How to make a man chase you: tips on male psychology

Making your chosen one fall in love with you and making him run after you is an interesting, but extremely difficult task. You'll have to be patient and use your imagination to the fullest. So, in this article we will look at various options for how to make “that one,” the person you love, open his heart to you.

You can often notice that at first glance, an inconspicuous, “gray mouse” walks arm in arm with a handsome handsome man, and the first thought that comes to your mind is: why her? The prevalence of such couples proves the following - any girl can achieve and fall in love with a man she likes. According to psychologists, absolutely everyone is capable of being the object of adoration of a worthy partner. And believe me, it’s not about the face or even the figure - only inner confidence and a bit of stubbornness are important!

A woman should be beautiful by default. Now we are not talking about Kardashian forms or about some modern beauty standards. Owners of different types of appearance should not forget about the common concepts of beauty, such as neatness, grooming, a sense of style and leading a healthy lifestyle. These points, which seem insignificant at first glance, can give their owner an enchanting charm that no one can resist.

Next, we want to tell you about 6 stages, thanks to which “He” will fall at your feet:

The ideal girl through the eyes of a man

According to psychologists, there is no ideal. But there are common character traits and appearance features that men like most in girls. It's worth considering them.


Different men have different tastes. Some people like skinny people, others like chubby ones. Some people love redheads, and some love blondes. Therefore, it is difficult to say that there is any universal standard of appearance.


How to interest a man and what can turn him off

But there is one point that plays a big role. This is grooming.

If you don’t know an effective way to make a guy chase you, first pay attention to how you dress, what kind of makeup you use, etc.

Be neat, keep your hair, clothes, hands and shoes clean. Don't waste time on cosmetic procedures. Even if you don’t have enough money for cool masks and scrubs, just put cucumber slices on your face every evening or wipe your skin with an ice cube.


The main traits in a girl’s character that attract men are tenderness and femininity. If you are strong and brave, not all guys will like it. But what if you are used to being self-sufficient? It is important to learn to understand and differentiate roles in life. If your job requires you to be an “iron lady,” that’s normal. But be like that only there. In the company of a guy, become kind, desirable and feminine. If you continue to act independently, a man will begin to perceive you as an equal competitor, and not as a girl who needs to be protected and cherished.

In addition, psychologists say that guys like girls most of all, who can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Like-minded person. Such a girl supports the guy's ideas. He sees his thoughts reflected in her. She is sweet, ready to listen and support, and sometimes even give useful advice.
  2. Ally. This woman shares the interests of the man. She is open and cheerful.
  3. Muse. This is a decent, inaccessible and graceful woman. She inspires with her mere presence. It is important for a guy that such a woman can be introduced to friends and colleagues. I want to respect and be proud of the muse.
  4. Rival. It’s worth saying right away that not all guys like this type of woman. She is independent and strong. Her character can be the envy of many guys. It’s interesting to be with her, because a man wants to compete with her in wisdom and skills. The basis of relationships with her is competition and passion.
  5. Teacher. Such women are chosen by young people who need a mentor. The girl’s character is based on a deep inner world, wisdom and excellent mental abilities.


How to make a man fall in love with you for life: the basics of female pickup

Behavior in society

When a girl is in front of everyone, a guy wants to admire her. Forget about all the difficulties and problems. You must be:

  • cheerful;
  • light;
  • open;
  • smart;
  • tender.

Forget about aggression. Never allow this to happen to you in society. Even if you need to stand up for yourself, maintain your composure. Guys don't like it when a girl uses foul language or discusses someone behind her back, so watch her speech.

So that he runs after you, remain a real lady in public. Correct posture, smile, manners are the best helpers.

Flirt correctly

Flirting is the art of building harmonious relationships, and when performed masterfully by you, it should look like:

  1. Romantic. Be an inaccessible princess that a suitor can only dream of. Your gait, posture, manners – everything is at the level of palace etiquette and makes you stand out from the crowd of nondescript housewives.
  2. Fabulous. Become his firebird. Fulfill your cherished desires. One at a time - as you perform feats. No advances.
  3. Easily. A dull life is the lot of spouses with silver experience. You are still far from this. He should not shoulder the burden of your problems ahead of time. Let him just carry you in his arms for his pleasure.
  4. Incendiary. Arrive on a date as if it were a holiday. In an appropriate weekend outfit and fresh makeup. Come up with a variety of occasions: a clay modeling master class, a selfie on a new bench in a city park, the opening of a coffee shop in the next block. Give your gentleman your sunny mood and radiant smiles. Avoid dating if you are experiencing seasonal depression.
  5. Boldly. Don’t disperse your entire army of fans during the trial period for your new boyfriend. Casting continues! Let him prove himself in conditions of healthy competition. Who said it would be easy?
  6. Ephemeral. Don't voice your plans for your future together. Let him feel the thrill of the moment. Leave the likelihood of your common tomorrow to your own discretion. Inspire him that the first kiss may be the last if you are disappointed.

