How to ask a guy to date without him refusing. Phrases, examples

When is it appropriate?

Before hinting to a guy about dating, a girl needs to:

  • make sure your feelings are reciprocated;
  • show that she is free;
  • watch your companion on a walk together or when visiting a cafe.

Dating proposals are different for different guys. Their appearance will also depend on what kind of young people the girls already have.

Who is the guyMethod
An accomplished manIt is necessary to appear more serious and drag out the intrigue longer. This way, the chosen one will better trust the girl and appreciate her.
Just a young man I knowMoving to direct action after a casual conversation.
FriendAccurate influence with light flirting and coquetry.

Successful circumstances for asking a guy to meet are:

  • holidays;
  • spending time together on vacation or on vacation;
  • the moment of success of the chosen one;
  • evening, after a walk together;
  • after assistance provided;
  • after the young man stands up for his companion.

But it’s worth remembering that under no circumstances should you ask a guy to date if he:

  • severely overloaded with worries or work, since everything else will be of secondary importance to him;
  • has recently suffered family grief or has been widowed, he needs to be given about 2-3 months to recover;
  • just got divorced or broke off relations with a former flame; during the period while the chosen one moves away from this, he can be supported in every possible way, but no more than a girlfriend;
  • is in a bad mood, otherwise a decision made in such a state risks changing as circumstances improve.

If a guy likes a girl, then he will constantly look for a reason to meet her. Also, a strong representative of humanity will try to reduce the distance between himself and his chosen passion. He will look for her all the time if they find themselves in the same company, and will also start a conversation with her on any topic at every opportunity.

If all this is not observed in the guy’s behavior, then this means that he sees the girl only as a friend and nothing more. And from such a category to move into the category of a favorite passion is not at all possible. Therefore, it is so important for a girl to know in advance, before the start of meetings, how the guy treats her.

What does "meet" mean?

We are talking about romantic relationships. Couples may have been dating since their school years, but this does not always mean that their relationship necessarily has an intimate background. Young people simply spend time together: they go for walks, to the cinema, theaters, to the skating rink, to amusement parks and other interesting places. Also, such relationships imply caring for each other, signs of attention, and support. At the same time, the company of a guy and a girl, as a rule, is aware that they are a couple.

Mostly the initiative for such relationships comes from a young man or a man, but, of course, exceptions often occur.

What questions should a girl ask herself first?

Before proposing a relationship to a guy, a girl must answer a number of the following questions:

  • Does he like her and what does she think about it?
  • Is she interested in being with him?
  • Does she have common topics of conversation with him?
  • Does she often quarrel with him or give reasons for this?
  • Why exactly does she need this guy?
  • Does the guy do anything nice or nice for her?
  • If he does do something for her, is it with serious intentions or not?

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a guy for serious meetings, a girl should collect as much information about him as possible:

  • from mutual acquaintances and friends;
  • from social networks;
  • from the young man’s colleagues or fellow students.

Key points to consider

True, before you start forcing events, you need to analyze the following points :

  • Freedom for a guy - be sure to find out through mutual friends if your chosen one is currently in a relationship or crush. In this case, it is better to look for another object for your happy future. Moreover, you should not start seducing a guy if he is officially married, even if everything around indicates problems in this marriage. Give him the privilege to deal with your personal life and direct your energy in the right direction - look for your happiness with a free man who can devote all his time and thoughts to you, and not to a showdown with his ex-wife.
  • Having a friendly relationship - answering an invitation from a girl you know at least a little is much easier for a man than agreeing to a date with a stranger. Therefore, if you are unfamiliar, try to fill this gap by using the help of mutual acquaintances or establishing contact on social networks. Plus, as you get to know each other better, you'll test your feelings and see if this person is worth fighting for their attention.
  • Risk of Rejection – To avoid being caught off guard by an unexpected rejection, you need to prepare in advance for different options for completing your proposal. Try to imagine what you will experience in such a not very pleasant moment, and think about how you will behave so that in any case you look decent.

