The path of life is... Definition and essence of the concept

­­Essay example 1 Can everyone find their own path in life?

Probably every person is in constant search of his life path. Analyzing the events that have happened in life, a person asks questions about self-identification in this world. Everyone is trying to find the so-called “their path in life,” namely what is destined for them by fate. This raises the question: can every person find his own way in this world?

In order to find the answer to the question posed, let us turn to the work of the Russian writer Ivan Bunin “The Gentleman from San Francisco”.

This story shows us the image of a man who worked tirelessly for his goal throughout his life. His aspirations were aimed at obtaining material wealth. The main character believed that security in his life was higher than moral values. After achieving his goal, the protagonist decides to relax with his family on the ship, but during the journey the main character unexpectedly dies. It would seem that death is a terrible incident that should have shocked the workers and guests of the ship. However, life on the ship continues as usual: tourists have fun and avoid the fact of human death. It is worth noting that in this work the main character does not have a name. The author specifically shows us that no matter how rich a person is, material wealth cannot guarantee the presence of a soul. Before death, everyone is equal: both rich people and poor people. Money remains only on earth, but memories of a person are eternal. But what memories can remain of a person who doesn’t even have a name? The life path of a person who has set the wrong priorities in his life will be empty. This is exactly the idea that Ivan Bunin presents to us in “The Gentleman from San Francisco.”

Thus, a person’s life path directly depends on the priorities he sets.
Everyone has the right to decide for themselves how to fill their existence in this world. We only live once, but if you find your way in this life, then even once will be enough. Essay example 2

What is a life path

Ultimately it is the life that a person lives. Why the path? Life is constant movement and development. That’s why they say that life is a path, a road that a person needs to go through. Like any road, it has two points: the beginning - birth, and the end - death. The further a person moves along this path, the greater his knowledge base. The more he learns, the wiser he becomes, the shorter the path that remains for him to travel.

Its duration depends on health, the confluence of many circumstances and the intersection of human destinies. The quality of life's journey is directly proportional to the efforts a person makes in achieving his goals.

Order in desires speeds up the search

A powerful trigger to success is a clear, specific goal. Often it becomes a cure for these problems. But giving birth to her is not as easy as it might seem. Especially at the junction of important phases.

If the main difficulty in finding purpose is formulating the goal itself, then practices tested by teachers will help. Their basis is information. The more information the brain receives about the structure of the world and society, the easier it begins to see all possible paths and options for their implementation.

Information comes from books and numerous web resources. But not only. Just a previously unknown experience can be no less of a revelation. For example, traveling to a completely different country. Or participation in an unexpected event. And of course, a very large supply of necessary knowledge comes from close communication with different people, in addition to your close circle.

At the same time, using only one source of information makes the search one-sided and not always effective. It's better to use all methods.

As you gain knowledge, wanting to choose the right path in life, you should regularly ask yourself 3 questions:

  1. What do I do best?
  2. What am I truly capable of doing (actions)?
  3. To what extent will I go in search of the meaning of life?

As meaningful answers to these questions begin to emerge, the purpose of life itself will begin to emerge. 6 more important questions of fate will help you finally grasp it, revealing how to choose the right path in life in any condition.

Different views on the path traveled by man

Realists argue that the choice of life path always remains with the person. Everything he achieves in this life is the result of effort, knowledge, and movement towards the chosen goal. Most would agree with this. People who have set a specific goal in life and, despite the obstacles moving towards it, always achieve it. But each of the realists will agree that situations and events happen in life that are completely independent of human will. They make their own adjustments to life. What is this - completely understandable or the fate of fate from which you cannot escape?

Mystics generally believe that a person’s life is programmed by someone in advance, but is not protected from the influence of life circumstances. This can be confirmed by negative events that haunt a person throughout his life. But psychologists give this their own explanation and name - “stuck” emotions. If they are negative, then by creating negative energy around themselves, they also attract similar events to themselves. But what “stuck” emotions can explain wars, disasters, accidents, and other incidents? This means there is something from above.

Option 2

(406 words) Every time we come to a crossroads, we ask ourselves: “Is the path of life really a permanent choice?” And the answer is always affirmative, you need to determine the direction, because you can’t stand at the crossroads forever. Even if we try to stop, life itself will drive us forward, but it will decide for us what will happen next. This pattern is confirmed by numerous examples from the literature.

Let us turn in the play by A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard". The heroes of the tragicomedy wanted to refrain from making a choice, slow down the passage of time and remain in an uncertain position, but they did not succeed. So, Gaev and Ranevskaya did not want to lose their estate, but they also had no desire to save it. They had to choose between the method proposed by Lopakhin and selling the estate at auction. They never decided until the start of the auction, avoiding responsibility in every possible way. On the one hand, the owners of the cherry orchard regretted the beauty of the flowering trees and the memories associated with their estate. They could not give up the territory for dacha development. On the other hand, they did not have a chance to buy the land and they knew it. What did this wait-and-see attitude lead to? To the loss of real estate. Ranevskaya and Gaev did not get rid of the need to choose; they only entrusted their worries to fate, which itself disposed of their property. This example convinces us that it is impossible to avoid responsibility for making decisions.

