Class hour for 2nd grade “On human responsiveness”

Responsiveness is a human quality that allows one to approach understanding human needs from the perspective of complete empathy (that is, acceptance without judgment) and altruism. Thus, responsiveness presupposes sympathy, complicity, support and help, without the influence of prejudice, beyond religious, ethnic and political beliefs, and even despite the actual actions of strangers.

When communicating, a responsive person takes into account all the characteristics of the interlocutor: gender, age, status, and so on, so as not to offend his opponent during the interaction. Moreover, it is believed that such a person is able to notice a call for help even “between the lines,” that is, without a real request.

But not everything with this definition is so simple. The fact is that dissolution in the problems of others is sometimes a need for an individual who has his own characteristics and problems of formation. And sometimes such individuals impose their sympathy and help too much. Those around them begin to form the opinion that they are “mindful of their own business.” And that's not exactly responsiveness. After all, the latter presupposes, first of all, delicacy, a sense of tact and proportion.

How is responsiveness formed?

At the moment, there is a very interesting theory of a person’s physiological predisposition to responsiveness. Thus, a number of researchers have found that people who were rated by others as “responsive” with the highest scores in a survey showed a tendency to increase the production of vasopressin and oxytocin, compared with other average indicators.

There are also interesting observations that indicate that sympathetic people receive strong positive emotions from selflessly helping others, thus stimulating the restructuring of their body to a reduced level of stress and negativity. And as a result, their average life expectancy is longer.

However, the immediate environment, society and family are still considered the most important factors in the formation of responsiveness.

Responsiveness Responsive

-Where is the boa constrictor? “I call him and call him, but he doesn’t respond.” “It’s strange, because he’s so responsive.”

From the cartoon "38 Parrots"

One girl says to her friend: “You know, I don’t have those anymore.”

claims against men, as before. The main thing is that he be kind,

responsive, humane. Do you think there are still such bankers left?

Responsiveness as a personality quality is the ability to selflessly respond to other people’s needs, to actively and effectively help


A man was driving a new car in a great mood, humming some tune. Suddenly I saw children sitting by the road. After he carefully drove around them and was about to pick up speed again, he suddenly heard a stone hit the car. The man jumped out of the car, grabbed one of the boys by the collar and started shaking him, shouting: “You brat!” Why the hell did you throw a rock at my car? Do you know how much this car costs?! “Forgive me,” the boy answered. “I didn’t mean to harm you or your car.” My brother is disabled, he fell out of the stroller, and I can’t lift him, he’s too heavy for me. We have been asking for help for several hours, but not a single car has stopped. I had no choice but to throw the stone, otherwise you wouldn't have stopped either.

The man helped sit the disabled man in a chair, trying to hold back his tears and suppress the lump that had come to his throat. Then he went to his car and saw a dent on the shiny new door left by the stone. He drove this car for many years, and every time he said “no” to the mechanics’ offer to repair this dent on the door, because every time it reminded him that if you are not responsive to people, a stone will fly at you.

Responsiveness is the personality quality of a person in goodness, or a person who is capable of instantly seizing the initiative in a dialogue with his own egoism, unconditionally siding with the voice of the heart. The ego will whisper to the mind about the lack of benefits and direct losses from disinterestedly helping people, reproach for the lack of pragmatism and sanity, but a sympathetic person is already in the grip of a concept of happiness that is absolutely incomprehensible to the Ego - the desire to live for others.

If many personality qualities need time to develop in order to manifest themselves, then responsiveness turns on, like an alarm on a car disturbed by someone else’s touch, and does not leave the soul and mind alone until the owner makes an acceptable decision.

Unfortunately, not every person has such a signaling system of conscience and heart. People living in ignorance with the concept of happiness - living only for themselves, and not giving a damn about others, have lost their conscience; they - complete egoists - do not have access to the pleasure of responding to another person’s call for help, doing a good deed and leaving unnoticed, without expecting honors, rewards and praise .

PR, vanity, seeking approval and compliments for the help provided - this is the signature of self-interest. Responsiveness operates approximately in the same algorithm as is sung in Alla Pugacheva’s song “Pass without raising your eyes”: “No, I don’t need anything from you. No, all I want is to walk a few steps as a shadow on your glimpse of the path. Walk without raising your eyes, walk, leaving light traces, walk at least once along the edge of your destiny.” Responsiveness is to selflessly do a good deed, experience the taste of happiness and leave in English - without saying goodbye.

