How to become rich for an ordinary person: the most complete guide

Good day to you! We all dream of being rich, we want success to accompany us, so that all our wishes come true! We dream and it's great! In this article we will reveal the secrets of how to become a rich person, and for this you need to follow simple monetary principles. We'll tell you what millionaires and billionaires advise in order to gain financial freedom.

The thinking of rich and poor people is quite different. And it is the ability to think that is a big step towards changing life. Do you want to increase your material level of existence? Read our article. Here are ways to change yourself step by step.

As the article progresses, you will see real examples of millionaires who changed their approach to life and became rich people. Also find out what they recommend doing to become successful.

follow your heart

If you are here, it is not by chance! Time to change!

Why do some easily earn millions, while others work hard for pennies?

The root of all problems lies in the fact that you misunderstand how to get more money and what wealth is. Since childhood, our parents have instilled in us that only hard and persistent work will help us achieve what we want. As a result, after school you go to college, then go to work, often not even in your specialty, selling your precious time for pennies, enriching other people.

The poor always measure wealth in concrete amounts. Everyone has their own financial ceiling. For some, 50,000 rubles is enough. per month in order to feel satisfied, others, even receiving 10 million rubles, want 20 million rubles. and so on ad infinitum.

The correct definition was given by the American oligarch Robert Kiyosaki: “Wealth is the amount of time you have free from work, without needing money.”

Signs that you are enslaved by the psychology of poverty:

  1. Spend your salary without leaving any savings. Go to the store and buy things that will gather dust: brooches, a hundredth cup, etc. Ideally, your bank account should contain an amount on which you can live for a year without working.
  2. You don't count expenses and income. As a result, you spend more than you earn and plunge into poverty.
  3. You live on credit. In emergency situations, you can borrow money. When there is a fire, and the house is not insured, or you urgently need to change the electrical wiring of the house, but your wallet is empty. But you can save up for a newfangled phone, boots or a cruise on your own.
  4. Watch TV and useless talk shows instead of self-development.
  5. You complain about life, health, the state - continue the list yourself. While you are looking for those to blame or those who will solve your problems, forget about wealth. When you understand that you are the creator of your destiny and all events are the result of your actions and thoughts, then count on success.
  6. You are doing something you don't like for hire. I’m not advocating that you quit your job right now, but slowly move away from it. Every day, dedicate half an hour to what you love, take a step towards monetizing it. And after 6–10 months, calmly quit.
  7. Are you looking for income without effort? My mother’s husband wants to earn money without doing anything, so he always ends up in stories: either he’ll cheat him out of money, or he’s wasting his time.
  8. Give thanks for everything you have. You have your own house, but you complain that there is no European-quality renovation. Parents love and accept, but there is no relationship. Remember, it can always be worse than now. Until you learn to love everything you have, wealth will not make you happy.

Have you found at least one symptom? You can recover from poverty when you read the article to the end and implement each piece of advice into your life. The Americans found out that 99% of people who suddenly won the lottery ended up badly: they drank themselves to death and became beggars. All because they thought like the poor and were not ready for such amounts. Don't worry, you won't be in danger - you'll be thoroughly prepared.

Ways to save

How to become rich from scratch - save on common things. The brain clings to the first price that catches the eye. When choosing a product, a comparison is made with this price. If at first it was offered to buy a camera for 50 thousand, and then for 30 thousand, then the thought arises that this will be a profitable purchase.

It is likely that the optimal option would cost about 15 thousand. To reduce spending, pay attention to products with a lower cost. If you compare it with others, everything will be more expensive. This will allow you to choose the ideal solution.

Your environment influences your spending levels. If someone you know constantly changes gadgets and cars, buys new clothes and dines in expensive restaurants, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to resist.

If you want to reduce the amount of money spent and no longer think about how to become richer , change your environment. This is not about moving to another area or city. You will need to think about changing your lifestyle. Rare visits to shopping centers will reduce the likelihood of thoughtless purchases.

