How to learn to ignore other people's negativity

Speak calmly

The way we communicate is often much more important than what we say. If the situation is heated, then it's time to talk about it. However, the dialogue should not be aggressive. It is better to use sentences that begin with the words “I”, “me”, “me”, for example: “It annoys me when you do this. Could you do things differently? Most likely, the interlocutor will listen to you and also express his opinion.

Sometimes it is worth calling in a third party for help. Another person can objectively assess the situation. Maybe after the dialogue you will not become friends with the one with whom the conflict is brewing, but at least you will be able to communicate normally.

Working alongside people you find difficult to get along with is a rewarding experience that will show you how you can cope with problems.

How to remove negative energy from yourself

If you were unable to avoid a traumatic situation, you can use some traditional ways to get rid of negative energy.

Water is a universal way to get rid of negative energy:

In nature, you can give negative energy to water. It is best to come to the river, sit comfortably on the bank and talk, looking at the flow of water, about what worries and worries you. You can imagine how streams of negative energy pass from you to the river and are carried away with the flow; at home, water from the shower is suitable (take a shower for at least 20-30 minutes), at work - tap water (put your hands under the running water and wash your face thoroughly)

It is important to use running water and not standing water (for example, a pond); In an apartment you can also take a bath with Thursday salts. It is important to carefully drain the water and take a shower at the end.

Other ways to get rid of negativity:

  1. subject the body to intense physical activity: walk quickly for several kilometers, work out with dumbbells, clear snow near the house;
  2. give negative energy to any solid object that can be thrown away. For example, pick up a stone, talk about your troubles and throw it far, imagining how it takes your troubles with it;
  3. speak out, tell someone about your problems and experiences. The interlocutor can be not only a person, but also an animal, a doll, a painting, a tree;
  4. transfer negative energy to the fire. For example, sit by the fire in nature or light a candle at home. Looking at the flame, imagine how your negative emotions are burned and disappear.

If you are removing negative energy from yourself at home, after the session you need to cleanse your home: light a candle and let it burn for about half an hour.

Among colleagues

Many people are faced with manipulation outside the home, which raises another question: “How not to succumb to provocations at work?”

The team is not always friendly and adequate. Sometimes, when a person comes to work, he encounters people who are not ready to tolerate the smile on their face and the fighting spirit of their co-worker. They are ready to disrupt his mental and emotional state in every way. How to prevent this?

  1. Do not react to the words and actions of provocateur colleagues if their actions are limited only to endless questions and attempts to ruin your mood. Instead of a compliment, they may say that your hairstyle leaves much to be desired. Such people are able to put pressure on pity or feelings of inferiority, reminding you that it was you who were deprived of your bonus last month.
  2. If such provocateur colleagues interfere with your work, then try to have a serious conversation. Prepare a “safety cushion” for yourself by discreetly turning on a voice recorder or asking a friend from work to witness the conversation. Explain that if the provocations do not stop, you will be forced to contact the company’s management.
  3. Your friendly conversation went nowhere, but you still have notes or evidence that a manipulative colleague is interfering with work? Contact your superiors and ask them to influence this person.

How to parry with dignity

What needs to be taken into account here is whether the insult was intended. Sometimes, in the heat of a quarrel, a person cannot control his emotions and blurts out hurtful words without the goal of hurting you.

Then it’s better to take a break and let the anger subside, and then calmly return to the conversation. Probably, by this moment the person himself will realize that he was wrong, apologize, and your relationship will not suffer.

But if you are deliberately insulted, the advice of experienced psychologists will come to your aid. They depend on the specific case, here are some examples:

