How to pull yourself together when you're tired of everything? 16 ideas

How to pull yourself together when you don’t want to do anything, you don’t have enough motivation to move mountains and start living in a new way? Most likely, you are familiar with concepts such as laziness and procrastination, which prevent you from living life to the fullest. Every person has life goals and desires something. But not everyone achieves what they want. It is important to understand that goals cannot realize themselves. You should be aware that in order to achieve what you want, you need to take steps to materialize what you want to achieve. We will tell you where to get motivation in life and how to pull yourself together for significant achievements.

How to gain confidence and strength

It’s quite easy to pull yourself together; a few simple tips will help you with this:

  • Create an environment around yourself that you would like to be a part of. Give up people who drag you down, insult you, and don’t support you in anything. Surround yourself with like-minded people and those who inspire you, who motivate you to pull yourself together and move towards your goal.
  • Use relaxation techniques. This will help you to properly rest and relax, which means your body will recover strength faster. This will help you quickly pull yourself together and get down to business.
  • Be clear about where you are aiming. Visualize the end result of your actions every day. Understand what you are investing in your aspiration, why you should achieve this. When you are clearly aware of everything, it will be easier for you to pull yourself together.
  • Give free rein to your feelings and emotions. But only at a specially designated time. Spend 5-10 minutes whining to free your body of negative energy that prevents you from pulling yourself together. This technique will help give additional strength in gaining confidence.

Keep your ideas to yourself

Have you decided to run a marathon, write a book, or become a blood donor? At such moments, we are overwhelmed with emotions, and we want to share our plans with the whole world: write a post on social networks, collect a bunch of likes and receive words of support. Yes, you are guaranteed attention, but it can backfire.

A positive response makes the brain think that the job has already been done, which means there is no need to strain. Motivation will fade away, and most likely you will quickly abandon your endeavors. Don't relax, work and share results, not ephemeral projects.

Sergei Karnaukhov:
“I am often praised, but I don’t understand why - after all, not even half of what was planned has been done! People encourage and support from the bottom of their hearts, but sometimes it leads you astray: you become confident that you have already achieved a lot. It gets in the way if you’re very self-critical and have high goals.”

Charge yourself with positive energy

Be sure to include regular sports in your schedule - running, swimming, rocking, cycling, skiing... It is important to get enough sleep regularly. Review your diet and remove everything that makes you weaker. At a minimum, cigarettes and large doses of alcohol. Take time to “sharpen the axe” - that is, to analyze what you have done and improve your personal effectiveness. Get out into nature regularly. Travel. More impressions and emotions - films, theaters, photography. Learn to think positively, perceiving all obstacles along the way as areas of growth (according to my observations, believers are much more positive than non-believers. In their picture of the world, if God gives trials, he always gives resources to overcome them).

Try to monetize your work

A hobby can very well become a successful business if you set such a goal. Do you weave brooches? Are you interested in photography? Do you make cheese? Try to make your activities generate income. Show the results of your work to your friends and family, and if the product is worthy, then word of mouth will turn on. And don’t forget about new technologies; after all, the Internet provides many tools for promotion.


Still from the film “Arizona Dream”

How to start a new life

Many people dream of completely changing their lives. They no longer want to work for pennies or have debts. They want to make their desires come true. The most difficult stage in this is the awareness of the impossibility of realizing what was planned. Thus, suppressing any action on the path to change. You need to figure out how to pull yourself together and take action:

Development of willpower

Decide whether you need change or not. Start strengthening your inner core. Otherwise, being in an uncertain state, you will never achieve the desired result.

Bottom line

What would you do if something that once belonged to you was taken away from you? Most likely, you would make every effort to get it back. Then why don't you do the same when you want to possess something? Why do your desires remain desires, although you may simply begin to act as if you need to return what once belonged to you?

Just take what's yours. If you want to have something, possess something, achieve something, then start behaving as if you already had it all, just someone took it away from you. Take back what should be yours, even if you never owned it. It is the very understanding that you need to return your thing, feeling, person, that makes you act as if you are confident that you are doing the right thing.

While you just want to achieve something, you have a lot of doubts and excuses why you can do nothing to achieve what you want. But as soon as you begin to think as if you need not to gain, but to return what should belong to you, then you begin to behave accordingly. You no longer think about what you need to do to achieve your desired goal, but think differently: what do you need to do to get back what should belong to you? Now you no longer have doubts or worries about whether you should fight for what you want to achieve. You are already sure that you need to have your goal, you just need to act to achieve what you want, and not doubt anything. You must not gain, but return what you want to have!

How to learn to manage emotions

Being able to quickly return to a stable emotional state is an important skill, but even more useful is mastering the ability to control your emotions in any situation. Then you won’t have to resort to urgent measures.

Managing emotions means not suppressing or hiding them, but being able to recognize, name, take control and use for your own benefit.

The ability to manage emotions depends on the level of emotional competence. Emotional competence is the ability to recognize and manage emotions, both one’s own and those of others. At the lowest level of emotional competence, we do not understand at all what is happening to us; feelings completely take over us and control our actions. Small children are at this level. At the next level, we can already understand our emotions, but we do not yet manage them. Only at the next level of emotional competence do we begin to not only recognize feelings, but also control them.

Set your priorities right

The temptation is great to start a new life on Monday, get rid of all bad habits in one fell swoop, acquire good ones, become successful and productive. Unfortunately, this does not happen. Even small changes are stressful and a way out of your comfort zone, let alone the whole bouquet?

Be realistic and start small.

