Why does vision decline sharply: what symptoms cannot be ignored?

The nervous system has a structure consisting of somatic and autonomic components. The first is responsible for motor reactions that arise under the influence of external factors. The vegetative part is involved in the work of internal organs, blood vessels and glands, which is described in scientific articles about VSD and the websites of clinics licensed to treat it.

The autonomic system is usually divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic fragments. The first part is responsible for increasing activity and stimulating metabolism. This leads to increased tissue excitability. The parasympathetic system restores the body and regulates its functions during sleep.

They are distinguished by synchronous recovery. However, under the influence of external conditions, a dominant is formed, and a predominance of a certain department is observed. Mental adaptation is disrupted, the emotional state suffers.

Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD) is a combination of manifestations that appear when there are interruptions in the functioning of the autonomic part of the nervous system. The disease causes various abnormalities in the functioning of internal organs.

This syndrome has different names - neurocirculatory dystonia, autonomic dysregulation, autonomic neurosis, neurasthenia.

Panic attacks with VSD

VSD and panic attacks are considered completely different conditions. Many patients confuse these diseases because they differ in other similar symptoms. During an attack of dystonia and at the time of a panic attack, a release of adrenaline, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine occurs (observed in the sympathetic form). Therefore, many experts diagnose people with a tendency to panic attacks as VSD.

This conclusion is considered erroneous. To eliminate vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is necessary to take medications, and the treatment of panic attacks is carried out using psychotherapy methods.

It is easy to confuse VSD and a panic attack. Experts in the post-Soviet space practically do not diagnose panic attacks. They are treating the disease. To eliminate the symptoms of panic attacks, you do not need to take medications.

To stabilize blood pressure parameters, to combat headaches and pathologies in the heart area, the help of a psychotherapist is needed. This deviation is a neurosis. Vegetative vascular dystonia is considered a deviation of the autonomic nervous system. This condition requires the use of medications.


Blurred vision can only be cured by identifying the cause of this condition. Often, a patient with such a symptom requires emergency hospitalization and immediate surgical intervention (for example, during an acute attack of glaucoma). Due to the high probability of serious complications, at the first appearance of fog in the eyes, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

When choosing a center where you want to receive medical care, you need to pay attention to the ophthalmology clinic that has fairly modern equipment, experienced specialists, and does not require long waiting in line. It is important not to put off taking care of your vision too long!

Causes of pathology

Various circumstances lead to dystonia. According to scientific articles, websites and materials, the following categories are defined:

  1. Psychological causes - severe or chronic stress, depression.
  2. Physical causes - severe fatigue, elevated temperatures or vibrations, sunstroke.
  3. Chemical factors - alcoholism, smoking, drug use. The disorder is diagnosed when certain drugs are used. A common cause of problems are medications containing caffeine and ephedrine, and bronchodilators.
  4. Imbalance of hormones - manifests itself in adolescence, during pregnancy and lactation, during menopause, in the case of using hormonal contraceptives.
  5. Infections – dysfunction of the kidneys, respiratory system or brain.
  6. Neurological problems - traumatic brain injury and Parkinson's disease.
  7. Endocrine pathologies – thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus.
  8. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels – coronary heart disease, hypertension.

Not all people with such problems suffer from autonomic dystonia. Women often complain of this disorder; men suffer from it less often. Half of the types of the disease occur in young girls under 25 years of age.

An indicator of other risks of developing VSD in patients is heredity. Autonomic abnormalities are often observed in children or adolescents. As the child develops, the pathology is compensated. Then the manifestations of the disease disappear, but under the influence of negative conditions, dystonia approaches again.

The impetus for the development of this disease is:

  1. Psychological personality type – suspiciousness and hypochondria.
  2. Unfavorable environmental and socio-economic criteria - lack of sun, physical inactivity, lack of finances, consumption of low-quality food.
  3. Intrauterine disorders – rhesus conflict, hypoxia, infectious pathologies.


Vegetative-vascular dystonia in adult sick people has different manifestations. Most often, VSD has a hidden course. Under the influence of increased stress or other negative circumstances, attacks occur. They occur suddenly and significantly impair the quality of life. Sympathetic dystonia is worse experienced by older people because they have chronic diseases.

There are manifestations of other diseases that are not directly related to the autonomic nervous system. If there are indicators of damage in the area of ​​the heart and blood vessels, the neurologist diagnoses the presence of VSD.