Exercises that will get rid of the psychology of poverty

Perform 2 months every day to feel the results.

Allow yourself to be rich, get rid of envy

When you start working on a goal, the critic inside you says: it won’t work. Since childhood, our family has given us attitudes towards poverty: “the rich also cry,” “for the sake of big money you have to sacrifice happiness,” “oligarchs are bad people.”

Let's replace negativity with confidence in success with a simple exercise:

  1. When you don’t believe in your strength, sadness from the lack of money and opportunities takes over you - relax.
  2. Imagine that you got rich, bought and did everything you dreamed of.
  3. Remember the rich people who were envied. Now you have more money than them. You favorably direct financial flows to them until they are satisfied.
  4. Now watch how the flows directed to others return threefold. The more you give, the more you receive.
  5. Give thanks for everything you have, say: “I am worthy of wealth!”

Do the exercise every time you have bad thoughts.

Replace negative beliefs with positive ones

Find a quiet and peaceful place. Close your eyes. Imagine a negative belief as a phrase with a picture. It gradually changes to positive along with the words.

Reinforce the exercises with films, books, stories of friends, where there is a belief opposite to the negative one.

Set up your brain for success

Imagine that you are in a fairy tale. You need to get to your castle. But suddenly obstacles appear in front of you: walls with poisonous spikes reaching to the sky, hungry predators, evil sorcerers. You can deal with them in any way: become invisible, walk through walls, breathe fire.

The exercise will teach you that you can emerge victorious from any situation in life. You will not give up at the first obstacles and will open a million-dollar business.


To become successful, you need some knowledge and connections, but you also need desire and the right thinking. Even if there is almost no money in your pocket, this does not mean that you will not succeed. When we opened our first online store in 2012, we had almost no money. But then they unwinded gradually. They didn’t even take out loans. Therefore, I say with confidence that if a person wants success and money, nothing will stop him. Another question is, if there is no desire, then you need to wish.

A slightly chaotic article on the topic of how to become richer and more successful. But I hope I conveyed correctly that first of all you need to develop your thinking and direct it in the right direction, and everything else will follow by itself.

Adjusting your thinking to the wave of wealth: 23 principles

We have already driven out the poor and unfortunate and are ready to master the 23 main laws of wealth that millionaires use.

Advice. Write each rule on a sticky note and stick it to your desk to create a habit.

Look for a way to increase your income

Stopping at an income that allows you to make ends meet is the lot of the poor. The rich do everything to earn more and do less. Expand, delegate tasks to employees.

Example. Ivan is an SMM manager, he has collected as many projects as he can handle. If he takes more, either the quality will deteriorate or he will stop sleeping. If we increase the average bill, we will still hit the financial ceiling. Exit: open a digital agency, give orders to employees, monitor quality and take a percentage of the transaction.

Dream and do

Write down your main dream on a piece of paper and break it down into small steps. Take action every day, imagine and you will be surprised where you will be in a few years.

Do you think that dreams are for romantics? Just remember Henry Ford, who wanted to make the car accessible to everyone. I can give a hundred such examples. Your deepest desire will make you successful.

Connect with like-minded people

You can become infected by anything from your environment: negativity, positivity, an idea, and even poverty. Remember this when looking for friends or a soulmate. Communicate with kind, successful, like-minded people who have a lot to learn from. Avoid whiners who are used to blaming everyone around them, although they themselves do nothing.

Don't be jealous

There is no such thing as white envy. Low self-esteem and laziness cause anger and irritation towards other people's achievements. Sometimes the success of others is so infuriating that we subconsciously inspire ourselves: “Such things are not for us” - and in every possible way we fence ourselves off from what we want.

Learn to benefit from the experiences of others: yeah, he studied a lot; this girl did not take out loans, but kept her savings in foreign currency, etc.

