How to take revenge on the person who offended you and is it worth it?

It's hard to argue that revenge is not the most noble thing. From a Christian, and simply universal, point of view, it would be much more correct to forgive the offender and hope for his speedy correction.

On the other hand, who among us did not admire the legendary Count of Monte Cristo, who was able to so skillfully punish each of those who acted basely with him. After all, there are times when indignation and resentment overwhelm your soul so much that they become a lump in your throat that you cannot simply swallow without causing yourself a nervous breakdown.

Therefore, in some situations, it may be better to prefer elegant and intellectual revenge, in return for further peace of mind, than imaginary mercy and gnashing of teeth at night from suppressed rage.

Introducing 10 ways to take intellectual revenge.

Get the form

They say that revenge is a dish best served cold. You should not proceed to punish the offender, as they say, “with your last breath.”

You need to recover from the insult itself, come to your senses, because strong emotions prevent you from concentrating and drawing up a clear plan of action. And in order to abstract yourself from the situation for a while, you can take care of yourself.

First of all, pay attention to your health and appearance: go to a spa, spend a weekend in nature, go to a sanatorium, etc. And then, with renewed vigor, begin to implement your plans. Remember, Edmond

It took Dantes more than fifteen years to prepare for revenge, and the effect of it was not “blurred” by the long wait.

What is revenge


is an action directed against the person who offended us or brought severe suffering into our lives.

The emotions that we experience towards the offender are the most negative and destructive to the psyche - anger, irritation, rage. The feeling of violated dignity and injustice make us suffer.

A devoted person wants to hurt another as much as it hurt himself. This is the main incentive for revenge.

Religion teaches us to forgive, to forgive sincerely, wishing the enemy all the best. But how to accept such forgiveness if inside the soul asks for revenge? You can see a psychologist, go to church. That pain and desire to harm another that sits inside us brings additional suffering.

The person who inflicted a mental wound might have forgotten about us; perhaps he does not even think about how we feel about him. He lives calmly, rejoices, prospers. And this provokes him even more and forces him to make plans for revenge. It is impossible to say unequivocally whether revenge is needed.

It depends on various circumstances:

  • the degree of harm and suffering that was caused;
  • forms of action;
  • the identity of the offender.

In addition, the desire for revenge also depends on the psychotype of the offended person. For some of us, mental wounds heal quickly and leave no trace. For others, the harm caused becomes an obstacle to a normal life for many years.

Revenge can be based on feelings and emotions. Sometimes the desire for revenge is well thought out, and plans are hatched over months and years. Revenge can even be accidental, when harm to the offender is caused by a fortunate combination of circumstances.

It is impossible to say unequivocally whether it is worth intentionally causing harm to the enemy; everyone decides this issue based on their own convictions.

Under the tribal system, there was a custom of blood feud, when the murder of a clan member required revenge by eliminating the killer, and, if impossible, members of his family. Blood vengeance originates from the Old Testament, where the principle of “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” is formulated. Unfortunately, revenge often led to more serious consequences than the crime itself, and innocent people suffered.

Stun me with kindness

Imagine that some person who has done something nasty to you and is expecting a retaliatory blow suddenly receives a gift or good service from you? Do you think this will not discourage him?

It is even possible that such an act will awaken his conscience and he will understand how dishonestly he acted towards you. And if he is like a wallflower, then you will be able to lull his vigilance with good deeds.

Pranks and dirty tricks

Let's leave nobility and pity and move on to more interesting ways of taking revenge on exes. But be careful and don’t get caught by him or the law enforcement agencies.

Complaint to the traffic police for illegal parking

If a man has a car and is breaking parking rules, take a photo or video. Send him to the appropriate traffic police service and watch for unpleasant consequences for him.

It is legal. You just fairly punish the offender and at the same time take revenge on your ex.

Feeding birds on his car

Does your ex love his car more than anyone else in the world? Take a pack of mixture for feeding birds at the pet store or just buy cereal. Pour all the contents onto the car and move as far away as possible.

Admire from the side how a flock of pigeons or sparrows attack his “beauty”. The man will be tortured to drive them away and eliminate the consequences of the birds being on the car.

Compromising parcels

If your ex already has a new girlfriend, send him an incriminating package such as a set of beautiful underwear with a note: “We had such a good time last time, I’m waiting for you again.”

Or another option. To the office, where all the employees and management are located, the courier brings a parcel - a large bouquet of roses with the inscription: “To my beloved boy with love. Finally, you broke up with yours, now we can openly be together. I'm waiting at my place in the evening! Yours Nikita."