Selfishness is the main enemy of responsiveness. If the Ego has managed to saturate the mind, feelings and reason with the poison of egoism, the person becomes “impotent” of responsiveness. He will indifferently walk past a man who has fallen before his eyes from a heart attack, indifferently glance at the blood-bruised face of a crying woman, disgustedly walk around a fallen old woman and look indifferently at a disabled child. What can we say about helping elderly parents and homeless animals? An inveterate egoist does not hear anyone or anything except the desires of his coveted mind. His mind is poisoned by selfishness, so the voice of the heart has no one to turn to and no one to reach.

Responsiveness has a noble mind and pure consciousness, it is attentive and always lives in the “here and now” mode. The needs of people, like an echo, find an instant response in the heart of a responsive person, the heart’s signal enters the noble mind, receives approval, and the person, in the high sense of the word, begins to do good.

Responsiveness manifests itself in combination with such personality qualities as compassion, cordiality, empathy, empathy, goodwill and humanity. What does helping another person involve? A frustrated, desperate person needs support. Sincere, selfless help can only be provided by someone who has the resources of empathy, compassion, time, energy, knowledge, attention and mood.

An important question is: who gets help? Who is its addressee? It is stupid to be responsive to everyone indiscriminately, to respond with your heart to the requests of just anyone. It is quite possible that the person asking himself does not understand what he needs and, accordingly, what he asks can cause him harm. Reasonable responsiveness feels and understands a person, but this in no way means that it ignores all his shortcomings. It simply concentrates on the merits, but also takes into account the possibility of the manifestation of vices.

If your alcoholic neighbor gets into the habit of coming to you every morning for a hangover, and you give him money for a bottle, this is not responsiveness, but stupidity and thoughtlessness. Therefore, before being responsive, you need to analyze the situation and pass it through the filter of your moral values. For example, you can say to your neighbor: “I can feed you, but I won’t give you money for vodka. This goes against my principles."

In other words, responsiveness is not reliability and chronic agreement; it must take into account three factors - person, place and time, that is, you need to know who you can help and with what, where and when to help. When all three principles are observed, responsiveness will achieve its good goal.

For example, an unshaven, hungover person approaches a person walking past a liquor store and says: “Bro. I was robbed yesterday. Left alone in a strange city. Give me money for a ticket, I’ll send it to you later.” It seems inappropriate to show responsiveness to a degraded person looking for money for a bottle. Maybe with your money he will take vodka with his drinking companion, get drunk, and then in a drunken stupor kill an innocent woman. The sin of murder will also fall on your conscience.

The great Russian writer A.P. Chekhov was an example of a sympathetic person. A. S. Lazarev-Gruzinsky recalls: “Chekhov was one of the most sympathetic people I met in my life. For him there was no wise proverb “my house is on edge, I don’t know anything,” which frees practical people from unnecessary troubles. Having heard about someone’s grief, about someone’s failure, Chekhov’s first duty was to ask: “Is it possible to help with something?”

Chekhov’s phrase on the theme that every request must be responded to is unusually touching and characteristic, and if you cannot give what is asked in full, then you need to give at least half, at least a quarter, but give it without fail. Chekhov carried this responsiveness throughout his life, like precious wine, without spilling or losing a drop.

Chekhov's desk always contained other people's stories, he corrected them, sent them to those publications where he himself worked, and even to those where he did not work, to the Moscow Illustrated Newspaper, for example; gave advice to aspiring authors if he saw even a shadow of talent in them; worked to publish books by those fiction writers who had already accumulated materials for books. - You need to publish! - he told me and other fiction writers in front of me many times. - They will know you. A published book will increase your royalties. To the timidly thrown thoughts that it is not easy to be published, that there are few people who are interested in publishing books by beginning authors, Chekhov objected: - Nonsense! Wait, we'll have to come up with something. And, of course, with his literary connections, he came up with something and found a publisher for his protégé.”

Responsiveness became even more attractive to people after the publication of the results of its psychological and medical research conducted by scientists at the University of Michigan (USA). It turns out that sympathetic people get sick less and live longer.

Psychologists observed 400 married couples for five years, the average age of which was more than 50 years. Partners who showed responsiveness to each other got sick half as often. Also, there is statistics that sympathetic people live on average nine years longer. This can be explained by the fact that the level of lymphocytes in the blood mysteriously increases, and at the same time human activity tones the blood vessels. All this has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. This means that a responsive person suffers less from cardiovascular diseases.

