yin or Yang?

It is very important to achieve balance - to balance Yin and Yang. To do this, you need to understand what kind of energy you belong to. We suggest doing this using our simple test. Look at the table and write down those letters whose statements you agree with.

A predominates

Element – ​​yang

Element – ​​tree

Noisy, bright, energetic personality.

Strength: You are full of enthusiasm, able to captivate others with your ideas and lead others. You are brave, truthful, open to everything new.

Weakness: You are impulsive and can be harsh in your communication. Your body is susceptible to insomnia, respiratory diseases, and bouts of irritation. You may suffer from high blood pressure, PMS.

B predominates

Element – ​​yang

Element – ​​fire

An extrovert who tends to make rash decisions.

Strengths: Sociability, generosity, charisma, reliability.

Weakness: Anger attacks, stubbornness, hyperactivity. Stomach diseases due to irregular nutrition, gall bladder problems, dry skin, respiratory diseases.

Predominantly B

Element – ​​yang-yin

Element - earth

Rational type of thinking, calmness. Positive attitude towards life.

Strength: Stability, measuredness, a reasonable approach to everything.

Weakness: Slowness in making decisions, slowness, phlegmatic. Due to lack of digestive energy, stomach problems, excess weight and cellulite occur. Possible risk of developing diabetes.

G predominates

Element – ​​yin

Element – ​​metal

A person with well-developed intuition, an introvert.

Strength: Calmness, rich inner world, sincerity, restraint in expressing emotions.

Weakness: High sensitivity to stress. Tendency to avoid solving problems, withdrawing into oneself, anxiety attacks. The body may suffer from lack of appetite, back pain, excess weight, allergies.

D prevails

Element – ​​yin

Element – ​​water

Sensitive personality, prone to mood swings.

Strength: spirituality, empathy, artistry, gentleness of character.

Weakness: capriciousness and laziness, sensitivity to any life challenges. Cold allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, lack of appetite and desire to exercise. Anxiety, depression. There may be problems with reproductive health, kidneys, and veins.

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Harmony of masculine and feminine principles

Strong disharmony between the masculine and feminine principles leads to psychological discomfort and even some diseases. Psychologist Louise Hay claims that many physical problems and ailments are caused by an imbalance of male and female energies. For example, women's diseases associated with gynecological problems usually occur in those who do not accept their femininity.

What to do? Allow yourself to manifest the beginning that is now dormant. You already know in which situations we need feminine energy and in which masculine. Start consciously provoking these situations to develop the weaker part of your psyche. For example, to develop your feminine side, train yourself to dream and fantasize instead of once again indulging in introspection. Try to act spontaneously. Learn to listen to your inner voice and at least occasionally act as your heart tells you, not your mind. Believe me. Awakening the feminine principle will not make you a less strong woman, you will simply find harmony in life.

To develop your masculinity, on the contrary, try to make your life a little more orderly. Allow your mind to evaluate your impulses and analyze them. Learn to move from plans and fantasies to practical actions.

Author: Victoria Isaeva, especially for

Photo: Shutterstock

Energy level test from the Yin-Yang point of view

Here's an interesting way to determine your energy level. All you have to do is close your eyes and take a few deep breaths and slow, long exhalations. Now open your eyes and look at the picture below.

How does the image behave? It can move in 4 directions or not move. Fix your gaze and contemplate for 1 minute, you can record the time using a stopwatch.

Let's study the results and determine the level of vital energy from the Yin-Yang point of view.

The picture doesn't move.

You lack motivation. You froze like a beetle in amber. The peace that reigns in your life does not bring peace, but rather brings melancholy. You are expecting something interesting, inspiring, something that can wake you up from a prolonged slumber.

The picture floats to the right.

Good news: a bright streak in your life will not take long to appear! True, at the moment you are overwhelmed by doubts, concerns, fears. You carefully consider your every action and because of this you may miss pleasant opportunities, and even unexpected gifts of fate.

The picture floats to the left.

Your tone is at a high level. You are filled with energy, enthusiasm and faith in the best. At this point in your life, your mind is creating a lot of interesting ideas. Don't miss them! In the very near future you will have the opportunity to implement them.

The picture floats up.

If it seems to you that the black and white abstraction is moving upward, then most likely you are tormented by a feeling of guilt for some recent act or mistake. You strive to correct something in your reality as soon as possible. Don't worry: shame is a normal, although not productive, emotion.

The picture floats down.

At the moment, you need a new source of energy, since, most likely, you are already worried about somatic or psychosomatic problems. Perhaps fatigue is to blame. You need rest and self-care. The sooner you change your mind, the faster you will get out of your depressed state of mind.

The picture moves from side to side.

You are a harmonious and energetic person. You don’t know how to dwell on problems for a long time, you are surrounded by friendly people who value and love you. You are a person of action, not prone to lengthy reasoning and introspection.

The picture with the Yin-Yang elements seemed under-drawn to you.

Presumably you are insecure. You are overcome by contradictions. At this stage of life, it is difficult for you to understand your real desires and needs. You are a person of mood and you know that it is difficult for you to achieve harmony in relationships with others.

