Spinal anesthesia
Recommendations for patients after surgery
Anesthesia and anesthesia We consider it absolutely necessary to inform patients as much as possible about everything that their
leading activity in infancy
Leading activities in infancy: types, description
As the child grows and develops, the scope of his capabilities constantly expands. Over time,
A 3-year-old child does not obey: what to do, psychology of child behavior, reasons for disobedience, advice from child psychologists and psychiatrists
The development of children has its own temporary characteristics and the age of 3 years is no exception. In the nursery
Head contusion
Bump on the head from a blow: symptoms, consequences, first aid
Lipoma and skin atheroma are two common types of benign neoplasms. They require exceptionally careful
Osteochondrosis, VSD. Should you worry so much about symptoms and diagnostic results?
Many of us are faced with the problem of neck pain and the inability to find adequate treatment.
How to be calm in any situation and not get nervous. Psychology of people
Ivan Vdovin 509 1 2 In principle, I will immediately answer the question: what to do
Formation of a child's personality
Parent meeting “Conditions for the development of personality of preschool age”
Forming a child’s personality is the first step in preparing him for adulthood. This is important
Steady Look
General characteristics of the anti-democratic regime and its varieties
Greetings, friends! Despotism in political science is called one of the worst forms of government, in which
A lover is jealous of her husband: why this happens and how to correct the situation
. Love is multifaceted, sometimes it breaks out between those who have already tied the knot
Logoneurosis (stuttering) in children - causes, treatment
Stuttering in children is a disorder of the tempo-rhythmic aspect of speech caused by repeated convulsions in the articulatory,
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