By doing good, the human body begins to produce more of the hormone endorphin, which is responsible not only for pain relief, but also for a subjective feeling of happiness. Thus, the pain, without which we cannot live in our lives, is softened, and the feeling of pleasure from contact with reality increases. The important role of endorphins is that they have a calming effect, which means that stress overloads are better tolerated. When we are responsive and want to do good, we are on a kind of motivational high, euphoria. We feel useful, busy, and therefore freed from loneliness. Charitable activities give us a new circle of friends, which, as we know, thins out with age. Thus, responsiveness allows us to regulate our mood, the volitional component of the personality and increases vital energy.

Petr Kovalev Other articles by the author:

How to develop responsiveness?

To develop responsiveness, it is worth paying attention to several important points in the perception of the world around you. The fact is that we often get used to doing something in order to get something in return. Such an attitude begins to form in us during the course of our lives. But, if we return to the original, mother-father-child relationship, then parents give a lot to their children in order to see their joy, growth, and simply life. It is this perception of joy that is the return to labor. And a responsive person receives his return reward in the form of contemplation and understanding of the positive emotions of others or, at least, a reduction in negative ones. Therefore, to develop responsiveness, it is important to learn not to wait for a “thank you,” but to see it in the changes of others.

Another important factor is the development of empathy and respect for people who differ from you in their beliefs, worldviews and attitudes.

Some psychologists advise starting to develop responsiveness by communicating with those who, in essence, cannot give us anything in return except an emotional response. This means animals and plants. A kind attitude towards them and understanding their needs without words develops the internal moral and spiritual qualities of the individual.

But there is another, slightly different approach. He argues that concepts such as responsiveness, sense of duty, morality, etc. – these are components of a higher order. And for their formation, on the one hand, it is necessary to minimally satisfy lower needs (with an understanding of the essence of the problem), and on the other, a social reference point that demonstrates an example of such qualities. That is, for a person who devotes all his time to the struggle for survival and finding food, it will simply not be relevant to develop such components of his personality. But, on the other hand, a person who experiences oversaturation in everything will not empathize with the troubles of others, because he himself has never been in their shoes and he does not understand these emotions.

Let's consider an example with social guidelines. Let us assume that the family has a minimum or even an average level to satisfy basic and other needs. The child sees an elderly person who is experiencing age-related pain and needs some help. Naturally, he does not understand how exactly this help is provided. And significant adults tell him: “Why is this necessary, and put him in a nursing home so that he doesn’t spoil his mood. And that's the end of it." Naturally, the child, despite all the existing prerequisites, will not develop any responsiveness.

What it is? How does it manifest itself?

Explanatory dictionaries give the following definitions: the ability to quickly respond to other people’s needs, willingness to help, empathy, sympathy.

We can say that responsiveness is the highest spiritual and moral quality of a person, which is continuously associated with nobility, delicacy, and selflessness.

The ability to experience, the ability to “enter” the spiritual world of other people, is called empathy in psychology.

How often do we hear people say about someone: “He’s so responsive.” Such people attract. After all, even without knowing the person, we read the information and feel who we can contact and who we can’t.

A responsive person not only empathizes, he offers action - help. Often, to the detriment of one’s business and time. But he can't do it any other way. Even if it's a stranger. How many lives were saved when a sympathetic person simply could not pass by.

What to do if there is no responsiveness?

If you analyze yourself, it is important to understand why this happened. What life situations or people influenced this?

If you notice this problem in another person, you should first understand whether this is related to other health or mental problems. There are some psychiatric illnesses that are characterized by emotional coldness itself and an inability to express a range of emotional responses. In this case, the development of responsiveness, oddly enough, is possible only through explanations and logic. Although, in this case, it would be more likely to talk about building a more acceptable model of behavior than the emergence of responsiveness itself. Severe chronic illnesses can also lead to a change in the perception of the world, the emergence of anger and a feeling of deprivation. In this case, the formation of responsiveness is possible only if the resentment is worked out in detail in a session with a psychologist.

Nurture or natural gift

A responsive and tactful person respects the difference in the age of the interlocutor, status, absence or presence of strangers, as well as the place and circumstances for the conversation.
To respect, love, feel, empathize, help, be kind to people around you means to be a responsive person. Culture in behavior and actions is manifested primarily in honest behavior towards one’s own responsibilities, respect and polite attitude towards both one’s work colleagues and relatives. Responsiveness is the ability to timely and correctly notice the interlocutor’s reaction to any words and statements, behavior and actions, in some cases, the ability to ask for an apology for incorrect behavior, words or thoughts expressed. An apology should not be confused with humiliation; on the contrary, admitting your mistakes is a trait of strong, smart and well-mannered people.