  1. If you yourself unwittingly offended a person and realize that his attacks are due to hurt pride, it is better to remain silent and give the person time to pull himself together. Replying to each other can make the situation worse.
  2. If you find yourself in hot hands with an angry person, do not listen to undeserved insults, immediately interrupt the flow of abuse and calmly tell the rude person that you will not allow him to let off steam at the expense of your mood.
  3. If you are accosted on the street by a stranger who is clearly in an inadequate state, do not let yourself be drawn into a dialogue and do not react to aggressive attacks. It would be better to ignore the boor and leave if possible.
  4. If you are insulted by an employee in a store, cafe, hotel, gas station or any other place, contact your superiors with a complaint, such behavior of the staff is unacceptable, and the rude person must be punished.
  5. When faced with inappropriate behavior on the Internet, do not get involved in a fight; value your time. Many stupid people artificially inflate conflicts, reveling in throwing others off balance. Don't give them such pleasure. Delete offensive messages or comments under photos on social networks, do not get into arguments in discussions, deny the boor access to your page in order to protect yourself from other people’s negativity and aggression.
  6. When your boss is constantly rude due to lack of restraint and bad manners, imagine him with a pacifier in his mouth or stained with porridge, in a funny cap and diapers, as if in front of you is a small capricious child. Then his barbs will not hurt you. But if your own mistakes are to blame for his screams, be sure to correct them. Which, however, does not prevent you from standing up for yourself with the phrase: “Yes, I made a mistake, but this does not give a reason to talk to me in a raised voice.”
  7. At work, does a colleague never miss an opportunity to mock you? If ignoring does not help, try to neutralize the enemy with phrases: “Thank you for your attention, I didn’t know that you admire me so much that you can’t take your eyes off me” or “Is your life so boring that you constantly meddle in mine?”
  8. If a friend offended you, although this has not been noticed before, perhaps she had trouble that unsettled her. Don’t rush into an attack right away, try to find out what’s wrong, console and give advice.
  9. When a loved one offends you, it is difficult to remain calm, especially if it is your mother. It is impossible to stop seeing each other or calling each other, and one remains abstracted. Act as if he were a sick person, against whom it would be a sin to be offended, learn to let vile things pass your ears. When you have to endure insults from your husband, this can be aggravated by the fact that such behavior is observed and absorbed by children. No decent man would belittle his wife. If offensive words are spoken kindly, as a joke, there is a chance to reach your spouse through conversations and explain that it is necessary to remove them from the vocabulary. If they are caused by anger or hatred towards you, you should think hard about whether you want to stay in such a marriage. If you are a mother and your son begins to be rude to you, this may be due to adolescence. During this period, support, understanding, and leniency are especially important for a teenager. You need to calmly, in a gentle manner, without teaching or educating, convey to him that you love him and that rudeness hurts you.
  10. Sometimes there are conflicts at school. If children quarrel, you can advise your child how to behave further in this situation, but do not interfere yourself. If your child is insulted by a teacher or other adult, you need to stand up for him and sort out the situation with the offender.

How to ignore the opinions of others

Accept a simple fact: you, and only you, can create your own happiness. Often those around him, especially close people, begin to impose their opinion, telling a person what he should work as, what to do in his free time, what education to choose. However, they themselves will not live according to the model prepared for you and will only shrug their shoulders if you are unhappy after following their recommendations.

Try to look at many things from a useful perspective. When someone pushes their opinion on you, ask yourself: “Is this helpful to me?” If there is no benefit even at 60%, you shouldn’t listen to someone else’s opinion.

Work on your self-esteem. This is a very important point. People often go to extremes: some consider themselves too inept and unworthy to make decisions, while others prefer not to pay attention to criticism at all, even if it comes from a more experienced person. Remember your positive qualities, or better yet, write them down on paper. If it is difficult to do this on your own, ask your loved ones to tell you why they value you, and you will learn a lot of pleasant things. Finally, develop the right attitude towards criticism. Remember that you are beyond judgment, so we can only talk about your words and actions. This means that if a more experienced person criticizes you, you need to take his words as a useful lesson, and not as an accusation.

A few more tips

Remember that you can approach many things with humor; fight off attacks with jokes and sarcasm. Laugh loudly in the face of the offender, this will discourage him, but for this you need to have excellent self-control; the slightest falsehood will bring all your efforts to naught.

Or dryly ask after the rude guy is silent: “Well, have you increased your self-esteem? Or should I still listen?”

Or harass the ill-wisher with responses like: “Yeah, and?”, “What’s next?”, “What else can you say?”, “Is that all?”, “Suggest me next?” You can shake your head sadly and say: “If I were your parents, I would burn with shame.”

For some, the consent method has a sobering effect. If someone tactlessly notices that you have gained a lot of weight, nod and say: “Yes, I know, I look in the mirror. Now I'm happy with myself." Rarely will an aggressor want to develop a dialogue.

There are no universal recipes, the choice of method depends on the character of the opponent, you need to find out how you can penetrate him, then a worthy answer will be found. The main thing is to keep a cool head yourself.

Control your imagination

Some “optimists” have a wonderful habit - they amuse themselves by making apocalyptic plans for the future. It must be very exciting to imagine what misfortunes can happen. If you also have similar fantasies, immediately start working on yourself. Be realistic: in movies, disasters happen at every turn, but are there many of them in real life? Has anything similar happened to you? Maybe your friends experienced a thriller story? It is possible that you have had to experience troubles, but hopefully they do not happen every month?

Doesn't this logic seem comforting to you? We urge you to calm down your imagination and come into balance: if life is really so cruel, draw pictures of harmony and prosperity in your imagination. Learn to write positive scenarios, practice writing until you begin to enjoy fantasy positivity. Someday your imagination, trained for virtual misfortunes, will give up and stop producing nightmares. If you continue to entertain yourself with horrors of your own making, a clinic of neuroses awaits you. But first you will become a subject, communication with whom is burdensome for others.