In accordance with scientific articles, the signs of the diagnosis of VSD are:

  • headaches - they always differ in severity and duration;
  • dizziness;
  • severe sweating (increased sweat secretion from the sebaceous glands);
  • weakness and high fatigue;
  • increased heart rate;
  • noise in ears;
  • fluctuations in body temperature;
  • increased drowsiness, apathy;
  • sudden mood changes;
  • severe anxiety;
  • panic attacks;
  • darkening of the eyes, lightheadedness;
  • hypochondria.

Panic attacks

Vascular parasympathetic pathology in patients is accompanied by panic attacks. This term refers to a strong fear of death that grips a person. The patient develops anxiety, turning into real horror.

The body sends impulses about danger, but does not find a way out of the situation. Such an attack lasts on average a quarter of an hour, the state of health is slowly restored.

Inability to fall asleep

Sleep problems are typical for all patients with VSD syndrome. Dysfunction in the nervous system manifests itself in the form of insomnia or increased sleepiness. Such symptoms are caused by various disorders in the function of the autonomic nervous system. This provokes a change in biorhythms.

With this disease, it is difficult for the patient to relax. His sleep is short-term. This causes increased sleepiness during the day. When the nervous system is damaged, memory is impaired, concentration deteriorates, and performance decreases. A long absence of normal sleep leads to the appearance of psycho-emotional abnormalities. The nervous system cannot cope with the stress, breakdowns appear.

Emotional instability

It is a consequence of insomnia. A person feels tired, resulting in sudden mood swings. After rest, the patient is quite cheerful, but after a certain time he begins to feel sad or even aggressive.

Change in skin tone

Caused by damage to vascular tone. The patient experiences a rapid flow of blood to the skin and an equally rapid outflow. The skin turns red and appears pale. Similar problems occur during emotional arousal and after increased physical exertion.

Respiratory disorders

Dyspnea with parasympathetic VSD is caused by changes in the innervation of the bronchi. Under the influence of respiratory infections, stress, increased fatigue, and physical exertion, symptoms of shortness of breath appear. Middle-aged or elderly patients experience suffocation, chest discomfort, and the main complication is bronchial asthma. This symptom is associated with cardiac pathologies, which makes diagnosis difficult.

Weather dependent

The autonomic system helps the patient’s body adapt to any weather conditions. If its work is disrupted, a dependence on the climate occurs. High or low atmospheric pressure, hot weather, wind, and precipitation provoke signs of VSD diagnosis such as weakness, headaches, loss of appetite and decreased ability to work.

Digestive disorders

The autonomic system regulates the function of the digestive organs. If this area does not work properly, excessive appetite or its complete absence is observed. During the period of vegetative-vascular dystonia, manifestations of gastritis or gastric ulcer occur. The symptoms of the disease vary from person to person. Constipation or diarrhea, intestinal spasms, pain, and inflammation of the mucous membranes are observed.

Disorders of the genitourinary system

Autonomic dystonia syndrome is accompanied by increased urination and pain in the area of ​​genital function, but they are not associated with pathologies. This is due to insufficient innervation of the pelvic organs. In women, the course of dystonia occurs with cycle deviations and decreased libido. Men may have problems with potency and the appearance of signals of prostate damage.


The cause of this symptom of the disease is a violation of cerebral vascular tone. Their condition is affected by:

  • mental overload;
  • stress;
  • heredity;
  • diabetes;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • lesions of the thyroid gland.


Autonomic dystonia syndrome causes other symptoms in the patient. An important indicator of VSD is headache. It manifests itself in people who are susceptible to fear and experience strong emotions after stress.

The headache during the illness is not intense, it increases when the head is tilted. Other signs of VSD are possible - fainting, dizziness, nausea, tinnitus, unsteadiness of gait.

Types of peripheral vision impairment

Normal human vision provides the ability to see in a wide range of brightness, as well as in space, without turning the head. Most often, peripheral vision impairment is associated with the appearance of areas that do not function. Initially, they are not even visible to humans - the closest description is that they look like dark spots. Over time, these areas increase in size, occupying between 25 and 50% of the total visual field in one or both eyes. As a result, a person’s vision becomes “tunnel-like.” All objects are visible only in a limited area.

Loss of certain areas of the visual field is also called heminopsia. It most often occurs in both eyes, which indicates the reasons listed below. If there are problems in only one eye, we can talk about damage to the optic nerve.

