What is “morality” in the modern sense?

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Morality is one of the main characteristics of a person. A person needs it to form a strong character, develop responsibility, decency, honesty and self-control. Of course, these qualities can be purposefully developed, regardless of the level of morality. But to achieve the best results, a strong foundation is essential. Today we will analyze in detail what morality is, what significance it has in life and whether it can be developed.

What is morality?

Morality is a set of internal values ​​and principles that guide us when performing actions and comprehending them in the future. It determines how a person perceives humanistic values ​​and how much he strives to adhere to them. Unlike morality, which is a form of social knowledge, morality is of a purely individual nature. However, it cannot be denied that it is formed under the influence of external circumstances.

At the same time, morality cannot be considered in isolation from morality. At the same time, it is important to distinguish between these concepts, since they are very close, and the difference between them has always been a subject of debate for philosophers. In colloquial speech, these words are often used as synonyms, but from a philosophical point of view, morality differs from morality in that it is aimed at assessing one’s internal qualities, internal reaction to thoughts and actions.

Morality is determined by social norms, it is relative, depending on the environment and situation. Morality is an individual personality trait; for a particular person it is absolute and does not depend on circumstances. It can be considered as the internal side of morality, which we form only for ourselves and by which we evaluate our own actions.

The origin of the word helps us better understand what morality is. It is derived from the Russian word “nrav”. The etymology of the term emphasizes that it is something that comes from within - from the character of a person. However, in colloquial speech morality is often identified with morality, which implies adherence to generally accepted norms of behavior.

General definition

The definition of morality appeared in our language in 1789 in the dictionary of the Russian Academy.

Essentially, it is a set of attitudes, values, internal norms and rules that determine a person’s behavior in a given situation.

These values ​​are based on the ideas of justice, honor, dignity, compassion, kindness, honesty, peacefulness and other “good” categories.

A person absorbs all these concepts from childhood along with his mother’s milk, that is, he acquires them in the family circle, then among friends, teachers and other significant adults. In other words, it acquires in the process of socialization.

Morality is something that is instilled in a person through education.

In this regard, its level may differ for different individuals depending on what kind of people raised them. An evil mother is unlikely to teach a child to be sacrificial and patient with others, and an honest one is unlikely to teach her to steal.

The main components of morality

The concept of morality usually includes the basic positive qualities of a person: kindness, honesty, decency, responsibility, compassion, generosity, hard work, reliability, etc. For each person, the set of components may be different. For example, a Christian places above all else the 10 commandments dictated by his faith. Representatives of other religions adhere to their own moral principles.

For many people, the most desirable components of morality are determined by their main occupation. For example, a firefighter must be brave and selfless, a law enforcement officer must be honest and principled, and a judge must be decent and fair.

Moreover, morality is very subjective. Many things that are acceptable to some people seem completely immoral and immoral to others. For example, supporters of hedonism believe that every person should get the maximum pleasure from life. This contradicts the principles of religious people, and they will certainly reproach the hedonist for immorality.

People with conservative views have an extremely negative attitude towards civil marriage and other manifestations of freedom in personal relationships. At the same time, they confuse the concepts of morality and ethics, calling the liberated behavior of modern youth immoral only because it is unacceptable from their personal point of view.

How is morality demonstrated?

A person who is guided by morality in his actions is usually said to act according to his conscience. That is, one of the key manifestations of morality is to treat others responsibly and fairly, without infringing on them in any way for the sake of one’s own self-interest.

Many try to act according to their conscience for religious reasons, hoping that in this way they will save their soul. This approach can hardly be called unselfish, but unselfishness is one of the main manifestations of morality. However, it is religion that for many people is the main incentive to form the right views and ideals.

From the point of view of evolution, morality is one of the most important mechanisms that ensure the survival and development of the human race. This is a property of an individual that plays a huge role for the whole society. It is morality that motivates people to support each other, and if it were not there, humanity would eradicate itself. Any intentional crimes are committed by immoral people. At the same time, to others they may well look like highly moral individuals.