Take a walk

It often seems that our own head is the only source of negativity. Most often this is true, but it also happens differently. If you are surrounded by toxic people, for example in a family where everyone is constantly fighting and blaming each other, or at work where everyone is on edge, half of the negativity may be due to their mood.

Unless you are a guru, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of difficult thoughts while in such an environment. Therefore, if possible, leave him to calm down. Go out for a walk or go somewhere: to an exhibition, to your favorite cafe, to the cinema - this will help you find peace of mind.

How to protect yourself from negativity at work

First, a simple truth: a person who radiates negativity will never achieve success in life. Just know that this is a loser who is pushing away opportunities and people.

Such a presentation will strengthen your self-confidence and allow you to be more calm about all his antics. Having turned on your inner core, you are already 70% ready to defend yourself. All that remains is to learn some tricks. Here they are:

As soon as you are rude, stop the frantic wave of thoughts! It seems that you are about to tear a person to shreds! And why not, it will become easier. Well, if you want to feed the negative, you can show your knowledge in a three-story mat. Otherwise, exhale, then inhale deeply and put on a mask of indifference. The first seconds are the most important. If you are able to hold back your reaction, then you are superior to your opponent. Why would you stoop to his level? Be taller!

Be prepared for negativity. Forewarned is forearmed. You already understand that an eruption can occur at any moment, so do not be surprised by human behavior. Take this for granted, and your rambunctious colleague will dry up from lack of reciprocal emotion.

Do not conduct the conversation in a “1 on 1” format. Involve the people around you in the conversation, and your colleague will instantly reduce the pressure. It will become uncomfortable for him to offend you when several people are watching and evaluating his behavior. Nature is at work here: everyone wants to show their best side. It's like a computer program aimed at survival in society, and you are a hacker who uses it for your own purposes.

Ignore Ignoring is the best way to deal with a negative colleague. The absence of your emotions is the most unpleasant punishment for this kind of people. Install a kind of filter that eliminates the person from your field of vision. Try to avoid communication as much as possible, and if you have to make contact, answer briefly and immediately switch your attention. Remember, ignoring does not mean playing silent

If a person suspects something, the situation may worsen. Try to do this carefully and unobtrusively.

Accept other points of view Yes, it is difficult. But sometimes it’s not about them at all, but about you

Maybe you are melancholic, taking everything to heart, or just lazy! Try to figure out what your colleague is pouring out on you: a bucket of slop, or constructive criticism. It may turn out that all you have to do is submit reports on time, and problems at work will disappear on their own.

Effective work on yourself

The list of negative claims can be endless. His problem is not the imperfection of the world around him, which everyone faces, but his own perception. This character is pathologically incapable of rejoicing (especially for others) and inflates little things to the scale of a catastrophe.

And if it is still possible to isolate yourself from the opinion of such a random passerby, then such bosses, colleagues, neighbors, relatives, educators and teachers can turn even the calmest person into a monster. It is especially difficult if those who raise and teach children are in constant negativity. Due to their age, children are susceptible to negative influence.

And they can easily adopt the example of an eternally grumpy adult and not even stop behaving this way in adulthood.

A separate type of negative people are haters, from the English word hate, to hate. Don’t feed harmful people bread, let them mix someone with dirt, humiliate and insult them for a trifle. The reasons for such behavior vary, from feelings of inferiority to the inability to obtain pleasure through other methods and express negative feelings constructively. But you may not understand their motives to protect themselves. After all, it is almost impossible to re-educate an adult, especially a stranger, so that he stops. It’s easier to just learn how to defend yourself from them and teach your children to do the same.

Stop insults

The first reaction to a harmful character who is trying to humiliate or offend is resentment. But this is exactly what the unpleasant interlocutor is trying to achieve! Some people seem to feed on negative emotions. This is where the concept of emotional vampirism arises. If a person hurts others and then regrets it, then at least then he asks for forgiveness and tries to cope with his problem. Otherwise, he either does not care about the suffering of others, or he even does nasty things for his own pleasure.

So it’s hardly worth giving such harmful people satisfaction from their sadistic actions, getting upset and offended.

After all, even if you don’t show it, negative feelings cause the release of hormones into the blood, which, with frequent exposure, destroy the body.

The second reason to avoid resentment is what is the point of resenting an already unhappy character? It is unlikely that someone who has a happy life will vilify others, spread gossip behind their backs and execute others for the slightest mistake. Such people should be sympathized with, not hated, since they are already punished by themselves.