Effective ways to hint to a guy about a relationship

It is necessary to propose a relationship to a girl with your companion when it is established that his intentions have not yet reached their certainty. For example, a guy has not yet matured for them and is in thought. Just at this moment, his companion may hint at starting to date.

If it has already become known that the guy is in love with the girl as much as she is in love with him, then she should:

  • start taking better care of yourself in order to look more well-groomed and beautiful;
  • try to make yourself known to him often, to attract his gaze; actions should be confident, but not daring;
  • as if by chance, finding yourself in the same places as the guy, for example, at parties or at college;
  • add your companion as a friend on social networks and start actively corresponding with him;
  • joke often using tactile contact;
  • make fun of your chosen one;
  • show feminine weakness;
  • treat the guy with something after his help;
  • take more interest in his family, for example, asking about their health;
  • more often support with advice, but not in an instructive tone, but in a narrative one;
  • talk with him on topics that interest him;
  • praise and give him compliments;
  • talk about his positive qualities all the time;
  • constantly try to be completely selfless.

Find out his intentions

The best option, of course, would be to get an offer to date from the guy himself. But when you no longer have the strength to wait, you want some specificity, certainty in the relationship, and you have to act on your own.

But don't rush. In order to be confident in your actions and not be refused, prepare in advance.

Start by asking yourself the following questions:

1. Does he like you? What do you think?

3. Do you have common topics of conversation?

4. Do you often give reasons for a quarrel? It is you yourself.

5. Is there something that irritates him about you? Are you ready to fix it?

6. What shortcomings did you find in it? Are you ready to put up with them?

7. What do you need this guy for? Just for a while or would you like to start a family with him in the future?

The answers to these questions will let you understand how much the guy you like would like to have a relationship with you, how well he feels with you. Just answer honestly.

And now the most important question - what does your chosen one do for you? Does he do anything at all to please you, to please you, to lift your spirits? How often does he call you, does he ask how you are doing and does he really want to hear your story, maybe it’s just out of politeness? You need to understand, feel why this guy needs you.

And in this case there are only two answers.

1. For a serious relationship.

2. For non-serious relationships.

In the first option, you don’t have to do anything at all, just continue to be yourself, just don’t ruin what you already have. If there is something to improve, improve it. And wait. Soon he himself will tell you the words that you are preparing for him.

In the second option, not everything is as good as in the first, but there is a great opportunity to take everything into your own hands.

First of all, become a necessary, important, irreplaceable person for him. So that he wants to see you, misses you, looks forward to meeting you.

How to make a guy figure it out on his own?

A guy interested in his interlocutor willingly welcomes initiative on her part and then happily intercepts this activity and begins to act himself. For this reason, a girl must always be close to her companion in order to always be at his fingertips. So the guy will more often try to please her with something, and also show his need and strength.

When meeting with a girl, you should not forget about the fleeting touches of your sweetheart. If a guy reacts positively to such signs of attention, then he needs to be supported in such a decision and become necessary and indispensable for his chosen one, temporarily falling out of his sight.

But at the same time, you should endure it yourself until the moment when he finally guesses and decides to take the “first” step.

The following are also considered effective hints to encourage action:

  • frequent but unobtrusive presence next to a guy;
  • an original and insignificant gift that a guy will definitely like;

  • natural and attractive appearance;
  • flirting and inaccessibility going hand in hand, so igniting the hunting instinct in men;
  • innocent coquetry;
  • seemingly random touches and glances;
  • clearly distinguishing your companion from all others;
  • genuine and extensive interest in his person.

To further shift the boy’s attention to herself, the girl will have to:

  • try not to be too annoying;
  • give up comfortable shoes and clothes and switch to dresses and heels;
  • be more friendly and smile more often;
  • arrange seemingly random meetings;
  • come up with topics for interesting conversations;
  • actively correspond on the Internet and communicate more in real life with your chosen one;
  • constantly radiate goodwill and confidence.

Any girl who dreams of a serious relationship can propose to a guy. But an offer of a relationship coming from a girl should not be too aggressive.