Love SMS from different numbers

Buy several different phone numbers and send messages of erotic and love content from each one. SMS can be of the following type:

  • “our night was unforgettable, I look forward to repeating it”;
  • “what you did to me the last time we met... I’ve never experienced anything like this”;
  • “I’m waiting for you in my crib, my little lion.”

Let his girlfriend think about it and understand that this is a real womanizer.

Registration on a dating site under his name

Register a new account on a dating site, take his most piquant photo and post it there. Write a real phone number and correspond on his behalf. And let your ex receive all the calls, he won’t last long. In just a couple of weeks he will change his number.

Paint your car with oil paint

Write whatever you want on the car, in the form you want. Use your imagination, don’t be shy to express your emotions. It is very difficult to wash off such paints, especially if they have dried. The young man will have to make every effort to get rid of them.

To remove paint from a car, use one of two options:

  1. You can erase it yourself using special means, but there is a risk of damaging the car’s coating.
  2. Turn to specialists and pay a lot of money for their work.

Please note that if you get caught, you may be breaking the law. This way you will ruin other people's property.

An affair with his best friend

To make a guy not only angry, but also jealous, flirt with his best friend, go on a date with him, or invite him to your house for a cup of coffee. Don't get into a serious relationship with him, but you can get a little distracted and annoy your ex.

Just imagine his face when he sees you happy and joyful with another, and even more so if this other is his best friend.

How to annoy a man when his friend is nearby:

  1. When your ex looks your way, lean closer to the other guy to make the situation seem more intimate.
  2. Tell his friend phrases like “You look great”, “You have great taste, and in general you are very attractive”, etc.

Publishing compromising photographs of him on social networks

Post a shameful photo of him on a social network or in a public place. Never post intimate photos - use pictures where he looks bad, does something funny, etc.

Advertisements for the sale of something with his phone number

A method similar to the option of adding his number on a dating site. You can come up with a standard advertisement for the sale of something, publish it in a newspaper or on the Internet and watch as your ex answers the phone and claims that he is not selling anything and has not published anything anywhere.

Transfer supposedly forgotten potency pills through friends

Humiliate the young man through his friends. Meet them, supposedly by chance, and give your ex potency pills. Say that the man left them with you, and without them it’s probably hard for him now.

For men, this is psychological pressure, because the topic of “male power” is very painful for them.


Most of us don't like to get into open conflicts. At the same time, it is common for most people to have hidden aggressive desires. Therefore, such people can disguise themselves and strike passively.

Each of us, in one way or another, has encountered in our lives those who spread dirty gossip behind our backs, while smiling in our eyes and feigning goodwill. How to teach such a person a lesson? The best way to combat passive aggression is transparency.

In this case, do not try to play by his rules and pretend that there is no conflict between you. Instead, go up to this person and ask him a direct question, as they say, head on. It is advisable that someone else be present. Usually, gossipers, leaving their usual strategy of struggle, become very lost and even experience animal fear.

How to punish an offender with a conspiracy at a distance at home

Hex on a scarf is a powerful magical way to punish an offender.

What do we have to do:

  • To perform magical acts, you need to take a handkerchief that has not yet been used.
  • The only point that you must take into account is that the words of the prayer are always read before you go to some place where they might wish you harm.
  • You need to wash it first each time so that damage does not inadvertently overtake you.

When you are about to leave, looking at the handkerchief, you need to say the spoken words.

Then wipe your face with it three times counterclockwise and put it in your pocket. You can confidently go about your business; bad words and thoughts cannot harm you.

How to destroy envious people

The search for ways to take revenge on the offender using clever methods of revenge was not successful. Don't despair. There is another way that will help you get rid of its negative influence.

By performing such a ritual, you will put an invisible wall between you, which will push the enemy away, and his bad thoughts will be directed against him. If you decide to take such actions, then the day before, try to stop feeling hostility towards the enemy, think only about what is bright and pure. If you do not get rid of attacks of anger, then in a moment of strong concentration your thoughts will return all the negativity back to you.

A spell to make your enemy leave you aloneWait until the moon enters its 22nd or 30th cycle. This is the most optimal time to perform the sacraments. The ritual performed must be supplemented with the following attributes:
  • Church candles in the amount of 3 pieces. Buy them on a regular day when there are no church holidays.
  • Matchbox.
  • The tablecloth is black. If you don't have one in your house, just take a piece of fabric.
  • Photo – 1 piece (of the offender), 1 piece (yours). Choose photos that don't include other people. By your actions, you can unconsciously cause harm to them. The photograph must be full length.
  • Mirror – 2 pieces (without frame).

