Formation of an active life position in a modern school

Successful adaptation of a person in any society is characterized by an active life position. It is generally accepted that a person is socially adapted only if he meaningfully participates in public life, when a person realizes and bears responsibility for his actions, the results of which correspond to the requirements and norms of generally accepted morality.

Active life position

What is an active life position (ALP)

ALP is a human activity caused by a certain social situation. Moreover, such actions must necessarily have a stable form of manifestation. In this case, the mechanism of their operation is based on such features as:

  • ideological and moral guidelines;
  • knowledge and skills combined with principles and inclinations.

The ALP formed in this way is the main regulator of the activity and behavior of an individual in society.

Important! The starting point for an active life position is childhood. Parents, while raising, instill the basics of social norms and attitudes towards them. Further, the ALP is built independently as a result of learning, overcoming various life and social situations.

The importance for society of active life views is expressed in the widespread promotion of AWP. Such promotion involves all kinds of incentives from social institutions: awards, certificates and positive information about the nominees in the media.

Attention! There are two life positions: active - aimed at transforming society and conformist (passive) - based on submission to circumstances.

Passive and active views on life

Differences between the two positions

An active position is typical for those people who are not accustomed to being content with little and floating with the flow of the river of life. Healthy ambitions, the desire to change something in this world and at least to some extent control the situation distinguish an active member of society from its passive representative.

The definition of passivity in life means that a person has no desire to change himself or change anything for the better. Since any changes require energy expenditure, a passive life position is based on saving strength and vital energy.

By the way. The basic law of nature - the law of conservation of energy, says that it does not disappear anywhere, but is simply modified into other forms.

This means that if a person does not take active action and invest his energy in self-education and transformation of social processes, his energy will contribute to a decrease in potential, the growth of diseases and the emergence of all kinds of social risks.

Manifestation of active life views

Activity is developed in different types of work

How to become active? When organizing the labor process for her upbringing, you must adhere to the following rules. So:

  • Work must be systematic. Through irregular exercise, it is impossible to develop such a stable character trait as activity.
  • When carrying out any activity that should be expedient, and not mechanical and monotonous, we must not forget about the goal and motivation. You need to work for results.
  • Work for educational purposes must be age appropriate.
  • Established labor standards must not be violated.

The main thing is to never stop halfway. Any business must be completed. This fosters will, determination and responsibility.

We will further understand how to become an active person.

Where to start forming an ALP

Life position - what does it mean?

Back in the seventies of the twentieth century in the USSR, psychologists, sociologists and teachers were tasked with developing ALP among the younger generation. The main goal was to involve the Soviet citizen in social and political life. This was facilitated by the All-Union Pioneer Organization and the Leninist Komsomol.

Pioneer organization named after V.I. Lenin

With changes in the country, many of the directions in the formation of the AWP ceased to mean anything. Schoolchildren no longer write essays on typical topics like: “Why do I want to be like Pavel Korchagin.” However, as the results of interviews with modern young people show, active life views help them to self-determinate in society. AFP is often noted on their resume. Only collecting all personality-oriented positions into one whole allows you to make a career, both professional and political.

Important! Only the systematic and methodical formation of views on life at all stages of an individual’s development subsequently helps him to express himself in life and achieve significant success.

K. A. Abulkhanova-Slavyanskaya (Soviet and Russian psychologist-researcher) explains the concept of ALP as the results of personal achievements and relationships of an individual in life. She believed that this was the main potential for personal improvement.

As you know, it is customary for people to start a new life on Monday or any significant date. Having set a goal for himself, a person says to himself: “That’s it! From Monday I start living actively, going to public meetings, protecting animals and in general!”

Attention! With an active life position, such tricks do not work, but if a certain foundation was not laid since childhood, there is no need to despair.

It is worth first considering all the stages of a person’s personal formation and finding the interval in which he is located in order to make the necessary adjustments.