Why doesn't the guy offer to date?

You can't force a guy to ask you to meet. Encourage the young man to do this. With an imperceptible gesture, persuade your interlocutor to talk about the future. Find out if he wants a relationship. His answer is better than the endless questions in your head.

Why is the guy silent?

  • Afraid of being rejected

Few people want to hear a refusal of recognition. Perhaps the guy does not see hints of sympathy. Show your feelings by flirting, and the response will soon come.

  • Shyness and self-consciousness

Men, like girls, are shy and blush. A person may like you a lot, but their lack of courage prevents them from telling you about it. Show ease in communication, push the guy. He will notice your emotions and decide to take action.

  • Reluctance to take responsibility

Relationships are about responsibility, not just endless dates, fun times and tons of gifts in the room. Not everyone wants to burden themselves. Sit down and talk to your indecisive lover. If he refuses to move to the next stage, think: “Do I need such a person?”

  • Bitter experience of the past

You have fun together. The number of attentions is off the charts, but after the breakup he is not ready to take risks. Give me time to think. He will understand that the past experience will not be repeated with you. A conversation will help you open up and talk about your feelings about the future. Whatever the past, it cannot influence the future.

  • Difficult period in life

Due to the difficulties that have piled up, there is no time for amorous affairs. These are problems with work, family, study. Offer your help. He will definitely notice and become more attentive to you. Start a conversation if hints don't help. Do not be shy. You will put together a complete picture and learn about intentions. If a person is not ready for a relationship, you will not waste your time.

Perhaps the guy thinks your heart is taken. You could be seen walking with a friend, brother. Make it clear that you are free. Chat with mutual friends, go to parties, lead an active life in society. You will be constantly in sight of your loved one. If you have mutual friends, let them hint that your sympathy is more than friendly. If a guy has feelings for you, wait. Soon he will begin to actively show interest in you.

The guy may think that you won't make a good match. Perhaps he considers you unworthy of him. This case is more complicated. It's hard to convince guys. And it's not worth trying. If you are considered unworthy, he is not the only one in this world. You will certainly find a companion who will give you love and recognition.

It's good if you both show a willingness to develop a relationship. Push the guy to take serious steps. Alternatively, take the initiative yourself. Before you take action, tune in for the best result, do not doubt yourself.

How to speak openly about your intentions?

If you suddenly come across a very slow-witted or timid guy, then the girl will have to openly declare to him her desires to date.

But for such a serious conversation the following must be suitable:

  • situation;
  • the character and mood of the companion;
  • phrases and words.

A guy needs to voice his intentions very carefully and in a private setting. The proposal should not frighten or alarm you. It’s better to start the conversation from afar, unobtrusively. Both standard phrases and poems can become assistants for him.

Go travel

Airports have a unique atmosphere. People sitting in the waiting room are looking forward to a change of scenery, relaxation and new experiences.

This environment is conducive to making new acquaintances. While looking at the board while waiting for your flight, start talking to the handsome guy sitting next to you. You can chat on any topic, from weather conditions to the advantages of traveling without travel agents.

Don't like to fly? It's OK. Meet on the train, at the bus station or river port.

Offer on VKontakte, by correspondence, telephone, SMS

Sometimes even girls can be scared to ask guys directly to date. In this case, they can do this through the social network VKontakte. For example, girls often start a personal conversation in private correspondence with a guy about what type of female he likes or about the presence or absence of a relationship with the fair sex at the moment.

In messages to your chosen one, you can also write about your own interests.

On VKontakte, a girl can also ask a guy if he is ready to date someone. If he answers positively, then ask if he is considering a joint relationship with her. More courageous girls are advised to directly inform the guy about their desire to date. This saves time and eliminates the need for workarounds.

Using an SMS message, a girl can write to a guy about her liking for him and that she doesn’t mind starting dating him. If such a proposal turns out to be unacceptable to her, then she can ask for a date somewhere, at which she will then communicate her intentions, but in person.

