On what date can you allow a kiss with a man: tips for ladies

The first kiss is perhaps the most exciting event that both boys and girls expect when preparing to meet the object of their affection. At the same time, both are asking the same question: is it possible to kiss on the first date, or should the first kiss be postponed until the next meeting? The desire to kiss or touch a partner is quite natural; it is a manifestation of sensual interest, sympathy, an opportunity to “hint” to a person that he is more than a friend. However, the first kiss can be both a great start to a relationship and ruin it. How and why - let's figure it out.

Kiss on the first date - to be or not to be

Most often, the decision to kiss on the first date usually falls to the man. This makes him doubt a lot: in the case of a kiss, the girl may consider him too intrusive and even wanting to seduce. And if you don’t kiss on the first date, your companion may well decide that she got an indecisive man, and then things will obviously not go beyond friendship.

Despite the individuality of each person, there are typical fears that plague all men before deciding to kiss on the first date. Knowing them, you can feel much more confident and significantly increase your chances of success.

Thanks to simple signals, you can recognize that a girl is already in the mood for the first kiss with her companion:

  • She often leans towards a man, trying to get closer
  • She actively participates in the conversation and asks questions, shows interest
  • A girl cancels her business or meeting with friends in order to meet a man
  • Your companion hugs you, showing her serious intentions
  • The girl’s gaze is directed at the man’s lips, this is a subconscious desire to kiss them

The sacrament of the first date

A woman and a man who are unfamiliar with each other may experience discomfort on their first date. In order to avoid this, psychologists recommend spending it in a crowded place and, regardless of what exactly the couple chooses - a cafe or skating rink, cinema or theater combined with an evening walk, such an atmosphere will allow them to study each other closer.

An additional advantage for women in a crowded place is that in such an environment they feel more relaxed and safe with an unfamiliar person or even a complete stranger. Moreover, if we return to the above, then the meeting can turn into friendship, and who gives flowers to friends?

It is worth taking into account that for both a guy and a girl, the first rule of bad taste would be to be late for the first date (in fact, for all subsequent ones too).

Many girls may find it strange that a guy comes on a first date without a bouquet of flowers (this happens). But this is basically normal. Most often, for men, a first date does not yet evoke associations with romantic encounters. As they say, time is money. That is why, if you force yourself to wait, your partner may perceive it as a sign of disrespect.

The first date becomes a kind of litmus test, with the help of which you can check whether sympathy has arisen and whether it is worth continuing the relationship. If this is exactly the case, you can safely arrange a subsequent meeting.

How to kiss a girl for the first time

The first kiss is a serious advancement in a relationship with a pretty partner. If it was successful, it means that the man managed to gain sympathy from his companion and move from the friendly stage to a more serious one.

Any girl can perfectly sense a man’s mood - if he is afraid of the first kiss, his companion will quickly feel it. Therefore, you should not be tormented by thoughts that the first kiss is scary and risky, that your companion will refuse and stop communicating. If communication goes well, the girl herself will want such a manifestation of sympathy from you, and will try in every possible way to hint at her desire to kiss. If your date doesn’t like you, it will be almost impossible to kiss her - the girl simply won’t allow it.

It all depends on your goal!

From this position, everything is much simpler: If you feel that this relationship will not mean anything to you and you don’t want to kiss, don’t kiss. You don't owe anyone anything. Well, if you want, kiss. This is what one-day dates are for.

If you want to continue your relationship with a guy, then the first kiss can be postponed until the second and third date. Just don’t shy away from the guy - he may regard your gesture as a refusal to further the relationship. Just smile playfully and try to laugh it off. You can say something like: “Decent girls don’t kiss on the first date” or something like that. It is important that the guy sees your disposition and sympathy for him.

The possibility of a spontaneous kiss on the first date

Having seen the above signs of sympathy, you can try to move on to the first kiss with the girl. A spontaneous kiss is a good idea when your date allows you to hug her, for example, during a great joke or a good argument.

Important If your acquaintance is relatively short-lived and your companion still knows very little about the man, then such a kiss may be rejected. This is natural; in any case, the man made it clear to his companion that he intended to receive something more than just friendly communication. If, after refusing the first kiss, the girl still continues to walk and communicate with you, it means that she has agreed to the role of your girlfriend. You'll have to wait a little and try again when the girl is ready.

Tips for guys

The basic rule that you need to follow to achieve success is to be attentive, romantic and know when to stop. It is also worth following a few tips:

  1. You need to choose the place where the first kiss will take place very carefully, thinking through all the little things.
  2. Compliments. By choosing the right words, you will be able to melt the heart of any young lady.
  3. Knowing of limits. Excessive persistence will scare you.
  4. Don’t ask stupid questions like: “Can I?” Not a single woman will give consent; she will even really want to eat it herself.
  5. Sweet dessert. It is better to move on to showing sympathy in this way at the very end of the date. Then it will be clear whether the guy has a chance or whether he failed to hit his companion.

It is possible or not - everyone’s personal choice. If young people do not see anything reprehensible in a kiss, then they should not deny themselves the pleasure.

How should a kiss go on the first date?

