How to understand that a girl loves you, how she behaves, what signs she gives

Girls by nature are mysterious, incomprehensible and capricious. Quite often it is impossible to make out what is on their mind. So how can you tell if a girl loves you or is she just having fun? Or are you just a way for her to forget her ex? Maybe she chose you because of the car and attention? Understanding all this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Men with experience say that it is impossible to know what is on a woman’s mind. They think about one thing, say another, and do something completely different. But there are certain signs that a girl loves you. A woman in love is easy to identify; she will use centuries-old methods that allow her to please a man.

  1. The girl initiates meetings, dates, and just communication. A woman in love completely forgets the stupid statement that a girl should not call first.
  2. She always looks her best. Correctly selected clothes that emphasize sexuality and all the advantages of the figure, makeup are a girl’s constant companions, even if you drop by to visit her for half an hour.
  3. When you come to her house, you will most likely have a delicious home-cooked dinner waiting for you. After all, “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” girls know this from an early age.
  4. A girl in love is interested in everything about her boyfriend: work, hobbies, friends. She will be actively interested in your life, listen and remember.
  5. A woman who is in love with you will definitely want to please your parents and close friends.

She gets emotionally invested.

If a girl loves you, she worries and cares about you. She cares about how your day was. She wants you to share your problems with her. You are now a part of her life. Keep in mind that she wants to ask questions not because she sticks her nose everywhere. She shows that she loves you.

Note that this means that she is thinking about you and is worried.

Emotional investment is a very important and revealing factor.

Don't get angry if a woman asks you for the second time if you'll come soon. This is not control. She's just worried and waiting for you.

Sign three – change4

Any progressive relationship consists of movement. In order not to reach a dead end, a person must develop. Similarly with feelings - if one loves, then he is ready to change for another. But the golden mean is important here - for example, learning to cook a man’s favorite dish is a positive change, but having facial plastic surgery that a woman doesn’t need, but a man needs, is overkill.

Over time, relationships (of any kind) begin to fade, so you need to add more wood to the fire. A woman who loves will try to be desired by her man. It will pique his interest.

She doesn't flirt with other men.

As soon as a girl begins to feel in love, another thing automatically turns on - fidelity.

She doesn't look at other men or try to flirt with them. There are no others for her anymore. Only you.

It is important for her to be close to you, and only to you. In the company of other men, she will not take her eyes off you. Girls always want to please everyone, but the one in love will focus on you. This is the most obvious sign by which you can determine the depth of her feelings.

How to understand that a girl is in love, but hides it

As soon as a man meets a girl he likes, he begins to look for an approach to her and hopes for reciprocity. Courtship can immediately lead to results, but sometimes the guy is in the dark and he is left to wonder whether his attentions had an effect. It's all about female nature: ladies rarely actively react to courtship, they behave cautiously, check the man, and carefully weigh their attitude towards him. Even with mutual feelings, the girl is in no hurry to reveal all her cards; she can play princess Nesmeyana and hard to touch for a long time, and the man is left to wonder whether he managed to win her.

Women do give some signals. Sometimes they try their best to hide it, without showing their interest. But, if you are careful, you will be able to discern the beginnings of love through feigned indifference.


  • Sight . Men don't tend to pay attention to little things, but if you pay attention to the look of your beloved, he can say a lot for her. A girl in love changes her gaze, she looks through her lowered eyelashes, sneaking a glance at you. If her gaze is intercepted by yours, it will cause embarrassment, and you can be sure that she is interested, although she hides it.
  • Collection of information . Girls in love are trying to find out more information about the object of their affection. She won’t come to you with questions, but she will try to find out as much as possible about you from mutual friends and acquaintances.
  • Nervousness when meeting . Pay attention to her behavior in your company. If, when she sees you, she begins to tug at her curls, answer inappropriately, and behave strangely, be sure that she is not indifferent to you.

The main rule at the first signs of falling in love is not to show it. You can rejoice that she liked her, but do it alone with yourself. Do not immediately go on an active offensive, do not publicly announce that the girl is in love with you. Take note of this knowledge and allow her to believe in your ignorance.

She's afraid of losing you.

She became somewhat more open. Openly demonstrates that she cares about you. When you quarrel, she doesn’t say that you need to break up. She would rather try to make concessions and find a series of compromises.

Now giving in and accepting defeat is the normal way out for her, because a good relationship with you is more valuable to her. Take a closer look at how your girlfriend behaves.

“It is not the weaker who goes for reconciliation. And the one who values ​​​​relationships” (c).

Sign five – mood6

A loving woman will not only demand, she also knows how to give. She will arrange pleasant surprises, give gifts with or without reason. She just likes to please you. At the same time, she will not wait for the answer “honey, I bought you a new shaving gel, maybe you can give me another perfume?” Nooo, this is not about love, this is extortion.

If a woman has the approach “Well, I’m a girl, that means you need to give me flowers on Fridays, take me to a restaurant on Saturdays, a movie on Sundays, shopping on Wednesdays,” then there is no talk of any love here. And if everything is supported by phrases like “Don’t you love me? Do you feel sorry for me to buy a new handbag?”, then you definitely need to run. And change your phone number just in case.

She trusts you.

If there is no trust, then there is no intimacy.

She doesn't get into your phone if you're late at work. She doesn't monitor your social networks and doesn't eavesdrop on conversations. She believes you and understands that since she chose you, she must cast aside all doubts.

In turn, she can share her experiences with you. For her, you are the closest person.