Telephone communication regarding offers of meetings with a guy is considered more effective than an SMS notification. After all, the message may not be immediately noticed. The telephone conversation should be positive and calm. Right away you need to communicate with the guy neutrally, gradually bringing the matter to the point. The beginning of a relationship can be considered the interlocutor’s agreement to meet or date.

Girls who are inclined to adventure can calmly notify guys about their intentions by throwing them anonymous notes with such content that it would be nice to get to know each other better at a designated place. Such a message can not be classified, but can be made completely open by sending it by e-mail.

You can also make a beautiful proposal to a guy with a hint of a relationship:

  • in poetic form, but this is done only if there is firm confidence in the romantic nature of the young man;
  • in a cafe or at a concert;
  • at a disco or party;
  • with a romantic message addressed to your sweetheart.

Go out into the world

In order not to repeat the fate of Baba Yaga living alone in the forest, do not wait for the first step from men. Take the initiative and be the first to talk to the cute guy. To meet him, don’t sit at home with books and favorite films, lead an active life:

  • go to the cinema;
  • visit discos;
  • help strangers;
  • sign up for a gym, swimming pool, sports section;
  • walk in the park;
  • go to a party with friends.

You can find another suitable place to meet. The main thing is don’t wait for a miracle, act.

Practicing psychologist N.A. Vedmesh recommends showing confidence and not doubting yourself. If you met a handsome young man, don’t delay getting to know him, even if you’re walking around in torn jeans and no makeup. If the young man is interested, you will have time to show off your best outfits.

Examples of successful phrases

To let a guy know about their attitude towards him, girls can use the following phrases:

  • “Let me stay near you for a little while, because I feel very calm next to you, that I don’t even want to leave you.” This expression is appropriate when a guy does something. If he still does not drive the girl away, then she will be able to continue her conversation on the given topic.

    A walk together is a great reason to ask a guy to date.

  • If suddenly a young man asks for something, then you can answer him, for example, “Anything for you.”
  • To demonstrate the special distinction of a companion from other men, the following expressions are suitable: “I don’t care about the opinions of others, I’d rather consult with you” or “I respect honesty and good manners in a man. It’s a pity that not everyone has the same qualities as you.”

You can invite a guy to date only when you are sure that he is really interested in his companion and is confident in her reciprocity. Therefore, before starting a relationship, it is necessary to interest the chosen one in every possible way, as well as attract his attention. A guy who is confident that he will not be rejected by a girl is more willing to agree to serious meetings.

Phrases suitable for inviting a guy to a meeting or date:

  • “I haven’t gone anywhere with someone for a long time, and I really want to go to the cinema or a cafe, but there is no company. Maybe we can go together?”;
  • “I really want to take a walk in the evening. Maybe you can join me for company? Otherwise I’m scared alone”;
  • “Let me ruin your weekend plans? I really want to go out of town, but I can’t go without you.”

At the end of the date, you can say to the guy:

  • “Thank you for a great evening, I really enjoyed it. I hope he's not the last. Maybe we can repeat it again?”;
  • “I’ve wanted to meet you alone for a very long time, I’ve been thinking for a long time about how to quickly accomplish this. Promise that next time you will think about it the same way”;
  • “It would be nice if we met more often and spent our free time together!”;
  • “When you get home, call me so I don’t worry. Till tomorrow".

For a direct message to a guy about your intentions, phrases such as:

  • “I’ve been tormented for a long time by the question: do you have a passion? Am I not suitable for you as your girlfriend?”;
  • “I admit that I really like you. Are you okay with us starting to date?”;
  • “You suit me a lot. How about we date?”;
  • “Such a guy without a partner! Let me be your girlfriend before they beat me to it?”;
  • “I'm so tired of beating around the bush! Are you going to date me or not?”;
  • “Can I ask you directly, saving my time and nerves - are we going to meet?”

TOP 5 ways to invite

Now let's move on to direct ways for a girl to invite a guy on a date.

Extra ticket

The most common and even a little banal trick is with a “disappearing” ticket.

"Hello! I have an extra football ticket. I was supposed to go with my brother, but he has an urgent business trip. Won't you keep me company?