Basic women's tricks

Every girl has universal tricks in stock that men fall for. It is important to use them correctly to attract guys.

Eroticism in clothes

It’s worth mentioning right away that we are not talking about vulgar dresses or miniskirts. Eroticism in clothing is the ability to emphasize the dignity of a figure.

Everyone has flaws. Some have too wide hips, while others have waist problems. But there’s nothing wrong with that if you know how to choose a wardrobe in such a way as to turn disadvantages into advantages.

When dressing, stick to the main rule - leave room for imagination. A man should want to undress you. But if you flaunt all your charms, the young man will not be able to use his imagination.

Slight arrogance

What does it mean? Arrogance is a feigned manifestation of ostentatious pride. The ability to correctly use this feminine trick awakens in men the desire to prove that they are strong and brave, just to win the heart of the “snow queen.” But it is important not to overdo it. When the guy is already “hooked”, move away from him for a short time.

For example, when he once again invites you for a walk on a day off, answer like this: “You know, I would love to spend time with you today, but I have more important things to do. Maybe next time? I’ll let you know when I have a free evening.” The young man will be taken aback at first, and then he will rack his brains over what kind of business you have, and even more important than going for a walk with him. Even if you don't have plans, stay home and take the evening to yourself. Take a break for a day or two, and then call him and arrange a date.

Common interests

This is something that can bring you closer. Find out what he's interested in and get involved in it. For example, he is an avid fisherman. Watch different videos about fishing techniques, types of bait and other details. At a convenient moment, ask him a few questions about this hobby and insert relevant comments. Make him want to teach you. Unobtrusively ask to go fishing with him so that he can teach you how to fish.


How to seduce a man correctly: fail-safe methods

If such serious hobbies do not inspire you, find calmer ones: computer games, culinary preferences or cinema. Show that you understand his hobbies, then he will want to discuss these topics with you on the same level.

It is important to note that this advice applies even when you want to “cheer up” your husband. Sometimes living under the same roof, people do not have common hobbies. Show a little patience and make the man want to get closer to you.


The ability to flirt comes naturally to some, but most people have to learn it. Flirting is a set of nonverbal and verbal actions that say “I like you.”

Make eye contact, play with your eyes, or wiggle your shoe in a sexy way. All this will carefully send signals to the man, to which he will certainly respond.

Intimate compliments

This trick requires caution. A woman needs strict adherence to all moral standards with the addition of a touch of piquancy. It is important that an intimate compliment is not vulgar.

Use ambiguous phrases to be a little mysterious. But there is no need to talk directly about vulgarities when praising his body. This can be off-putting. In addition, remember that intimate compliments do not always have to hint at sex.

Keep your distance

The main trick of any woman is the ability to become a mystery when everything is transparent and clear. There is no need to strive to become a read book for a man, even if we are talking about finding a way to make a husband run after his wife.

Don’t intrude, don’t talk too much about yourself, and know how to leave at the right time. If you want interest in you to not fade away, leave a sufficient amount of personal space for the man and know how to keep yours. This behavior will definitely allow you to understand how to make a man miss you a lot.

What to do when a man is hooked: basic rules of behavior

Do you want to get a man? Then remember one important thing - if your actions are not sincere, then these rules will not help you. The first thing you need to do is love yourself. There's nothing complicated about it. But it is this step that will allow you to forget about the feeling of loneliness. After you learn to accept and value yourself, begin to follow these rules:


How to make a man think about you: psychology and magic

  • Be mysterious. There is a saying: “A woman without secrets is like a sky without stars.” This is why girls always need to be mysterious. Don't talk about all the secrets and intimate details of life. Instead, be a little mysterious and just give him clues. Imagine that a man is reading you. There are a lot of interesting things on the pages of this “book” and if he begins to explore them gradually, the story will be fascinating. And if you retell it briefly in one evening, interest in you will quickly fade away.
  • Let the “game” be difficult for a man. You always need to whet his interest, so sometimes you need to be a little cruel. This is not because you are a bitch, but because this way the guy will not lose interest in you. The trick is that a young man will soon lose interest if you show that you are easily accessible. But when he has a hard time winning your heart, especially in the beginning, he will appreciate you more.
  • Don't chase a man. If you want a guy to chase you, you should stop chasing him. A young man will not be interested in pursuing a girl who is ready to give herself away immediately. He will likely begin to crave someone who is intriguing and mesmerizing. When he sees that you are cold from everything, he will make more efforts to win you. It's a simple trick, but it always works.
  • No intimacy on first dates. The worst thing you can do is have sex with a man on the first date. If he gets it, he will lose interest completely. Just tell him that you are not ready for this step yet. He will do whatever it takes to get you. In addition, the man will understand that you have a sense of dignity that you value.
  • Be happy. There's no better way to make a guy admire you than to focus on yourself. Show him that you are happy with what you have in life. Truly love what you have. I want to admire happy and joyful people. They attract the same lucky people. It has been scientifically proven that guys have more respect for girls who live their lives and are happy with themselves.
  • Flirt. Believe me, this is necessary. Guys love women who flirt. This is what drives you crazy. Men think that a woman who knows how to flirt will be good in bed and knows how to satisfy. If you want to understand how to make your lover run after you using male psychology, just flirt from time to time.
  • Use reverse psychology. Don't be scared, it's simple. To avoid getting bogged down in complex terminology, imagine the following situation. For example, you broke up with your boyfriend and want to hook your ex-boyfriend again. He says: "Let's remain friends." It’s painful and unpleasant to hear this, but you can’t show emotions. This behavior will immediately scare you away. You need to say: “Yes, of course. I am good. I think this will make it easier for us to communicate.” If you keep in touch regularly, share news and support each other, then it's only a matter of time before a man chases you again.
  • Make sure the young man is free. Trying to figure out how to make a guy run around and get bored, girls often forget to check whether his heart is free. Maybe his thoughts are already occupied with someone else? Find out this in a friendly conversation or from friends.
  • Be the best version of yourself. Don't get hung up on what to do to make the guy mine. Think about why you need this. Be loved? To be happy? The appearance of a man does not always solve these problems. You have you, and only then everyone else. Try to invest more time and resources in yourself. No, this does not mean that you need to become selfish. Just remember, the better you are, the more benefit you can bring to the people and relationships around you.
  • Develop a sense of humor. Relationships aren't just about sex and romance. A man should have fun with you. Know how to make him laugh and cheer him up. Men love women with a sense of humor because life is always more fun with them. When you are in the same group, try to talk about fun things and not mention problems. There is so much bad in the world: problems at work, financial difficulties, wars, etc. Every person suffers from certain difficulties, so it is important to have someone nearby who will allow you to forget about it for a while and just relax.
  • Be patient. Good things don't happen overnight. You should wait some time until the man reacts to your internal and external changes. It’s clear that you want to hug and kiss him now, but control yourself. If you are very persistent and intrusive, his interest will quickly disappear.
  • Correctly ignored. This is one of the oldest pieces of advice. Understanding how to properly ignore a man and not push him away is difficult. Here you need to feel the situation. Why does this work? A man is a conqueror by nature. If something does not obey him, the young man begins to want it more. This is the secret of male psychology. But be careful. If a young man is desperate and wants to share important experiences with you, of course, you should not ignore him in such a situation. But if you are in a large company, try to be in his sight without paying attention to him.

Psychologist's advice

When no methods help, how to make a lover run after him or how to make a husband run after his wife? In such a situation, male psychology and a specialist will help you. Psychologists agree that men like sensitive, gentle, feminine girls who, despite their existing advantages, also look seductive.

Advice one

A girl should look attractive under any conditions. When a man looks at a girl, he should feel admiration and pride that such a lady is next to him.

Tip two

Don't ask your guy to show violent emotions. Young men are by nature stingy with words about love and know how to control their feelings. You can understand their intentions by looking into their burning eyes and tracing their actions.

Tip three

No man will like a hysterical, nervous or overly capricious young lady. Men value their peace, which is why they try to stay away from such ladies.

Tip four

Guys also don’t like girls who constantly force themselves on them. When he has lost interest, there is no need to impose himself, this behavior only irritates the male sex.

Tip five

A girl should always be mysterious. When a girl can be quickly conquered, the guy immediately loses interest and switches his attention to another object in order to conquer it. As a result, the longer you hold on to the intrigue, the longer the man will be attracted to you.

Advice may not always suit everyone. All people are individual, as are their approaches. It is better to act as your heart and mind tell you. If you have your own secrets on how to make a man run after you. Share them in the comments.

Ways to spice up your relationship with your husband

When marriage relationships become cold, partners look not like lovers, but like cohabitants. There can be many reasons for this. But don't despair. Use feminine wisdom and tricks.