Every time you pass by a luxury car or villa and say with envy: where did he get this from? Come up and ask how he achieved it. You will understand that behind luxury are hidden years of work.

Paint a clear picture of the future

Imagine where, how and why you will be in 5 – 10 years. Who you communicate with, where you get your income from, what problems you may encounter and your decisions with consequences. By doing the opposite, you will not go astray.

Always think about making money

Think about how to make a million every day. At first you will think this is nonsense. But after a while you will be visited by simple ideas that are brilliant.

The author of the “Master is OK” channel, Anastasia Madeira, once stopped thinking about a million in the abstract. I really thought about how many products you need to earn that amount. She now lives in a villa in Spain.

Find a passive source of income

Think about what could bring money without your participation? One good option is affiliate programs. People buy a product/service without your participation, and you receive a commission from the transaction.

Keep a success diary

Our brain savors the sadness of failure, and the joy of achievement quickly evaporates. Get a notepad. Write down even the smallest successes there. For example, today I bought hosting and a domain for the site, came up with a name, etc.

Always learn and develop

When you turn up your nose and think you know everything, life brings unpleasant surprises. Checked personally.

Information businessman and millionaire Azat Valeev advises: when you come to a training, communicate with another person, be silent and listen. Every person has the right to their own point of view.

Read books about efficiency and business, sign up for all kinds of webinars, discuss ideas with your team.

Knowledge is the best investment. You can lose your house, your car, anything but that.

Make the most of every minute

I thought for a long time about how people become rich, and I found the main answer: they spend every minute on business, self-development, and maintaining health.

Millionaires don’t watch TV shows or hang out on social media feeds.

Think about whether you are making your dreams come true

Advertising and the environment can impose their desires, the implementation of which is unlikely to make you happy. For example, get a higher education. Always remember: money is an attribute that will be added to your destiny.

Learn to control your emotions

I quarreled with a young man - that’s it, I won’t work, long live chocolates and melodramas. As long as negative and positive events throw you off balance and disrupt your plans, success will not be seen.

A Japanese information businessman I know always works, no matter if he has a quarrel with someone or his leg hurts. Thanks to his hard work, he has traveled halfway around the world and lives in the best hotels. Every month he earns more than 240,000 rubles.

Become a leader

Leadership skills can be developed. Organize events, hire a freelancer and outsource some of the work if your situation allows. The essence of leadership is to make decisions and take responsibility for any consequences.

Don't rush to get everything at once

Most millionaires started from scratch. Profits, investments, and business grew gradually. Today, define a goal that is realistic for the average person. For example, open a website, hire a couple of freelancers, etc.

The owner of casinos, hotels and $26 billion, Sheldon Adelson has been selling newspapers since he was 12 years old. His life took him everywhere, both to a brokerage firm and to journalism. Only 20 years later he organized a computer exhibition, which brought him hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Learn the basics of marketing

Marketing skills will come in handy more than once during negotiations when partners find it difficult to sign a contract.

You will have better control over the work of advertisers. One mistake can cost hundreds of thousands. Yes, and if you are going to get rich remotely, then with marketing you will sell your services at a high price.

Don't buy luxury items from your first profit

Having felt the taste of money, you want to emphasize your status - buy expensive things. Stop. Invest 70% back into the business. And leave the purchase of luxury things for the moment when you achieve financial success.

Tell everyone about your plans

The universe will help you and connect you with the right people. Set goals publicly, then it will be difficult for you to blend in and do nothing. If you tell your family, followers or team about your plans, they will carefully ensure that you achieve your goals.

Change your strategy and thoughts according to circumstances

Those who quickly retrain and adapt to market trends are always rich.

Plan things for tomorrow in the evening

A clear plan will help you start your morning more productively. There are fewer temptations to look at your social network feed and lie in bed.

Do important things when you're most productive

Larks, move labor-intensive and important matters to the first half of the day, and informal meetings and responses to clients to the second half.

