Famous introverts who quietly changed the world (13 photos)

Author: Jones

15 September 2015 20:08

Tags: famous person introverts scientists  



The values ​​in the modern world are such that society wants to see every person open, sociable and emotional. At the same time, being absorbed in one’s thoughts is taken as detachment, and silence and avoidance of noisy gatherings are even considered a mental illness. However, introversion is not a disease at all, but simply a personality trait, which can sometimes become a real gift. This selection contains 12 famous introverts, whose services to humanity can hardly be overestimated.


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Isaac Newton.

Physicist, mathematician, mechanic and astronomer, one of the founders of classical physics. The author of the fundamental work “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy,” in which he outlined the law of universal gravitation and the three laws of mechanics, which became the basis of classical mechanics. He developed differential and integral calculus, color theory, laid the foundations of modern physical optics, and created many other mathematical and physical theories.


Naomi Campbell

The supermodel is famous not only for her striking appearance. Her difficult temperament is no less famous. Not everyone can withstand the character of the “Black Panther,” and she herself is reluctant to make close contacts and prefers business relationships to friendly connections. Naomi is used to achieving success on her own and is not afraid to seem materialistic. She even sold entrance tickets for her birthday! It is not surprising that the calculating and hot-tempered beauty has no friends. The model tries to work on herself and does yoga, but is still alone.

Charles Darwin.

A naturalist and traveler, he was one of the first to come to the conclusion and substantiate the idea that all types of living organisms evolve over time and descend from common ancestors. In his theory, he called natural selection the main mechanism of evolution. Later he developed the theory of sexual selection. He also owns one of the first generalizing studies on human origins.

But what about introverts?

Innovators are often introverts with an original, individualistic, insightful personality. They prefer ideas to sensations, and Susan Cain in her book “Introverts. How to use your personality traits” confirms the fact that introversion is often viewed as a disease.

She reminds us that modern society is designed and suited for extroverts. Be it workplaces or schools, everything is being done to encourage group work in open offices.

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The simple fact of being distracted while performing a task is a major barrier to productivity and increases the risk of errors by 50%. Additionally, after an interruption, it takes about fifteen minutes to return to the original task, whether writing a report or computer coding.

Solitude, which introverts regularly seek, contributes to the acquisition of new knowledge. For example, a simple walk in nature, through a forest or park, calms the brain and makes learning easier.

Here are some famous people who demonstrate the power of introverts.

Mahatma Gandhi.

One of the leaders and ideologists of the movement for Indian independence from Great Britain. His philosophy of non-violence (satyagraha) influenced movements for peaceful change. His name is surrounded in India with the same reverence with which the names of saints are pronounced. The spiritual leader of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi fought all his life against the religious strife that was tearing his country apart and against violence, but in his declining years he fell victim to it.

Warren Buffett

The billionaire is known as the "Oracle of Omaha" and is considered one of the most successful introverts and business people in the world. Buffett believes that he initially had “business intelligence.” But he felt that he needed to learn how to communicate with people and signed up for Dale Carnegie’s seminar “How to Influence People.”

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Albert Einstein.

Theoretical physicist, one of the founders of modern theoretical physics, winner of the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics, public figure and humanist. Honorary doctor of about 20 leading universities in the world, member of many Academies of Sciences, including foreign honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1926). Author of more than 300 scientific works on physics, as well as about 150 books and articles in the field of history and philosophy of science, journalism, etc.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie believes that loneliness contributes to the harmonious development of personality. Since childhood, she was not particularly sociable, did not make friends with peers, and preferred solitude to noisy companies. Jolie does not need friendly communication; she prefers to spend time with family members. Previously, she called her mother her best friend; after the death of her parent, Angelina focused all her attention on raising her children. According to the celebrity, she now has a very close social circle; she does not like to go out and spend time with friends.

George Orwell.

British writer and publicist. He is best known as the author of the cult dystopian novel 1984 and the story Animal Farm. He introduced the term cold war into political language, which later became widely used. He also wrote many essays and articles of a socio-critical and cultural nature. In his homeland, it was published in 20 volumes (5 novels, a satirical fairy tale, a collection of poems and 4 volumes of criticism and journalism), translated into 60 languages.

Who are extroverts and introverts

We live in a world that seems designed for extroverts, for people who are talkative, open and expressive. People who get energy from being around other people who feel bad alone. Extroverts like it when others pay attention to them.

They are characterized by above average activity , they seem self-confident and decisive. At first glance, it seems that being an extrovert is a complete advantage. However:

  • Extroverts do not always manage to control their behavior.
  • In emergency, nervous situations, they can become hysterical.
  • They speak first before they think, which they later regret.
  • They tend to be impulsive and carefree.
  • Sometimes they cannot withstand the rhythm of life that they impose on themselves.
  • They feel exhausted and tired due to too much stuff and a busy lifestyle.