How to confess your love to a guy: unusual and romantic ways

Don't grumble or make a scandal, even if you really want to. Try to spice up your relationship with affection. Trust me, it will definitely work. Just be patient and use the following tips:

  • Take care of yourself. Don’t waste your time, even if there is a mountain of unwashed clothes in the bathroom and unwashed dishes in the kitchen. Try to carry out cosmetic procedures when your husband is not at home. You'd rather wash the dishes in front of him than wear an unattractive clay face mask.
  • Greet him from work with a smile. He is tired and wants to return to where he will be welcome. They didn’t blame him for being late if he was late with his comrades. Set the table and ask how his day was. Be attentive and listen to his difficulties, even if he talks about how a defective batch of bearings for equipment was delivered to his enterprise. It doesn't matter, pretend you're interested.
  • Offer him outings for a walk or to a cafe. Even if he resists, try to convince him that 20 minutes of easy walking will relieve his fatigue. If he refuses, smile sweetly and say, “It’s okay, then another time.”
  • Buy yourself a set of beautiful lingerie and ask him for advice. You don’t have to take him to the store with you - men don’t really like that. Use the services of online stores or send him some racy photos from the fitting room.
  • Cook his favorite dishes more often.
  • Offer him a fishing/hunting/picnic trip without you. Yes, exactly without you. Let him go with friends. This way you will show that you care that he is tired and wants to rest.
  • Forget about the commanding tone. The phrases “Go get some potatoes” or “Why didn’t you put your socks in the laundry basket?” kill love and romance. Be wiser, and sometimes more cunning. It’s better to say: “Darling, maybe you’d like to drink a bottle of cool beer? Yes? Then grab a couple kilos of potatoes from the store too.”

Plan to get your ex back

When thoughts ripen in your head about how to quickly return him after a breakup, they often lead to the fact that the girl herself begins to pursue the man. This is definitely not necessary.

To get your ex back, you need to maintain warm, friendly relations with him, and then use the rules described above. Become the one without whom he will be bored and sad. Share his interests, support and reassure him when it is difficult for him. At the same time, it is important to monitor your appearance. Don't wear provocative outfits, but also forget about baggy things.

This will show that he has lost a girl, beautiful and attentive. After a while, he will regret that he decided to leave.

How to get a guy to text first?

In order for a young man you like to take the first step in correspondence, you need to show a commonality of interests . This is easy to do by studying his page and joining interest groups where he is a member. You can leave a comment there or at least like his statements.

The guy will certainly be interested in a girl who shares his opinion. If the goal is to get him to write first after a real meeting, you can, as if by chance, forget your little thing - that’s the reason to write.

It is more difficult to get your loved one to take the first step after a quarrel. Since thoughts are material, you can think hard about a future message from him asking for reconciliation, falling asleep with the phone in your hands.

Basic mistakes

  • Never run after a guy yourself. It is important to be in his sight, but also to be able to maintain a distance.
  • You should never ask your friends for help. You should not send friends to the young man or persuade his acquaintances.
  • You can't be persistent. This will immediately turn off any man.
  • Don't try to humiliate others to make yourself look better compared to them.
  • Don't be vulgar in your clothes or words. Obscene behavior will be repulsive.
  • Don't seem too smart. When you want a guy to run after you, he needs to feel like a man next to you, that is, smart, desirable and strong.
  • You shouldn't demonstrate your independence, even if you know how to hammer nails, move furniture, or earn a lot of money. When you emphasize this, he will begin to think: “She copes well in life on her own.”
  • Don't mock the man or act too arrogant.
  • Know how to leave on time. If your relationship is close to ending, try to make sure that you are not enough for him.
  • Never give yourself up to the rest. Even if you live together for many years, remain a mystery.

It is easier to conquer a man than a woman. Remember the intricacies of psychology and be able to use this knowledge, then any guy will be with you.

Stage 3.

Develop and improve yourself

Magnetic attraction is possessed by those women who do not get stuck in one role, but only conquer new heights, breaking stereotypes. It is important to know what you want and expect from your life. Of course, if you consider yourself an already formed personality, great. But the ideal woman is the one who never stops and never stops developing. Without this, any person begins to degrade. Of course, it also happens that you have already achieved perfection in your career, hobby or any other available areas. In this case, you need to look for new hobbies! Try yourself in something new, there is no limit to perfection, as they say! And best of all, try to deal with your complexes, fears, unpleasant character traits, in the end. In this way, you will not only work out something sagging in you, missing character traits, but also improve yourself and develop a lot of positive qualities. You know, in fact, you can do whatever you want - the main thing is not to stop developing and honing some kind of skill that you understand, that you love.

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