For example, if you want to do exercises in the morning, then find a level of exercise that you can maintain for a long time without much stress. You shouldn’t get up an hour earlier and do a killer workout on an empty stomach - this will quickly exhaust an unaccustomed person. A simple warm-up for 15-20 minutes, which you do regularly, will bring much more benefit. After some time, a habit will form and you can move on to more complex things.

Palette of meanings

“Pull yourself together”: the meaning of the phraseological unit comes down to regaining control over oneself. Moreover, the expression is quite universal.

For example, some event happens to a person that unsettles him and throws him out of balance. But he can’t lose his head and get upset. And a person close to him (a distant person will not say this) says: “Well, pull yourself together, you shouldn’t become limp now.”

There is another possible meaning. Let's imagine a schoolchild or student who has seriously neglected his studies. And in order to rectify the situation, he should pull himself together (the meaning of the phraseological unit is discussed a little higher), that is, stop wasting time on nonsense, and gather all his strength and will into a fist and, as V.I. bequeathed. Lenin, study, study and study again. The student’s personal sense of self in this case does not play a special role, whether he considers himself a “nerd” or not, such a moment has simply come, such a time.

The two situations are completely different in their emotional poles: one is tragic, the other is neutral. But in both you need to maintain presence of mind and focus on the goal. Perhaps this is the main conclusion to which the expression “pull yourself together” leads us. The meaning of phraseology instructs a person to never lose control. A good recommendation, but not always feasible, unfortunately.

Celebrate your victories

Many of us have been taught since childhood that it is indecent to boast about our achievements, and in general we could do everything better. Got a B in a difficult subject? Why not "five"? Took second place in the Olympics? Could have been the first one. Of course, those close to me were guided by good intentions and tried to inspire achievements, but this only discouraged me.

Therefore, do not skimp on kind words addressed to you.

Be sure to focus on even the smallest victories, celebrate your achievements and reach the next level. Well done, you can do it.

What psychologists say

The inability to abstract from unnerving factors and pull yourself together significantly spoils life. Psychologists recommend “switching.”

How to do it:

  • Let go and trust the process if you can't change anything
    . Let the Universe determine further events - you will “connect” when you see an opportune moment. Until it comes. Trust what is happening and take your mind off what you have no control over.
  • Apologize
    . Stop self-flagellation. If you feel guilty, ask for forgiveness. Don't live with guilt and regrets. It is important to say “I’m sorry” in time.
  • Bad events are inevitable - accept the fact
    . There are mean people, unfair things happen - there is no insurance against them. Everyone wants to avoid dark streaks, but this is impossible. Focus on the best and don't waste energy on the negative.
  • Believe in the best
    . The end of the world has not come, the situation will level out, you will begin to treat it neutrally. I can’t believe it now, but it’s inevitable. Abstract yourself. Immerse yourself in pleasant moments and rituals. There are no such? Create!
  • Decide on the goal, discard the rest
    . Are you going towards something but giving up due to failure? Don't waste time on these worries? Put aside negative emotions, perceive missteps as experience, without taking your eyes off the goal.
  • Admit it: life changes
    . We grow out of past stories and enter new ones - the past does not guide us. Mentally we return to it, losing the present. Realize that there is no past. There is a present that influences the future. The most unproductive waste of time is to dwell in thoughts in the past, in what no longer exists.

10 recommendations to pull yourself together

Here are the simplest methods that will help you pull yourself together and start living a fulfilling life.

Avoid relying on other people's opinions

It is a normal procedure for a person to consult with people close to him, seeking advice or support from them. There are often times when, in search of support, we encounter a negative reaction to our thoughts, even though these people are close to us. Therefore, never forget that the most important person in your own life is you. It’s normal to seek advice from family and friends, but don’t try to follow their lead if you haven’t received approval for your ideas and actions. Life belongs to you, not to any of them. Live for your own pleasure. Even if your plan does not come true, you will gain life experience. What if you can realize what you want? Therefore, do not waste time and decide to take action.

Keep your ideas to yourself

Many people want to tell everyone about their ideas and plans. On the one hand, you will hear a lot of encouragement and attention in your direction. But if you pay attention to human psychology. Approval of a person’s activities can significantly reduce motivation, discouraging them from achieving their goals. The human brain begins to believe that the task has already been completed and there is confidence that most of the work has already been completed, after which you relax to a large extent. Most likely the implementation will start to falter. In this regard, implement your plans first, and then share your achievements.

Correct prioritization

You always want to change your entire life in an instant. We always say that we will change our lives for the better starting tomorrow, after the rain, and so on... Any changes in life are associated with stress for the body.

Your goals must be realistic and achievable, otherwise there is a risk of breaking your self-esteem.

Focusing on the good

The modern world is rapidly developing technology. Especially in the field of leisure and social networks. Nowadays, many people like to share their personal successes. Some people will look at the beautiful lives of other people, not realizing that behind beautiful photographs there are many problems, life experiences, and so on... You must concentrate on what is important only to you. If you saw someone’s beautiful life, you understand what you can strive for and start taking action instead of becoming despondent.

Don't wait for the right moment

Most people love to console themselves with phrases like “I’ll start on Monday,” as if then life will definitely change. Spending today lying on the sides on the couch. It is very important to understand that such an action will fail in advance, since laziness will not go away, and starting tomorrow is an endless excuse for action, thereby leaving everything in its place. Something will always go wrong with you, sometimes things interfere, sometimes friends, sometimes work, and so on... In the future, just like today, problems cannot be avoided.

The ideal time to change your life is now! Create a plan and strictly follow it.

Celebrating your victories

Pull yourself together</p>

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