Taking into account the above, the well-being of each individual society and humanity as a whole depends on the level of morality of people. Morality cannot solve this problem, since it implies external assessment. A person guided by morality always acts in such a way that others will appreciate his action. The one who is guided by morality does not need the assessments of others, but evaluates his own actions.

How to write a term paper on speech therapy

07.09.2010 246823

These guidelines are compiled to help students gain an understanding of the content and structure of coursework in speech therapy.

Logopedia of pedagogical science that studies anomalies of speech development with normal hearing, explores the manifestations, nature and mechanisms of speech disorders, develops the scientific basis for overcoming and preventing them means of special training and education.

The subject of speech therapy as a science is speech disorders and the process of training and education of persons with speech disorders.

The object of study is a person suffering from a speech disorder.

The main task of speech therapy as a science is the study, prevention and elimination of various types of speech disorders.

Coursework in speech therapy is a student's scientific and experimental research. This type of educational activity, provided for by the educational and professional program and curriculum, contributes to the acquisition of skills in working with literature, analyzing and summarizing literary sources in order to determine the range of insufficiently studied problems, determining the content and methods of experimental research, processing skills and qualitative analysis of the results obtained. The need to complete coursework in speech therapy is due to the updating of knowledge concerning the content, organization, principles, methods and techniques of speech therapy work.

As a rule, during their studies, students must write two term papers - theoretical and practical.

The first course work should be devoted to the analysis and synthesis of general and specialized literature on the chosen topic. Based on this analysis, it is necessary to justify and develop a method of ascertaining (diagnostic) experiment.

In the second course work, it is necessary to provide an analysis of the results obtained during the ascertaining experiment, as well as determine the directions and content of speech therapy work, and select adequate methods and techniques of correction.

So, let’s present the general requirements for the content and design of coursework in speech therapy.

The initial and most important stage of working on a course project is the choice of a topic, which is either proposed by the supervisor or chosen by the student independently from a list of topics that are consistent with the areas of scientific research of the department.

Each topic can be modified, considered in different aspects, but taking into account a theoretical and practical approach. Having chosen a topic, the student needs to think through in detail its specific content, areas of work, practical material, etc., which should be reflected both in the formulation of the topic and in the further construction of the study. It should be recalled that the chosen topic may not only have a purely theoretical orientation, for example: “Dysarthria. Characteristics of the defect”, “Classification of dysgraphia”, but also take into account the practical significance of the problem under consideration, for example: “Speech therapy work on speech correction for dysarthria”. It should also be taken into account that when formulating a topic, excessive detail should be avoided, for example: “Formation of prosodic components of speech in preschoolers of the sixth year of life attending a preschool institution for children with severe speech impairments.”

The course work includes such mandatory parts as: introduction, three chapters, conclusion, bibliography and appendix.

The text of the term paper begins with the title page . An example of its design can be seen here.

Then the content of the work is given, in which the names of chapters, paragraphs, and sections are formulated in strict accordance with the content of the thesis. An example of its design can be seen here.

In the text, each subsequent chapter and paragraph begins on a new page. At the end of each chapter, the materials are summarized and conclusions are formulated.

The introduction reveals the relevance of the problem under consideration in general and the topic being studied in particular; the problem, subject, object, and purpose of the study are defined. In accordance with the goal and hypothesis, objectives and a set of research methods aimed at achieving the objectives must be defined.

The relevance of the topic lies in reflecting the current level of pedagogical science and practice, meeting the requirements of novelty and usefulness.

When defining the research problem, it is important to indicate what practical tasks it will help to implement in training and educating people with speech pathology.

The object of research is understood as certain aspects of pedagogical reality, perceived through a system of theoretical and practical knowledge. The ultimate goal of any research is to improve this object.

