Self-knowledge: stages, essence and the very goal for a person

Self-knowledge in a person’s life begins almost from birth. This process is quite complex in its structure. It is present in every age period of a person, but the degree of its severity varies. Self-knowledge most often intensifies during adolescence and youth. But in old age it declines, but there are exceptions.

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Results of self-knowledge and the process of self-knowledge

In the course of self-knowledge, a person gets to know himself. This knowledge can be divided into groups. For example, emotions, character traits, behavioral characteristics, intellectual properties. They are also called constructs. They form a self-image, on the basis of which the self-concept is formed.

If we highlight the general results of self-knowledge, then this is a sense of personal competence. What does it consist of? The first is the feeling that we are all similar, i.e. identical. And the second is that we accept ourselves entirely and completely, with pros and cons, positive and negative qualities. A person does not resist himself, while he has a desire to grow, develop and change something in himself, but this happens gradually.

As feelings of identity and self-acceptance emerge, self-esteem emerges. This feeling expresses the degree of sympathy a person has for himself.

And, identity, self-esteem and self-acceptance contribute to a sense of self-competence. How does it manifest itself? In the fact that a person accepts himself, his characteristics, he can make important decisions himself and determine his destiny.

The structure of self-awareness and self-concept

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As a result of self-knowledge, a person’s system of ideas about himself is created, called the Self-concept. This is a fairly stable formation, recorded in verbal form. The self-concept is divided into three components:

  1. Cognitive. It comes down to a person’s awareness (correct or not) of his characteristics over a long period of his life. For example, if someone considers himself strong, this does not mean that he is currently carrying heavy things. It’s just that in the process he realized that he was able to lift difficult objects. Moreover, perhaps he is not really strong at all. I just felt like this after the first successes appeared in the gym.
  2. Estimated. Based on perceived characteristics, a person analyzes their modality.
  3. Behavioral. The objective component of the “I” concept. Describes what actually happens.

Self-knowledge allows you to understand your true personality

Interesting. G.E. Zalessky identifies two components of self-concept: cognitive and motivational. The first determines the content of a person’s ideas about himself, the second determines a person’s self-esteem, goals, motives, and emotions.

The process of self-discovery

The process of self-knowledge is a complete awareness of oneself, character, and essence. By the way, it is self-knowledge that distinguishes a person from other inhabitants of our planet, for example, animals. In all beliefs and religious movements, self-knowledge is defined as a means of recognizing and understanding one’s community with God. This is especially evident in Eastern religions.

It is quite simple and clear that a person determines his life path. Chooses between several options, sets a goal, performs actions, interacts with others. Thanks to this, he begins to be an interesting person, both to those around him, and he begins to enjoy spending time with himself.

Meaning and general characteristics

The definition of “self-awareness” includes the study of personal characteristics, awareness of one’s deeper essence, as well as mental and physical abilities.

Self-knowledge is a serious need that only humans experience. This is the process of learning one’s potential and actual capabilities, personal, intellectual qualities, character traits, and one’s relationships with other people.

For some, self-awareness does not take much time: it happens in one moment. And for others, it takes years, decades, and sometimes their entire lives to define themselves in this world.

In science, this definition is best explained in psychology. It helps to identify the semantic functions of self-knowledge. For example, in psychology the following facets of self-awareness are distinguished:

  • criterion of a psychologically healthy personality;
  • a way to achieve inner harmony and psychological maturity;
  • the path of self-development and self-realization of the individual.

All these functions are interconnected and help to create a holistic portrait of a mature and healthy person.

Self-knowledge helps resolve conflicts and understand the motives of one’s own actions. Through self-knowledge, a person learns to manage his life.

Only through knowledge does a person become an individual, find happiness and share it with the people around him.

In the process of self-awareness, creative abilities develop, the individual finds new ways to solve problems that are based on mutual understanding, empathy and mutual assistance.

The definition of “self-awareness” has several meanings:

  1. Religious. Here this is a means that helps to achieve unity with God, to realize the Divine principle in oneself.
  2. Everyday. Here this is a way to make the most extensive use of your abilities, this is a method with which you can control other people.
  3. Psychological. Here it is a means that helps to gain psychological health, inner harmony and maturity.

