Should you believe fortune tellers: truth and fiction, consequences of fortune telling, advice

Surely, many of you have come across gypsies trying to predict the future, have seen TV shows, advertisements or newspaper ads about psychics who will help you cope with any problems, lay out cards for the present, future, help in business or in love. Perhaps you also turned to a sorcerer for help. And now you have doubts whether to believe fortune tellers or not, whether they are people with superpowers or just scammers, good psychologists who know how to read a person by his behavior, facial expressions and gestures.

Who applies and when

People visit fortune tellers, psychics, and magicians with certain questions. Of course, these are some problems that concern a person, and he wants to get help. Most often people ask about the three most important areas in their life:

  • financial;
  • love;
  • business.

And when asking for help, a person, as a rule, expects that everything in his life will work out, as if by magic. At this moment, he still does not think about whether he should believe the fortune tellers, but perceives everything he hears as the truth.

“Child to grandma!”

Archpriest Dimitry Klimov:

A person must think about who he is dealing with, with what forces. When a doctor comes to see a child, the parent, unless the doctor changes his shoes or washes his hands, will not even let him near his child. But it’s the same in the spiritual sense: do people really not care with what thoughts, with what wishes, with what faith a person touches your child, with what power does he turn to?

As a priest, I can testify to many cases where there was a direct connection between turning to fortune tellers and subsequent problems in a person’s life. For example, one girl had some kind of inflammation on her skin, she went to her grandmother, she whispered something to her, anointed her, gave her some water, and everything seemed to go away. And then, six months later, such a terrible misfortune happened to her that she almost died.

Fortune teller - who is this?

Who are the people who know the answers to all questions and can solve any problems? All of them can be divided into several categories:

  • Psychics and clairvoyants are people who see the future without certain tools or manipulations.
  • Astrologers - describe a person’s character and his destiny, turning to the stars and numbers for help.
  • Healers and healers do not so much see the problem as they can solve it. They do this with the help of various rituals and conspiracies.
  • Fortune tellers and palmists make predictions using a certain instrument (cards, runes), or, for example, read a person’s hand.
  • Sorcerers and shamans are considered the most powerful of all. They can bewitch and turn around, predict the future. They have many different ritual objects and know many spells. In ancient times, they could even influence the forces of nature, for example, causing rain.

Magical help

But despite all the classification described above, each of these people is usually called a “fortune teller.” It is believed that this art is incredibly difficult to learn. Some fortune tellers have a hereditary gift, while others learn on their own. In order to predict the future, you must have intuition, be able to work with a tool and decipher meanings. Almost anyone can become a professional magician, but this requires a lot of time and effort.

But is it worth believing fortune tellers using coffee grounds, cards and runes? The question is difficult, since lately it has been difficult to find a real magician, but getting to a charlatan is easy. Magic has become a definite way to make money. A person who has just begun to study fortune telling introduces himself as an experienced magician and provides services to other people for money. Of course, the reliability of the information in this case cannot be at a high level, and it is for this reason that people wonder whether they should trust fortune tellers. This is especially true for people who have already fallen into the hands of a charlatan once.

Two sides of magic

Each phenomenon has its own, both positive and negative qualities. What can you say about magic? On the one hand, it provides an opportunity to look into the future, but on the other, it raises a lot of controversy and questions. The opinion of the church also has a significant influence on people's views. True Christians are sure that turning to magic and witchcraft is a great sin. On the other hand, magic surrounds a person from all sides. You pick up the phone to call a friend, and at that moment he calls you. Doesn't this situation fit the term "magic"? In this case, intuition worked, but it is intuition that allows us to predict events in a person’s life.

Do astrologers know the truth?

For an astrologer, only your date, place and year of birth are important. Based on this, he will tell you everything about you. If you believe this, it means that you agree that you were born lucky or unlucky. You will have to accept this is your fate. But essentially this is nonsense.

If you believe in astrology, then a person begins to live under duress, constantly expecting a certain event.