VSD classification

Signs of the disease depend on the condition of the blood vessels. Depending on this, several types of vegetative-vascular dystonia are distinguished - hypertonic, hypotonic, cardiac, mixed, vagotonic.

This disease occurs in the form of attacks, in the form of two or three pathologies. Depending on the severity of VSD, the following forms are distinguished:

  1. Mild – working capacity remains, symptoms of VSD do not cause discomfort. There are no vegetative crises.
  2. Moderately severe – periods of loss of ability to work appear from time to time. This is associated with relapses of vegetative-vascular dystonia and the appearance of a vegetative crisis.
  3. Severe – represents a long and persistent course of VSD; acute conditions and crises are common. Then the inability to work for a long time is diagnosed.

Hypertensive type

Symptoms and treatment are associated with pronounced vascular tone. It is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure. Main criteria for VSD:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • hot flashes;
  • headache;
  • increased fatigue of the body and psychological mood;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased sweating;
  • strong feeling of fear;
  • floaters before eyes.

Hypotonic type

Characteristic symptoms of the disease leading to a decrease in vascular tone and blood pressure include:

  • darkening of the eyes;
  • fainting;
  • weakness in the body, arms and legs;
  • a sharp drop in pressure;
  • pale skin;
  • nausea;
  • gastrointestinal dysfunction - diarrhea or constipation;
  • heartburn, belching;
  • respiratory disorders;
  • cold feet and palms.

Mixed type

It is characterized by variability in vascular tone, so blood pressure parameters fluctuate. It rises sharply, then suddenly falls.

With this type, the symptoms of VSD change. This negatively affects the quality of life of patients; weakness, increased sweating, and fainting are replaced by headaches, hot flashes, and symptoms of tachycardia.

Attacks during VSD are accompanied by fear of death and breath holding. This provokes aggravation of the situation. There is pain in the heart.

Cardiac type

Accompanied by aching, throbbing pain in the heart muscle. It has no effect on well-being. Sometimes patients with VSD develop symptoms of arrhythmia and severe sweating, but studies do not reveal pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Vagotonic type

This type of vascular dystonia is characterized by respiratory abnormalities. The person is unable to take a deep breath and feels tightness in the chest. There is a high probability of low blood pressure and slow heartbeat. Increased salivation is observed, and gastrointestinal problems appear.

VSD in men

A distinctive feature of VSD in male patients is considered to be erectile dysfunction. Then they go to the doctor. When vascular dystonia is detected, symptoms and treatment (taking pills) will differ significantly.

VSD in women

In women, VSD develops due to hormonal instability. Such problems are observed during menopause or pregnancy. A hereditary tendency becomes a risk factor.

Floaters before eyes



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The information in this section cannot be used for self-diagnosis and self-treatment.
In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, diagnostic tests should be prescribed only by the attending physician. To make a diagnosis and properly prescribe treatment, you should contact your doctor. Flashing of flies before the eyes: reasons for their appearance, what diseases they occur with, diagnosis and treatment methods.


The flickering of flies before the eyes is a subjective sensation, when describing it, people imply the presence in the field of vision of permanent or transient additional inclusions of various shapes and sizes.

The organ of vision is one of the most important sense organs providing orientation in space. The visual analyzer consists of the organ of vision (eye), which perceives and interprets the image into an electrical signal, the optic nerve, through which the signal enters the subcortical centers, and the cerebral cortex, where the signal is analyzed. The eye consists of the eyeball and accessory organs, and the eyeball is made up of three membranes: outer (cornea and sclera), middle (iris and choroid), and inner (retina). Behind the iris is the crystalline lens, a light-refracting lens. The space between the lens and the retina is filled with vitreous humor.

The vitreous body is a gel-like structure enclosed in a dense membrane. The gel contains water, hyaluronic acid, collagen fibers, proteins and other substances.

If the ratio of certain components of the vitreous body is disturbed, dense inclusions can form, perceived by a person as “spots”.

Types of flies before the eyes

“Flies” are dots, zigzags, worms, dust, dashes, strokes, scratches, cobwebs, commas, etc.

Floaters before the eyes, arising as a result of destructive processes in the vitreous, have clear descriptions and do not disappear from view:

  • rings with an outer and inner rim or a dot inside, located in the field of view in large numbers, may indicate granular destruction of the vitreous body;
  • threads that look like short or long strips with circles inside, of varying transparency, may indicate filamentous destruction of the vitreous body. The interweaving of threads indicates more severe destruction.