On the opposite side of extroverts are introverts. The number of introverts in society is estimated at 25–46% of the population. Sometimes such people are called “quiet” and “calm.”

Characteristics of introverts:

  • People focused on their inner life , valuing peace, quiet and their own company.
  • They need time to develop deeper relationships.
  • They feel better alone.
  • Introverts prefer to listen than talk.
  • They prefer interesting conversations and avoid fruitless discussions.
  • They tend to direct their perceptions and actions inward—toward their own thoughts and emotions.
  • With reduced interest and activity directed towards the outside world.

Introverts are people who gain energy from spending time alone. This solitude helps them recharge their emotional batteries, and then they can go out into the world and establish good relationships with people.

Research shows that introverts need more time to process information than extroverts. This is because they process them with more attention and thoughtfulness than extroverts. They spend more time understanding current ideas before moving on to new ones.

There are many stereotypes and misconceptions about introverts. Introversion is sometimes confused with shyness, which is a kind of fear of social evaluation. Introverts are sometimes perceived as antisocial, unfriendly, or lonely.

However, in many cases being an introvert can be helpful. A calm temperament can be a "hidden strength" and have many advantages.

Arthur Schopenhauer.

German philosopher. One of the most famous thinkers of irrationalism, a misanthrope. He gravitated towards German romanticism, was fond of mysticism, highly appreciated the main works of Immanuel Kant, appreciated the philosophical ideas of Buddhism, the Upanishads, as well as Epictetus, Cicero and others. He criticized his contemporaries Hegel and Fichte. He called the existing world, in contrast to the sophistic, as he put it, Leibniz’s fabrications, “the worst of possible worlds,” for which he received the nickname “philosopher of pessimism.”

Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook Chief Executive Sheryl Sandberg told the New York Times that Zuckerberg, the social network's founder and CEO, is shy and introverted. He often doesn't seem very friendly to people who don't know Zuckerberg well.

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She added: “Mark really cares about the people who work here.” Until now, no one in the world has a more motivational success story than the founder of Facebook.

Brigitte Bardot

The French actress is known for her unsociability. She didn’t even see her own son often – since childhood, Nicolas lived with his father. Now Bridget is already over 80 and she does not change her habits. She prefers animals to the company of people. About a hundred dogs live with her in a villa in the south of France, while the number of friends is much more modest. According to Bridget, she has only two or three close people. The actress is engaged in social activities - defending the rights of people and animals. It is true that here too Bardo reduced social contacts to a minimum. All communication takes place by correspondence.

Traits of an introvert

The characteristics of an extrovert and an introvert are 2 opposites of each other. Communication with introverts is difficult. They are secretive, but despite this, they are not constantly depressed and do not sit within 4 walls. They communicate only with those closest to them and are not eager to spend time with dozens of unfamiliar individuals.

To establish communication with such people, you need to understand the nature of an introvert. Many people are interested in what an introvert is. Character traits:

  1. They rarely make new acquaintances. These are secretive people who are not used to trusting everyone. Getting to know each other causes them to spend a lot of energy. Before approaching, he will think 20 more times whether he needs it.
  2. These people don't like big events. They don't like being the center of attention for others.
  3. During the interview, they experience great fear and anxiety. Despite this, after a couple of minutes of conversation they loosen up and begin to communicate more openly.
  4. An introvert has such a quality as honesty. These people will never lie to those closest to them or betray their friends, because they value relationships.
  5. Introverts also need to relax and gain energy. While others get positive emotions from walking around the city with friends or noisy parties, introverts enjoy solitude. They read books and engage in hobbies.
  6. They find it difficult to trust anyone. These people need time to get used to a person and let him into their world, so those who want to be friends with them need to be patient.
  7. They are afraid of disappointing others, especially those closest to them.
  8. They are used to planning everything in advance, so spontaneity is not characteristic of them.

Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep achieved a lot, but she never compromised on her principles and love of solitude. Her mother was an extrovert, but the actress herself is not like her in this regard. “By the way, I’m not at all like my mother - she was a teacher and always taught me and many other people. And I'm an introvert. And when I have to go stand in front of the camera, I tell myself: “Meryl, you can do it!” as my mother told me when I was worried.” All this does not stop Streep from defending her opinion in public and performing brilliantly.

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp is an excellent proof that introverts can sometimes be very creative when it comes to hiding their natural shyness and reluctance to be surrounded by many strangers. A rebel, a popular actor and an eccentric, he once admitted that he has neither an account on social networks nor a personal mobile phone. Also, at one time he lived in France, since there, unlike the USA, fellow actors do not live next door, and in general people did not recognize him by sight. As they say, “tired of the noisy bustle...”.

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