Psychologists and philosophers agree that self-awareness is initially an instinctive process, while conscious perception is a product of life experience.

Ways of self-knowledge

  • Self-observation is considered the beginning of the entire process of self-knowledge. During it, a person observes himself. Using this method, a person increases his awareness. Here you must focus on what is happening inside you, on what feelings you are experiencing.
  • Introspection. When you analyze yourself, you look at your behavior and reactions. You are trying to understand why you did what you did and nothing else. Psychologically, self-analysis is considered the most difficult.
  • Comparison. Here a person, willy-nilly, compares himself with others. This is their nature. As a result of comparisons, a person gets to know himself better.
  • Self-acceptance. Here a person accepts himself completely and without reserve. He is aware of his strengths and weaknesses and is ready to improve himself.

Types of self-knowledge

There are several types of self-knowledge. Among them:

  • Analytical – has a connection with the activities of our mind;
  • Creative – connected with our feelings;
  • Spiritual – associated with our religion, faith.

There are also indirect self-knowledge (when a person analyzes his own behavior) and direct self-knowledge (self-observation).

Analytical self-knowledge

Analytical self-knowledge occurs as a result of knowing oneself and observing oneself. A written analysis during self-observation helps to get to know yourself better. For example, keeping personal diaries. Another way is self-confession. In this case, you need to tell yourself about yourself. Sometimes this can be quite difficult, because defense mechanisms come into play. A psychologist can help here. But reflection is different from confession, because you will simply observe the process, without any assessment of yourself.

Human creative self-knowledge

Such self-knowledge allows you to get to know yourself better through games, going to the theater, general activities and social events. For example, playing in the theater. It has a positive effect on the psyche because internal resistance disappears. After all, this is a game, and the person there is an actor. This is where deep self-knowledge occurs.

Spiritual self-discovery

In this type of self-knowledge, a person chooses a certain method of spiritual self-knowledge. This could be yoga or spiritual practices. And using this method he begins to get to know himself, to analyze his own actions.


In conclusion, I would like to appeal to the reader - after reading this article, get up from your chair and start acting. Many people don’t know how to find their purpose, spending days and days wasting their lives. If you want to achieve a little more than eternal work in a factory or office and boring everyday life - take action now! Read books, travel, analyze yourself. Life is not given to throw resources into the void - a person must improve. Self-development and self-knowledge are the key to conquering the world, but many of us don’t think about it, drawing boundaries between work, home and store. Develop, explore the world, comprehend new areas of life, and one day you will become an ideal for many others.

Topic: Personal growth, Self-realization

Stages of self-knowledge

A person gets to know himself throughout his life. At each age stage, corresponding stages of self-knowledge occur.

  1. Self-recognition

Self-recognition is the initial stage of knowing yourself. It begins almost from the moment of birth. The child understands that he lives as a separate person. Look in the mirror, he recognizes himself.

  1. Self-concept

Self-concept is a person’s very stable understanding of himself and his characteristics. This concept is formed in the process of various life events.

  1. Self-esteem

Self-esteem determines how significant a person is to himself, how important his activities are, recognizing all the pros and cons. Here, the achievements of the person himself and his assessment by the people around him occupy a significant position.

Values ​​in self-knowledge through yoga practice

Thanks to yoga and various spiritual practices, people can understand their inner world and become more aware of themselves. In yoga there are several steps that you need to go through. Thus, a whole list is formed, thanks to which a person has his values ​​in order; a special place there is occupied by spiritual values, to which he strives throughout his life.

Need for self-knowledge

People often ask questions about the meaning of life and true values. How can a person understand himself and those around him? Such questions are the basis for the need for oneself. This need is inherent in every person. People are in an eternal search for the meaning of life; it comes first for them. After all, until we understand the meaning of life, we will not learn to understand ourselves.

Inner peace and self-knowledge

Where is the meaning of life? It is logical that it is inside us, not outside. When we understand this, our lives begin to change. From here appear monks who sell their Mercedes and say goodbye to their past life. It's not that simple here. Such people choose the path of spirituality, not because they feel like it right now, but in a week they will return back to their normal life. Here we are talking about the fact that they follow the path of spirituality throughout their lives.