How to perform the ritual

  • The process itself should take place after sunset.
  • Two photos are laid out on a table covered with a black tablecloth.
  • On the right is your enemy, on the left is you, at a certain distance of ten centimeters.
  • The mirrors are checked, face up.
  • Then light one of the candles with a match.
  • It is under no circumstances recommended to use a lighter in this case.
  • Place it in a candlestick between the photos on the table.
  • You light the second candle from the flame of the first, place it on the mirror lying on your photo, saying: “I name you (what is your name).”
  • You do the same with the third one, but put it on the mirror in the photo of your enemy with the same words, only instead of your name you indicate the name of the one who offended you.

Looking at the light of the second candle, you say the cherished words, exactly as many times as necessary for you to feel relief.

Switch your attention

Remember, the motto: “I will die, but I will take revenge!”, it must be forgotten forever. Don't let the desire to teach a scoundrel a lesson take over your consciousness and become the meaning of your existence. Don't do him such an honor!

Otherwise, having carried out your plan, you will remain at a loss, because prolonged anger and an obsessive desire for revenge devastates, and sometimes even brings you to a hospital bed.


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There are often situations in our lives that hurt so much or leave an unpleasant mark that it is simply impossible to get rid of the desire for revenge. The desire to take revenge for injustice is quite understandable and justified, but one should not forget about the articles of the Criminal Code and subsequent responsibility for the actions committed.

When wondering how to take revenge on a scoundrel, it is necessary to consider methods that cannot compromise you personally and will not lead to unpleasant consequences. Such methods of revenge can be called minor dirty tricks, which can significantly ruin the life of the offender, but at the same time soothe your wounded pride and satisfy your vengeful intentions.

How to properly take revenge on a person knowing his phone number?

Events that appeal to your sense of justice may be associated with fraud, with neighbors, with the betrayal of a friend or girlfriend. Let's say you were deceived or became a victim of a scammer. How can you take revenge on a person, knowing his phone number, without causing suspicion on yourself?

Revenge by phone number involves the use of various services and programs:

The above types of revenge without personal confession cannot lead to you. Naturally, when establishing contact with site managers and when launching flood programs, it is better to access something other than your computer, your home or work network. It is better to use a one-time email address and carry out all actions in public areas with wireless Internet.

How to take revenge on a scammer if you know his phone number?

Perhaps one of the most cruel and dirty methods of revenge, which already borders on meanness, is the use of various dating sites. Perhaps, for minor offenders, minor nasty things will be enough, but if you have been seriously scammed, then you can go beyond the bounds of decency.

Submitting an ad on a dating site indicating intimate details or needs on behalf of your abuser and with his phone number will arouse great interest among a number of inadequate users who are active participants in such resources. Probably, after such interest, your abuser will have to change his phone number.


Determine what the enemy wants

There are more complex situations. For example, you may become a victim of a so-called “energy vampire.” This person can endlessly provoke a response, thereby driving you to nervous exhaustion.

Accept that there is a category of people who “feed” on the negative energy of scandals. They need squabbles like air - it helps them feel strong.

Therefore, the worst punishment for them is limiting access to “food”, that is, if you do not allow them to exhaust themselves with constant quarrels.

Of course, this is easier said than done, but it is enough to show the “vampire” once or twice that such a trick will not work with you, and very quickly he will get rid of you.


How can you ruin the life of a bad person
? If other methods do not help, try using magic. But coming into contact with real magical power, in addition to taking revenge on the offender, it is possible to harm yourself.

Therefore, before you decide to take such a step, carefully weigh such a step.

If the victim you have chosen is an impressionable person, an imitation of magical influence will have the appropriate effect.

Throw a doll pierced with needles, black burnt candles, bird feathers stained with blood, etc. under the door.

Another option is to send a box of dried scorpion or crusader spider by mail.

But if the enemies are fed up with you, and you decide to turn to real magic, it is better not to perform the rituals yourself.

Although there are a huge number of different conspiracies for loneliness, illness and death posted on the Internet.

When taking a certain step, remember the point of no return. By making adjustments and influencing people's lives, a person changes his destiny.

Create fog

From the moment you decide to take revenge on your offender, be very attentive to all kinds of information about yourself that may be useful to the ill-wisher in his dark deeds against you. Especially if this person is in close proximity (for example, a colleague, neighbor, relative, etc.).

Therefore, you should not post personal information on social networks or share secrets with people you do not trust 200%.