Why do they believe them?

These predictions appear credible at first glance. The most famous genius of astrology is Grant Levy. He was asked why he believed in the power of astrology. He answered proudly: because she works.

Second factor. Internal needs. Astrology claims to provide answers to pressing questions. For example, what and how is happening in your life. And it turns out that astrology claims to improve the standard of living of mankind. But what's the catch?

People, having visited an astrologer, feel a little calmer. The fact is not that the visit will bring the desired result, but that the person gets satisfaction after reading the horoscope.

During the session, the astrologer will hold your hand and constantly explain that you are an individual. He will tell you that many mysterious forces surround us. They shape an intimate destiny. Even receive vague but supposedly useful advice about your future.

So should you believe?

An astrologer will always deny the negative aspects. Let’s say he said it would be good, but the car crashed. But he will play on words. That is, he says that it could have been worse. If nothing bad happened, then he will say that you were as vigilant as possible at that moment.

There is also the so-called suggestion effect. A person who turns to an astrologer is ready to believe horoscopes. So he easily tunes in to self-hypnosis.

There was also a kind of experiment where two different people were sent exactly the same horoscope. Then they were very surprised how their personal horoscopes matched word for word.

Principle of operation

In order to answer the question of whether you should trust fortune tellers using Tarot cards or runes, you should understand the principle by which they predict the future. In fact, everything is quite simple, and this is due to endless variability. Every day several roads open before a person. They all have a different direction. If you follow one road, you may get caught in the rain. There will be holes and fallen trees along the way. On the other hand it will be sunny and warm

When an experienced fortune teller tells a person “what happened? what is? what will happen” - she sees all his paths. And, of course, it can tell you exactly which way to go. A less experienced magician sees only one of the options for the development of events. And therefore it cannot always provide reliable information. In the past and present, he sees events that actually happened or are currently taking place. But here is the future - here an inexperienced fortune teller sees only one path. But whether a person will follow it is a completely different problem. Therefore, the question of whether you should trust fortune tellers on cards can be answered in the affirmative if we are talking about a really good specialist who is able to analyze and see all the options for the development of events.

How science and the church explain it

The Bible harshly condemns astrology and has a negative attitude towards all types of predictions. There are even some passages where it is clearly written that you need to protect yourself from magic.

Astrology is universally criticized by the scientific community. They say that there is no scientific basis that confirms that the fate of a person is determined with the help of the stars. Here are the reasons why astrology is refuted by official science:

  • Predestination. Astrology is a victim of its own theory. One has only to think: if everything in life is already determined by the zodiac sign, then how can astrologers themselves get out of the situation? This creates a dilemma. It turns out that they themselves are slaves of their own system.
  • Contradictions between different systems. Each astrological system contradicts one another. On the same day, a client can receive different interpretations of his question from two astrologers. Some even have between 8 and 24 zodiac signs.
  • The theory is wrong. According to astrology, all planets revolve around the Earth. This was proven by Copernicus.
  • Unknown planets. Many astrologers claim that there are only 7 of them in the Solar System.
  • Incorrect reporting point. Time is counted not from the moment of conception, but from the date of birth.
  • There is no scientific evidence.

And so, many conclude that astrology is a pseudoscience. Those who support it are overwhelmingly charlatans. You shouldn't rely on the stars. It's just an illusion. You can’t build happiness if you stupidly act on recommendations. To get it, you need to make an effort, and not sit and wait for the weather by the sea.

Don't believe in predictions, they don't exist! Those who have the gift do not sit in magic salons with various strange objects that can be bought at the stationery for three rubles. Remember, fate is only in your hands, and not in the network of some seers.

Is it worth contacting

Of course, this question worries people no less than whether they should believe fortune tellers. Reviews about sorcerers and shamans differ significantly from each other. Some say that visiting a fortune teller really helped them. She suggested what to do in a certain situation. Others argue that this is nonsense and quackery.