Owls mentally wake up in the afternoon. Until this time, it is better to take on routine tasks that do not require creativity and concentration.

Discover new ways to earn money

Everything that is not prohibited by morality and laws can and should be tried. The more profit channels you find, the richer you will become.

Save 20% for business

We received 20,000 rubles. – put aside 4,000 rubles, gave 1,500 rubles as a birthday gift. – leave 300 rubles. Remember, you can grow a fortune from a small amount if you manage your money wisely.

For those who do not understand investments or are still thinking about it, I advise you to make a deposit in a bank. Get rid of the temptation to spend it, and it’s easier to save it.

Don't take loans

Even spending all your savings on a business is risky, let alone taking out a loan. 200% confidence does not guarantee the smooth existence of a business.

Grow your business at the same pace as you save. If the business fails, then when you exit it you will not have to pay off debts for the next few years and will quickly recover.

Thoughtfulness in everything

Happiness is not measured by the amount of money spent. Everyone has a certain amount, after which purchases no longer bring as much happiness. It is better to find a middle ground and not exceed expenses. Even constant pleasure becomes boring.

It's about the joys of food, travel and shopping. After some time, they are no longer a source of strong sensations. Take care of certain savings.

The best option is to buy basic clothes, a regular car and choose practical things. Develop inner wealth and think less about shopping.

Free time and energy need to be spent on something really important. Stop thinking about the brand before purchasing and gradually the value of some things will decrease. The same applies to their attractiveness.

7 step instructions to get rich

Follow the plan and you will be surprised at the results.

Decide on wealth and set a goal

From now on, when you decide to become rich, forget about aimlessly spending time near the TV or on the Internet. Engage in personal growth and work towards goals.

Billionaire and business coach Brian Tracy recommends thinking about two things:

  1. What do I want to achieve? Goals.
  2. How to get it? Actions and means to achieve what you want.

Try replacing TV and social networks with business literature and training for a month as an experiment. Notice that there will be more money and happiness.

Watch this video from Brian Tracy to help you reach your goal.

Find a mentor

A mentor is a successful person from the field in which you want to break into. You can do without it. But then get ready for the fact that your path will be more difficult and longer. The risk of screwing up is higher. Making a mistake at the beginning is forgivable, but later it costs a fortune.

Implement the Habits of the Rich

Write down on a piece of paper all 23 principles of wealth that I wrote about above. Post them in a visible place and follow them.

Example. Your upstairs neighbor has made you angry. He drills and knocks all day long. Remind yourself not to be led by your emotions. Put on your headphones and get on with your day. You can move the video shooting and photo session to the park, or go to friends.

Change your communication style and environment

It's easy to change friends, but what to do with a negative family? When it comes to complaints, blaming everyone and everything for misfortune, envy, ask stunning questions:

  1. How can I help?
  2. Why did this happen?
  3. What did you do to prevent this?

The phrase will help to isolate yourself from a pessimist: “Yes, the situation is serious. I don’t even know how I can help.”

Become positive and purposeful and the same people will be drawn to you. Verified.

Master financial literacy

Read books on economics. A financial plan is a scheme of expenses and income for this month and several months ahead. Here you enter savings, deposits, investments in your business, etc.

It consists of monetary goals, expenses and income.

An example of a financial plan for an ordinary person.

TargetAmount, rub.Duration, years
To buy a house1 500 0004
Pay off a car loan320 0002,5

Next, we calculate our financial capabilities.

Assets - sources of incomeLiabilities - eat up money
Salary – 23,000 rubles.Utilities – 4,000 rubles.
Renting an apartment – ​​15,800 rubles.Clothes – 8,000 rub.
Part-time work on the Internet – 7,000 rubles.Transport – 2,500 rub.
Meals – 7,000 rub.
Entertainment/relaxation – 9,000 rub.
Credit – 7,000 rubles.
Result: 45,800 rub.Result: 32,500 rub.
Balance: 13,300 rub.

