Hatred is... Definition of the concept, types, causes

  • November 22, 2018
  • Psychology of conflict
  • Lera Putina

Hatred is a pretty strong emotional feeling. But what are the reasons for its manifestation? What is hatred towards a person?

Many psychologists argue that every person initially has a need for this feeling, which they fulfill with pleasure. In this article you can learn in more detail what hatred is, what are the reasons for its appearance, what types there are, and much more.


In the field of psychology, there is a definition for each of our feelings. For example, hatred is a long-lasting, negative, intense feeling that reflects hostility, disgust, and also rejection of a particular object. Such an object can be either a specific person or a whole group of people. Hatred is also disgust towards some phenomenon or inanimate object. This emotion can be caused by individual actions of the object, as well as by its inherent qualities. A person may hate an idea that contradicts his values ​​and beliefs, a phenomenon that negatively affects the life of the subject, and also prevents the satisfaction of some needs that are important to him. Hatred is such a strong negative feeling that can be associated with the experience of joy from specific failures of the object. Such aggression may also be associated with the desire to harm a person or with the desire to cause him some harm.

We have figured out what hatred is. But what are the reasons for its manifestation?

Symptoms of the disease

Excessive anxiety syndrome is manifested by a constant desire to look at one’s reflection, assessing one’s appearance, and fear of being photographed. Women who are overly concerned about their appearance constantly ask loved ones about their defects and try to hide them.

The development of dysmorphophobia syndrome affects all areas of life, because the patient loses interest in study, work, and tends to social isolation. In the absence of treatment, as a rule, excessive passion for sports and diets appears. Women are starting to save money for surgical operations. Problems that may occur include:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • loss of concentration;
  • panic attacks;
  • searching for ways to get rid of existing defects.

In women, symptoms include using a lot of cosmetics and choosing oversized clothing to hide imperfections. It is important to start treatment as soon as possible. Psychotherapy is necessary, and sometimes medication is also required.


Quite often a feeling of hatred arises over the smallest and most insignificant reasons. It was the appearance of irrationality of such reasons that prompted psychologists to put forward the idea of ​​​​the initial need of every person for hostility. This feeling can easily arise for an external reason. War, as well as other types of public and social conflicts, are quite often accompanied by a certain propaganda that kindles anger between people. Fear and hatred of an incomprehensible, alien way of life, values ​​and customs often provokes serious crimes directed against a specific group of people or an individual.

In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that hostility can appear in a person even towards his own self if the individual feels that he does not reach the necessary level of his own claims. In each specific case, it is necessary to find the true reason for such a destructive attitude towards a specific object of hatred, after which the conflict that has arisen may be resolved, and hostile emotions will become quieter.

Signs of a misanthrope

A misanthrope has three main distinguishing features: rejection of social norms and foundations, opposition to humanity, and the ability to contact an extremely limited circle of people. Misanthropy, unlike sociopathy, is not a pathology. These people are capable of empathy and self-control. Despite all the hatred towards people, they cannot live outside of society.

Misanthropes need society

Without others you are nothing. The most bitter misanthrope needs people, if only in order to despise them.

Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach, Austrian writer.

Love and hate

It is generally accepted that these concepts are absolutely opposite to each other, and they are called antonyms. However, when considering what hatred of a person and love are, you should pay attention to the fact that in different cultures of the world these emotions are inextricably linked and represent a kind of unity. Even Sigmund Freud spoke about the duality in the nature of these emotions. This psychoanalyst believed that in close relationships it is simply impossible to avoid conflicts that are generated by various contradictions. Other psychologists say that the simultaneous manifestation of love and hatred in humans is associated with physical and mental mechanisms that provide both animals and people with the ability to deeply personal relationships, and are also a natural tendency towards hostility and aggression.

The close connection between these two concepts may lie in the fact that the more an object has in common with another person, the more closely they will be connected to each other, and, accordingly, the stronger the involvement in the relationship. Thanks to this conflict between, for example, close people, there is always greater passion and rage than between strangers. The lack of common interests and traits forces the opponent to perceive the other more objectively.

Misanthrope sign

Zodiac signs have their own leaders of misanthropy.

  • Scorpio is considered the main introvert. Representatives of this constellation are so contradictory that their behavior frightens others. A good sense of humor, charisma and vibrant sexuality are combined with extreme aggressiveness. Such qualities attract only thrill-seekers.
  • Cancers tend to ignore all social norms. Cancer gives the impression of being a sensitive person, but in reality he only loves himself. This sign is capable of empathy, sympathy and pity.
  • Geminis do not disdain anything for the sake of their victory in an argument. For them, only their opinion is important. The manipulative abilities of this sign are amazing. It makes people feel guilty even for things they didn’t do.


What is hatred? The definition of this concept also divides it into several varieties. The feeling of irresistible disgust can be provoked by anything. Based on the object of this feeling, several varieties can be distinguished. For example, scientists highlight hatred of men. Psychology also knows cases of such negative emotions in children. As a rule, it is directed towards parents after the appearance of a brother or sister in the family. In psychology, it is customary to call the occurrence of this emotion in a child “the feeling of Cain.”