But we must also talk about the disadvantages

When self-esteem is low, there are psychological complexes regarding one’s importance, there is a high probability of becoming a “vest” in a society of an egoist who will exploit a sympathetic friend at every opportunity. The personal time and desires of the “vest” are not taken into account. It is very important here to learn to defend your personal boundaries and analyze relationships.

Another reason for a negative assessment is when a sensitive person, empathizing with others, seems to take on the pain of his interlocutor and worries so much that he himself experiences stress. And the more often stress occurs, the worse the condition of a responsive person becomes. This most often occurs among close relatives.

The nature of the origin of sensitivity

Many people wonder: is responsiveness a result of upbringing or a quality given by nature? This is a complex question and there is no clear answer. Of course, the influence of parents, the family microclimate, and instilling kindness and compassion in a child is very important. But at the same time, there is a possible predisposition. From time to time it happens that children from good families, growing up, turn into indifferent and cold-blooded people. Sometimes the exact opposite changes occur.

An interesting study was conducted by American scientists. Experts, using experimental and observation methods, have found that the predisposition to kindness and sensitivity is due to the influence of the hormones vasopressin and oxytocin on the human body. Participants in this study were required to undergo a detailed interview, during which they gave detailed answers to questions of a social nature. They also provided scientists with their DNA for analysis. It turned out that people with increased production of oxytocin and vasopressin showed more responsiveness and compassion during the interview.

Cultivating Responsiveness

This quality is largely influenced by the microclimate in the family and the relationship of relatives. No matter how many tons of hormones your body produces, if your upbringing was aimed at instilling love exclusively for yourself, then there will be selfishness.

Part of the lack of responsiveness is due to a lack of emotional development, when the child, in principle, does not know how to empathize, and is mostly indifferent. This also appears in the process of education. To avoid such excesses in character, follow five simple rules.

Unleash your emotions

Do not forbid your child to cry if there is a reason. Express your own emotions, such as grief or joy. Laughter and tears don't have to be gratuitous, but give them a place in your life. Excessive restraint leads to emotional dullness.

Don't forget to explain the reasons for your mood

Children take everything personally. If your boss yelled at you and you came in upset and forgot to hug or kiss your baby, he will decide that it is his fault. Show that there are different feelings and the reasons for the same thing can differ. Voice your emotions and explain them.

Give your little one the opportunity to cheer you up. Say that when you are around him, the most unpleasant problems become easier and your mood improves. Show that you can move mountains if your baby is with you and you love each other. Give him the understanding that love is the most important thing.

Give examples

Even if the baby is very small, still discuss with him the actions of others. Start with cartoons - why is old woman Shapoklyak so evil, and Gena so kind? Why does Carlson behave like a bully and does he treat the Kid correctly? Give your child the opportunity to express his opinion.

Teach empathy

The ability to empathize varies in strength among different children. Teach your child to help with words, or better yet, with deeds. Do not pass indifferently past a wounded animal or a crying child. Show by example how you can help.

For children whose ability is reduced, we need to pay even more attention to such events. They have to be taught to empathize, literally building an algorithm of actions.

What is a synonym for the word responsive?

Synonyms for "responsive"

SynonymIn original formFrequency
Soulful (28)soulful4 750
Good-natured (17)good-natured, good-natured3 949
Gracious (16)merciful, most merciful2 882
Sensitive (23)sensitive2 634

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Where does this quality come from?

In a world where the pace of life increases every day, and the demands on oneself sometimes go off scale, it is so necessary to feel the sincerity, warmth in the eyes or actions of others. And how important it is to be able to help and support in difficult moments. Are you born with this quality or is it acquired throughout life?

There is no clear answer here. Of course, family influence is great. If kindness is cultivated in a child, parents themselves show compassion and mercy towards others, and the child absorbs these qualities. And there are always exceptions, when a cold-blooded, selfish child grows up in a prosperous, benevolent family. And in a family of, say, alcoholics, where the children do not have adequate living conditions, there is a gentle child with a fine mental organization.

Is it possible to learn

There is an opinion in some sources that responsiveness can be acquired if you stop being selfish and eliminate negative character traits. I don't think so. It is impossible to take and remove negative traits, since they are part of the personality.

But in the process of my many years of observation of the behavior and motives of men and women, I became convinced that responsiveness begins to manifest itself when a person finds himself in a difficult, difficult situation, from which he is helped out not by his family and friends, but often by an unfamiliar responsive person. Of course, not everyone is able to reassess the situation and draw the right conclusions. This requires awareness.

But the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes, evaluate a problem and help solve it, contributes to the manifestation of responsiveness.

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