Make sure there is no overspending. Invest the rest in your business.

Hiring a financial advisor is great, but they are expensive to maintain, and not everyone is truly a professional. Some companies went bankrupt because of such experts. Learn financial literacy and control your budget yourself. With these skills, you can easily get rich again, even after bankruptcy.


Invest the rest of the money after necessary expenses in your business. Don't forget that knowledge is also an important contribution to business.

Don't make frivolous spending

Don't buy luxury items with all your money. Live within your means by saving for investments. As your profits grow, increase your requests. Yes, you will have to show willpower and patience to become a millionaire in the future. I will tell you below how to save yourself from temptations.

The thinking and habits of rich people

Almost every rich person has a number of certain habits. It is noteworthy that these habits are more often characteristic of wealthy and successful individuals and are of little interest to the poor.

Ten habits of rich people:

  • Reading
    . Almost all successful people spend a lot of time reading, without considering it a waste of time. The literature chosen is not entertaining, but educational: motivational books, biographies, historical works.
  • Sports
    . Most successful individuals do not neglect sports activities. Running, fitness, exercise, yoga, etc. are good not only for the body, but also for the mind - sport gives the necessary energy.
  • Communication with successful people
    . Millionaires prefer to associate with individuals who have a positive outlook on life, tend to be enthusiastic, and are goal-oriented. Avoid negative people (pessimists), for whom it is almost impossible to become rich.
  • Determination
    . Financially secure people reach their goals without being guided by the opinions of others. It is almost impossible for doubting people to become rich and keep money for a long time.
  • Early rise
    . There are exceptions, but more often wealthy and self-satisfied individuals wake up a couple of hours before the start of the working day. You manage to accomplish more of your planned activities and feel complete control over your life.
  • More than one source of income
    . The rich have several industries that generate income - this is the only way to achieve constant profit.
  • A competent mentor
    . If you want to become rich, don’t try to convince everyone that you can handle any task yourself. Is a competent mentor ready to help you? Don't refuse advice.
  • Optimism
    . Success is guaranteed to individuals with positive thinking. They believe in the best and do not give in to failures.
  • Sense of tact, good manners
    . A successful person is revealed by his manners and knowledge of etiquette. It's a pleasure to deal with people like that and just communicate with them. Many have seen boorish and ignorant rich people, but if they had manners and tact, their wealth would be much greater.
  • Mutual assistance
    . A successful person thinks not only about his own good, but also helps others. Subsequently, it is easier for them to create a team to move towards the goal.

Feng Shui: the environment affects your financial condition

Feng Shui really attracts money. This does not mean that you will lie on the couch all day long and your wallet will be replenished. But any of your actions and intentions will be rewarded with money.

The main rule of Feng Shui: “If you buy a new thing, throw it away or give it to someone else. There are no piles of dresses you don’t wear or cups collecting dust on shelves.”

Several principles that attract money:

  1. Place a bunch of Chinese coins in your wallet or on your desk. For 20 – 40 rubles you can buy them on Pandao.
  2. Place the Ganesha figurine on your desktop.
  3. Light an aroma lamp with mint, orange, and patchouli oils 2-3 times a week.
  4. Don't put boxes under your bed.
  5. Don't hang pictures with waterfalls. Water represents money. Flowing down is akin to ruin. But fountains and sounds of water contribute to enrichment.

Add mint oil to 27 candles and light. Close your eyes, imagine how golden rivers flow towards you. Say: “I deserve the best! I'm rich". The candles should burn out on their own. Repeat the exercise for a week. It will cleanse the house and open money channels.

It's strange, but the more you help others get rich, the better off you are financially. And greedy people and skeptics always suffer losses. How do I help others? I give out coins tied with a red ribbon to my family and friends to attract money, I write articles for the blog so that people switch to remote work and forget about their need.