Of course, your partner will see through your idea, but you can easily prove your impartiality by having a ticket. At the same time, there are some nuances in this simple option. Firstly, you need to clearly think about which show tickets are worth buying. To do this, it would be a good idea to become familiar with the preferences and hobbies of your chosen one. So for athletes, the best gift and significant temptation will be tickets to the game of their favorite team (football, hockey, basketball, etc.). At the same time, you will also need to prepare in order to be able to confirm your passion for the same sport. And also in order to maintain a conversation when discussing a match, we must at least learn the team players and their main achievements. For a lyrical hero, you can suggest a trip to the theater or an exhibition. For a movie lover, you will need to find out in advance his favorite actors and favorite genre, and then track the appearance of a new film in the cinema, which your chosen one will definitely want to see.

“Do you know that a new film premieres on Friday? I have a friend who works at the cash register. Maybe we can go see it together?”

Secondly, this approach, with a positive response from your chosen one, promises a long pastime. After all, first you will have to watch the game/play/picture together, and then you will have to discuss all this. And this opens up another chance for you to win over the guy. Agree with him, admire his knowledge, participate in the conversation, leaving him the palm. Thirdly, you should carefully select the words of the invitation so that your chosen one does not get the impression that he was called out of hopelessness of the situation. Try in every possible way to emphasize how important it is for you that this particular person will go with you.

“And an exhibition of reproductions of Aivazovsky is coming to us. I really wanted to go with you - you’re so good at painting...”

Correspondence on social networks

If it is difficult for you to express an invitation directly, then you should think about sending an SMS or other message on social networks or instant messengers. This method is also suitable for those who, embarrassed, blush, sweat, or otherwise react differently to difficult situations. You may also get confused in the words, trying to repeat the text of the invitation you memorized at home, and at the same time you will look unconvincing and pathetic. A note or message on social networks is also best used by those who find it easier to express themselves on paper. Only in this case you need to adhere to the appropriate communication style and not be alarmed by spelling errors. You also need to move to active actions on social networks gradually. You cannot immediately send an invitation to a date after the first like on your photo. It’s better if it’s a harmless proposal to take part in some city events together or visit a new establishment. Just casually ask if your chosen one is planning such a vacation and who will keep him company. And after that you can propose your candidacy.

“This weekend there will be a City Day celebration. You will go?" “I would go too, but I don’t want to wander around alone...”

Meeting at the company

For the most timid girls, the best option would be an invitation to relax in a common company.

“Listen, my friends are calling me to go fishing. I know that you are also a good fisherman, would you like to relax with us?”

There, among friends, you will be able to get to know your chosen one better, learn more about his behavior, character, get a chance to prove yourself and interest the guy you like. You will be able to evaluate his attitude towards you and his ability to care and provide attention. In addition, in a large company you can always find a reason to retire - take a tour of the house or site if the party is taking place at one of your friends’ houses, or go picking mushrooms or looking for flowers if it’s an outdoor recreation.

A simple walk

The easiest option for inviting someone on a date is a harmless walk in the park or city. Moreover, it is very easy to do. After all, you can simply offer to go for a walk after work or complain that you haven’t walked in the park for a long time and no one can keep you company.

“I’ve been dreaming of wandering around the park for so long, but it’s somehow scary alone. Aren't you very busy this weekend?

If a guy is interested in you, he will gladly support such an initiative and agree to this type of time together.

Extreme holiday

It is also important to understand that it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the character and hobbies of the chosen one. If he is looking for adrenaline everywhere, then he will be bored in a cozy cafe or on a bench in the park. Such a guy needs to be offered appropriate entertainment. You can offer a parachute jump or other attractions, arguing that you have long dreamed of such an experience, but you are afraid to dare it yourself. By the guy's reaction, you will immediately understand whether he is interested in you and whether he is ready to share a dangerous adventure with you.

Who to recruit as assistants?