The tips are as follows

They are simple, but will nevertheless help make your life more active. So:

  • Don't be lazy to do exercises in the morning. By spending just 15 minutes, you will gain a boost of energy and a great mood for the whole day.
  • Buy a pool or gym membership.
  • Better take another walk.
  • Instead of the elevator, take the stairs.
  • If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, even during lunch, have a snack and walk. Take short breaks during which you move around the office or stairs. Do some light exercises. Work out with an expander.
  • Take a walk in the evening before going to bed.
  • Use your weekends for active recreation; don’t lie at home on the couch in front of the TV.

Spend your free time with your family. Take a walk in the park, play football, tennis, badminton, run.

We continue the conversation further on how to become active and manage everything.

Main stages of personality development

Role conflict - what is it in sociology

Based on the fact that a developed personality is an adult, the German masters of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson, adhered to age gradation. Each of the psychoanalysts interprets the various periods of these gradations in his own way, but in all explanations it is possible to identify common positions.

Interesting. Z. Freud viewed personality development as a process of passing through psychosexual stages.

Freud believed that all human activity is determined by instincts and recognized only two of them: the life instinct and the death instinct. The psychoanalyst considered sexual instincts to be the most important in personal development.

Freud's stages of development

If we turn to the generally accepted gradation, then human development undergoes changes, rising through the following steps:

  • infancy – from birth to 1 year;
  • early childhood – from 1 year to 3 years;
  • preschooler age – from 3 to 6 years;
  • student age – from 6 to 12 years;
  • youth – from 12 to 19 years;
  • youth – from 20 to 25 years;
  • maturity – from 26 to 64 years;
  • old age – from 64 years to death.

You can take a closer look at the period from infancy to adolescence. The basis of the psyche in the infancy period is the formation of the proportion: “trust - distrust.” In the first days, the baby needs the care of his mother, through whom he tries to understand whether to trust this world or not. If she strengthens his awareness of trust, then the baby is positive and can calmly withstand the short-term absence of his mother next to him. He perceives everything positively, and the world is predictable for him. If the mother’s care is insufficient or absent altogether, then distrust and fear of the world around her are laid down at a subconscious level.

In early childhood, in parallel with physical development, the ability to walk, run, and perform other techniques independently appears.

Important! At this age, the child tries to start doing everything himself. Parents should carefully provide him with this opportunity. The formation of such personality traits as self-control and will begins.

The main thing at this moment is not to overprotect the child and allow him to master the stage of formation of his autonomy. Otherwise, character traits such as weakness of will and self-doubt will be inherent.

At preschool age, the most opportune moment comes for the formation of an active life position. It is at this “age of play” that preschoolers begin social interactions with peers. They communicate and play with friends, begin to understand gender differences, and learn to establish relationships with other adults (except parents). During this period, the Super-Ego is formed.

The child can already take responsibility for younger ones and begins to understand the meaning of social restrictions. Tries to become a protector for his mother, younger sister or brother. He enjoys his independence and, on the basis of this, already forms his own goals.

For your information. In fantasies, when choosing games and coming up with your own scenarios for the development of a situation, initiative, independence and creative zest are manifested.

At this point in development, it is important not to impose your ideas and dreams on the child. Perhaps, natural inclinations, noticed in time and tactfully supported, will successfully develop into the development of certain abilities.

School age allows you to show a desire to understand the external universe and push your own mental experiences into the background. The child tries to learn everything that is important in society. This point also continues to contribute to the formation of AFP.

Main! This is a period of instilling discipline and setting tasks for independent decisions. At this age, there is an urgent need to learn and a craving for creativity. There is a need for support from adults.

Youth is a significant stage of one’s own identity and self-determination. This is a search for one’s place in life, a reassessment of values. The transition period in the psyche can lead to the identification of all the mistakes made during upbringing at an earlier age. This is a dangerous moment when establishing an active social position.

Carefully! Even correctly laid down active life views can be refracted as a result of negative self-identification.

At the peak of this, deviant behavior is possible. The task of parents, schools and the public is to carry out the necessary correction to direct mental energy in the right direction.