But in fact, a lot depends not only on the fortune teller herself, but also on why exactly you turned to her. There are certain cases when the help of even the most experienced magician will be in vain. For example, if a certain event in your life is destined to happen and it cannot be changed.

Love spells

This is another type of help that is often sought from fortune tellers and sorcerers. Love occupies an important place in the life of every person, but when it is unrequited, it only brings pain. Some people find a way out - to bewitch a loved one. But is this right? In essence, a love spell is violence against the will of another person. In addition, you should think about whether you want such forced love. And is it worth believing fortune tellers? Reviews from people indicate that love spells do not always work as a person would like. And what’s interesting is that not every magician warns about this.

How psychics get rid of damage and money

Some readers open this text with the thought: “Who even believes in fortune tellers?” 55% Predictions, witchcraft, spiritualism... - to believe or not to believe? Russians, in short. 48% consider damage and the evil eye to be real. Every tenth Russian resident has strengthened his beliefs and turned to a fortune teller or astrologer. Some then came to the police.

A Muscovite found a fortune teller’s account through Instagram and asked her to solve problems in her family. She agreed to lift the curse for 200 thousand and disappeared. The Internet fortune teller “lifted the curse” from a Muscovite for 200 thousand rubles with money. And by the way, she didn’t even try to get rid of the damage, she simply disappeared. A clairvoyant swindled more than 1.3 million from a resident of Novokuybyshevsk. The victim took the granddaughter of the famous “Baba Nina” for a million rubles and removed the damage from a resident of the Samara region for four credits for the services of a medium. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, an online healer diagnosed a client with a serious illness and saved her. “Healer” in the Krasnoyarsk Territory will go to court for 240 thousand rubles.

A very active supply also indicates high demand. The Internet is full of people who want to open your cash flow, upgrade you in the profession without advanced training courses, attract a soulmate, and so on. This is not counting traditional fortune telling, removal of damage and love spells, and conspiracies. These are all great ways to get money out of you.

If you are satisfied with the result, you will bring new clients to the fortune teller. And if the rituals don’t work, then higher powers are against it, because the medium is only a guide. Finally, the results of some magical actions simply cannot be verified. You won’t be able to see whether the psychic has removed the crown of celibacy from you, and if she has removed it, what’s the matter, in case it’s expensive.

Strange things

For example, a girl wanted to bewitch a married man. And thanks to the fact that she turned to an experienced sorcerer, everything worked out for her. The lover left his wife for his girlfriend. But then strange things begin to happen. They may differ in different cases, but basically:

  • The bewitched person begins to abuse alcohol and drugs.
  • He cannot leave the one who bewitched him, but at the same time begins to regularly cheat on him.
  • A bewitched person may look slightly sluggish and lethargic, and he may begin to get very sick.
  • A person whose will has been broken often experiences feelings of anger. Subconsciously, he does not want to be with the one who bewitched him, but he cannot leave either. In one case, this condition leads to depression, and in another, it finds a way out in fights and beatings. No matter how absurd it may seem, a bewitched man can regularly beat his “beloved”.

The most interesting thing is that fortune tellers rarely talk about these side effects. In addition, it is not always possible to remove a strong love spell. So it turns out that, on the one hand, there is no doubt about the power of fortune telling, fortune tellers and love spells, but on the other hand, does a person need services of this kind?

Useful tips

Take the following tips if you decide to visit a fortune teller or have already been to one:

  • You shouldn’t take every word they say as truth;
  • If you decide to visit such a person, look for him not in advertisements, but through word of mouth and their help to specific people;
  • Don’t open up to them, don’t forget that most of them are psychologists;
  • The most important advice would be: believe in your destiny, it obeys only you.

Always stay sane. At a given time, all people have certain problems. Don’t despair, believe in yourself and your strengths, then you won’t need support from higher powers. Be careful, there are a lot of deceivers around who make money from the illnesses and misfortunes of other people.

Tell us your opinion, can fortune tellers be trusted? And what reviews can you leave about them? Share your stories in the comments.