A girl who wants to encourage a guy to meet regularly can take as assistants people from her environment who communicate well with him. Such mutual acquaintances will inform the young lady’s chosen one about her desires and intentions, and will also contribute to their rapid rapprochement.

The assistants will provide the girl with information about the character and lifestyle of the guy she has chosen. This information, analyzed subsequently, will increase the chance of receiving a positive response from the prospective life partner to the proposal to date. To get a clearer picture, the girl can also chat with the guy’s friends.

It is necessary for the girl to invite the guy to date if he does not dare to take this step on his part. She must do this delicately and interestingly, using only hints. Questions are asked directly only to very slow-witted and timid guys.

Pay attention to appearance

Blogger and personal trainer Mila Levchuk believes that it is easier to attract a guy’s attention if a girl takes care of her appearance. Pay attention to hair, makeup and clothes. Be a girl: dress up, wear dresses and skirts. This way you will stand out from the crowd of women dressed in T-shirts and jeans.

Demonstrate your desire to get to know each other:

  1. Walk with a leisurely and regal gait, take your time. Even if you interest a guy passing by, he won’t run after you to get to know you. If you are afraid of being late, leave early.
  2. Don't pay all your attention to gadgets. If you are carried away by the music playing in your headphones, there is little chance of hearing a compliment from a handsome guy passing by.
  3. Smile. Exude confidence and positivity. Be convinced of your attractiveness, and this sentiment will rub off on the men you meet.
  4. Prepare a few stock phrases in case the guy calls you out and, for example, makes a compliment.
  5. Don't burden yourself with expectations, don't expect to meet someone every time you leave the house. This will not lead to familiarity, but to disappointment.

How to avoid rejection?

For a positive response from a guy to proposals for romantic meetings, a girl must be able to present herself correctly, for example:

  • not be easily accessible;
  • do not hang yourself on the neck of your chosen one at every opportunity;
  • maintain mystery, but only in moderation;
  • represent a person engaged in self-development;
  • speak beautifully and gently in a gentle voice, avoiding filler words and curse words;
  • wash your hair frequently and style it attractively;
  • use discreet makeup;
  • watch your diet to have an impeccable figure;
  • prefer stylish accessories and beautiful outfits, especially skirts and dresses.

To avoid being rejected by a guy after trying to start a relationship, you need to follow some rules:

  • maintain sincerity;
  • do not make predictions about your relationships;
  • respect the personal space of the chosen one;
  • Don’t be too pushy so as not to encounter constant resistance.

If suddenly the object of the girl’s desires has another passion, then it is forbidden to even remember her while spending time together with the guy. It is better to overshadow all attempts to remember her with your own person.

If an admirer begins to give recommendations to a guy about his real girlfriend, then she runs the risk of immediately becoming just a friend for him.

At the beginning of communication, a guy should not be immediately frightened by conversations about the wedding, otherwise the chosen one will think that the girl is interested in getting married quickly. He will also be greatly burdened by long conversations about future relationships with him in marriage. Because of this, a partner can even easily run away from his companion without looking back.

In order not to seem vulgar to a guy, a girl should hold back her attraction to him until the relationship is announced. After all, any man wants to see a well-groomed and exemplary woman next to him as a future life partner.

So it’s better to postpone hints about sex to a girl until there is certainty and stability in the relationship.

To completely win a guy’s heart, a girl must learn to listen to him without interrupting. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity simply cannot stand companions who are inattentive to their statements. Their interlocutors must also be patient and submissive.

Asking a guy to date can be risky, as his decision may not be in favor of the girl. But you shouldn’t be afraid of this, because after finding out everything will become clear whether it’s worth continuing to wait for anything.

With open visor

It also happens: the meeting went perfectly, you agreed to repeat it someday, but definiteness never came. The guy continues to communicate with you as a friend and is in no hurry with romantic confessions. Well. It's time to talk directly. At the very least, this will allow you to get a clear answer to your question and no longer suffer from the unknown.

How to take a relationship out of the friend zone by inviting a friend to start dating?