All people have different attitudes towards kissing on the first date. For some, a kiss is a very intimate gesture and is used in different ways depending on the situation. For example, a kiss on the cheek is a gesture of friendship and is often used as a greeting or farewell. However, especially romantic people may perceive this as a hint of love feelings.

A kiss on the neck is an intimate gesture that indicates a clear desire to continue the development of the relationship. He can be both gentle and timid, and hinting at sexual relations. But a quick kiss on the lips clearly makes it clear about passion, when the companion understands that she has turned the man’s head and he longs for continuation.

Arguments against"

  • Physical rejection. You just don’t like the person, the touches are unpleasant, the thought of a kiss doesn’t even arise.
  • You take contact seriously and kissing a stranger is unacceptable to you according to your own moral convictions.
  • A pre-planned obligatory kiss can easily ruin the mood and dissolve the charm of the evening, because instead of enjoying the dating process, all thoughts will be occupied with a kiss that has not yet happened. This will create a tense atmosphere that the man will definitely feel.
  • There is no need to rush things if the partner himself does not take the initiative. Having given the impression of an annoying person, it will be difficult to correct your opinion of yourself. Therefore, you should relax and let the man take the first step if he himself considers it appropriate and possible.
  • You yourself are not sure that the kiss will be desired. That is, there is no obvious discomfort during communication, but neither partner feels a special desire for intimacy.

How do you know if a guy likes you or not?

In general, it’s absolutely impossible to find out for sure whether a guy likes you or not. However, there are a few tips that will help you understand whether a young man feels something for you or whether this is just an ordinary friendship.

1. The first thing you should pay attention to is how he behaves around you. If a guy likes you, then most likely he will look for random moments to touch, for example, your hand. Or about the look. If a young man is not indifferent to you, then he will obviously, at least sometimes, fix his gaze on you. However, guys can be a little shy and not focus their gaze, but rather look away. It is worth paying close attention to these little details. Perhaps they can help clarify your issue.

2. Don't forget about words. Be sure to listen to what he says about himself. If a guy likes you, he will talk about himself as much as possible and try to put himself in the best light. Most likely, the guy will be nervous and act a little confused. Therefore, it is better to take the initiative into your own hands. It’s worth taking a closer look at how the guy will react to your communication with other young people. Of course, if he likes you, he won't feel comfortable sharing your attention with someone else.

3. Be sure to pay attention to how he communicates with other girls. If a guy communicates equally well with girls, then most likely this is not sympathy for you, but ordinary flirting. However, a guy may only talk to other girls to make you jealous. This is easy to check; if you have friends who can play the role of spies, follow your object of adoration.

4. If a young man likes you, then he will obviously be interested in what interests you. He will be interested in what music you listen to, what films you watch. For example, if you like some kind of music, then he can offer you some song from this genre.

5. What about his friends? The guy will obviously tell his close friends that he likes someone. Perhaps this is you. Look at them, if they behave as if they know some secret, then be sure that the young man and you certainly like each other.

6. Under no circumstances should you ignore hints from a guy. For example, he smiles at you when he meets, isn't this a hint that he likes you? Evident! Dear girls, try to look at the guy as carefully as possible. Perhaps a smile is not the only hint of sympathy.

7. Please note that if a guy makes fun of you, then under no circumstances should you be offended. Most likely, he is just pleased to see you smile. But pay attention, if you are not the only object of jokes, then the guy is most likely just flighty, and this is just regular flirting.

8. We must not forget about compliments. If a guy notices that you have changed your hairstyle or changed your blouse, then there is no doubt that the guy definitely likes you. However, it is worth noting that if the guy is a true friend to you, then such a compliment is not a hint of a romantic relationship. Most likely, he just wants to please you.

Is a kiss even necessary?

Stupid question, but very important. On what date should you kiss a girl to get to a certain goal? For men, a kiss is like gratitude from a girl, but the girls themselves put a little more meaning into it.

If you are planning something more serious than sex, you need to wait until your partner is ready for the first kiss. Yes, no one will call her a whore if she accepts your advances on the first date, but will she be comfortable?

Is it worth kissing on the first date if you have more horizontal interest in a girl? Definitely yes. How is she supposed to understand that you want to settle down with her if your desires are a running line in your eyes and that’s it? But more on that in another article.

It is important to be able to read women's signals. Believe me, a girl who is not against a kiss will definitely hint you about it with her eyes and touches. Your task is not to waste the moment when it is ready.

French kissing technique

The French kiss is one of the most common. You'll have to use your tongue too! This kind of kiss is not usually used on a first date.

First, move closer to each other, tilting your head slightly in opposite directions. Gradually open your lips and close your eyes. Slowly insert your tongue into your partner's mouth and allow him to do the same.

Take your time, add softness, fluidity and smoothness to the kiss. To avoid suffocating from pleasure, breathe through your nose, in small portions of air.

During a French kiss, you can run your tongue over your lips or teeth, or gently touch your partner's palate.

End the kiss smoothly and gently: slightly pressing your lips together, increase the distance between you by a millimeter.

Such a sensual episode will be difficult to forget!

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