The subject of research is some part, property, element of an object, i.e. the subject of research always indicates a specific aspect of the object that is to be studied and about which the researcher wants to gain new knowledge. An object is a part of an object.

You can give an example of the formulation of the object, subject and problem of research:

– The object of the study is the speech activity of preschool children with phonetic-phonemic speech disorders.

– The subject of the study is the features of intonation speech of children with phonetic-phonemic speech disorders.

– The research problem is to determine effective directions for speech therapy work on the formation of intonation expressiveness of speech in the system of correctional intervention.

The purpose of the study contributes to the specification of the object being studied. The goal of any research is to solve a specific problem. The goal is specified in tasks taking into account the subject of research.

The research objectives are formulated in a certain sequence, which determines the logic of the research. The research objectives are set on the basis of a theoretical analysis of the problem and an assessment of the state of its solution in practice.

The first chapter is an analysis of literary sources, which examines the state of this problem in historical and modern aspects, and presents the most important theoretical principles that formed the basis of the study.

When writing the first chapter, you should pay attention to the fact that the text of the course work must be written in a scientific style. When presenting scientific material, it is necessary to comply with the following requirements:

– Specificity – a review of only those sources that are necessary to disclose only a given topic or solve only a given problem;

– Clarity – which is characterized by semantic coherence and integrity of individual parts of the text;

– Logicality – which provides for a certain structure of presentation of the material;

– Reasoning – evidence of thoughts (why this and not otherwise);

– Precision of wording, excluding ambiguous interpretation of the authors’ statements.

A literary review of the state of the problem being studied should not be reduced to a consistent presentation of literary sources. It should present a generalized description of the literature: highlight the main directions (currents, concepts, points of view), analyze in detail and evaluate the most fundamental works of representatives of these directions.

When writing a work, the student must correctly use literary materials, make references to the authors and sources from which the results of scientific research are borrowed. Failure to provide required references will reduce your coursework grade.

As a rule, in coursework on speech therapy, references to literary sources are formatted as follows: the number of the cited source in the general list of references is placed in square brackets. For example: General speech underdevelopment is a speech pathology in which there is a persistent lag in the formation of all components of the language system: phonetics, vocabulary and grammar [17].

When using quotations, in square brackets, in addition to indicating the source number, the page number from which this excerpt is taken is indicated, for example: Speech rhythm is based on a physiological and intellectual basis, since, firstly, it is directly related to the rhythm of breathing. Secondly, being an element that performs a communicative function, “correlates with meaning, i.e. controlled intellectually” [23, P.40].

However, course work should not be of a purely abstract nature, so you should not abuse the unreasonable abundance of citations. Quoting should be logically justified, convincing and used only when really necessary.

In the second chapter , devoted to experimental research, the organization should be described and the program of the ascertaining experiment should be presented. The survey methodology, as a rule, consists of a description of several series of tasks, with detailed instructions, visual and lexical material, the procedure for completing tasks by experiment participants, and scoring criteria. This chapter also provides a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results obtained.

When analyzing the results of an experiment, it is necessary to use a scoring system. Examples of various criteria for quantitative and qualitative assessment are presented in the following works:

– Glukhov V.P. Formation of coherent speech in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. - M.: Arkti, 2002. - 144 p.

– Fotekova T.A. Test methodology for diagnosing oral speech of primary schoolchildren. - M.: Arkti, 2000. - 56 p.

– Levchenko I.Yu. Pathopsychology: Theory and practice. - M.: Academy, 2000. - 232 p.

In order to visually present the results obtained during the experimental study, it is recommended to use tables, graphs, diagrams, etc. Histograms can be used in a variety of ways - columnar, cylindrical, planar, volumetric, etc. An example of the design of tables, figures, and histograms can be found here.

The third chapter provides a rationale for the proposed methods and techniques and reveals the content of the main stages of correctional work.