Decide when the right phrases will sound. It is important that you both feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible. Perhaps you plan a special date that will put both of you in a romantic mood, and at the end of the meeting you confess your feelings.

Seize the moment. Did a man just compliment you? Say something nice back to him and start a conversation about your relationship. In this case, you can use both beautiful heartfelt words and jokes:

“You and I could make a wonderful couple. Don't you find it?

“Or maybe we can take the relationship to a new level? What do you think?"

“We have known you for a long time and, to be honest, you mean more to me than a friend. Shouldn't we try to build a close relationship?"

“I don’t understand how it happened that an attractive man was left without a partner. I am ready to correct this misunderstanding."

It’s better to think through the phrase in advance so as not to stumble over every word with excitement. You can even rehearse your speech in the mirror. Your task is to convey self-confidence and good mood. Otherwise, the voltage you radiate will be transferred to your counterpart, and the risk of failure will increase. Who would want to build a relationship with a person around whom they feel anxious and uncomfortable?

If it’s difficult for you to say such bold words while looking a man in the eyes, make an offer in correspondence. What you choose: romantic poems in an envelope or a VKontakte message flavored with emoticons is up to you.

A significant disadvantage of this method is the inability to see the emotions that will be reflected on a friend’s face after reading your message. In addition, you will deprive yourself of additional means of influencing a man: a pleasant timbre of your voice and hot glances.

How not to lose face if a guy refuses?

When a guy refuses a relationship, a girl should respond:

  • with complete calm and a sad smile;
  • without excessive dramatization and aggression;
  • with gratitude for your attention and frankness.

After this, the girl also needs:

  • be ready to continue communicating with the guy, but as a girlfriend, especially if there is an assumption that the chosen one will come to his senses and still decide on further meetings;
  • try to switch your attention to finding a new candidate for a serious relationship as quickly as possible;
  • avoid discussing the guy with your friends;
  • by all means refrain from running after a whimsical chosen one;
  • quickly distract yourself from unhappy love by intensely engaging in sports or creativity;
  • maintain a friendly and calm attitude towards the guy who refused her, without trying to convince him.

A modern girl needs to try in every possible way to get closer to a guy who is interested in her. By any available and acceptable means, she should encourage him to more regular meetings. Otherwise, you can very easily lose your chosen companion without offering him the opportunity to have a relationship with you in time.

Secret technologies and spy stuff?

Of course not. There are no top secret ways to meet a man. In principle, this is generally a simple and pleasant process. It's just better to stick to the basic rules that will increase your chances of a successful acquaintance.

Understand that men cannot read your mind (with the exception of psychologists).

And even if you glare at him with a stern look from the next table or have been winking with your left eye for ten minutes, it’s not a fact that your motives will be clear to him.

Decent men are also sometimes constrained by uncertainty if they really like a woman. So most men will only be glad of your soft feminine initiative.

How to attract the attention of a stranger? Be natural. There is no need to come up with a scenario and put on a performance: breaking a heel on purpose, dropping a handbag on it, colliding with someone when they meet.

It is enough to be yourself and act according to the situation. You can turn to a nice man for help, advice or ask for some favor, or you can just call him for coffee.

A normal and not “busy” person will be glad to meet you and will not refuse her request if you:

  • you will be confident;
  • smiling;
  • feminine and light;
  • and filled with happiness.

If you are very scared, try to meet a man with whom you did not fall in love at first sight. You can meet men to “practice.”

They are also pleased to talk with an intelligent and attractive woman, even if there is no continuation. In this way, they also feel courageous and attractive - a favor for a favor.

And you will feel calmer and more confident. It will get easier for you every time. You will become more free and confident in all situations related to communicating with strangers.

And later this experience will be useful to you to start a conversation with that very neighbor or colleague whom you have not been able to meet for a year.

How do men feel about this?

No matter how confident men may seem, when communicating with the girl they like, they are embarrassed and timid, do not find the right words and do not know how to ask her out on a date. What frightens them more than this is the first step on her part. This is due to the fact that representatives of the stronger sex try to bypass active women, fearing that they will not be able to cope with their character in the future.