Another fairly common type of magical influence is conspiracies. As a rule, they are aimed at good. With the help of conspiracies they get rid of alcoholism and various diseases. It is healers and healers who use spells. In addition, they are accompanied by some rituals. Should you trust fortune tellers who practice healing?

On the one hand - why not? In any case, there seems to be no harm from it. On the other hand, some charlatans use tinctures and potions in their rituals that can be harmful to humans. In addition, some of them claim that in order to cure a person, it is necessary to visit him several times a week and, of course, for each such session they require a lot of money.

It is interesting that sometimes, even when turning to a charlatan, people get good results. Scientists call all this the placebo effect. A person becomes better only because he believes in the effectiveness of this method. And a person’s thoughts and positive attitude are half the success in any business.

Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Maxim met a girl who also had a similar experience and turned to healers. With the help of a visit to Nadezhda Alexandrovna, she found a job and met love.

A couple of weeks later, this girl and I went to a session with Nadezhda Alexandrovna. On the way, she told me how everything would go: you had to take the first-come line, then enter together with two other visitors (though I still didn’t understand why they entered in threes). The sorceress will ask what I came with, after which she will tell me to leave the photograph I brought with me (necessarily with my eyes open) on the table and explain how to solve the problem.

The room itself was colorful: a powerful bed, a table littered with photographs and icons. On the wall hung a diploma of graduation from the Povolozhsk branch of the Dresden Institute of Parapsychology (I tried to find on the Internet a mention of an institution with the same or a similar name - to no avail). A sliding partition covered half the room from prying eyes. Nadezhda Aleksandrovna herself resembled the actress Lyubov Polishchuk - lively, temperamental, in a bright outfit that a gypsy could wear.

Granny was the first to approach her. It was clear that this was not the first time for her - despite her limp, she busily pushed the embarrassed grandfather and me aside and lay down on the bed, lifting up her sundress and voicing the problem area. The healer began to massage, saying something quietly, but forcefully and methodically. 3 minutes - and it’s done, the satisfied granny quickly jumped out of bed, left 300 rubles on the table and left, limping noticeably less. I took a step forward.

"First time? “I know why you came,” Nadezhda Alexandrovna began intriguingly. “Lethargy, drowsiness, no strength, don’t want to do anything, don’t want to live—right?” She voiced exactly the words that I had already uttered a thousand times. I could assume that such a conclusion could be drawn from the appearance and the very fact of coming to her - but to say this word for word?

Then she took my photo and pulled out a crystal on a string (similar to the one in the TV series “Charmed”), which froze over my face: “Well done for coming. Do you see it doesn't move? This is a grave curse - the grave sucks your strength. Many young guys left because of him, because they didn’t start cleaning up on time, but you came on time. Let's get rid of it." After that, an inconspicuous woman in a headscarf came out from behind the partition on the right side of the room and led me along through the second door, located in the same place.

“The grave curse is from envious people. But you can remove it: every day for 40 days, make beads from garlic heads and sleep in them. The beads should have exactly 33 heads - just like Jesus Christ had when he was crucified. Wear them when you're home and sleep in them too. If you see that the garlic is starting to rot or that some head has fallen off, make new ones. Come back in 40 days and check if everything is fine. Don’t worry, the curse will go away,” it was clear that this was not the first time the healer’s assistant had communicated with visitors, so I didn’t have any questions left. I touched up this fragrant decoration every evening and spent even more than 40 nights in it, although I slept with the garlic beads were awkward.

When I came for the second time, the crystal above my photograph began to cheerfully describe a circle, despite the fact that my well-being had not changed at all. The healer said to extend wearing the beads for another two weeks: “Your energy channel has already been cleared, but the cup is not yet filled.” I wore them for days, but I didn’t feel anything except the persistent smell of garlic in my nose. I no longer went to check if my cup was full.