These are the main symptoms of whether a girl loves you. Hope they help. If the article was useful, share it with a friend. Help him improve his personal life.

The first sign is fidelity2

A loving woman will always be faithful to her beloved. And it's not so much about betrayal as such. A woman is absolutely not interested in other representatives of the stronger sex when her entire insides are absorbed by one and only one. She will not allow herself to flirt with anyone at a party, even while under the influence. She won't flirt with anyone. She will not even tolerate the thought of looking at anyone else as an object of desire.

Distance, time - nothing can force a truly loving woman to betray her beloved man. If the chosen one has gone far and for a long time, but he will definitely return, then she will wait. We are not talking about a day or two, and not about a week, or even a month. We are talking about fairly long periods of time – six months, a year. For example, he was drafted into the army and left for another country. In the end they imprisoned me. A woman will find a lot of things to do to distract herself. He will bury himself in his work, start attending some clubs, learn to sew, knit, watch TV series in any free time, but will not allow himself to go in search of another man.


Although they say that jealousy is not proof of love, if a girl is not jealous at all, then she is indifferent to you. If your partner gets nervous and angry when she sees you interacting with other females, unable to contain the surging emotions, then she has feelings and is afraid of losing you.

Jealousy as a sign that a girl loves

Trying to look good

A girl who cares about you will try to look good for you. Even if your meeting is planned to last a few minutes and no one will see your significant other except you, she will still use cosmetics and make sure that her hair is clean. And she will also try to choose clothes that will emphasize her sexuality and hide her flaws.

Loving girl tries to look good

How to check her feelings?

If you still doubt whether a girl loves you, try breaking up for a while. If your chosen one really loves and takes you seriously, she will really miss you and wait faithfully. Nothing will change during the period of time you spend apart. What is important is not only whether she will wait or not, but what she will do in your absence. If, in order to pass the time waiting for your return, she goes to a party and walks in a noisy company of friends and young people, then we can safely question the veracity of her words and the sincerity of her feelings. Temporary separation will put everything in its place, so this method of checking is the most reliable.

No matter how mysterious and incomprehensible a girl is by nature, it is still possible to understand what she feels.

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Good or neutral relationships with close people5

Situations often occur when a daughter-in-law actively fights with her husband’s mother-in-law or sister. What happens even more often is that the girl flatly refuses to meet and establish contacts with the friends of her chosen one.

On the one hand, this is her complete right. After all, she did not choose the man’s social circle, but him personally. Maybe the guy communicates with bad company, or his communications with so-called girlfriends give rise to jealousy.

Each of us independently determines the boundaries of what is permitted in relation to ourselves. Sometimes such boundaries and round-the-clock conflicts lead to the most disastrous consequences - the couple has to break up.

Let us only note that if there are serious feelings, neither men nor women will go into open confrontation with people close to their loved one. In the case of parents and family, this is generally taboo. You cannot limit your man, because by doing so the woman forces him to make unrealistic choices.

Men treat their close friends the same way as they treat their relatives. There are just friends, but best friends are perceived as family members, sometimes even as a brother. The famous coach, Irina Khakamada, very often draws the attention of her audience to such a subtle point. She, for example, believes that a woman is always in third place for a man after work and true friends. Only such a girl can count on loyalty and attentive attitude over many years together.

Modesty and embarrassment i

At the initial stage of a relationship, or even at the time of acquaintance and friendly communication, girls tend to show shyness. Of course, everyone is different, and in some cases, ladies are assertive and active from the first day they meet. This behavior may indicate two personality traits and her attitude towards a man.

Firstly, there are a lot of confident ladies in the world. Over time, many women come to the understanding that their embarrassment and timidity can push away a potential gentleman. That is why they express themselves from the position: “This is who I am.” These can be active steps, and the absence of the slightest tightness.

Men value directness and frankness in women. Although sometimes they tend to fall in love with an open-minded young lady. And over time, it turns out that the cheat did not at all count on starting a family or building long-term relationships. She was quite content to go on dates, have fun and have sex without strings attached. Therefore, we advise you to take a closer look at a woman’s behavior and try to analyze it objectively and impartially.

The second option for a girl’s aggressive, open or liberated behavior is a measure of protection of personal space and total self-doubt. It is quite difficult for some women to let new people into their lives, especially male ones. They laugh uncontrollably, their movements are jerky and intermittent. Don’t be afraid, perhaps this is her manifestation of sympathy.

In most cases, girls try to behave modestly and quietly. They watch their partner, evaluate him from all angles. It's no secret that women more often consider every potential gentleman as a life partner. Therefore, they are quite uncomfortable to behave one hundred percent openly and naturally. The environment and stress put pressure on such individuals with such force that they do not even allow themselves to eat or go to the restroom in the presence of the object of sympathy. This is the feminine essence, it only happens in the process of communication and building trusting contact with a guy.

Fear of eye contact2

Continuing the theme of tightness, let us note the peculiarity of eye contact between objects that experience interest or sympathy for each other. Girls tend to stealthily watch the man they desire. In these moments of secret peeping, she tries to note his behavioral characteristics, evaluate his appearance, and get to know the desired companion through facial expressions and gestures.

If at the moment of observation the guy looks into her eyes, the result will be predictable. The girl will instantly look away and pretend that she didn’t look at his silhouette at all. Sometimes such turns look extremely comical for men. The girl immediately rushes to do some illogical things and quickly starts a conversation with the first interlocutor who turns up.

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