It doesn’t matter - how is that? Meaning of the word and its synonyms

In the dictionary D.N. Ushakova

INDIFFERENT, indifferent, indifferent; indifferent, indifferent, indifferent. 1. Filled with indifference, devoid of interest in anything. An indifferent view of things. | Insignificant, empty. They asked me a few indifferent questions and let me go. 2. Doesn't stand out from others, unremarkable, like everyone else. Even if there is only one interesting person, they are all just indifferent figures. 3. Not subject to any predominant influence, neutral (special). The indifferent belt of a magnet lies midway between its north and south poles. Indifferent balance.

Meaning of the word indifferent

Examples of the use of the word indifferent in literature.

To be honest, nature takes its toll, but Abramovich doesn’t get much pleasure, since the mare doesn’t care about his advances, she doesn’t care whether he can speak or not.
James, angry at Canada, painted a map of the West Coast of America so that the possessions of the Kingdom of Alaska should extend to Fort Ross and San Francisco inclusive, as was once established by the great Russians, and south of the bay, in Monterey, speech should sound Spanish, and what state will own that land - it makes no difference: where they speak Spanish, they should look not so much to Moscow as to San Salvarsan.

Meanwhile, Ananiy Yakovlev inflamed the mayor with a reminder of some of his old sins before the master during land surveying: having gained nothing by this in the eyes of Cheglov, for whom the question of money is completely indifferent, Ananiy introduced a sharp complication into his own drama with his quarrel with the mayor.

I wasn't interested in how many children were born in Annan, and I couldn't care less if they stopped being born altogether and all of Annan died out!

There would be enough air for my lungs, and whether it was Arabian or Lappish is completely indifferent to me.

Artaxerxes considered it dangerous to be indifferent to the impending threat and let the denunciation fall on deaf ears, but it seemed even more dangerous to him to believe the informer without any evidence.

The majority, including Atreus, were ultimately indifferent to him.

“Ah, Ragimov,” Baranovsky somehow recalled indifferently and added: “No, I can’t.”

If you send not an image of a benzene molecule on a plane, but its code in linear form, in the form of sequential signals, then it doesn’t matter from which place on the benzene ring you start the description - any will do.

From then on, they were always close, throughout the war, which even somewhat leveled their status: Akhmet, unexpectedly for many, turned out to be a talented and inventive field commander, and not a coward at all. For Beslan, however, this was completely indifferent - Akhmet was the only one for him. a truly dear person on earth. Now he is gone - and Beslan is left completely alone.

When good friends praise a gifted person, he will often, out of politeness and benevolence, express joy, although in reality he does not care.

She looked pleadingly at the veterinarian’s sunken, muddy eye, deeply sunk under the convex brow ridge, and this eye passed over her indifferently, measuring her from the old faded scarf on her head to the generously manured galoshes on her bare feet, and then thin, flat, like pancakes, no younger as the forty-five-year-old lips moved slightly: “Anything is possible.”

Have seventy years of Satan’s fight against God, the horrors of the massacre committed in Russia by fanatical Christ-sellers, turned us into voiceless, cowardly self-lovers, indifferent to our own salvation, the good of the people and the fate of the Fatherland?

I can’t recognize him in his shell, and I don’t care who he is: Ball or maybe Pasic.

And for me it makes no difference: to serve with the bourgeoisie or with the proletarian, with the whites, with the reds, with the blacks, with the greens.

Source: Maxim Moshkov library

In the dictionary Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznya

indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent, indifferent

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In this case, we do not take the content of the word, which everyone can vary according to their taste and preference, but rely solely on the dictionary. The latter gives us four meanings of the adjective “indifferent”, which is organically connected with the adverb that has fallen into the zone of attention.

  1. A person who does not exude interest in anyone or anything. For example, there are people who love ballet and football. And some people love both. But more often, some people love Baryshnikov, while others love Messi. Depending on what the audience watches more willingly, they are indifferent to either football or ballet matters. In other words, football spectators don’t care what happens in ballet, and vice versa.
  2. Characteristics of a person who expresses a certain attitude towards reality. He is indifferent to almost everything; this attitude will surprise few people today. For example, the hero of Camus’s novel “The Stranger” Meursault is a person indifferent to the world.
  3. This is what they say about a person who is indifferent to everyone. I remember the joke about Elusive Joe.
  4. When two objects are compared and one is no different from the other, it is said to be indifferent. For example, two socks in one package. In other words, indistinguishable against the general background.

This is the full meaning of the word “indifferent.”