Fortune tellers on the Internet

Magical help can also be obtained remotely. What progress has come... You just need to send your photo and a few thousand rubles to the magician to solve all your problems. Fortune tellers, predictions on the Internet - all this looks very tempting, but in fact it is ineffective. The fact is that checking how competent the magician is is quite difficult in this case. Yes, there may be a lot of positive reviews on the page, and convincing information in the “About Me” section, but all this is not proof of high professionalism. And, accordingly, it is difficult to give a positive answer to the question of whether you should trust fortune tellers on the Internet. It should also be borne in mind that in order to tell fortunes about a person from a distance, much more skill and knowledge is required than if he were nearby.

Should you trust horoscopes on partner compatibility?

Now the question of trusting horoscopes is gaining immense popularity. Among them, the compatibility horoscope has become popular. Nowadays absolutely everyone can gain knowledge from the field of astrology. So, horoscopes are an integral part of astrology. People want to know what will happen to them in the future. Everyone wants to look ahead.

Horoscopes can be found in any printed or electronic publications. They also listen to them on the radio or TV when they are getting ready for work. So, one of the most popular horoscopes is the horoscope for partner compatibility.

The concepts should be separated, since a horoscope and compatibility are different things, but in most cases it refers to the zodiac sign. But it has nothing in common with real life. Who makes them and how is completely unclear.

A person who has learned information from a horoscope immediately begins to look for something similar in another person, or close to what is described in the text. And, naturally, he finds similarities. Now there are many online platforms in the world where you can find out your fate by date of birth.

There are free and paid resources. But the best way to find out your destiny is to contact a professional astrologer. It will calculate compatibility based on special cards. The date and place of birth, as well as temperament along with strengths and weaknesses will also tell about the person.

So believe it or not?

You cannot trust horoscopes that describe everything in general terms and rely on your date of birth and zodiac sign. But still, here you can get some generalized information that may be useful in the future. But to get a real picture of compatibility with your partner, you should not rely solely on this horoscope.

But if this horoscope was compiled by an astrologer based on the data you provided, then the conversation will be completely different. This will already be an individual horoscope. It will show the compatibility of two specific people. And in this case, you can trust the horoscope.

But there is a problem - it is difficult to find your astrologer. The fact is that everyone has their own value system and outlook on life. For example, one person finds it wonderful, but another finds it disgusting. It’s the same with an astrologer, one may feel comfortable with one, but not another. The astrologer interprets the drawn card based on his own understanding, and is not guided by external and internal factors.

And remember, the concept of compatibility is a conditional issue. Try not to believe that you are 100% compatible, but make this compatibility yourself, and then no horoscope will prevent you from being together. Remember, love alone can keep you together as a couple, and not some abstract numbers in the form of date of birth, zodiac sign and other nonsense. Believe it or not - decide for yourself!

How to recognize a charlatan

There is a lot of deception and lies surrounding a person in life. And even when turning to magic, you can stumble upon a charlatan. How to distinguish a good specialist from a deceiver? In the age of modern technology, most magicians and sorcerers have their own websites or at least pages on social networks where they advertise their services. Therefore, before going to your appointment, you should carefully study the information.

  1. First of all, look at the photo of the fortune teller. Determine by personal feelings whether you like the person. How do you feel looking at him? If mistrust arises, it is best to choose someone else.
  2. Study information about the fortune teller, see when the page was registered, how many friends there are. It is important to look at colleagues and classmates. Usually, if a person is seriously involved in magic, he does not hide it from his friends. It’s another matter if the magician only knows people from other cities. All this may be proof that he is a charlatan.
  3. Reviews. Of course, they are the first to be read by those who would like to turn to a fortune teller. But can they be trusted? There are special services that help a person receive feedback. For every positive comment they receive money, although in fact they have never asked him for help. Look at the pages of those who leave reviews. If they were written as advertisements, the person who wrote them will have many different reposts of goods and services on their page. The pages from which a person writes reviews are very easy to distinguish. In addition, you should pay attention to how the comment is written and to errors in the text. People who turn to fortune tellers for help do not always have honors diplomas, and therefore write with grammatical and spelling errors.
  4. You should look for a good fortune teller among your acquaintances and friends. Find out who, when and to whom they turned for help, and what the result was.