Attachment redirection

The most important aspect that will tell you how to get rich quickly is investing in your own development. We are also talking about books. In most cases, books contain the author's ideas for several years or even a lifetime.

This allows you to learn about other people's experiences and use them to your advantage. The more money goes into expanding knowledge, finding new ideas and developing creativity, the more benefits it will bring.

Before you start helping others, take care of your own financial stability. If we are talking about difficulties with money, there is no need to borrow it. This will contribute to the deterioration of the financial situation and will lead to damage to relationships.

The best option would be to never lend money to friends and loved ones. This will ensure that good relations are maintained. Offer help only when you have managed to ensure your own financial situation.

Talk like a millionaire and become one: 15 words and phrases for your vocabulary

What surrounds you is the result of your thoughts and words. If you speak like a poor person, then the problems will only increase.

Millionaire's Dictionary:

  • conversion ← waste;
  • I can afford it;
  • I am worthy of a luxurious thing, soon it will be mine;
  • with every step I get closer to my goal;
  • I’ll use this money to go around the world, etc. ← I’ll save it for a rainy day;
  • my investment is returned threefold;
  • every investment brings benefits;
  • I attract money;
  • I am surrounded by better opportunities;
  • enrichment, saturation and expansion;
  • I live in abundance;
  • thank you for…;
  • I work at will;
  • I have enough time to do all the planned things;
  • my capital is growing every day.

Stop talking and thinking like this and magical changes await you:

  • terrible;
  • I do not have enough money;
  • I was not born into a rich family, I will not become like that;
  • All rich people are thieves, but honest people can’t earn that much in a lifetime.

When you change your vocabulary, interesting financial ideas will come to you. Some will seem stupid - don’t be lazy to write everything down.

Nikolay Kuzyakov

— When my brother and I entered college at the age of 18, our parents said that they wouldn’t give us any more money, and we decided to get it somewhere. We found work as sales agents, offered confectionery, and all the buyers said: “Give me something new.”

We started looking for it and found an entrepreneur who made interesting confectionery products. We suggested that he package his product under our brand. The brand was invented by “Vanyushkin Sweets” - in honor of our father, we are proud of him. We had two options - either in honor of our mother or in honor of our father, but my father’s name is Ivan, this is a traditional Russian name, it fit well into our name. Moreover, we immediately positioned ourselves as a non-standard product for children.

We toured nearby regions and literally sold 1 million rubles in the first month, earning 100 thousand rubles from it. This was a huge amount of money for the students.

After that, we bought the workshop in installments for six months. This is how our first workshop appeared, it was just a garage production. The first week everyone worked: me, my brother, our girls, our friends, our mother was actively involved. And from there began rapid growth. My father saw that everything was successful with us and began to help with raw materials. Our top products are mini-muffins, pancakes, mini-pancakes with fillings, and profiteroles. We sell to all countries of the world. I think that with our potential, with our products, we can be sold in at least 70 countries around the world.

How to get rich at home - 6 ways

I have collected popular and proven ways to get rich remotely. If I missed something or you have interesting ideas, please share in the comments.

Become a freelancer and build a team

You can’t make big money alone – tested 100 times. Yes, first you need to gain experience yourself by fulfilling orders. But as soon as the price bar rises along with professionalism, it’s time to create a team, give part of the work to it and receive commissions. And take on organizational tasks: searching and negotiating with clients, advertising, development strategy.

You can assemble a team without investment. Set piecework payment for each order.

Open an online school

Write down on paper the areas in which you are an expert. Think about how to teach and make your offer unique. Record educational videos or articles. Advertise them yourself or hire an internet marketer.

Azat Valeev earned his first million through online courses. The price of his personal coaching flew up to 500,000 rubles.

Investments are different. If you are currently launching courses on your own, then you can get by with 10,000 rubles. in one launch. Good camera, high-speed Internet, advertising, paid services.

Create a website

Come up with a powerful idea for a website. For example, a weight loss diary or a fan club (biography, jokes). Creating a website for the sake of a website is a fool’s errand.