Destructive processes in the vitreous body Also, with the destruction of the vitreous body, spots and clots may appear, similar to “plastic film” or flakes, which greatly cloud the image.
When cholesterol crystals are included in the vitreous gel, shiny “snowflakes” appear in the field of view.

Any inclusions can move freely throughout the entire field of view, move within a limited range, or be stationary.
Possible causes of flies flashing before the eyes
The reasons for flies flashing before the eyes are quite varied. Floaters can be a sign of temporary functional disorders, for example, when lifting weights, overwork, or a sudden change in posture. However, inclusions in the visual field appear in some diseases of the eye structures - the vitreous body, choroid, retina, and also arise as a result of diseases of other organs and systems that affect the functioning of the visual analyzer.

What diseases cause floaters to appear before the eyes?

Destruction of the vitreous body

is the reason for the constant presence of additional inclusions in the field of view. It occurs due to a decrease in the ratio of fluid and other components of the vitreous gel during natural aging or after eye injury, eye surgery and other reasons. The characteristics of inclusions are described in the previous section.

The prognosis for vision is favorable, but the quality of life may suffer and the ability to work may decrease.
Retinal and/or vitreous detachment
, in addition to floaters, flashes and sparks, is characterized by a sharp deterioration in visual acuity and blurred vision. Without immediate medical attention, it can lead to blindness. The risk of detachment increases in people suffering from a high degree of myopia.

For vertebrobasilar insufficiency

blood flow through the vertebral arteries is disrupted, which affects the blood supply to certain areas of the brain, including those responsible for visual function. Clinically manifests itself as floaters, darkening before the eyes, short-term loss of vision.

The most common cause of acquired vertebrobasilar insufficiency is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
Choroiditis (inflammation of the choroid), retinitis (inflammation of the retina), chorioretinitis (inflammation of both structures)
can also cause the appearance of floaters. In addition, the patient experiences flashes of light (photopsia), visual acuity decreases, and vision in the dark is impaired. The disease of an infectious nature in advanced cases leads to blindness.


(hypertensive, atherosclerotic, diabetic) occur when blood vessels are damaged by diseases of the same name. Retinopathy is characterized by transient visual impairment in the form of decreased visual acuity, floaters before the eyes, and the presence of large spots in the field of vision (scotomas). As the underlying disease is treated, the intensity of the symptoms decreases, and as it progresses, it can result in loss of vision.

Transient flashing of flies before the eyes, a feeling of a “noisy” picture can occur with low blood pressure.

Pressure surges in pregnant women can also lead to floaters. And if a slight decrease in pressure from the individual norm occurs due to physiological reasons, then the increase may indicate gestosis (late toxicosis) and requires careful additional examination.

Which doctors should I contact if I have spots flashing before my eyes?

Since the flickering of flies before the eyes can be caused not only by eye pathologies, but also by diseases of the internal organs, consultation is required not only with an ophthalmologist, but also. If necessary, an additional visit may be recommended, for pregnant women -.

Diagnostics and examinations for flies flashing before the eyes

To identify the causes of flies flashing before the eyes, it is necessary to examine and interview the patient, measure blood pressure levels, determine visual acuity and visual fields, assess the condition of the vitreous body and retina using biomicroscopy and ophthalmoscopy, and examine the fundus.

Additional laboratory and instrumental research methods are often recommended:

  • clinical blood test;

Diagnostic methods

Symptoms and treatment of types of VSD are analyzed by a neurologist. To help a specialist detect the disease, it is recommended to make an accurate list of complaints before visiting a doctor. This will help him establish the causes of dystonia.

After the interview, the expert conducts an initial functional diagnosis of the patient. It consists of assessing the condition of the skin, measuring pulse and pressure. It is necessary to listen to the lungs and heart. To thoroughly assess the activity of the autonomic system, the specialist runs the tip of the hammer across the skin.

To identify the causes of the development of VSD, it is proposed to send the patient for diagnostics and laboratory tests:

  • general urine and blood tests;
  • blood sugar test;
  • blood test for thyroid hormones;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • electrocardiogram (ECG);
  • fluorography of the chest organs;
  • rheoencephalography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Ultrasound of the neck;
  • electroencephalography.


To diagnose the primary disease that has led to the appearance of fog before the eyes, you need to perform, at a minimum, biomicroscopy using a slit lamp and examine the fundus with a wide pupil. In this case, it is often possible to identify signs of damage to the cornea, lens, vitreous body or retina [7].