Recently, on the Internet and not only you can find advertisements in which fortune tellers, magicians and psychics offer their services. Are all these people really endowed with some kind of gift and can help, or are they scammers who want to get rich at the expense of others?

“I’ll help you find out the future”, “I tell fortunes using tarot cards and coffee grounds”, “Love spells, fortune telling” - there are more and more such advertisements. It’s not for nothing that they say that demand creates supply. Nowadays, when the slightest problem arises (usually in their personal lives), many people rush to the computer or phone and ask people on the forum to urgently help them find the contacts of some good fortune teller.

No one denies that there really are people with a certain gift who can and do help people. More than once I have had the opportunity to communicate with those whose gift cannot be called anything other than a miracle. But is it worth believing everyone?


It happens that in a difficult situation a person cannot cope on his own. In such cases, we usually share the problem with friends and family, asking for advice and support. But this doesn't always help. Therefore, some decide to go to a psychic or fortune teller and find out: what to do next, how to solve the problem, how it will all end, what awaits in the future?

“How do you know if this is a professional?” - perhaps this is the main question that arises in this case. There are several criteria by which you can immediately identify a charlatan.

National glory

As a rule, true professionals of magical affairs do not need advertising. They do not create personal websites, do not advertise in the newspaper, do not promote themselves on social networks, promising a happy and carefree life. Word of mouth is the best advertising. Usually those who have already turned to a professional fortune teller share their impressions with others, they also spread the information, and as a result, fame comes.

Magic paraphernalia

If you come to a fortune teller’s house and you have the impression that you are in a real magic salon, then this is a reason to be wary. Bundles of herbs, dried rabbit feet or animal tails, glass balls - all this is just an entourage that is created in order to make a first impression. In addition, a true professional will not wear incredible costumes, hats, or weigh himself down with anything unnecessary.

Real interview

As a rule, someone who can at least somewhat foresee the future does not ask leading questions and does not greet the client with the phrase: “I see that trouble has brought you to me.” It is clear that you did not come to share your joy.

A terrible prediction

A professional will not intimidate a client. If you are immediately told that there is damage on you and you need to remove it urgently, then this is another reason to think about it. And if you are offered, by removing the damage, to also open the path to happiness, but for a fee, quickly run away from there.

You know, while preparing this material, I talked to some fortune tellers in our capital, some in person, and some over the phone. Of course, as a client. One lady, who was much praised on the Internet, already started talking on the phone that I had been jinxed, but it was not scary, and everything could be fixed. "How?" — I asked a completely logical question. “You will have to come to me five times - that’s how long the course lasts. During this time, I will try to remove the evil eye, clear karma and open the way to a happy future. If it doesn’t help, then you’ll need to repeat the course,” she jabbered on the other end of the line. Of course, it sounds tempting, except for the fact that for each session she will charge me one hundred thousand soums! That is, after conducting the course, she will earn five hundred thousand from me alone. Agree, the amount is impressive. And many people fall for it and pay a lot of money for a dubious prediction.


They say that a professional clairvoyant who truly has the gift should not have a specific rate. Nowadays we have to admit that this is a rarity. Of course, any work must be paid, but sometimes fortune tellers ask simply incredible sums for predictions. The minimum price starts from ten to fifteen thousand soums, but most ask from fifty and even one hundred thousand per session. And recently I had to deal with a fortune teller who asked for no less than eight hundred thousand for her services! And she promised for this amount a full range of services: predict the future (with dates and names), clear karma, open the way to happiness, etc. In general, everything that I was missing so much. I was very surprised that her clientele is not small, people are ready to give their last money!

No names or dates

Even real professionals cannot predict the exact date of your happy marriage, much less name the name of your future spouse. Therefore, if they predict a specific date for you, name names (as a rule, the most common ones), then you should not believe it.