Initial investment 1,500 – 2,000 rubles. for domain and hosting. For specialists 5,000 – 7,000 rubles, if you cannot do website building yourself.

This could be an exchange of articles with passive income - a percentage of transactions between the contractor and the customer, or an information site.

I recommend Vasily Blinov’s course on creating information websites. Follow the link to view the detailed program.

Become an Instagram star

Instagram stars with 500,000 subscribers receive up to 30,000 rubles. for an advertising post. It will be possible to achieve such indicators in a few months or years.

You need to post original, high-quality photos in a single theme. You can, of course, keep a personal blog about life, but the chances are 50/50 if you are not a pop star or an actor.

Resell goods from China

On Black Friday and in bulk, you can buy goods 20 - 30% lower than their actual cost in the store. Imagine a children's educational mat that costs 1,700 rubles here, you can buy it there for 500 rubles. List it for 1,000 rubles. and buyers will come running to you.

Why will they take it from you and not from China? The wholesale price is still lower. Not everyone knows and trusts Chinese stores. Nobody wants to wait. After all, when the thing arrives, the child can grow out of it. And you will also defeat Russian competitors at a lower price.

Create a YouTube channel

The author of the SlivkiShow channel, Yuri Yaniv, earns 133 million rubles a year. The YouTuber's videos receive several million views. He makes videos on interesting topics: how to live a day on a certain amount, shows the inside of equipment, tests life hacks. You can create a better channel.

I advise you not to copy, but to look for something of your own. Then don’t give up the channel while it brings in some money, you will find your viewer and achieve success.

Yulia Kuznetsova

In the town of Gagarin, this 23-year-old girl is considered quite wealthy. She always studied well and entered Moscow State University. Lomonosov at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, having defended her dissertation, she became a master of linguistics. While still a student, Yulia figured out how to turn her knowledge into money. She opened a language school, not in Moscow, where there are plenty of such institutions, but in her home town of Gagarin - and this school became the first licensed in the city.

Here's what Julia herself says:

— As a third-year student at the Faculty of Economics, in the spring of 2014 I asked myself why there is no language school in Gagarin. And, without thinking twice, in August of the same year, having rented premises, we recruited our first students, who, by the way, are still studying with us to this day. By first education, I am a “world economist” with knowledge of English and French. She completed an internship in England. After that, I decided to enroll in the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​at Lomonosov Moscow State University. Having successfully entered, completed my studies and defended my dissertation, I became a Master of Linguistics and received an international diploma in English. In general, everything came in handy. That’s how the thought was born, which from a spring idea turned into September lessons.

The issue of personnel in our city, as in any small towns, is the most difficult, but now the teachers somehow find me themselves. At first, I invited good teachers from our city, as well as from other cities, and now a cool team has gathered. I am proud of each and everyone! These are the people who are always on the same page with me, who always learn new things in their professional field, who help me create the best school in the world. My favorite quote: “The best teacher is the one who never forgets to be a student.”

Every year the school gains momentum, and the amount of management work increases in direct proportion. Therefore, 24 hours a day my thoughts are in the work process.

Julia quickly became a very successful small entrepreneur. It turned out that both in regional centers and in villages, parents want to give their children a quality education, so that later they can enter prestigious language universities in the country. Well, Julia fell in love with her business, of course - without this there will never be success. “I can talk about my work for hours,” admits Yulia. “This is my second home, where I invest not only my strength, but my heart and soul.” Now the young businesswoman is creating an all-Russian network of such schools - branches have already opened in four cities of the country.