Example of deviation direction

What are the risks of passivity?

Let's add a fly in the ointment. You should not be afraid to read the truth, you need to look fear in the eye, understand it and take the path of correction. So what awaits people who do not lead an active lifestyle? They have:

  • The body atrophies. Metabolism slows down, which leads to weakening of the immune system, muscles (heart, for example), excess weight gain, slagging, etc.
  • The spine is deformed.
  • The risk of infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases, including cancer, increases.

Only activity will help you prolong your life, make it healthy and of high quality.

Types of active life position of the individual

Self-doubt - what is it, definition

There are two types of active social position:

  • positive, holding views such as “Good always triumphs over evil,” and committed to observing generally accepted moral rules;
  • negative, having goals that run counter to public ones and cause harm to the latter.

For example, proof of a negative ALP can be the position of Adolf Hitler, who started a war on all continents and wanted to enslave the whole world.

AWP is necessary to improve the world around us through personal qualities and participation in public projects. The main thing is that it be positive.

A few more effective tips

How to become more active? First of all you need to:

  • Take care of your health. Don't put off visiting a doctor. Get rid of ailments.
  • Don't forget about rest and a good night's sleep.
  • Make a plan for the day. This will prevent you from wasting energy on useless things.
  • Eat right. Perhaps this irritates many people and confuses them. No need to rack your brains, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, eliminate unhealthy foods and sugar. It's difficult - move in small steps, remove one element, then another, and so on. This will increase your vitality, energy supply and, on top of everything, you will be healthy and lose unnecessary unfortunate kilograms.
  • Minimize your intake of energy drinks, caffeine and alcohol, of course. Get rid of bad habits.
  • Exercise.

Sign up for massage courses, watch positive films instead of horror films, listen to the recommendations of psychologists, communicate more with friends. This will boost your mood and inner vitality.

Forms and factors of human activity

At birth, a person is completely dependent on the people around him. But as he grows up and develops, new opportunities appear that support his independent existence as an individual and encourage him to engage in certain types of activities.

Soviet psychologist B. G. Ananyev, in his research, identified such forms of human activity as communication, work and cognition.

In the works of other scientists, these include contemplation, reflection and behavior, managing other people, amateur performances, as well as creative, artistic, cognitive, incentive, practical, combat, sports, information and communication forms.

The reasons or factors of human activity are explained by the need to satisfy a number of needs that guarantee him, firstly, physical survival (food, clothing, housing, protection, reproduction). Secondly, he needs communication and recognition by other members of society, which is a source of intensification of his labor and communication activities. Thirdly, satisfying spiritual needs requires the individual to have his own energetic search for inner freedom, self-promotion in creativity, and actions to change the environment in accordance with his views and needs.

I want to become active, but I’m afraid of not being able to do something...

Being active does not mean spinning like a squirrel in a wheel and not finishing the work because there is a lot of work accumulated. There are recommendations that will help you do more, so:

  • Plan your day, week.
  • Identify the “time wasters.” That is, write down everything on which you senselessly spend precious hours and energy, for example, searching for a missing item, viewing unnecessary information on social networks, empty communication, and more. All this only delays doing useful work.
  • Do it in advance. Don’t put anything off until tomorrow, because then there may simply not be enough time for it.
  • Distribute responsibilities correctly, don’t do other people’s.
  • Add new activities to your daily routine. It would seem strange to give such advice to a person who already does not have time to do anything. But there are examples when a student writes a coursework overnight, and the hostess puts things in order in 20 minutes before the guests arrive. Just include it in your plan. This will allow you to develop and improve yourself.
  • Stay organized so you don't waste hours searching for the folder you need. Just don’t become a perfectionist, learn to use your time wisely.

And don't forget about rest.

Now it’s clear how to become active and still manage to do everything?

By the way, to develop a habit, carry out a plan of intended actions for 21 days. If not completed, start over.

Now let's look at the next important question.

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