Personal growth as a stage of self-knowledge

As a person develops, his or her level of self-knowledge increases. For example, at the beginning the child learns to distinguish himself from other people. Further, as he grows up, he develops beliefs about himself. And then he finds motivation that encourages him to improve his life and develop.

Developing Self Awareness

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Different scientists have different views on the problem of improving this quality. For example, V.M. Bekhterev believed that self-awareness in a child is formed even earlier than consciousness. S. L. Rubinstein was convinced that self-awareness develops in the process of mastering speech and making the first attempts to act independently. Simply put, the onset occurs at the age of 2-3 years.

Self-knowledge begins with the child understanding the boundaries of his body. The stage begins in one year. We can assume that from this age self-awareness begins to form. A one-year-old child demonstrates independence in manipulating objects. A little later, self-recognition appears - this is the ability to understand that the reflection in the mirror is oneself.

Self-knowledge - studying your thoughts

Around the age of three, a child learns to use the pronoun “I”. He can also give himself the simplest characteristic – “good”.

Subsequently, the intellect is actively formed, thanks to which the ability to evaluate (first other people, then oneself) is acquired. Self-esteem still depends on the opinions of adults. A preschooler learns to be aware of himself in time.

The following neoplasms are typical for primary school age:

  1. Self-esteem tends to become more relevant and differentiated. A boy or girl distinguishes between his physical and mental traits, evaluates his own abilities based on the results of others.
  2. At the end of primary school age, the child increasingly describes characteristic behavior and can refer to thoughts and feelings characteristic of his inner world.
  3. Assessments acquire stability, objectivity, and begin to have not only an affective, but also a rational component.

In adolescence, self-awareness gradually becomes the same as in adults. This period is characterized by a large number of neoplasms, in particular the following:

  1. Two new forms of self-awareness gradually emerge: a sense of maturity and a self-concept. The teenager begins to feel like an adult.
  2. Interest in one’s own inner world, which leads to the complication of the processes of self-knowledge. Simply put, during adolescence, a person begins to explore himself.
  3. Self-esteem is generally low and unstable, but can be excessively high (as a compensation mechanism). One of the reasons for this is the attitude of adults as if they were a child, although the person no longer feels like one.

Important ! The process of forming self-awareness is not limited to adolescence. This is an endless process that continues until the end of life.

Methods of self-knowledge

Self-knowledge occurs at the moment when a person begins to realize that he is different from others. What methods does the person use?

  • Personality modeling. This method detects emotions. Positive and negative emotions and feelings towards people that contribute to successful cooperation or provoke conflicts. This method allows you to assess your position in the world around you.
  • Method of unity of antipodes. Thanks to this method, a person understands that he has a positive attitude towards someone and a negative attitude towards someone. You definitely notice that you behave differently with different people.

The importance of self-knowledge in human life

In youth, a person sets high goals for himself, realizing that self-awareness is the path to enlightenment. By acquiring social status, duties and responsibilities, a person may lose the nobility of impulses that previously gave meaning to life. And existence itself becomes commonplace. At such a moment, it is important to be able to find positive aspects where previously only negativity was observed. This gives additional strength to accept these properties and plays a very important role in improving oneself. A person who is aware of himself as a person is familiar with his own characteristics, differences from others, and can make comparisons. All this will improve the understanding that self-knowledge is the path to enlightenment.

Means of self-knowledge

Knowing the methods of self-knowledge, a person begins to use means of self-knowledge that help him develop his spiritual world. Such tools help you better begin to understand yourself.

  1. The first means is self-report. You can start a personal diary or blog where you can analyze the changes taking place in your life.
  2. Cinema, books, theater. It is necessary to read, go to shows, developing spirituality.
  3. Attending social and psychological events. Trainings help you to know yourself better.
  4. Don't be afraid to consult a psychologist. This is not a doctor, he will simply help you understand yourself better.

Self-knowledge and self-esteem

Self-esteem is one of the components of self-knowledge. A person evaluates himself and builds his own value system. Self-esteem can be normal (adequate), underestimated or overestimated.

It's no secret that arrogant people are too self-confident and have low self-criticism. Low self-esteem causes timidity, making a person withdrawn and shy. And adequate self-esteem allows a person to be confident in himself and evaluate his capabilities and strengths without distortion.