When a person is offended, it is as if he is trying to prove to himself and others that he is right, and is also trying to punish the offender for his rudeness. But you need to stop always proving that you are right. And it is clear that inflated demands and outbursts of hatred on every occasion are not normal. And the pointlessness of punishing offenders with insult is already clear: firstly, these stupid people are already punishing themselves; and secondly, the resentment of the victims may even make them happy. Even if not for long.


When internal tension and resistance arise in response to an attack or outpouring of negative feelings, you should ask yourself:

  • What is it about this opinion that upsets me so much;
  • whether someone close to me showed similar rudeness when I was a child;
  • what reaction is the interlocutor seeking from me;
  • if I simply ignore complaints and attacks, will this threaten me with unpleasant consequences;
  • Is it possible to turn this into a joke?

Of course, sometimes it seems that you need to be held accountable for rudeness urgently, right now. But, as a rule, this is an illusion, and we have at least 10 seconds to think. When Apple founder Steve Jobs was asked tough questions, he sometimes paused for several minutes before answering, and sometimes he made it a joke.

If the attack is suspiciously reminiscent of a situation from childhood, then most likely a trigger is triggered - a hook that reminds the individual of how bad it was for him in a similar situation in childhood.

For example, when accused of “well, you’re stupid!” sounds the voice of the mother who spoke throughout her childhood:

- Yes, you don’t grab stars from the sky.

Or the school teacher who said:

- When everyone stood in line for brains before the birth, you moved away!

By the way, this phrase belongs to a real teacher. And one can only guess what traumatic effect this rudeness had on the child who heard it. But as an adult, a person is able to work through this trauma and develop other reactions in response to a similar stimulus.


None of us should allow ourselves to get upset just because others want us to. And even if it seems to a person that there is a sound grain in the opponent’s opinion, a stupid and aggressive pitch can kill him. And then the person withdraws into himself, ignores claims and attacks - which is sometimes also a winning strategy.


Acceptance is about agreeing that the negative person is the way he is and is unlikely to change. After internal agreement, the person stops tormenting himself. After all, the struggle of trying to prove that the opponent is behaving incorrectly and even being rude for no reason stops.

What does a negative person mean?

A negative person is primarily someone who affects self-esteem. If a person is not confident in himself, any passing remark can plunge him into the abyss of despair. Even an innocent person can act as a negative personality. For example, a teacher or boss who expresses his desires and orders in a demanding form looks like an accumulation of negativity to a touchy and vulnerable person.

There are also so-called “energy vampires” who specifically generate negative emotions in others, provoking scandals, physical discomfort and other unpleasant reactions. Such people have many psychological tools in their arsenal that are powerless against self-confidence and equanimity.

Everyone is familiar with elderly grandmothers who cause scandals in stores and clinics. These negative personalities became like this from a lack of emotion and attention. With age, many opportunities to receive bright emotions are lost, and by causing negativity in others, you can get a response, find yourself in the center of attention and get emotional release.

Another type of people are those who assert themselves at the expense of others. This could be a boss, any official, a friend, a classmate, a relative, or even a spouse. Such people do not know how to create something meaningful and the only way to raise self-esteem is to humiliate those who succumb to provocations.

Emotions with a sign

People can approach the same situation differently. Some people replay unpleasant moments in their heads every now and then, thereby further strengthening the resulting negativity.

Others simply do not focus on the problem, which after some time ceases to be such

That is why it is so important to realize that the attitude towards a particular situation depends only on the person himself. To make it easier to drive away sad thoughts and not dwell on bad moments, you should concentrate as much as possible on the positive, remembering all the good things in life

To make it easier to drive away sad thoughts and not dwell on bad moments, you should concentrate as much as possible on the positive, remembering all the good things in life.

Where do the fear of condemnation and dependence on other people's opinions come from?

Photo: Thư Anh/Unsplash

There are many reasons that make people depend on other people's opinions. And at the heart of each is the fear of losing something:

• Lose youth; • Lose your social status; • Be left without money; • Lose control; • Part with comfort; • Die.

Many people are afraid of being rejected. This is fear at the genetic level: our primitive ancestors always stuck together in tribes to survive. Therefore, rejection by the tribe is a subconscious fear of death.

Return to nature

Sometimes you really need a break from all the people around you. So take a weekend, a day or even an hour, and go somewhere for a walk in nature.

Let the sounds of nature replace the flow of chatter of the modern world

Notice the simplicity of the natural world and how harmoniously the plant and animal worlds coexist with each other

Breathe deeply, tune in to meditation. Focus on filling your body with fresh air and lifting your mood. And when you return to your daily life, you will feel refreshed and protected from absorbing the negative energy of those around you.

How not to lose your individuality

...and stop depending on the opinions of others?