The conclusion contains a summary of the material presented and the main conclusions formulated by the author.

The bibliography must contain at least 25 sources. The list includes bibliographic information about the sources used in preparing the work. An example of its design can be seen here.

In the application you can present bulky tables or illustrations, examination protocols, observation records, products of activity (drawings, written works of children), notes from speech therapy classes, etc.

The volume of one course work must be at least 30 pages of typewritten text.

In general, coursework in speech therapy is the basis for a future thesis, in which the study of the begun problem can be continued, but from the standpoint of a different approach or a comparative analysis of the disorders being studied in different age categories of people with different types of speech disorders.

The content and format of theses in speech therapy can be found here.


1. How to write a term paper on speech therapy: Methodological recommendations. Educational and methodological manual / Comp. Artemova E.E., Tishina L.A. / Ed. Orlova O.S. – M.: MGOPU, 2008. – 35 p.

2. Research work of students in the system of higher professional pedagogical education (specialty 031800 - Speech therapy). Methodological recommendations for completing the thesis / Compiled by. L.V. Lopatina, V.I. Lipakova, G.G. Golubeva. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen, 2002. - 140 p.

The history of the emergence of morality

It is believed that the first manifestations of morality appeared among primitive people. To live in society, they had to confront their own animal instincts. At the same time, morality was also formed, since the first people needed to behave in such a way as to achieve approval and gain a certain status in their tribe. But if moral standards were developed jointly, and their observance was monitored, then morality was the personal guideline of each individual person.

In the modern world, moral standards also remain a personal matter for each person. The state monitors compliance with the law and punishes criminals; society condemns people who deviate from moral standards. But you need to monitor morality yourself. The only external institution that supports moral behavior is the church. But as we found out above, the desire to be “pure” from the point of view of one’s faith is not always quite selfless.

However, many people sincerely strive to adhere to the rules dictated by their religion. So in Christianity there are 10 commandments that prescribe moral behavior for a person. Like many other religions, Christianity has the so-called “Golden Rule of Morality.” The most common formulation is: “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” This principle is found in philosophical works and in many literary works.

The concept of morality from an objective point of view

What is the objective concept of morality? As mentioned above, the concept of good and evil in the modern world is distorted almost beyond recognition, and a person can do evil, being in the complete illusion that he is a highly moral person and is doing the right thing. Moreover, sometimes people harm those closest to them and are in the illusion that they are doing good. This is what the quote says: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Sometimes people who want to do good cause more evil than all the evildoers in the world combined. Let’s not go into details; it’s better to consider how to act so that good is objective and not subjective. The entire Universe, all living beings, one way or another strive for evolution - consciously or unconsciously. Therefore, good from an objective point of view is that which leads to evolution. And if a child needs to be punished and taught a lesson, or even slapped on the head, so to speak, to stimulate the Sahasrara chakra for “micro-enlightenment,” then this needs to be done. It is important to act not out of anger, but out of compassion, with the full understanding that your action will lead to evolution and to the fact that the child will learn a useful lesson for the rest of his life. And this will be a blessing. And what leads to degradation is evil, even if it looks beautiful and noble. When parents generously give a child useless gifts, pamper him and feed him sweets - all this, of course, looks very touching, but what result will this lead the child to? The question is rhetorical.

Thus, the golden rule of morality “Do to others what you would like to receive yourself” works only if a person has a more or less adequate understanding of good and evil, as well as adequate motivations and aspirations in life. And if a person strives for self-improvement, then it is obvious that he does not strive for entertainment and pleasure, which means he will not show this to others, so as not to receive the same for himself. Therefore, before applying the golden rule of morality in life, one should think thoroughly about the concept of good and evil and what is useful and what is harmful. You should think about it.