If you come to a professional astrologer who will draw up your personal horoscope, then in this case there is still a chance to find out a specific date, but in the case of fortune telling on cards or coffee grounds, this can hardly be true. They can only tell you that the event will happen in the near future, this or next year, in spring or autumn - nothing more.

Daria MIRONOVA, psychic, clairvoyant:

— Recognizing a non-professional, as people say, a charlatan, is not so difficult. Firstly, a professional will never impose his help or persuade someone to come to him again. A real psychic never gets into your soul and doesn’t demand to tell you more than you want. Even without this, he sees the situation, the problem. Secondly, a professional will not demand exorbitant fees for his services. Not everyone has big money. If a person who has financial problems is in trouble, then a professional will understand and help for a purely symbolic fee. Thirdly, a professional will not immediately scare you with the presence of bad karma or damage. If you have or are planning a problem, he will advise you on how to solve it or avoid an unpleasant situation. And yet, a real professional is not the Lord God; he cannot promise to solve all your issues. If they give you a guarantee that they will solve any problem, help you get rich or get married, you are looking at a charlatan.


How do you know if you really need to see a fortune teller or clairvoyant? In what cases should you not go to them? How to prepare for the session? Let's try to figure it out.


Real professionals say that you should not turn to fortune tellers simply out of idle curiosity. After all, it often happens that a friend goes to a fortune teller with her problems, and you are just for company.

Control of the situation

If you have already decided to contact a person with an unusual gift, then it is worth remembering that you must come with a specific question, with a specific situation. To be on the safe side, write down the questions on a piece of paper so that the fortune teller (in case it’s just a charlatan) cannot take the topic in a different direction. Often, fortune tellers are simply good psychologists who know how to get a person to talk.

Be ready for anything

When going to a session, be prepared for the fact that they will predict not only a bright and happy future for you. They will probably talk about problems and unpleasant circumstances. A true professional will not impose his additional services on you, he will simply give advice, a recommendation on what to do in a given situation.

If you are in trouble, do not despair or run to look for other fortune tellers. In this case, you risk running into a charlatan who will take advantage of your condition and simply make money on you.

Arrange a check

Any fortune teller, if she is a professional, will be able to answer your questions, describe events from the past, specific people from your environment, and will not extract these details from you. It’s easy to check the fact of fraud: if during a session you speak more than the clairvoyant herself, then this is just a psychologist.

Regular customer

If at the end of the session the fortune teller persistently persuades you to come to her again and become, as they say, a regular client, this is a reason to think about it.

Arina EVDOKIMOVA, clairvoyant, astrologer:

— Turning to a psychic, believing or not in his prediction is a personal matter for everyone. If you turn to a fortune teller, then no matter what she predicts for you - good or bad, remember that our fate is in our hands. Any future can be changed, the main thing is desire and faith. Therefore, if you have been told something bad, do not be upset and do not give up. If you were predicted something good, bright, do not sit idly by, do not expect happiness to come to you on its own.

Every person is capable of changing his destiny and influencing it. Each of us has two options in any situation. Listen to your intuition. Every person has abilities, but not everyone listens to their inner voice.

If you want a bright, happy future, then fortune tellers are of no use to you. Make your plan for a happy life and strive to implement it. Dreams always come true if formulated correctly.

To believe or not to believe is everyone’s business; our advice will not help you here. But we tried to collect useful information for you so that you can recognize a charlatan and not allow yourself to be deceived. Believe in the good, believe in a happy future, believe in yourself!


There are moments in a person’s fate that remain undestined and can change under the influence of events. When people go to fortune tellers and want to find out what will happen, they are told only one option, and then everything is predetermined - the person will do or attract exactly what he was told. The choice in this case is limited.