Testing vision with and without correction, as well as determining refraction in conditions of a dilated pupil (cycloplegia) will help identify disorders such as spasm of accommodation, myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism.

Determination of intraocular pressure (IOP) excludes or confirms glaucoma.

Fig. 6 Basic examination (biomicroscopy and ophthalmoscopy) allows in most cases to identify the cause of the appearance of fog

In some cases, additional examinations are necessary to clarify the diagnosis—primarily optical coherence tomography of the retina (including with angiography function) [8]. This method allows you to see minimal changes in the central zone of the retina and the optic nerve head (ONH), accurately and quickly make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. This test is available in our clinic on the same day of your visit.

Vision testing with and without correctionDescending into the distanceMyopia, farsightedness, astigmatism, accommodation spasm
Measuring intraocular pressurePromotionAcute attack of glaucoma
Biomicroscopy of the corneaSwelling, cloudinessKeratitis
Biomicroscopy of the lensCloudinessCataract
Vitreous ophthalmoscopyCloudiness, peelingDST, ZOST
Retinal ophthalmoscopySwelling, ruptures, detachmentMacular degeneration, retinal detachment and tears
Ophthalmoscopy of the optic discSwelling, pallorOptic neuritis, glaucoma, atrophy

Table 1. Research method, signs and final diagnosis

Treatment options

Vegetative-vascular dystonia requires an individual approach to the selection of modern diagnostics and a set of therapeutic measures. When choosing methods for treating VSD, the therapist takes into account the form of the disease, the frequency of attacks, the age of the patient, and the presence of additional pathologies. According to healthcare policy, a citizen independently addresses questions of interest to a medical institution under a compulsory medical insurance policy or for paid services; information about them and contacts of specialists are on the clinics’ websites.

The treatment described in many educational articles is aimed at eliminating the signals of the disorder and influencing the causes of its occurrence. Of no small importance in VSD is the improvement of the patient’s psycho-emotional state. Periodic nervous overstrain and stress do not improve the condition.

Vascular dystonia requires an integrated approach to therapy. For the treatment of VSD, sufficient measures are:

  • taking medications;
  • normalization of lifestyle;
  • spa treatment (beneficial for general health);
  • psychotherapy.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia is indicated using manual therapy. Proper treatment of the spine helps to normalize work capacity. The spinal cord contains autonomic centers that are affected during the development of spinal diseases.

It is important to treat protrusions, scoliosis, intervertebral hernias, spondylosis, and osteochondrosis. If you make an appointment with a doctor at the initial stage of the disease, you will be able to completely eliminate the causes of VSD.

Drug therapy

Treatment of VSD in patients is carried out by taking medications; they are prescribed by a neurologist after an in-depth diagnosis. He selects the course of drugs on an individual basis (taking into account tolerability and the presence of side effects). For the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, the following medications are prescribed:

  1. Antidepressants (sedatives) – provide a reduction in increased anxiety and severe irritability. By taking such drugs, it is possible to relieve constant pain in the heart and muscles.
  2. Tranquilizers - medications reduce the likelihood of panic attacks and unreasonable fears.
  3. Sedatives - herbal remedies; if they do not help, the most serious drugs are used.
  4. Nootropic drugs – stimulate blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, eliminate the negative effects of hypoxia, and have a positive effect on the body’s resistance to stress.
  5. Adrenergic blockers - used to eliminate disruptions in the heart rhythm.
  6. Diuretics – used for headaches and dizziness associated with high intracranial pressure and hypertension. They have the ability to remove fluid from the body. Diuretics reduce the level of vitamins and microelements.
  7. B vitamins normalize the conduction of nerve impulses during VSD. They improve the activity of the central nervous system.
  8. Metabolic agents - help control glucose parameters during sympathetic VSD. They are characterized by antihypoxic and microcircular characteristics.

Lifestyle change

To improve the functioning of the autonomic system, people with this diagnosis should make adjustments to their lifestyle and habits. With the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia, special therapy involves a combination of the following rules:

  1. Normalize your work and rest schedule, take a contrast shower, relaxing baths, do therapeutic massage, and introduce sports into the practice. To get rid of dystonia, during the working day they do gymnastics, take breaks from work, and take a walk. This helps normalize blood circulation and relax, restore immunity.
  2. Get enough sleep every day, you need to sleep at least 8 hours.
  3. You should take a walk in the fresh air every day. The walk lasts at least 1 hour. This has a good effect on the functioning of the whole body.
  4. Lead a sporty lifestyle. Physical activity is not intense, but moderate.
  5. Diet restrictions. Foods containing a lot of trans fats are removed from the diet. These substances lead to the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques and increase nervous excitability. You cannot follow strict diets. They negatively affect the psycho-emotional state.