Fundamentals of Morality

What are the foundations of objective morality? One of the most moral paradigms is set out by the sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. Yoga practitioners are instructed to establish themselves in moral discipline before undertaking the practice. What does the sage Patanjali offer us? There are only five basic instructions for a harmonious life. But performing at least one of them perfectly is not an easy task. The five precepts of morality are set out in the first stage of Patanjali's eightfold system, the so-called Yama:

  • Ahimsa - non-violence. Non-violence is prescribed at three levels: body, speech and mind. And if at the level of the body it is more or less easy to observe ahimsa, then at the level of speech, and even more so at the level of the mind, the task is very difficult. But it is at the level of the mind that the evil that we broadcast into the world arises.
  • Satya - benevolent truthfulness. A person who tells a lie primarily harms himself. Because a lie creates a certain veil of illusion around the one who utters this lie. And the person begins to live inadequately.
  • Asteya - non-appropriation of someone else's. According to the law of conservation of energy, we will still lose everything that we have unfairly appropriated to ourselves. So is there any point in taking someone else’s property, causing the person suffering, if we lose it anyway?
  • Brahmacharya is abstinence from sensual pleasures. Any sensual pleasure is a loss of energy. And the lower and rougher the pleasure, the more energy we lose. And if a person has some kind of goal or purpose in life that he is called to fulfill (and everyone has one), then it is unacceptable to waste his energy on passions and pleasures, since the amount of energy each person has is limited.
  • Aparigraha - non-covetousness. In addition to pleasures and entertainment, material goods also waste our energy. Therefore, the accumulation of material wealth for the sake of accumulation itself is simply stupidity, which will waste our energy. Shantideva said well in his brilliant work “Bodhicharya Avatara”: “As if robbed, I will leave this world.” This is true. We will leave everything material that we accumulate here. And even our own body does not belong to us, let alone material accumulations. Therefore, it is unwise to waste energy on their accumulation. It is much wiser to spend it on doing good deeds and changing the world around for the better. Since we will be able to take experience in practice, gratitude and good karma into our future life. Therefore, only this should be accumulated.

These are Patanjdali's five basic precepts for yoga practitioners. There are also five additional ones. Unlike the first five, which prescribe to abstain from immoral acts, the second five prescribe what should be cultivated in oneself. However, one who can master at least five basic moral precepts will already be a worthy and noble person, and he will not be in danger of accumulating negative karma. But to do this, you need to master these principles perfectly. In modern society this is far from easy to do, but the one who walks can master the road.

The meaning of morality

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of morality, since it is a fundamental personality trait, which is the foundation for the formation of a strong and strong character. Its presence is a sign of a person with a healthy psyche and a high level of cognitive abilities, who is able to take a worthy place in society and live in harmony with others. A moral person, as a rule, is happier in his personal life and makes those close to him happy.

Morality helps a person find a reasonable balance between sacrifice and selfishness. Moral-oriented individuals, in contrast to ego-oriented ones, have a higher level of civic consciousness. This guarantees them the opportunity to take a worthy place in society, since it ensures comfortable coexistence with other people.

Morality in modern society

Many people believe that the morality and ethics of modern society have now fallen greatly. Ahead of the rest of the planet are material values ​​that turn people into a herd. In fact, you can achieve a high financial position without losing morality; the main thing is the ability to think broadly and not be limited by stereotypes. Much depends on upbringing.

Modern children practically do not know the word “no”. Getting everything you want from a very early age, a person forgets about independence and loses respect for elders, and this is a decline in morality. In order to try to change something in the world, you need to start with yourself, and only then will there be hope for the revival of morality. By following good rules and teaching them to their children, a person can gradually change the world beyond recognition.

Education of morality

This is a necessary process in modern society. Knowing how morality is formed, we can fully hope for a happy future for our children and grandchildren. The influence on the human personality of people who are considered authorities for him, form in him unique qualities that have the greatest influence on his future fate. It is worth remembering that education is only the initial stage of personality development; in the future, a person is able to make decisions independently.

How to develop morality?

