Magnetic resonance angiography – an innovative method for studying blood vessels
Many specialists, including neurologists and cardiologists at MedicCity, are confident that MRI scanning of the blood vessels of the brain
Ependymomas (a type of brain tumor)
Ependymoma is a brain tumor that develops when the cells lining the surface of the brain ventricles mutate.
our perception
Transcendental unity of apperception: concept, essence and examples
Man lives in direct connection with the outside world. He gets to know him, draws some conclusions,
Should you trust fortune tellers reviews?
Should you believe fortune tellers: truth and fiction, consequences of fortune telling, advice
Surely, many of you have come across gypsies trying to predict the future, have seen TV shows, advertisements or
Structure of a Persuasive Speech
Persuasive Speech: Six Practical Speaker Principles for Effectively Influencing Your Audience
Attract attention to yourself, convince the public of the correctness of your point of view, become a leader in
anger and aggression
What is "bad character"? 8 Darkest Signs
Author of the material: Inna Trofimova writer, psychologist, gestalt therapist A bad character makes being in the company of a person
Social adaptation of children - features and rules of teaching modern preschool children
The characteristics of a child’s social adaptation differ significantly from the same process in adults. However
We are looking for common ways to solve the problem of constant quarrels in the family
Family quarrels, conflicts and crises: reasons, how to solve them
Before we begin to analyze constant quarrels in the family, let's note that quarrels in general
brain rhythms
Age-related dynamics of the rhythms of electrical activity of the brain. Anxiety level and EEG indices 2196
What are the types of rhythms? Rhythms generated by the brain differ into five types depending on the amplitude
How to ask a guy to date without him refusing. Phrases, examples
How to ask a guy to date without him refusing. Phrases, examples
When is it appropriate? Before hinting to a guy about meetings, a girl needs to: make sure
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