Our individuality evaporates under the onslaught. How we look, how we behave and what goals we set for ourselves, what we want from life - all this is our individuality. Freedom is the most important thing a person has. To take away freedom means to take away a person’s life. One should never lose one's self. The system is built in such a way that people who are different and different from each other are not always accepted by society

Of course, if we pay attention to the views and opinions of passers-by, we will not be liberated, we will not begin to truly live. Everyone sees themselves differently, therefore everyone wants to express themselves

Interesting and unique people get lost among thousands of passers-by because they are afraid of other people's opinions.

In order to stop depending on the opinion of society, it is worth understanding that:

  • The opinions of others are just opinions, no one forces you to listen to them and change anything. Often people, condemning someone's action, do not notice that they themselves have committed a similar thing. After all, it is always easier to condemn than to understand.
  • Sometimes people's opinions about the same thing are completely opposite, and it will not be possible to please the whole society as a whole. There will always be someone who will find something negative even in the most noble deed.
  • It is impossible to live constantly looking at others; your personal opinion should always come first.

The way others see us is not us

What others think about us never touches the truth. All ideas are illusions. A person will not be able to immerse himself in your state, probe your inner world and your vision of it.

The opinions of others are the complete opposite of our true knowledge and values. When you listen to others, agree and blame yourself for being different, it puts an end to your personality and its development. Remember: what others think about you is not who you are.

Surround yourself with the present

Our environment influences us - that's a fact. Among deceitful and hypocritical people we become spoiled. Try not to be around people you don't like. Look for people who are like you, non-judgmental and willing to listen.

Choose the right company, this is very important for the further formation of your personality

Your choice

You are your choice. The main thing is to do it without thinking. Don’t lie to yourself, talk to yourself, ask provocative questions, but answer them honestly. Know your weaknesses and strengths

Confidence in yourself and your abilities will not give anyone a chance to attract attention, and no one will be able to offend you and your views


Gossip creates problems and can make mountains out of molehills like nothing else. Don't create gossip or listen to it. Understand: if they talk about you, you are always ahead. But who are these people who are so interested in other people's lives? It's simple: they have a surprisingly small world, and they have not seen anything beyond their stereotypical knowledge. When they come across an interesting and somewhat strange person who is trying to express himself, they condemn what they cannot understand. There will always be a herd in any society.


Develop an immunity to strength and special indifference to the opinions of others. All this only complicates your path. Do and look the way you want. There will be no other chances and life for this.

How not to react to negativity?

  • If a loved one begins to speak negatively towards you, first try to suppress negative emotions with affection and tenderness. Hug, say that you understand and love. Perhaps the person will calm down and switch to a positive wave. However, this method does not always work.
  • When you hear a stream of negativity addressed to you, one of the options is to distance yourself from the interlocutor and leave the room. To make it more correct, offer to continue the conversation later. Perhaps after some time the person will cool down and the conversation will be more productive.

Photo by Liza Summer: Pexels

  • If there is no way to leave the common room, you can use the technique of emotional detachment. Imagine that there is glass or a wall between you and your interlocutor and all the negativity that comes from your opponent cannot reach you. It's like you're protected.
  • Another similar technique looks like this: mentally transform a negative person into some funny hero or an insect, for example a fly. Think about some annoying fly flying around, buzzing, but not causing any harm. Such techniques will help you step back and not notice the negative message in your direction.
  • Another way is to mentally feel sorry for the person. Understand that the interlocutor most likely shares negativity because he feels morally bad. After all, a person whose life is filled with happiness and harmony will not “spit out poison” without reason.
  • Meditation can help in the fight against negativity. At the moment of the “attack”, focus on something very pleasant, imagine a beautiful picture in your head, mentally find yourself there. Or, as when performing classical meditation, focus on your breathing. Inhale and exhale slowly over several minutes. Thanks to this technique, you will be able to calm your nervous system and take your mind off unpleasant reality.

How to remove negative energy from your home

Global cleansing of the house is carried out when they feel bad in this room, they often quarrel or after the previous owners:

First you need to do some general cleaning. Find and clean all hard-to-reach places from dirt, throw away all broken and non-functional items, give unnecessary clothes and other things to those in need. It is better to carry out wet cleaning using water with Thursday salt

After such cleansing, the house will be open to receiving positive energy; pay special attention to mirrors in the house. Mirror surfaces store all the negative information about past residents, about those who were sick and died in the apartment

To remove negative energy from them, you need to thoroughly wash them, first with salt, then with clean water; then you can cleanse the apartment with a regular paraffin or church candle. You need to walk around the entire apartment with a lit candle counterclockwise, stopping at each corner. If a candle smokes, the flame becomes black and uneven in a certain area, this indicates the presence of negative energy. You need to go around the entire apartment again until the flame becomes even everywhere, and then leave the candle to burn out.