External femininity

Guys love with their eyes, as you know, which is why for them a feminine lady is one whose figure and appearance evoke desire. This is the so-called external femininity, which creates a certain set of impressions in the stronger sex just at one glance at a girl.

How to become feminine and desirable for a man? Is your figure and selectivity in clothing important?

  1. A feminine woman, according to many men, has long hair. Historically, young ladies with waist-length thick manes are considered more attractive than girls with short haircuts. However, the main thing is well-groomed and natural hair; it is better to do without high and overly complex hairstyles.
  2. A beautiful figure is not just a tribute to fashion. You should not think about beauty standards; it is better to think about normal weight, exercise and nutrition. A slim figure and optimal body weight are signs of femininity.
  3. Femininity through a man's eyes is the presence of dresses, high heels, and transparent blouses in a girl's wardrobe. In clothing, it is preferable to use materials that are soft to the touch, flow and give the figure lightness and airiness. Excessively brutal things destroy the feminine essence.
  4. Surveys on men's forums show that, not particularly understanding the intricacies of using cosmetics, guys subconsciously consider excessive “coloring” on the face to be vulgar. In their opinion, a feminine woman prefers soft and delicate shades in makeup.
  5. The figure, of course, is important, but an equally essential condition for the external attributes of femininity is a well-groomed and neat appearance. Beautiful skin, clean, smooth hair, neat manicure are the most feminine signs of a true lady.

How to balance Yin and Yang? Decorate yourself with this symbol!

Despite the opposition of the elements of each of the principles, Yin and Yang

should be perceived
as a whole
. Everything that surrounds us, everything that is inside us, can be viewed through the prism of Yin and Yang. Following the darkest night (Yin) comes the rising of the Sun (Yang). Before making a decision and acting actively (Yang), you should immerse yourself in thought (Yin). Without rest (Yin), productive work (Yang) is impossible.

Please note that the dark and light principles in the symbolism of Yin and Yang are not in vain combined into a single whole. There is nothing in the world that represents only one of the elements. The essence of the desire for harmony is an attempt to balance white and black in all spheres of existence.

How to balance Yin and Yang?

One way is to analyze your strengths and weaknesses and pay attention to the one of the “elements” that is more weakly represented.

For example, if you are a creative person with a rich imagination, but at the same time you are passive and do not know how to finish what you start, then Yin predominates in you. To achieve fulfillment in work related to creativity, you need to “tighten up” your discipline, determination, work on time management, or... just find a person with a pronounced Yang and join forces with him! Why not a dream team?

Another method of harmonizing Yin and Yang is using stones as amulets based on the date of birth or applying a tattoo on the body with this ancient sign. How to draw Yin Yang

on your body? To do this, just contact a tattoo artist. If you are not sure that you want to contemplate a round black and white sign on your forearm or shoulder blade for the rest of your life, you can opt for a temporary tattoo.

The Yin and Yang tattoo is suitable for those who want to harmonize their state of mind, dreamers and researchers immersed in spiritual practice and the search for their true self. Talismans and tattoos with Yin Yang carry a strong energy charge; they do not allow more powerful energy to suppress the one that is weaker expressed. Experts advise not to do such tattoos on open areas of the body - the ideal places for it are the back, chest or stomach.

Write in the comments below the article whether you are Yin or Yang. Very interesting!

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Energy qualities

Feminine: Shakti, Yin, Prakriti

Time of day: night, darkness.

Planets: Moon, Venus.

Qualities: flexibility, softness, pliability, humility, obedience, compliance, agreement, acceptance, following, fluidity, chaos, inertia, coldness, heaviness, slowness to the point of lethargy, grounding energy, always tends downward. Represents matter.

In the human body, Yin is responsible for the lower part.

Yin energy can be compared to flowing water. Imagine this image. Water has no form, it takes the form of the surrounding world. She adapts, fills herself.

The earth also possesses powerful Yin energy: it obediently grows seeds within itself, humbly fills with strength not only cultivated plants, but even weeds. It does not act - it lies as a potential force and waits to be used.

Yin energy calms, grounds, and gives deep strength. But to better understand its nature, you need to imagine a clot of energy that looks like a ball. It doesn't move anywhere because it's inert. It simply sits in space, waiting for a movement vector and the opportunity to be used.

That is, female energy is strength without a vector! Strength in itself, because the word “shakti” is translated exactly like that: “power.” Shakti contains enormous energy potential.

The scriptures say: being separated from Shakti, Shiva (the male principle) was in emptiness in non-action, his whole being was immersed in a trance, his body was immobilized. And when Shakti united with Shiva, Shiva awakened and began to act.

This often happens in life: a man lives alone, he has a sofa, a stove and a refrigerator with instant food. For example, one single man I know in his house has a large bed, a table with a computer, a refrigerator and a stove, nothing else - no dining table, no chairs, although the apartment is huge. And such men live calmly, they don’t need anything special. And then a woman appears in the life of such a man

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