Do not put weapons in the offender’s hands that he can use to hurt you; it is better to create a “fog” and create a veil of mystery. By doing this, firstly, you will protect yourself, and secondly, you will make him tremble, because most of all a person is afraid of the unknown and people from whom you do not know what to expect.

Variety of ways

There are many sophisticated ways to annoy an offender.

Below are practical tips to take revenge painlessly:

  • Mother-in-law after divorce. Often the husband's mother interferes in her son's family affairs, causing the wife's indignation, scandals and breakup. You can punish your ex-mother-in-law more painfully by banning her from seeing her grandchildren.
  • My husband's mistress. Wisely planned and gracefully executed revenge will bring the husband home and give him the pleasure of defeating his rival. If you don’t know this woman personally, get to know her by becoming a close friend; if you are married, show interest in your spouse, make your children and household members fall in love with you.
  • A married man who used him for his own purposes and then abandoned him. Knowing his phone number, send an intimate SMS from an unknown number late at night or just call and then hang up. A good way is to place numbers in a dating newspaper under an advertisement of an intimate nature.
  • A classmate - a narcissist. Find out his weaknesses and, by manipulating them, quietly humiliate him in the eyes of others.
  • For noisy neighbors living in a private house and bothering those around them with loud music, it is appropriate to sprinkle salt mixed with needles or feathers from the bottom of the gate. Another effective way is to call an electrician and cut the wires unnoticed when they are not at home.
  • For a sister-in-law who is sticking her nose into other people's affairs, insert needles or matches coated with glue into the keyhole. The idea of ​​using a phone number on a dating site is also a good option.

Grow your network

When you are faced with open aggression towards yourself, the primary desire will be to run away from everyone and hide. You may not want to see even close people who can support you in difficult times. However, such tactics are wrong.

Overcoming fear and basic instincts, it is necessary not to fence yourself off from people, but rather to create a coalition of like-minded people around you. This will help you feel stronger and more confident, and the help of friends in the fight against evil will not be superfluous.

How not to harm yourself?

Revenge, like a worm, eats from the inside, devastating a person. It is not for nothing that any religion warns against accumulating grievances and deliberately causing harm to another.

But there are times when the desire for revenge cannot be controlled.

In such situations, the following tips will help you protect yourself:

  1. Don’t give in to the first bloodthirsty desire, cool down and think through your actions, don’t be afraid to experiment.
  2. Slowly set traps, but do not appear in the action arena in advance, remaining incognito.
  3. Be confident, hold your head up proudly, and do not attract attention with empty complaints, threats and insults.
  4. Act gradually, in small steps.
  5. Get to know the enemy's surroundings better, establish good relationships with his relatives and friends.
  6. If the anger persists, do nothing, wait until the emotions subside.

Remember, revenge is the last resort that can destroy not only the enemy’s life, but also your own. If there is an opportunity to solve the problem in another way, use it.

Be judicious and careful, if you fail, the enemies will become stronger, and you will be left with new pain and disappointment.

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Ask the question more often: “Why?”

The motive for your revenge (if you are a highly intelligent being) should go far beyond “because I am offended.”

In addition to just the feeling of injustice towards yourself, something else must become the driving force behind your actions, otherwise your revenge will be of some petty nature.

For example, you want to punish a slanderer so that no one else becomes a victim of his gossip, or you want to take revenge on your boss so that he understands that his position does not give him the right to treat subordinates like dirt, thus providing an invaluable service to his colleagues.

2 1

Classification of grievances by ranking

Before you put on the armor of a vengeful warrior, think about how much damage has been caused to you by trampling on what is dear to your heart. Close people are hurt, your true sincere love is ridiculed, some career issues are reduced to barbs at your successes, your manner of dressing, thinking, and feeling is disgraced.

Revenge, is revenge worth it?

You are now threatened with ignominy and disgrace after the insidious act of your enemy, your pride is deeply wounded, or maybe innocent taunts addressed to you have awakened your fighting spirit and are calling you to unearth the hatchet. Know how to separate grievances and bitter and ruthless actions from imaginary affronts and minor troubles.

Having done preliminary work to assess the reasons that make you think about revenge, think about the intricacies of your plan:

  • what the strategy and tactics of an avenger are for you personally: a matter of a stubborn, unforgiving principle or the nobility of a female knight without fear or reproach, who will punish the guilty person according to his deserts;
  • identify the reason: you want to prove something to the world at any cost, position your superiority over the source of your humiliation, or are you preparing to give this person a life lesson, share the experience of sincere pain, suffering, melancholy to which her action led, let her try on the role imposed on you ;
  • try to predict what feelings you will experience when you win, everything will happen according to your plan and the offender will be defeated, whether you will plunge into an ocean of joy or freeze in amazement in a swamp of empty disappointment;
  • what things are you ready to lose on the path of revenge: respect from loved ones, a loved one, team, friends, with what eyes will they look at you, having recognized your character from the other side, will they accept you as you showed yourself in a vengeful frenzy.