Self-concept theory as a stage of self-knowledge

When a person has formed an idea of ​​himself, it is called self-concept. It includes: the personal “I” and the social “I”. The first shows how a person sees himself. And the second is how other people understand it.

This theory is based on two aspects: the desire to come into harmony with oneself and the opportunity to raise one’s self-esteem.

Self-concept has 2 vectors:

  • objective is how we perceive ourselves in our lives;
  • aspirational is a desired image of how we want to be perceived.

A person will always strive for the desired image in his life. This image can be based on a person in the past and at the present moment. Now the person has achieved significant results. Over time, the distance between the desired and the actual will shrink until it disappears.


The philosophers of Antiquity were the first to see the beginning of philosophy in Self-Knowledge. According to legend, the commandment “know yourself” is the fruit of the joint conclusions of the seven great sages of Ancient Greece. This same problem became the core of Socrates' teaching. According to Socrates, constant turning inside one’s own “I” is a way to maintain a harmonious balance between soul and body. And the one who does not know himself is not able to conduct business, become happy, or make others happy.

Representatives of different philosophical schools developed different aspects of self-knowledge and interaction of the individual with the world. The medieval Father of the Church, St. Augustine, believed that immersion in oneself is necessary to search for traces of God, and not for individual traits of one’s personality. In general, in religious philosophy, self-knowledge was recognized as impossible without the practice of numerous religious teachings, ascetic asceticism, and the mystical experience of spiritual prayer.

The topic of self-knowledge was considered and discussed in the works of the founder of the Taoist tradition, Lao Tzu, Buddhist sages, Confucian and Arab philosophers. But representatives of Western and Eastern philosophical schools approached the study of the issue from different points of view. From the perspective of both traditions, the “I” knows itself as if from the outside, going beyond its own limits. But the East views a person as a part of the world, and the West associates self-knowledge with the autonomy of the “I” from the environment.

The representative of Western applied philosophy of modern times, Rene Descartes, considered the problem of self-knowledge as a task that can be scientifically posed and solved. The English philosopher-theorist J. Locke interpreted self-understanding as observation of one's own experience. But no philosophical school paid such attention to the issue of self-knowledge as German classical philosophy. The most cited and respected works are those of Kant, Fichte, Hegel, and Schelling.

Despite its venerable age, the problem of self-knowledge is also relevant in modern philosophy. The Russian physiologist I.M. Sechenov considered the reflex activity of the brain to be the basis for all acts of cognition. The French psychologist Janet recognized the impossibility of knowing one’s “I” without social interaction. The founder of psychoanalysis, S. Freud, paid more attention to the issue of knowledge of the unconscious.

In the 50s of the 20th century, A. Maslow and K. Rogers formulated the self-concept of personality, which in the 80-90s became the basis for psychological science. The focus of self-knowledge gradually shifted from issues of consciousness to managing one’s own behavior, understanding and predicting one’s own life.

In the XX-XXI centuries, two interrelated sciences that study self-knowledge have become relevant: psychology and philosophy. And man’s awareness of his existence is recognized as a component of his existence and development.

Self-discovery exercises

These exercises allow you to better understand yourself. Thanks to them, a person improves himself.

For example, you can perform the exercise “4 squares of the psychology of consciousness.” You need to divide a sheet of paper into 4 squares. In the first you need to write your positive traits and qualities, in the third you need to write what you think are negative qualities. Then you need to write in the adjacent squares the antipodes of these qualities, completely opposite. You need to be as honest with yourself as possible and understand that there are no absolutely ideal people and personality traits. You should improve yourself and focus on the positives while working on the negatives.

Books for self-knowledge

In conclusion, we invite you to get acquainted with a selection of books about self-knowledge. They will help those who are already engaged in the study of self-knowledge, as well as those who are just starting.

  1. Colin Tipping "Radical Forgiveness";
  2. Jen Sincero "NOT SY";
  3. Eric Berne "Games People Play" People who play games";
  4. John Gray "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus";
  5. Viktor Frankl “Say Yes to Life!”;
  6. Kate Peterson “Live and Learn”;
  7. Richard Bach "Illusions".
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