But fortune rewards those who take fate into their own hands and determine the direction themselves. Let us recall an example from the work of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". The main character never waited for the weather by the sea, but acted at his own discretion, no matter what happened. Even on the scaffold, Pyotr Grinev chose his oath without hesitation. He did not hope for a miracle, did not waste time, but immediately decided what would happen to him next. His courage and honesty inspired Pugachev’s respect, and he, remembering Peter’s service and gift, pardoned him. But even then Grinev did not go to his service. The hero also showed determination when he received a letter asking for help from Marya. He risked his life going to her rescue, but he never doubted for a minute that he was doing the right thing. Peter was not mistaken this time either. He saved Marya, preserved himself and did not betray his homeland. It is this kind of active life position that leads people to success, because they understand that choice is inevitable.

Thus, each of us is forced to decide our own destiny and choose the path that corresponds to our goals and moral guidelines. Without this, it is impossible to live the way you want, because for a doubting and indecisive person who is afraid of responsibility, the road develops by chance. He goes with the flow and chooses fate for him.

Philosophical view

From the point of view of philosophy, the path of life is considered as the history of the formation and formation of a person, personality. It should be noted that not every person becomes a personality in the process of formation. It all depends on the significance and eventfulness of his path. Here, too, everything begins with birth and ends with the transition to another world.

Some philosophers interpret the concept of “life path” a little differently. Explaining everything by the sequence of passing through certain stages of human change, becoming a person. These are infancy, childhood, adolescence, youth, maturity, old age, old age. Each has its own significant events and leaves an indelible mark on a person’s life.

There are many other definitions of the concept “life path”, but all of them, one way or another, come down to the above concepts. This is a person’s passage through all stages of the path from birth to death, his evolution, his significance in the life of society.

The concept of a person's life path

For the first time, the definition of life path as a concept was proposed by psychologist Charlotte Buhler in one of her theories, according to which life consists of events in the internal and external spheres, and the main motivation of an individual is the desire for self-realization and self-expression in creativity.

In her theory, Charlotte Bühler identifies three main lines of life:

  • external events – objective logic;
  • internal experiences associated with these events – subjective logic;
  • performance results.

According to the works of the French psychologist Pierre Janet, the life path in psychology is the formation of personality, a set of stages of growing up and biographical periods.

Domestic psychologists also studied the phenomenon of life path. The Soviet psychologist and philosopher Sergei Leonidovich Rubinstein believed that the path of life is the formation of an individual’s own history, and not just the process of personality development. First of all, the path reflects the personal history for each person, its essence. According to the psychologist, the concept of personality can only be spoken of in relation to that individual who has his own history. According to Rubinstein, life consists of “choice points” - turning points, conflicts, the method of resolution of which predetermines the development of the individual and his immediate future.

Events in a person’s life, their meaning and sequence

Since we live in society, a person’s life path does not pass on its own; it is influenced by certain events and their sequence. Events can have a positive and negative meaning in a person’s fate, help to reveal talents, make them stronger or, conversely, break them. Make adjustments to his destiny. For example, meeting a person with a bright personality, no matter whether positive or negative, can turn a person’s life around, speed up or slow down his movement towards a certain goal.

A private event can affect one person or his loved ones and change their destinies. Events in the life of a country influence many destinies. You can fight some of them, try to change their influence on your life, and extract some benefit for yourself and those around you. Others are perceived as fate, a given that one must try to survive. But almost no event passes without a trace; it leaves a certain mark on a person’s life.

The influence of a person’s age on the problem of life path

Some periods in a person's life are most important for the development and maturation of personality. In some periods of life, a person experiences a particularly strong need to formulate an idea of ​​​​the meaning of existence; in others, he needs to comprehend and rethink his own life path. In general, such periods are the most important milestone in the maturation and development of personality.

We can distinguish three such crises that manifest themselves most clearly: in youth - the beginning of awareness of the prospects for the future, in maturity - an increasingly complete understanding of the present, and in old age - analysis of the past and summing up.

In youth, when the awareness of the meaning of life is just being formed, the person is often extremely dissatisfied with life and what is happening around him, so the main question about the meaning of life sounds more like a desire for a goal: “What to do?”

In adulthood, by the age of 25-30, the degree of satisfaction with life increases, and questions about the meaning of life under the influence of circumstances fade into the background. A little later, over the course of about 10 years, the implementation of the set goals brings less and less satisfaction, the question arises: “Why do it?”, The search for an answer to which becomes more and more significant.

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