Conditioned reflexes: concept, examples, types, meaning
Higher nervous activity is a system that allows the human and animal body to adapt to variables
Socialization in psychology. What is it, stages, factors, stages, types, mechanisms, functions
Lecture on social psychology “Psychology of personality socialization”
Socialization is an integrative process of a subject’s entry into the structure of society, through his mastery of social
10 tips on how to cheat on your wife and not get caught! (11 photos)
Posted by Andrey September 01, 2015 02:58 pm Tags: Not guilty I - she came herself
What are neurons
What are neurons? Motor neurons: description, structure and functions
The human body is a rather complex and balanced system that functions in accordance with clear
list of positive and negative qualities of a person
List of positive and negative qualities of a person. Character traits
Every person is endowed with a unique, personal character from birth. A child may inherit certain traits from
Asthenic syndrome: treatment in Saratov, treatment of asthenia in Russia
What is asthenic syndrome, asthenia? Asthenic syndrome is a syndrome characterized by a state of mental irritability
Communication styles - what are they?
Communication styles in psychology. Table, characteristics, examples
The concept of “communication style” includes norms, methods, principles, patterns of human behavior and others
What to talk about with a man?
What to talk about with a guy on a date to get him interested
Author of the material: Svetlana Smyshlyak philologist, writer, lyric poet Awkward silence, misunderstandings, accidental or even intentional
Absent-mindedness and forgetfulness
Why do we so often miss the most important things and how to fix it?
The inability to maintain attention negatively affects professional success and personal life. Absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, constant
Lecture on social studies: Social conflict and ways to resolve it
In the modern world, conflicts are inevitable, so it is important to understand their essence, be able to manage them, and strive
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