Prepared by Kamilla PARPIEVA

At a reception with a fortune teller

If you finally decide and come to the session, do not rush to believe everything you hear. Know how to filter information and recognize lies. Most magicians and fortune tellers are good psychologists. This, by the way, also applies to charlatans. For example, a magician may have neurolinguistic programming techniques. By gestures, hand movements and facial expressions, he quickly calculates the problems that concern a person. In addition, many magicians give a person a general characteristic, which is 99% suitable for anyone. For example, he says that you have problems. Well, of course! A person who is doing well is unlikely to come to a fortune teller. In addition, it is difficult to find anyone in the world who has no problems at all, and everything is incredibly smooth.

What to pay attention to

  • Is it possible to trust fortune tellers during communication? As the popular saying goes, trust, but verify. Most people who make a living from witchcraft are good psychologists. Therefore, if you are particularly suggestible, try to take someone close to you to the session.

Be wary if a sorceress or sorcerer constantly says general phrases, for example: “You have problems.” The abundance of obvious things shows that she/he simply has nothing to say to you, so end the appointment before it’s too late.

  • Charlatans often try to intimidate people in order to attract them to them again or even several times. Do not be afraid: a real fortune teller, whom you can trust, will not construct sentences in the affirmative or imperative. After all, she knows how changeable fate is.
  • Refuse if they force you to remove the evil eye and damage. Most likely, they just want to get a larger amount from you.
  • Listen carefully to what the fortune teller says, or better yet, record her words on a voice recorder. After some time, compare them with reality and draw conclusions about the professionalism of the clairvoyant.
  • Sometimes deceitful sorcerers use this technique: they say that you have problems with your superiors. And if you begin to deny it, they claim that you do not yet know about them. In this case, do not continue to guess and remember that there is no one who will solve your troubles more successfully than you.

Tricky ways

Sometimes a charlatan uses this method. For example, he says that a person has health problems. But you deny, because in reality they do not exist. But the magician does not give up: “They already exist, but you don’t know about them yet.” Also, charlatans often talk about severe damage, the evil eye and other terrible things. And the more you manage to intimidate a person, the more money he will subsequently give for “treatment.”

Charlatans always use the method of intimidation. This must be remembered and under no circumstances be afraid. An experienced fortune teller will never talk about problems with 100% probability. She will say that they are possible.

If you are offered to urgently remove the evil eye or damage, it is better to abandon this idea. Ask the fortune teller to simply make a reading for the present and near future. Listen carefully to what she says, or better yet, write it down. After a while, compare the result. This way you will understand whether the person can be trusted, or whether you have ended up with a charlatan.

I see you have problems with men

If Maxim himself was looking for meetings with psychics, then some of them approach them themselves to talk about what they see. For example, one of my friends once shared an interesting story about such an acquaintance. The girl was waiting for her friend in the courtyard of one of the houses in a not very prosperous district of Petrozavodsk, when a woman approached her. She looks like a gypsy. She didn’t introduce herself or ask for money, but for some reason she started talking about the girl’s problems.

- “I see that you have problems in matters of the heart. There are many men, but the same one is not there,” can you imagine, she saw it! - the friend was delighted.

- Well, you are a young girl, and at this age many people have problems in their personal lives, what’s surprising here? - I retorted.

“Then she began to tell me that in our family men die early. Again to the point! — the friend gave another argument in defense of the witch.

— In Russia, men rarely live to a ripe old age. You don’t have to be a psychic to know this—I was skeptical.

“Then she said that I had health problems. “You have to admit, you can’t tell for sure from my appearance,” the friend said triumphantly.

“There are no absolutely healthy people, so this is also quite a broad prediction,” I couldn’t be convinced.


Many people had “contact with the other world.” Someone predicted a rich prince, whom the girl is still expecting. To someone in the village, a grandmother spoke of a hernia. The local witch surprisingly accurately told someone everything about her family and past, and even predicted a meeting with a man. In the end, even a hardened skeptic on the eve of the exam, without any remorse, shouts through the window “Freebie, come.” We may not believe it, but if it helps, then why not?

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