Indifference as a character trait

An indifferent person does not think at all about the feelings of others, he does not care about any social problems. The only thing that might interest him is his own needs. It is in such people that indifference is a personality quality, a character trait. It develops in children deprived of parental love and care, faced with indifference and not seeing an example of other relationships between people.

Indifference manifests itself in such people:

  • lack of empathy,
  • prudence,
  • cynicism
  • lack of inclusion even in significant relationships.

An indifferent person, passing by a crime being committed, will always justify himself by saying that there are police to solve such problems, and he did not do anything wrong.

Indifference as a defensive reaction of the psyche

Indifference is one of the manifestations of apathy, deliberate inaction when a person gives up and does not try to fight circumstances. This condition is caused by severe nervous tension, constant stress, and traumatic events. The human brain in this way prevents nervous exhaustion, which can lead to death.

What is indifference? This is a psychological defense. A kind of energy saving mode. Staying in this state for a long time is a direct path to depression.

Scientific research into feelings of indifference

Scientific research on indifference has been carried out by both psychologists and philosophers. Fabry, Rubinstein, Spinoza studied indifference. Many agreed that indifference can be equated to apathy, emotional passivity, lack of interests and hobbies, and a decrease in overall activity.

In 1993, N. Fetiskin noted that students and schoolchildren experience boredom during many lectures and lessons.

In 1984, researcher I. Shurygina found bored students among music school students. And in 1989, A. Chebykin revealed the fact that students’ expectations from classes are not met, and instead of positive emotions, they are forced to be bored or afraid of the teacher.

“Emotional-motivational paralysis” - this is the definition of indifference given by the dictionary of Meshcheryakov and Zinchenko.

Indifference is primarily characterized by the absence of any feelings and emotions, both positive and negative. A person does not experience aggression or irritation; he is neither happy nor bored. Indifference often develops after experiencing stress. But many researchers have identified indifference as a symptom of mental or physical illness. Indifference can be provoked by hereditary factors, a nervous breakdown or overstrain, endocrine system problems, certain medications, bad habits and their consequences, and old age.

There are two types of indifference. In the first case, the person looks depressed and sad, he is not interested in the events taking place and the people around him.

In the second case, the individual carefully hides his indifference to life behind the mask of a successful and active person.

Indifference: an emotion or a way of life?

Indifference as an emotion can be equated to indifference. Indifference is a consequence of fear. Fear of problems that may arise if a person shows involvement in someone else's fate.

These problems, in fact, have no place in the life of an individual. They do not fit into his regime and do not correspond to his schedule... Indifference has become a common factor in modern society. That’s why there are so many cases when an ambulance is not allowed to go ahead on the highway and in courtyards, when people pass by those lying on the ground, pretending not to notice assaults and beatings on the streets and in neighboring apartments... Indifference and fear of consequences are the two main ones criteria in this sad statistic.

Online correspondence with a guy

Girls often ask how to understand that a guy is not indifferent to you . The easiest way to understand sympathy is through online communication, since in this case a person, as a rule, behaves more relaxed and free in his expressions. Without seeing your interlocutor, it is always much easier to remain yourself. Here are the signs that indicate a young man is interested in you:

  1. Availability of likes and comments on posts on social networks. This method is considered the easiest to attract attention, as well as to show that the guy is not indifferent to the girl. This method is very often used by young guys.

  2. Active correspondence. The person you are attracted to will begin to carry on a conversation for a long time on absolutely any topic, even one that does not cause him much interest.
  3. Regular wishes for good night, good morning.
  4. If a guy texts you first and always responds to your messages immediately, this is a sign that indicates that the guy has feelings for you.

It is very important to pay attention to the correspondence itself. A lover often expresses his emotions using a large number of emoticons, pictures or exclamation marks. But when communicating, you should not go to extremes and suspect the love of every second person who liked your photo on Instagram.

How to recognize sympathy when meeting

Every day we see a large number of people, many wonder how to distinguish between a glance and real sympathy. All actions should be analyzed:

  1. An unfamiliar man will try to catch your eye again and again. You can see it again in the place where you saw it the first time. The young man will ride the same bus and walk along the same street where you were.
  2. An interested look, a smile, a sneaky look. If you saw this in relation to yourself, then he definitely liked you.
  3. Search on a social network. This is easiest to do if you have mutual friends or if you work or study together.
  4. He is interested in your mutual friends. The guy will certainly take advantage of the situation and try to find out as much as possible about you before taking action.
  5. While at the same party, he will try to get into your company. If his friends are somewhere far away, the man will strive to be as close to you as possible.

You need to remember that if a guy really likes you, he will find any way to find you again. If this is a multimillion-dollar city, he will not miss the chance to get to know you, even if for this he has to give up all his affairs.