When disorders develop, the diet should be compiled taking into account the principles:

  1. Eat plenty of foods containing beneficial microelements. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and normalize blood pressure parameters.
  2. Drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day. This will help to significantly normalize the water-salt balance.
  3. Enjoy food.
  4. Bring your diet closer to the requirements of a healthy diet.

Features of the diet differ depending on the type of pathology. If a person suffers from hypertension, foods containing a lot of salt should be excluded from the diet. It is important to give up fast food, canned food, and marinades. It is useful to eat soups with vegetable or fish broth. A substitute for wheat bread is baking made from whole grain flour.

With the hypotonic type of the disease, the menu contains vegetables, fruits containing vitamin C, and carotene. It is beneficial to eat foods that help raise blood pressure. Vegetative-vascular dystonia requires the use of foods:

  • citrus fruit;
  • nuts;
  • cheeses;
  • black chocolate;
  • coffee;
  • cocoa;
  • bananas.

Cardiac vegetative-vascular type of dystonia involves consuming large amounts of foods containing vitamins. This has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, and there is a decrease in the risk of negative health consequences, which eliminates the need to consult a cardiologist. The diet includes:

  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • eggs;
  • onion;
  • eggplant;
  • apricots;
  • peaches;
  • grape;
  • legumes;
  • lean types of meat and fish.


The disorder requires psychotherapeutic help. Effective treatment helps to target the causes. This allows you to get rid of indicators of vegetative-vascular dystonia. In some cases, consultation with a psychiatrist is required.

Spa treatment

An annual holiday in a sanatorium improves your physical and psycho-emotional state. Thanks to this, it is possible to prolong the state of remission. Traveling abroad is not necessary. You can choose a balneological resort in a comfortable climate zone.


Vegetative-vascular dystonia sometimes leads to the most dangerous exacerbations and complications. The development of vegetative crises is possible, observed in half of the cases. Depending on the part of the autonomic system that is affected, crises can be vagoinsular, sympathoadrenal, or mixed.

A sympathoadrenal crisis is called a panic attack. This condition is accompanied by a sharp release of adrenaline in the blood. The abnormal process occurs under the influence of the autonomic system. As the disorder develops, the patient experiences a sharp headache and increased heart rate. Symptoms of cardialgia may appear. The face turns red or pale.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is accompanied by the appearance of symptoms of arterial hypertension, increased heart rate, increased temperature to subfebrile levels, chills, loss of sensation in the limbs, a feeling of severe anxiety and fear, which is taken into account in the diagnosis. The crisis ends as suddenly as it begins and lasts for a short period. After its completion, asthenia develops, polyuria occurs, accompanied by the release of urine of low specific gravity.

Vagoinsular crisis is characterized by criteria opposite to sympathetic effects. In this state, there is a release of insulin in the blood, the glucose level drops sharply, and the activity of the digestive organs increases.

A person’s heart stops, arrhythmia develops, dizziness develops, breathing becomes impaired, a feeling of lack of air appears, the pulse slows down, and blood pressure drops. Symptoms of increased sweating, redness of the skin, general weakness, and darkening of the eyes appear.

The crisis is characterized by increased intestinal motility, causing flatulence, diarrhea, and rumbling in the abdomen. After the end of the attack, pronounced post-crisis asthenia is observed. In most cases, mixed types of crises appear, both parts of the autonomic system are activated.

Doctors treating VSD

In addition to the attending physician, a neurologist, endocrinologist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, and instrumental diagnostic specialists take part in the process of diagnosing VSD. Depending on the symptoms, you may need to consult a specialist doctor - cardiologist, gastroenterologist, pulmonologist, urologist and other related specialties.

At the clinic of JSC “Medicine”, a comprehensive approach allows us to accurately establish the mechanisms of the occurrence and development of VSD, triggers, and timely identify or exclude concomitant pathologies. Doctors of the highest category with many years of experience, doctors of medical sciences, practice here. This is the key to successful treatment, but much depends on the patient himself: how timely he sought qualified medical help, how carefully he followed the doctor’s instructions for diagnosis and treatment.

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