This statement is partly true, because it is unlikely that the girl who initiated the date will follow her partner’s lead. In addition, men have a very developed sense of ownership and, having received an invitation to a date, he may think: how many gentlemen has the girl already invited? To avoid such a reaction, you should approach the situation with cunning and arrange a meeting so that the chosen one is one hundred percent sure that it was he who initiated the relationship.

Here's what men who were asked out first say:

“We met in a nightclub, and she invited me to visit. I liked her directness, and I didn’t refuse, especially since I really liked the girl.” Vladimir, 25 years old.

“We had quite a long conversation on various abstract topics, and then she unexpectedly called me for a walk. Both were happy." Dmitry, 28 years old.

“A fellow student once came up to me after lectures, plainly said that she liked me, and suggested we go somewhere. I didn't mind. Now we are graduating from college and are going to get married.” Ivan, 24 years old.

“We talked on a dating site. I thought it would be nice to invite her somewhere, but she did it first. And I turned out to be right, perhaps I myself would never have decided to do this.” Kirill, 32 years old.

“It’s great when a girl takes the initiative. A colleague suggested we go to a rock festival together because she didn’t have a car. It turned out to be a date." Andrey, 29 years old.

Courage test

Believe me, only the first few times it will be difficult for you to make acquaintances. Each time you will feel more calm and joyful. Be friendly and repeat the basic rules:

  • The man is not a psychic. If you don’t talk to him, don’t smile, your relationship will end before it even begins. Even strong men sometimes lose their temper if they really like a woman;
  • Be natural , just play a little with your mood and create an atmosphere;
  • Don't be afraid to ask a man. Helping and advising is a reason for him to feel courageous and attractive.
  • Practice. Meeting a man does not oblige you to marry him and have four children - this is a benefit to both of you.

Don't suppress your desires. Believe me, in this case you will least of all regret that you took the first step, because you will literally immediately understand how interesting you are to a man.

And then the acquaintance will be done without empty hopes and expectations like “why doesn’t he call” and “should he write first?”

By the way, nice to meet you, your Yaroslav Samoilov

New acquaintances and old friends

On social networks we communicate with old friends and make new ones. If you meet with the goal of starting a new relationship, both partners know about it, and everything happens by itself, but it’s difficult to start dating a guy who is your long-time friend.

You can learn to use Photoshop. Download his photo to yourself and make a beautiful picture, for example, where you two are relaxing in beautiful places, and put the photo on your avatar. You can choose beautiful poems, insert his name there and publish a note. If you are embarrassed to show your feelings to everyone, then write your confessions to him. If you are afraid to send, then close your eyes and click on the “Send” button. Your heart will bleed, then immediately get off the Internet. And the next day, check your email and you will find out the answer.

What phrases to use to ask a man out on a date

Remember, there is no magic phrase for a successful date invitation, and there is no point in learning any texts. It is best to act casually and speak from the heart. Even a simple sentence can work: “Are you busy tonight? Maybe we should go to the cinema?”

In any case, the spoken phrase should be concise and informative. For example: “You and I have so much in common! Maybe we can have a cup of coffee and talk?”

We had such an interesting conversation. Shall we continue it in an informal setting?

I've been invited to a party, but I don't have a date. Shall we go together?

I'm looking for a company for a country trip, are you free?

If a girl is embarrassed to propose in person, you can write one of the listed phrases to a man via SMS, on social networks or instant messengers.


Remember that men like it when a woman takes the initiative, and therefore you have quite a lot of chances for a positive response. The main thing is to propose, and the meeting will certainly take place. If you construct your sentence correctly, even your ex-boyfriend will honor you with a visit. Well, if you are currently dating, he won’t even think about refusing when you decide to offer to meet.

There is an opinion that the one who initiates the beginning of a relationship often determines the scenario according to which it will develop. Most girls know that it is useless to place hopes on the fact that male logic will allow a guy to competently manage relationships. That’s why we advise you to take the initiative into your own hands and share information on how to get a guy to ask you to meet.

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