Don’t lie to yourself, even mentally, when answering these questions. Revenge is insidious, it corrodes the soul with the black mold of evil, changes character, gives birth to mental wormholes, forces one to put on the skin of a hunter, punisher, sometimes even a terrorist. How far are you willing to go to get revenge?

We were unable to convince you to abandon the idea of ​​dotting the i’s in a “bloody” way. No, no, we are not at all talking about you picking up a sharp knife and going to visit the victim. You still passionately thirst for revenge and are ready to turn into a source of retaliatory evil, think carefully: from the moment of vengeful actions you will never be the same.


The poisonous chill of power over another person will forever settle in the soul and heart. Just freeze for a couple more minutes. Shall we open Pandora's box together? Well, the arguments of reason have been exhausted, we hand you over to the clutches of the senses.

What time can you make noise?

Many had to live next door to harmful and conflict-ridden people. Such people, at the slightest noise from your apartment, immediately appear on the threshold, make trouble, threaten with the police and various troubles. But why do you need to conflict once again? In order not to become like a brawler, let's figure out what the law says in such cases.

The norms and rules of conduct for residents of an apartment building are prescribed in the law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.” From a legal point of view, you can file claims against your neighbors regarding noise in the following cases:

  • if neighbors play music loudly, shout, stomp and otherwise create a lot of noise between 11 p.m. and 7 p.m.;
  • when the noise coming from the apartment in the period from 7 to 23 hours exceeds 30 dB;
  • in cases where neighbors carry out renovation work that creates a lot of noise on weekends or between 7 pm and 7 pm during the work week.

Clarification of relations with neighbors should begin only if they violate the rules of behavior prescribed by law.

Make you regret9

This method is the most time-consuming and complex, but the most useful for the girl as an individual. While the girl is thinking about how to beautifully take revenge on the guy, she can make radical changes at this time, and this applies to both appearance and internal content. You can get rid of the goal of revenge by engaging in free time: enrolling in interesting courses, a gym or a dance school. When, after some time, the ex sees a girl in excellent shape with a radiant smile on her face and realizes that he has lost her forever, this will bring him such suffering that can hardly be compared with a damaged car or a cut expensive shirt.

Communicate with the guy's relatives8

If his mother treats the girl well, then he needs to continue communicating with her. The ex will know through his mother that the girl is doing well, has a new boyfriend, found a good job, and is successful.

The ex-boyfriend will bite his elbows, it will hurt him that everything turned out great for the girl without him.

Does the wife of a cheater need the truth?

If the ex-lover is married, then the most likely idea of ​​revenge would be to tell his wife everything. However, is this necessary? Undoubtedly, a wife can tear her ex-lover to pieces and break up with him. However, understand that other people may also be harmed:

  • The wife herself, who could have guessed about her husband’s infidelities, just did not want to admit it. It will be very painful for her to face the unpleasant truth.
  • Their common children, if any. After all, the wife may file for divorce, the children may lose the opportunity to see their father as often as they want. Moreover, often a showdown occurs in front of children.

If, after all, the desire for revenge is greater than anyone’s feelings, then go for it. This will be easier to do if you know where your ex-lover lives or where his wife can be found. Here you can either come yourself to tell your wife everything, or give specific hints about your husband’s infidelity:

  1. Leave your panties in bed.
  2. Leave lipstick in his car.
  3. Distribute your things throughout their apartment, which the wife will definitely see, since she does not use such things.
  4. You can send your wife a photo of your intimate scenes in bed with her husband.

Of course, we need concrete evidence of a man’s infidelity (photos, videos, messages from his mobile, etc.), since mere words may not have the desired effect. Your word is against the word of your husband, who may claim that you are secretly in love with him, so you are trying in various ways to win him away from your wife. However, photographs, videotaping, and various written evidence made by your ex-lover himself will prove his betrayal.

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Harm the toy

Guys are grown up children. They all have toys, especially their favorite one. It could be a car, a computer, all sorts of trinkets. And a girl can harm these things with the help of tools (hammer, axe, bat), pour paint on them, but there is also a downside. This idea of ​​how to beautifully take revenge on a guy can end sadly for the girl herself. The guy could sue and she could be punished for the damages caused. A less risky option is to sprinkle grain on your car to attract birds.

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