And some more general tips:

  1. Get indoor plants and care for them lovingly. They will neutralize negative energy from guests. If you live in a private house, you can plant trees and shrubs around the building, which will create a ring that protects from external negativity;
  2. get a cat in the house. This animal has the unique gift of repelling negative energy;
  3. Always clean your home after guests visit and ventilate the room well.

invisible wall

There are provocateurs who are just waiting for a response to the negativity sent into the world. And when they receive it, it’s as if they are swimming in the waves of other people’s emotions, fueled by energy. The most correct thing a person can do in the face of such attacks is to mentally build an invisible wall around himself. The first seconds in which the response is formed are the most important. That is why it is necessary to have time to take a deep breath, exhale and try with all your might to switch from perceiving the negative to “creating” that very wall.

You need to imagine the height of the wall, the color, the material from which it will be made and literally feel how all the unpleasant words sounding from the outside are shattered against its armor.

How to stop depending on other people's opinions

Most of us are very dependent on the opinions of others, and this circumstance often ruins our lives. Someone tries to adapt, changing their opinion under the influence of the environment. Others silently endure negative statements, but suffer greatly and depend on other people’s opinions, self-esteem decreases and, as a result, neuroses and depression arise. How not to depend on other people's opinions? What do I need to do?

Divide all people according to their importance to you:

people whose opinions are very important to us and who are really worth listening to; people whose opinions are sometimes worth considering; people who mean nothing to you.

Life is such that we constantly hear opinions about any events. And there are a huge number of opinions, everyone has their own, it is impossible to simply physically listen to everyone, especially if these opinions are unpleasant for us and interfere with our lives

It is very important to be able to understand people in order to understand whether it is worth listening to them

Separate the wheat from the chaff

From each opinion you need to extract only the useful, and throw the rest of the garbage out of your head! The main thing is not to let others ruin your life with their opinions. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me,” English proverb.

Assess your perspective yourself

Many famous people in childhood or youth did not show much promise, studied very mediocrely, and were ridiculed because of their appearance.

For example, teachers considered Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Konstantin Tsiolkovsky to be mentally retarded.

Tom Cruise changed several schools, he couldn’t read, he couldn’t comprehend the text.

Winona Ryder switched to home schooling due to ridicule and bullying from classmates.

Examples can be given endlessly. Imagine if they had listened to everyone who judged them negatively, would they have turned out the way they did? Hardly. They calmly walked towards their goal, without listening to others.

When someone criticizes you, he is not thinking about you, but first of all about himself

As a rule, people criticize those shortcomings that they do not like in themselves, or those advantages that they themselves would like to have. At these moments, they, unwittingly, reveal their secrets. A person who angrily criticizes and tries to find your shortcomings and make you look like a weakling and a loser, in fact, most of all in life is afraid that this will happen to him, and perhaps it is already happening.

Don't trust first impressions

Many people tend to change their minds very quickly. Including about you. You yourself, most likely, have changed your opinion about a person more than once. It happens that at first glance you don’t like someone, but when you get to know him better, you evaluate him completely differently.

Don't pay attention to the rudeness

If you were told something unpleasant or hurtful by people who mean nothing to you, it will not affect your life in any way. They will forget about you in 15 minutes

Should I be upset and take into account the opinion of an outsider? Hardly

Accept that everyone has different tastes

There is always a negative opinion for any phenomenon in this world. On the best films, books, paintings that you like, there will always be opposing opinions

Is it worth paying attention to them, or will the fact that someone doesn’t like it make you immediately stop loving the book or movie?

Some people just assert themselves at your expense.

By expressing their opinion, people thereby want to rise in their own eyes

They feel important and significant only when someone is criticized or taught. Will the opinion of such a person be authoritative for you? After all, at its core, this is not aimed at you, but the purpose of criticism is the desire to rise above others

Top 25 Tips on How to Deal with Negativity at Work and at Home

People experience negative feelings such as sadness, anger, jealousy or hatred when the situation they are in is out of their control. Negativity is very common, especially in the workplace. These emotions tend to make people doubt themselves and affect the way they perform work and perceive things. Although it is generally natural to sometimes find ourselves in situations that can cause us negative emotions, it is still worth knowing how to cope with such negative emotions. Below are 25 tips to help you cope with negative emotions caused by unpleasant situations. 25. Assess the situation objectively

You should never make a big deal out of a mountain. When something bad happens, try to avoid exaggeration and the desire to make the situation more negative than it really is. Sometimes a person can deceive himself and make a mountain out of a molehill by constantly thinking it over and over again. This is unnecessary and leads to unwanted stress. Instead, try to think of solutions to the problem and apply some of the tips you find in this list. 24. Learn to be reasonable

This advice goes hand in hand with advice from point #25. When bad situations happen, the temptation to act hastily, on a wave of emotion instead of logic, is too strong. First of all, you should learn to keep your emotions under control and not let them affect your judgment. If something unpleasant happens, just accept that bad things happen sometimes and find a way to deal with them and move on with your life. 23. Think about ways that help you relax.