Research shows that morality is formed in childhood. Its foundation is laid by the age of 7, and by 16 it is fully developed. This does not mean that an adult cannot influence his own moral development. He may well improve, instill in himself new principles and strictly adhere to them. However, for him they will be more moral than ethical.

Morality needs to be developed at an early age, so children need to be provided with the appropriate conditions for this. It is obvious that every responsible parent tries to instill in their child certain traits of moral behavior: honesty, responsibility, sincerity, decency and other generally recognized human values.

Despite efforts, not everyone succeeds, since parents themselves often misunderstand what morality is and try to impose their views on their children using incorrect or even unacceptable methods. Let's consider several correct approaches that will help develop morality in a child.

Personal example

In the practice of psychologists, a situation often occurs when a person has some inexplicable habit, about which he cannot say exactly where it came from. This could be an unusual way to prepare a certain dish or a strange sequence of actions in completely familiar activities. Subsequently, it often turns out that this habit was passed on to a person from his parents, but he himself did not even know about it.

Children adopt many aspects of their behavior from adults. And if you want to instill morality in your child, try to always behave appropriately in his presence. This is an effective pedagogical technique that provides a more reliable result than any persuasion or punishment.

Friendly conversation

Children react negatively to any moral teaching. They may agree, but only in order to quickly end the unpleasant conversation, because for a child any moral pressure is unbearable. At the same time, children perceive and remember very well the information they receive during an interesting, friendly conversation. Replace instructions and reproaches with advice, and the child will listen to you much more attentively.

Discussion with a joint search for truth

An excellent way of learning that ensures lasting retention of information is to independently search for the answer or find it in the process of discussion. Therefore, if you want to instill in your child some moral trait, try to make sure that he himself understands its importance. You can give an example from life and whet his interest with leading questions.

Educational games

Children's love of games is a powerful development mechanism provided by nature. So why not use it for its intended purpose? It is through games that children usually learn to interact with other people. And it is in games that it is best to instill in them such important aspects of morality as honesty, responsibility and justice. By looking at the reactions of other players, the child learns to think about those around him, overcoming his innate egocentric perception.


Not only children's fairy tales, but also quite adult literary works show the bad and good deeds of the characters, inviting the reader to draw the necessary conclusions for himself. Therefore, reading books helps children understand which actions are moral and which are not.

Developing morality in a child is not so difficult; the main thing is to pay attention to the little things that we have considered. It is also important to always let your child speak out, so that he realizes the value of his opinion for others and values ​​it more himself. In the future, he will attach more importance to his own thoughts, which is important for the development of morality.

The connection between morality and human spirituality

In order to most clearly understand what morality is, let's give a definition of spirituality.

The most general definition of spirituality sounds like this . Spirituality is the highest level of self-development, at which the highest human values ​​become the regulator of life. Thus, spirituality is closely interconnected with morality. Morality is an indicator of the degree of spirituality of a person and society as a whole.

For the last 200 years, there has been a debate among humanities scholars on the topic of spirituality. Some argue that this is a person’s internal movement towards the “spiritual self,” others associate spirituality with intangible values ​​that a person strives for, overcoming experiences and intrapersonal struggle.

Religions connect spirituality with the higher forces of divine nature, which manifests itself in human actions. However, all philosophers and theologians agree on one thing - spirituality is transcendental. It cannot be touched, weighed, measured. This is something that is not amenable to experimental knowledge, but is accepted a priori.

Spirituality is the brightest thing that can be found in a person: the best qualities of character, sincere feelings (love, gratitude, selflessness, tolerance), talents, generosity, responsibility.

Spiritual beauty is manifested in actions, behavior, emotions, words. However, there have been hundreds of such people since the time when man began to recognize himself as a Human and learned to use the brain not only for obtaining food and reproduction, but also for thinking.

Morality indicates the direction vector and provides the conditions for upward movement under which a person can grow and develop at the greatest speed.

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