Where to get money for business without getting a second job

You already have the money. Use these rules to free up some funds:

  1. If you're begging yourself to buy something, don't do it.
  2. Allow yourself little joys. Remember, it is better to choose an experience, not a thing. They will expand your consciousness and leave pleasant memories longer.
  3. Don't buy too many items of the same category. Stick to minimalism.
  4. Stop advertising. Ignore billboards and don't watch TV. Install ad blockers on your phone and computer. You will notice how you buy less.
  5. Use cashback services.
  6. Raise prices for your services. Only that part of the clients who wanted to buy the work for pennies will flee.
  7. Dedicate 50–70% of your available funds to a cause that will grow into your business.

Don't make a cult out of money. Remember about family and health.

The price of success

Let’s be realistic: you can’t just learn to “attract money.” This is all mysticism, and there are no magnets that can enrich the owner. Whether wealth, fame, success is the result of enormous and hard work. Moreover, we are also powerfully influenced by the opinions of others, especially relatives, who may not understand or accept many of our decisions.

Taking a step towards success, we must leave our comfort zone! That’s it, there will be no more quiet evenings on the couch watching TV, there will be no more hours-long “meetings” on social networks. There will be a lot of work and learning new knowledge... You need to be prepared for this, otherwise there is no point in starting.

Rich, famous and powerful people have such a quality as the ability to “turn their face to the wind.” When the others hide in the hold of the ship, they take the helm into their own hands, not shying away from the hurricane, but looking straight into the eyes of danger. And danger gives way under the gaze of a strong man.

List of books in which people became rich without having anything

The shelves of bookstores and online stores are filled with business literature. To save your time, I have selected the 7 best:

  1. “Rich Dad Poor Dad” - Robert Kiyosaki. What is wealth, what is the difference between a millionaire and a poor man, how to break the vicious circle of need - the answers to the questions are in this book.
  2. “The Science of Being Rich and Great” - Wallace Wattles. Use the rules in practice and your thinking will change, and with it your reality. The book encourages you to forget about the negative attitude towards money and the positive attitude towards poverty.
  3. “Mani, or the ABC of Money” - Bodo Schaefer. Teaches how to properly manage money on behalf of a dog.
  4. “How to Become Rich by Being Lazy” - Joe Carbo. It will help you understand why you haven’t made a million yet and how to do it.
  5. “How to become rich in one year” - Napoleon Hill. Stories of the rich who started from scratch and their main principles.
  6. “The Science of Money” - Brian Tracy. Not only the topic of money is touched upon, but also happiness.
  7. “10 Secrets of Wealth” - Adam Jackson. Most of the book is a dialogue between a sage with a wealth mindset and a young man who thinks like you and me. During the conversation, money secrets are revealed, negative beliefs are replaced with positive ones.


Those who lived in Russia in the 90s understand what injustice reigned in the country. The rich robbed the poor. Income did not grow in an honest way. The country's welfare was stolen by the oligarchs. Ordinary people suddenly became too wealthy. But this is not success - this is theft. 20 years later, many of these people are imprisoned or live outside the Russian Federation.

I can say with confidence that it is possible and necessary to become rich and successful in an honest way in Russia. Compliance with laws, paying business taxes - this is all real. Therefore, all those who believe that it is impossible to become successful in the Russian Federation are deeply mistaken. There are many examples.

Artem Kopylov

Son of the former collective farm chairman. One day, my father and his farming partners needed a grain dryer:

“They were going to buy an imported one, but due to the jump in the exchange rate there was not enough money. Then my father asked my brother and I to create a dryer. My brother is a design engineer, so we designed everything ourselves, taking a Western analogue as a model, which we modified and improved.

Our dryer, at a price one and a half to two times lower than its foreign counterpart, has surpassed it in quality: costs are lower, and the quality of drying is higher, it is very gentle, uniform, and fireproof. Our machine can dry absolutely all types of grain, as well as corn, rapeseed, sunflower and small seed fraction, clogged grain from the field, super-wet grain and even herbs.

Now Artem and his brother produce 19 models of dryers. It turned out that the business was excellent, the demand for products was very high, since record harvests began to be collected in the country, but there were not enough dryers, there were no domestic ones at all.

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