This is a simple solution, but, nevertheless, it is one of the most effective.
If you are overwhelmed by a wave of negativity, this can be a clear sign that you are mentally “blown away.” Get out of the negative environment and relax. If you are at work, this can be a difficult task. However, there are solutions here too, you can go and talk to someone in another department and take a walk during lunch instead of eating with colleagues indoors. 22. Try to understand the situation and learn from it

The sad truth is that we live in a world full of negativity. However, this does not mean that you are doomed to fall into his network. Learn to recognize negative situations and learn from them, overcoming them while remaining positive. Usually, there is a positive side to every situation, even if it is small. Learn to find it and focus on it. 21. Exercise

Not many people are aware of the fact that apart from keeping your figure in good shape, exercise also helps reduce stress levels in the body. Exercising, for example, allows the body to better cope with negative emotions, since the process produces endorphins, which make you feel better. 20. Don't hold on to the past

It's true, we do learn from our mistakes (at least that's how it should be). But it’s one thing to learn a lesson from your mistake and move on in life, and a completely different thing to ruminate on the past and drown in a quagmire of negativity. Learn to understand that the past will remain the past. Just like that, because you still won’t be able to change it. You cannot influence it, embellish it, stop the moment in the past, erase it from your memory, or subject it to any other form of adjustment. Therefore, if you still cannot change anything in your past, why would you waste valuable life energy and time on thoughts and regrets? Instead, focus on the present and strive for a brighter future. You'll feel happier and more productive when you focus all your wasted energy on what you can do in the present. 19. Learn not just to listen, but to hear people

Listening is one of the best ways to deal with negativity in the workplace. Just like you, your work colleagues want to be heard and they need someone who can simply listen to them. During group discussions, try to listen carefully to other people, and not just what you have to say. This will improve your relationships with your colleagues and help prevent situations that could otherwise become a source of negativity. 18. Recognize that you are a human being just like everyone else and that you also make mistakes sometimes.

Recognize that you are just human and that you sometimes support decisions that you don't really like. Of course, it is very difficult to admit that you, too, are capable of contributing to the spread of negativity around you. If you learn to admit your ability to make mistakes, it will become much easier for you to perceive the negativity of other people, and the best remedy against negativity, as we know, is tolerance. However, tolerance does not mean absorbing this negativity into yourself. Just try to create a positive environment and be a positive person. 17. Spend some time reflecting on the positive aspects of your life.

Spend some time alone every day and think about the positive aspects of your life. It's easy to get overwhelmed by the obvious negativity, but when you stop for a minute and think about your life, it becomes clear that you actually have a lot to be grateful for that other people don't have. . 16. Take breaks or go for walks alone.

When you are in an extremely stressful situation and you feel like the ground is about to disappear from under your feet, plunging you into the abyss of negativity, take a break and take a walk. Apart from the fact that walking reduces stress in the body, it also prevents your negative emotions from running high and causing you to say something that you will later regret. 15. Accept yourself for who you are, along with all your shortcomings and strengths

Dealing with negativity partly involves accepting yourself and learning how you can help yourself. If you fail to achieve a goal, never blame or beat yourself up for a poor decision or error in judgment. Know that you are human and are capable of committing wrongdoing, just like everyone else. 14. Avoid being overly defensive

Try not to let yourself become too defensive. This is especially appropriate in workplaces where clashes with co-workers during stressful situations are not uncommon. If someone says something negative, try not to immediately rear up. Listen to what was said and if there is a grain of truth in what was said, act accordingly. However, if there is not a grain of truth in a negative statement, do not let what is said get to you, remain calm and remain positive. 13. Instead of thinking about a negative situation, try to think about possible ways to solve it.

The ultimate goal is to finish the job with an optimal result. If you dwell on a negative situation or thought, you are wasting time because things are not moving forward. Instead, acknowledge the severity of the situation, but begin to think about possible ways to resolve it or improvements that can be made to alleviate it. 12. Ask open-ended questions

Ask open-ended questions to help identify the source of a negative situation. By asking open-ended questions such as: “What do you think will happen if ___?”, “What would you like to know about _____?”, What do you already know about _____?”, you allow people to give more natural answers that will help reveal much more debated issue. This is great because such questions and discussions give room to the individuality and creativity of your peers and work colleagues (in a positive situation). On the other hand, closed questions such as: “Are you feeling better today?”, “Do you think you’re right?”, “Which is better, green or red?” limit their answers to “yes” and “no”, which depending on the context, it can be perceived as a manifestation of confrontation. Whether you're trying to determine the cause of a negative situation or create a more positive solution, the best tactic is to ask open-ended questions. 11. Resolve to remain calm.