Hatred and fear are also closely related. People experience hostility towards an object that may harm them, as it seems at first glance. Such manifestations of negative feelings in some cases become insurmountable. Psychologists distinguish several types of pathology:

  1. Misogamy, which is an acute aversion to marriage.
  2. Misandry, which is a woman's hostility towards the opposite sex.
  3. Misogyny, which is the hatred and fear of men towards the opposite sex.
  4. Misopedia, which is disgust towards young children, including your own.

Many experts argue that the more educated a person is, the less reason he will have to feel hatred towards someone or something. Such a manifestation of feelings is the prerogative of individuals with the lowest level of intelligence, as well as with a weak will.

Treatment of dysmorphophobia

To treat dysmorphophobia in adolescents, women and men, narrowly focused psychotherapy is used. As a rule, during an exacerbation of depression, drug therapy is prescribed. It is possible to use antidepressants and tranquilizers to prevent suicide attempts, reduce anxiety and stabilize the condition.

At the second stage of treatment, psychotherapy sessions begin. Experts say that it is impossible to convince a woman or a man that their thoughts are wrong. Therefore, work is being done to accept one’s appearance. Plastic surgery or strict diets should absolutely not be allowed, as this leads to an exacerbation of the syndrome.

Treatment of dysmorphophobia is most often carried out on an outpatient basis; in advanced cases, hospitalization is possible. This is necessary if psychotherapy does not help, there have been suicide attempts, or the patient secretly continues to try to change himself. Treatment in a hospital allows you to isolate the patient from the effects of negative factors and eliminate the risks of worsening the condition.


Let's continue to look at the definition of the word "hate". Psychologists and scientists identify another term. It's called "social hatred." What is this phenomenon? Some believe it is a feeling of disgust and hostility experienced by a group of people. In this case, the object that causes negative emotions does not play any role. Others say that the definition of enmity, hatred of social groups is called precisely that, that it is directed at a specific group of people or at a specific person as a representative of a given community. The target of hostility can be any socially relevant characteristic, such as race, gender, nationality, age, sexual orientation, and much more. In the field of sociology, the term “intolerance” is used to denote this kind of hatred. There is also the most narrow understanding of such a subject. In some cases, social hatred is called class hostility. Racial and religious strife are excluded.

Social hatreds are based on differences between specific groups, and they are given an inevitable leading role in the conflict. Lifestyle, different appearance, cultural values ​​are most often the reason for inciting serious confrontations. It is interesting to note that the degree of these differences does not play any role. Anger between close, related, culturally similar groups, for example, peoples, states or religious denominations, manifests itself more fiercely than, for example, between communities that are strangers to each other.

Misanthrope who is this?

The misanthrope does not despise specific people, but the human race as a whole. Social norms and rules of behavior seem to him to be dogmas imposed from the outside. The emotions and behavior of the majority of people, according to the misanthrope, are nothing more than a manifestation of stupid herd instincts. Reproaching law-abiding members of society for their inability to think and be responsible for their judgments, such a person becomes irritated at any contact with the “cattle”.

Solitary hermit in society

The average misanthrope is not a solitary hermit who completely avoids human society. Usually he has a very narrow circle of friends, and the relationships in this circle are warm and sincere.


So, we have looked at the concept of fear, love and hatred in psychology. However, here psychologists also highlight another term. These are hate crimes. This concept usually refers to violations that were committed under the influence of some kind of disgust towards certain groups of the population. Most often, this classification increases the severity of the offense committed. On the territory of the Russian Federation, national, religious, and racial intolerance are also aggravating factors.

Considering the peculiarity of a human hate crime in psychology, experts also note that deliberate actions that are aimed at causing rejection of each other to arise between groups of people are considered a crime, and that this manifestation of hostile feelings must be suppressed at the legislative level. For example, in our country, propaganda of hostility towards certain social groups is a criminal offense.

What does it mean to hate yourself

Photo by Anna Shvets: Pexels
A neutral and objective definition of self-hatred is this: it is the strongest expression of a person’s self-denial and, therefore, the exact opposite of self-love. This goes far beyond the pure self-doubt that can often be associated with it, but it hardly compares to real self-contempt.

Even if this statement is completely true in terms of content, it hardly gives any idea of ​​the consequences of self-hatred for those who suffer from it. Anyone who hates himself lives every second with painful thoughts and feelings that he himself is bad and is to blame for everything that happens to him.

What makes the situation worse is the thought: “I don’t deserve better.” It’s especially unpleasant: you can’t just avoid self-hatred. Problems with other people can be resolved through discussion - or contact with them is stopped as much as possible. Not an option if you hate yourself.

So, self-hatred means daily struggle in all areas of life. Regardless of who a person is and what his merits are, rejection of everything achieved is a constant companion and affects every thought, every feeling and every decision.

How to stop hating yourself?