How to find out about a classmate's feelings

In most cases, sympathies are formed among people who see each other every day. That is why you should not be surprised when you notice a timid glance from a classmate. To find out exactly about feelings, just watch his behavior a little. A guy is definitely interested in you if:

  1. Tries to be with you regularly. Recess, lessons, the way home from school - all this time you can see him near you.
  2. Significant changes in appearance. Feelings begin to change a person, sometimes beyond recognition. The guy will try with all his might to please you, and the easiest way to do this is to change your hairstyle and choose fashionable clothes.
  3. Always stays on your side. Such a desire is considered completely natural - to protect the girl you like so much. You don't have to get into a fight to do this. But in any dispute or conflict, he will defend your side, even if it harms him.
  4. Shyness or heroism. These are the two extremes to which boys most often fall when they see a girl. In the first case, the boy will begin to behave more defiantly, tell stories loudly, declare his own person and talk about fictitious exploits. In the second case, everything happens quite the opposite: when he sees you, the guy starts talking all sorts of nonsense and at the same time does not know what to do, or he stops talking altogether, behaves more modestly and cannot clearly answer any of the girl’s questions.
  5. If a guy is trying to help you in every possible way, then he definitely likes you. Being on duty or carrying your bag is a good way to communicate with you in private.

How to deal with indifference

Initially, the main thing is to realize your condition. Then you need to:

  1. Concentrate on positive moments, think about them, and remember them in difficult situations.
  2. Devote time to friends more often, take an interest in their lives, attend cultural events.
  3. Maintain an active lifestyle, normalize your diet, get proper rest, and get enough sleep.
  4. Find hobbies.
  5. Gain new knowledge and change jobs if necessary.
  6. Become a volunteer.

Cute pets will not leave even the most hard-hearted people indifferent.
If none of the methods help, you need to consult a psychologist.

Why is indifference dangerous?

How else is indifference dangerous?
The fact that, spreading everywhere, deprives society of humanity and mutual assistance. People are no longer confident that if they are attacked, someone will volunteer to help or call the police. Because most people won't do that themselves. Nowadays, people would rather take out their phone and turn on the video camera to film the chaos that is happening than to come to the rescue and call others.

By showing indifference, a person loses touch with empathy and becomes an indifferent person. People don’t want to take on other people’s experiences; they envy other people’s joy.

What kind of person can be called indifferent

The present time is associated with a rapid moral decline, the loss of high moral qualities and beliefs. The former principles are replaced by immorality, selfishness, and indifference.

From television screens there is a continuous stream of information about murders, wars, violence, and crimes. People gradually get used to evil and perceive it as an ordinary and everyday event.

Gradually, an indifferent attitude towards teenagers smoking and fights in the yard appears. A person begins to care more about the promotions in the supermarket than about a starving neighbor living on a minimum pension.

The problem of indifference also affects the sphere of labor relations. Responsibility for the quality of work has been replaced by the usual thirst for profit, even among civil servants, doctors, and teachers.

The behavior of indifferent people from the outside looks quite ugly, especially when healthy young men do not give way to a pregnant woman or an elderly person.

The problem of an indifferent attitude towards people is especially relevant in big cities, where the speed of life and the flow of information do not allow one to look around and pay attention to the significant problems of others.

The indifference of people is not the only negative side of modern life. The loss of spiritual qualities is accompanied by anger, hatred, irritation, swearing, fights, and intrigues. Mutual respect and understanding are lost, both between strangers and close people.

Indifference is something that was not inherent in Soviet society. We were taught to do good deeds from childhood. Being a pioneer meant helping those in need and protecting the weak. Now everyone is responsible for themselves, trying to isolate themselves from social problems.

An indifferent and indifferent person can be identified by the following characteristics:

  • apathy;
  • indifference to surrounding people, events, phenomena;
  • lack of aspirations, goals;
  • prostration;
  • detachment.

Human indifference is manifested not by the stinginess of positive or negative emotions, but by their total absence.

Unlike indifferent people who shield themselves from current events, empaths are capable of conscious empathy for the psychological state of another person.

Complete indifference does not arise immediately. It is necessary to go through several stages. A person becomes indifferent to:

  1. Representatives of the animal world, other living beings. There is no pity or desire to help them.
  2. Strangers and strangers. They do not evoke compassion even in very difficult situations.
  3. Superficial acquaintances, including colleagues and neighbors.
  4. Buddies, friends.
  5. Close people, family.
  6. Own person.

At the last stage, indifference acts as a psychological defense.

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