We have more power over our actions than we think. The decision to become angry or to remain rational and calm is just that – a decision. Make a conscious, intentional decision to remain calm when negative situations arise. Not only will this help you stay calm, but it will also give you a chance to turn a negative situation into a more positive one. 10. Solve one problem at a time

Discuss all the issues and solve one problem at a time. This will allow you to more effectively focus on finding a way out of the situation that is causing negativity in the workplace. 9. Give other people the opportunity to express their opinions

Sometimes, all it takes to reduce negativity is to listen to the person. We are all human and each of us wants to be heard and appreciated. 8. Never brush off a complaint, even if it seems very trivial.

This applies to both work and home environments. Don't make it a habit to ignore complaints, even if they seem trivial to you. If someone felt that this complaint was important, then for that person it is far from trivial. Listen to what the person is saying and try not to take what they say personally. A complaint may be a valuable observation worth considering. Listening to her will let the person speaking know that you value her opinion and will create a more positive and productive environment. 7. Try not to get too carried away with creating rules.

Never make rules for everyone if only a few break the rules. This is another example of advice that you can use both at work and at home. If you're in a powerful position at work, try not to create a ton of rules. It is important to give people the freedom to express their individuality, while at the same time maintaining an appropriate work routine. However, too many rules create a stressful environment and can become a source of negativity both at work and at home. 6. Enter the suggestion box program

In most cases, problems in the workplace arise because there is no necessary dialogue between employees and management. Thanks to the introduction of a suggestion box, employees will be able to speak freely and thus, the administration will be able to understand exactly what problems need to be solved first. 5. Sponsor company events that serve as an ideal environment for developing camaraderie among employees.

This advice is more suitable for a work environment. It is very useful to hold an event for your employees at least once a year that can unite them. These activities will give your employees a sense of fun, as well as promote work-life balance and make them feel appreciated. 4. Investigate situations that involve multiple employees.

In the workplace, sometimes problems arise that affect not just one or two employees, but an entire group. Such problems contribute to the growth of negativity and need to be resolved as soon as possible. To deal with such a problem, try to research this problem and solve it in the most optimal way. 3. Always respond quickly

A quick solution to the issue helps to get rid of negativity in the team as soon as possible. The longer you wait and put off finding a way out of a difficult situation, the more the negativity increases and affects you, the people around you and even those people with whom you work. 2. Always have a plan in place to deal with negativity.

It's always good to have a plan for how you can deal with negativity, this means that you should think about situations that are potential sources of negativity and think ahead about your actions that will contribute to successfully finding a way out of them. Naturally, you cannot predict the future, but planning and thinking through different scenarios will allow you to be much better prepared for problematic situations should they arise. For example, you are at work and you hear your co-workers gossiping about your boss. How will you behave in this negative situation? Think about it now, and if such a situation happens in real life, you will know exactly what needs to be done. 1. Stop office gossip from spreading.

If you hold a leadership position, warn your subordinates about the dangers of starting and spreading gossip. Gossip is one of the most common causes of negativity in the workplace, as it causes workers to have negative thoughts about other people and adversely affects work and interpersonal relationships in the work team.

Stop feeding the beast

The term “emotional vampires” was used above.

We are talking about parasitic individuals who literally feed on your attention and affection, leaving you emotionally devastated

Before you start investing your emotions in these people, think about the fact that you will end up losing all your energy. Because of this, you will not be able to take even a step towards solving their problems.

You will never be able to satisfy their thirst for your love if they are determined to feel and act like a victim.

You can offer your support to those who need it: a friend or even a stranger.

But try not to lose sight of the moment when your efforts begin to become unnecessary

Or when people calling for your help become more like rivals vying for your attention

You don't have to solve other people's problems, especially when they don't want to. They just want to be endlessly pitied. So you have to know when to leave!

When you feel that your internal resources are being depleted, just step aside and leave everything as it is. There is nothing wrong with refusing to take part in someone's contrived drama.

Get creative

When you are bombarded with negative thoughts, you can spend some time being creative. It works just like talking, except you don't have to bother anyone with your problems. You can do anything: write prose or poetry, draw with a pencil or paints. Finally, dance.

The release of emotions through creativity is a kind of art therapy that will not only provide relaxation, but also lift your spirits. Negative thoughts will pass through you, take shape and stay there, not in your head.

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