How to make friends with an interesting person: TOP 10 life hacks

Socialization is a mandatory process in modern society. No matter what you do in life, you will have to interact with your environment in any case. And it’s good if the contacts are purely positive. However, making friends is sometimes very difficult.

When you realize that there are problems in this issue, it means that you will have to study it in more detail. To quickly get close to people, find common ground and fully communicate, you need to become familiar with all the intricacies of social contact. Besides this, there are several proven ways to make friends with any person.

In this article:

Why is it difficult to find a common languageTop 10 ways to make friends with a person

Friend is known in trouble

In addition, in this world any misfortune can befall a person. He can lose his home, car, job, bank accounts overnight. The loss of a loved one or his betrayal cannot be ruled out. Any negative periods are much easier to overcome when real friends are nearby.

Interestingly, it is in difficult moments that the value of friendship is determined. After all, only close people are nearby, maybe even with whom you have not communicated for a long time, but who are ready to help at the first call. The rest remain on the sidelines or simply disappear from life.

Be active in communication with friends

When people are busy, they often think of friends only when they need something. And this is not the right solution to the question of how to be friends correctly. The problem is that this behavior makes it look like you don't really care about your friend. Instead, you just want to be with her when it suits you.

There's nothing wrong with asking your friend for a favor, but make sure you're actively maintaining your friendship first. Call people to find out how they are doing, send an email, or simply write on their wall on Facebook or VK. Communicate with your friends regularly so that they understand that you are a sincere person.

Interesting facts about friendship

How long does it take to become a friend?

According to research conducted at the University of Kansas (United States) and published by the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, a random interlocutor can become a good acquaintance after 50 hours of communication.

Closer relationships require a longer period. So it takes 90 hours to become friends, but the formation of a strong friendship requires over 200. Having become best friends, people understand each other without words, can communicate with signs, gestures, laugh at the same jokes, etc.

When is it easier to find friends?

It is believed that in childhood it is much easier to find friends. This happens not only due to the psychological characteristics of children. They are constantly at school, kindergarten, on the street and in other places where they are in close contact with their peers. Most kids are quite sociable.

As people grow older, they begin to build a career, earn money, solve everyday problems, forget old friends and do not strive for new acquaintances.

Number of friends

Professor Hall determined that the human brain perceives approximately 150 friendships that have varying degrees of relationship. People are most prone to three of them: friendship, acquaintance, friendly relationships.

How to be friends? Actively discuss everything and even argue

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