I can't get what I want

How is hatred towards a person born? In psychology, it is believed that initially a certain touch appears when communicating with another person. Then, from this point of contact, differences begin to be felt. Systemic vector psychology explains that, firstly, all people have different vectors, that is, everyone wants to achieve something different. Secondly, quite often everyone wants something just for themselves.

Many people want goodness, happiness and joy, the fulfillment of their own desires, and if this is not given, then people begin to feel evil. There is a feeling that others hate you. If a person wants to get something and doesn’t get it, then the world outside becomes guilty, and the individual justifies himself.

It is necessary to identify the main reason for one’s own aggression and hatred. If you have a similar feeling, then you need to determine, identify that moment, understand what specific internal pain or lack of something makes you experience such feelings. We must try to understand our own desires, what exactly is missing in life.

Types of aggression

The feeling of hatred is expressed differently for everyone. The following types of aggression are known:

  1. Physical and verbal aggression. This type is used when trying to solve problems with fists, threats and insults.
  2. Direct and indirect aggression. In the first case, the negative is sent directly to the recipient. In the second, the object is influenced indirectly - through jokes or dirty gossip.
  3. Internal and external aggression. Anger can be directed both at oneself (internal) and at others (external).

How to overcome hatred towards a person?

If a person sees another, then he begins to perceive him as if through himself. For example, some are able to switch quickly and also adapt to changing conditions. If a person sees similar properties in another person, then he is pleasant, sympathetic, and understandable. If one sees in the other a thorough individual, then he perceives him as inhibited, who does everything slowly and cannot budge.

Thus, hatred towards others does not arise out of nowhere. Everyone explains and rationalizes on their own. Some begin to justify themselves, to find a rational reason why they hate another person, for example, someone who is very slow. At the same time, people do not understand that they differ from each other in their content. But what can be done in this case? How to change your perception?

A true perception of another person without hatred will arise when you perceive him not through your own attitude, but understand the structure of his behavior and psyche. It is necessary to identify what is important to him and why, how specifically he manifests himself in secret love towards you, in what form, what he really wants, how he lives, why he is not able to live differently.

Hatred can also go away when a person stops focusing only on himself and his own needs, satisfying hunger. It is necessary to learn to gain the skill of enjoying the speed of the return of your own natural talents and properties in relation to others.

How to overcome your own hatred towards other people? The best thing is to learn to identify them and your desires. Understanding the properties of the psyche can give a signal, a guide to how you can succeed among other people. This begins to release energy, fulfillment and joy arise, hatred goes away. As a rule, people filled with joy are unable to hate.

Famous misanthropes

The most famous misanthropes are Friedrich Nietzsche and Arthur Schopenhauer. Schopenhauer expressed his hatred of humanity in his manifesto. One of the main postulates of this “creation” is to win maximum personal space, disrespect and indifference to other people. Nietzsche was concerned with the idea of ​​the superman. It is he who owns the most blasphemous thesis in the history of mankind: “God is dead.”

Portrait of Arthur Schopenhauer

Adolf Hitler believed that the “best” race was capable of realizing his plans for reorganizing the planet. The Fuhrer understood justice in a unique way: in order to improve the world, he needed to reduce the world's population by at least half.

Of course, there are less destructive examples. There are many outstanding thinkers and philosophers among misanthropes. For example, the insufferable Jean-Jacques Rousseau gave the world brilliant creations. Musician Stephen Patrick Morrissey hated people, but treated “our little brothers” with love. The brilliant composer P.I. avoided contact with people. Tchaikovsky, and the famous traveler N.M. Przhevalsky treated some nations with hostility.

Mizantpops are found even among representatives of public professions. Just remember the actor Bill Murray.


Diagnosis of aggression and its causes is carried out by a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, or clinical psychologist. Of particular interest are cases of determining the tendency to aggression during examinations, when the patient may have a desire to hide undesirable qualities. In such situations, in addition to standard diagnostic procedures, experimental methods are used, during which influences that provoke hostility are carried out. The following procedures are used as part of the baseline study:

  • Survey.
    During the conversation, the doctor finds out the reasons for the aggressiveness, its duration, severity, and justification. Patients are not always critical of changes in their behavior, therefore, to obtain more objective information, a survey of relatives (accompanying persons) is carried out, and characteristics from school and place of work are requested.
  • Observation.
    A tendency to aggressive reactions manifests itself during a medical consultation: patients are irritable, quick-tempered, and rude. They answer unpleasant questions with abuse, and easily move on to accusations, quarrels, and scandals. Observation in a hospital setting provides a more complete picture of patient behavior. As a rule, they show verbal and physical aggression and become instigators of quarrels with medical staff and other patients.
  • Psychodiagnostic testing.
    Personality questionnaires make it possible to quantify the severity of aggressiveness, determine its position in the structure of character, and its combination with other qualities, for example, impulsiveness. The Bass-Darki test (Diagnostics of the state of aggression), A. Assinger test (assessment of aggressiveness in relationships) is used. Projective techniques are effective for identifying hidden aggression: the hand test, the Rosenzweig test.
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